
A high-level, general purpose, object-oriented Python package to control Spectrum Instrumentation GmbH devices.

spcm can connect to digitizers, AWGs, StarHubs and Netboxes. The package contains classes for controlling specific cards and synchronization devices (StarHub) as well as for specific functionality, such as DDS and TimeStamps.


Hardware classes

Hardware classes are the interfaces to the actual devices. These hardware classes support context management, hence the opening of specific devices is handled as a file open, using the Python with-statement.

Name Parent Description
Device (none) general base class for connecting to Spectrum Instrumentation GmbH devices and an interface for other classes.
Card Device a class to control the low-level API interface of Spectrum Instrumentation cards.
Sync Device a class for controling StarHub devices.
CardStack ExitStack a class that handles the opening and closing of a combination of different cards either with or without a StarHub that synchronizes the cards.
Netbox CardStack a class that handles the opening and closing of a group of cards combined in a Netbox.


classDiagram class Device class Card class Sync class `contextlib.ExitStack` class CardStack class Netbox Device <|-- Card Device <|-- Sync `contextlib.ExitStack` <|-- CardStack CardStack <|-- Netbox

Functionality classes

Functionality classes handle specific functionality that is available to the card, as well as specific add-on options. A functionality class is provided with a hardware class object to handle functionality on that card. Some classes, in addition, also support groups of cards and can be provided with objects of type CardStack.

Name Parent Description
CardFunctionality (none) interface class for additional card functionality
Channels (none) class for controlling the channels of a card or a stack of cards
Channel (none) class for controlling a single channel
Clock CardFunctionality class for setting up the clock engine of the card
Trigger CardFunctionality class for setting up the trigger engine of the card
MultiPurposeIOs CardFunctionality class for setting up the multi purpose i/o's of the card
MultiPurposeIO (none) class for handling a single multi purpose i/o line a list of these objects resides inside MultiPurposeIOs
DataTransfer CardFunctionality special class for handling data transfer functionality
Multi DataTransfer special class for handling multiple recording and replay mode functionality
Gated DataTransfer special class for handling gated recording and replay functionality
Sequence DataTransfer special class for handling sequence mode functionality
TimeStamp DataTransfer special class for handling time stamped data
SCAPPTransfer DataTransfer special class for handling direct card to GPU class using the SCAPP option
Boxcar Multi special class for handling boxcar averaging
BlockAverage Multi special class for handling block averaging functionality
PulseGenerators CardFunctionality class for handling the pulse generator functionality
PulseGenerator (none) class for handling a single pulse generator a list of these objects resides inside PulseGenerators
DDS CardFunctionality class for handling DDS functionality
DDSCore (none) class for handling a DDS core, a list of these objects resides inside a DDS object
DDSCommandList DDS class for handling streaming DDS commands in blocks
DDSCommandQueue DDS class for handling streaming DDS commands in queues, where commands are added to the queue and automatically written to the card


classDiagram class CardFunctionality <<interface>> CardFunctionality class Channels class Clock class Trigger class MultiPurposeIOs class DataTransfer class DDS class DDSCore class DDSCommandList class DDSCommandQueue class PulseGenerators class Multi class Gated class TimeStamp class Sequence class SCAPPTransfer class Boxcar class BlockAverage CardFunctionality <|-- Clock CardFunctionality <|-- Trigger CardFunctionality <|-- MultiPurposeIOs CardFunctionality <|-- DataTransfer CardFunctionality <|-- DDS CardFunctionality <|-- PulseGenerators DataTransfer <|-- Multi DataTransfer <|-- Gated DataTransfer <|-- TimeStamp DataTransfer <|-- Sequence DataTransfer <|-- SCAPPTransfer Multi <|-- Boxcar Multi <|-- BlockAverage Channels *-- Channel MultiPurposeIOs *-- MultiPurposeIO PulseGenerators *-- PulseGenerator DDS *-- DDSCore DDS <|-- DDSCommandList DDSCommandList <|-- DDSCommandQueue

Exception classes

When an error in the driver occures, the user is notified with an exception that contains an error object. Timeouts are also handled through exceptions and have their own class.

Name Parent Description
SpcmException (none) the main class to control exceptions that are raised due to errors that are raised by the low-level driver.
SpcmTimeout SpcmException when an timeout of the device occurs a special exception is raised of type SpcmTimeout
SpcmDeviceNotFound SpcmException when a device is not found this is not necessarily an error, hence handling this is special


classDiagram class SpcmTimeout class SpcmException SpcmException <|-- SpcmTimeout SpcmException <|-- SpcmDeviceNotFound

Error classes

Errors coming from the driver API, are stored in an error object and then raised as an exception. The error object contains all the information coming from the driver.

Name Parent Description
SpcmError (none) all the errors that are raised by the low-level driver are packed into objects of this class and handled through exceptions


classDiagram class SpcmError


  • See the package spcm-core for an extensive list of all the register names and errors that are handled by the driver.
  • For more information, please have a look at our hardware specific user manuals.

See also

Supported devices

The following product series are supported:

 2.. include:: ./README.md
 4.. include:: ./SUPPORTED_DEVICES.md
 7__docformat__ = "numpy"
 8import numpy as np
10# Units available
11from pint import UnitRegistry
13    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
14    mpl = True
15except ImportError:
16    mpl = False
17units = UnitRegistry(autoconvert_offset_to_baseunit=True)
18units.define("sample = 1 = Sa = Sample = Samples = S")
19units.define("promille = 0.001 = ‰ = permille = perthousand = perthousands = ppt")
20units.define("fraction = 1 = frac = Frac = Fracs = Fraction = Fractions = Frac = Fracs")
21units.highZ = np.inf * units.ohm
22units.formatter.default_format = "~P" # see https://pint.readthedocs.io/en/stable/user/formatting.html
23if mpl:
24    units.setup_matplotlib(mpl)
25    units.mpl_formatter = "{:~P}" # see https://pint.readthedocs.io/en/stable/user/plotting.html
26__all__ = ["units"]
28# Import all registery entries and spectrum card errors into the module's name space
29from spcm_core import *
31# Import all the public classes into the module's namespace
32from .classes_device import Device
33from .classes_card import Card
34from .classes_error_exception import SpcmError, SpcmException, SpcmTimeout, SpcmDeviceNotFound
35from .classes_sync import Sync
36from .classes_card_stack import CardStack
37from .classes_netbox import Netbox
38# Functionality
39from .classes_functionality import CardFunctionality
40from .classes_channels import Channels, Channel
41from .classes_clock import Clock
42from .classes_trigger import Trigger
43from .classes_multi_purpose_ios import MultiPurposeIO, MultiPurposeIOs
44from .classes_data_transfer import DataTransfer
45from .classes_gated import Gated
46from .classes_multi import Multi
47from .classes_time_stamp import TimeStamp
48from .classes_sequence import Sequence
49from .classes_dds import DDS, DDSCore
50from .classes_dds_command_list import DDSCommandList
51from .classes_dds_command_queue import DDSCommandQueue
52from .classes_pulse_generators import PulseGenerator, PulseGenerators
53from .classes_block_average import BlockAverage
54from .classes_boxcar import Boxcar
55from .classes_scapp import SCAPPTransfer
57__all__ = [*__all__,
58    "Device", "Card", "Sync", "CardStack", "Netbox", "CardFunctionality", "Channels", "Channel", "Clock", "Trigger", "MultiPurposeIOs", "MultiPurposeIO",
59    "DataTransfer", "DDS", "DDSCore", "DDSCommandList", "DDSCommandQueue", "PulseGenerator", "PulseGenerators", "Multi", "Gated", "TimeStamp", "Sequence", 
60    "BlockAverage", "Boxcar", "SpcmException", "SpcmTimeout", "SpcmDeviceNotFound", "SpcmError", "SCAPPTransfer"
63# Versioning support using versioneer
64from . import _version
65__version__ = _version.get_versions()['version']
67# Writing spcm package version to log file
69    driver_version = int64(0)
70    spcm_dwGetParam_i64(None, SPC_GETDRVVERSION, byref(driver_version))
71    version_hex = driver_version.value
72    major = (version_hex & 0xFF000000) >> 24
73    minor = (version_hex & 0x00FF0000) >> 16
74    build = version_hex & 0x0000FFFF
75    # Available starting from build 21797
76    if build < 21797:
77        version_str = "v{}.{}.{}".format(major, minor, build)
78        raise OSError(f"Driver version build {version_str} does not support writing spcm version to log")
79    from importlib.metadata import version
80    version_tag = version('spcm')
81    version_str = bytes("Python package spcm v{}".format(version_tag), "utf-8")
82    version_ptr = create_string_buffer(version_str)
83    dwErr = spcm_dwSetParam_ptr(None, SPC_WRITE_TO_LOG, version_ptr, len(version_str))
84except OSError as e:
85    print(e)
units = <pint.registry.UnitRegistry object>
class Device:
 21class Device():
 22    """
 23    a class to control the low-level API interface of Spectrum Instrumentation devices
 25    For more information about what setups are available, please have a look at the user manual
 26    for your specific device.
 28    Parameters
 29    ----------
 30    device_identifier
 31        the identifying string that defines the used device
 33    Raises
 34    ----------
 35    SpcmException
 36    SpcmTimeout
 37    """
 39    # public
 40    device_identifier : str = ""
 42    # private
 43    _kwargs : Dict[str, Union[int, float, str]] = {}
 44    _last_error = None
 45    _handle = None
 46    """the handle object used for the card connection"""
 48    _str_len = 256
 49    _reraise : bool = False
 50    _throw_error : bool = True
 51    _verbose : bool = False
 52    _closed : bool = True
 53    """the indicator that indicated whether a connection is opened or closed is set to open (False)"""
 56    def __init__(self, device_identifier : str = "", handle = False, **kwargs) -> None:
 57        """Puts the device_identifier in the class parameter self.device_parameter
 59        Parameters
 60        ----------
 61        device_identifier : str = ""
 62            an identifier string to connect to a specific device, for example:
 64            * Local PCIe device '/dev/spcm0'
 65            * Remote 'TCPIP::'
 66        handle = False
 67            directly supply the object with an existing handle
 68        """
 69        self.device_identifier = device_identifier
 70        self._handle = handle
 71        self._kwargs = kwargs
 72        self._throw_error = kwargs.get("throw_error", True)
 73        self._verbose = kwargs.get("verbose", False)
 75    def __del__(self) -> None:
 76        """Destructor that closes the connection associated with the handle"""
 77        if not self._closed and self._handle:
 78            self.stop()
 79            self.close(self._handle)
 80        self._closed = True
 82    def __enter__(self) -> object:
 83        """
 84        Constructs a handle using the parameter `device_identifier`, when using the with statement
 86        Returns
 87        -------
 88        object
 89            The active card handle
 91        Raises
 92        ------
 93        SpcmException
 94        """
 95        return self.open()
 97    def open(self, device_identifier : str = None) -> object:
 98        """
 99        Opens a connection to the card and creates a handle, when no with statement is used
101        Parameters
102        ----------
103        device_identifier : str
104            The card identifier string (e.g. '/dev/spcm0' for a local device
105            NOTE: this is to keep the API consistent with a previous version. The original open()
106            method is now in _open()
108        Returns
109        -------
110        object
111            This Card object
112        """
114        if device_identifier: # this is to keep the API consistent
115            return self._open(device_identifier)
116        # This used to be in enter. It is now split up to allow for the open method
117        # to be used when no with statement is used
118        if self.device_identifier and not self._handle:
119            self._open(self.device_identifier)
120            if not self._handle and self._throw_error:
121                error = SpcmError(text="{} not found...".format(self.device_identifier))
122                raise SpcmDeviceNotFound(error)
123            if self._handle:
124                self._closed = False
125        return self
127    def __exit__(self, exception : SpcmException = None, error_value : str = None, trace : types.TracebackType = None) -> None:
128        """
129        Handles the exiting of the with statement, when either no code is left or an exception is thrown before
131        Parameters
132        ----------
133        exception : SpcmException
134            Only this parameter is used and printed 
135        error_value : str
136        trace : types.TracebackType
138        Raises
139        ------
140        SpcmException
141        """
142        if self._verbose and exception:
143            self._print("Error type: {}".format(exception))
144            self._print("Error value: {}".format(error_value))
145            self._print("Traceback:")
146            traceback.print_tb(trace)
147        elif exception:
148            self._print("Error: {}".format(error_value))
149        self.stop(M2CMD_DATA_STOPDMA) # stop the card and the DMA transfer
150        self._closed = True
151        self.close(self._handle)
152        self._handle = None
153        if exception and self._reraise:
154            raise exception
156    def handle(self) -> object:
157        """
158        Returns the handle used by the object to connect to the active card
160        Class Parameters
161        ----------
162        self._handle
164        Returns
165        -------
166        drv_handle
167            The active card handle
168        """
170        return self._handle
172    # Check if a card was found
173    def __bool__(self) -> bool:
174        """
175        Check for a connection to the active card
177        Class Parameters
178        ----------
179        self._handle
181        Returns
182        -------
183        bool
184            True for an active connection and false otherwise
186        Examples
187        -----------
188        >>> card = spcm.Card('/dev/spcm0')
189        >>> print(bool(card))
190        <<< True # if a card was found at '/dev/spcm0'
191        """
193        return bool(self._handle)
195    # High-level parameter functions, that use the low-level get and set function    
196    def drv_type(self) -> int:
197        """
198        Get the driver type of the currently used driver (see register `SPC_GETDRVTYPE` in the manual)
200        Returns
201        -------
202        int
203            The driver type of the currently used driver
204        """
206        return self.get_i(SPC_GETDRVTYPE)
208    def drv_version(self) -> dict:
209        """
210        Get the version of the currently used driver. (see register `SPC_GETDRVVERSION` in the manual)
212        Returns
213        -------
214        dict
215            version of the currently used driver
216              * "major" - the major version number,
217              * "minor" - the minor version number,
218              * "build" - the actual build
219        """
220        version_hex = self.get_i(SPC_GETDRVVERSION)
221        major = (version_hex & 0xFF000000) >> 24
222        minor = (version_hex & 0x00FF0000) >> 16
223        build = version_hex & 0x0000FFFF
224        version_dict = {"major": major, "minor": minor, "build": build}
225        return version_dict
227    def kernel_version(self) -> dict:
228        """
229        Get the version of the currently used kernel. (see register `SPC_GETKERNELVERSION` in the manual)
231        Returns
232        -------
233        dict 
234            version of the currently used driver
235              * "major" - the major version number,
236              * "minor" - the minor version number,
237              * "build" - the actual build
238        """
239        version_hex = self.get_i(SPC_GETKERNELVERSION)
240        major = (version_hex & 0xFF000000) >> 24
241        minor = (version_hex & 0x00FF0000) >> 16
242        build = version_hex & 0x0000FFFF
243        version_dict = {"major": major, "minor": minor, "build": build}
244        return version_dict
246    def custom_modifications(self) -> dict:
247        """
248        Get the custom modifications of the currently used device. (see register `SPCM_CUSTOMMOD` in the manual)
250        Returns
251        -------
252        dict
253            The custom modifications of the currently used device
254              * "starhub" - custom modifications to the starhub,
255              * "module" -  custom modification of the front-end module(s)
256              * "base" - custom modification of the base card
257        """
259        custom_mode = self.get_i(SPCM_CUSTOMMOD)
260        starhub = (custom_mode & SPCM_CUSTOMMOD_STARHUB_MASK) >> 16
261        module = (custom_mode & SPCM_CUSTOMMOD_MODULE_MASK) >> 8
262        base = custom_mode & SPCM_CUSTOMMOD_BASE_MASK
263        custom_dict = {"starhub": starhub, "module": module, "base": base}
264        return custom_dict
266    def log_level(self, log_level : int = None) -> int:
267        """
268        Set the logging level of the driver
270        Parameters
271        ----------
272        log_level : int
273            The logging level that is set for the driver
275        Returns
276        -------
277        int
278            The logging level of the driver
279        """
281        if log_level is not None:
282            self.set_i(SPC_LOGDLLCALLS, log_level)
283        return self.get_i(SPC_LOGDLLCALLS)
285    def cmd(self, *args) -> None:
286        """
287        Execute spcm commands (see register `SPC_M2CMD` in the manual)
289        Parameters
290        ----------
291        *args : int
292            The different command flags to be executed.
293        """
295        cmd = 0
296        for arg in args:
297            cmd |= arg
298        self.set_i(SPC_M2CMD, cmd)
300    #@Decorators.unitize(units.ms, "timeout", int)
301    def timeout(self, timeout : int = None, return_unit = None) -> int:
302        """
303        Sets the timeout in ms (see register `SPC_TIMEOUT` in the manual)
305        Parameters
306        ----------
307        timeout : int
308            The timeout in ms
310        Returns
311        -------
312        int
313            returns the current timeout in ms
314        """
316        if timeout is not None:
317            timeout = UnitConversion.convert(timeout, units.ms, int)
318            self.set_i(SPC_TIMEOUT, timeout)
319        return_value = self.get_i(SPC_TIMEOUT)
320        return_value = UnitConversion.to_unit(return_value * units.ms, return_unit)
321        return return_value
323    def start(self, *args) -> None:
324        """
325        Starts the connected card and enables triggering on the card (see command `M2CMD_CARD_START` in the manual)
327        Parameters
328        ----------
329        *args : int
330            flags that are send together with the start command
331        """
333        self.cmd(M2CMD_CARD_START, *args)
335    def stop(self, *args : int) -> None:
336        """
337        Stops the connected card (see command `M2CMD_CARD_STOP` in the manual)
339        Parameters
340        ----------
341        *args : int
342            flags that are send together with the stop command (e.g. M2CMD_DATA_STOPDMA)
343        """
345        self.cmd(M2CMD_CARD_STOP, *args)
347    def reset(self) -> None:
348        """
349        Resets the connected device (see command `M2CMD_CARD_RESET` in the manual)
350        """
352        self.cmd(M2CMD_CARD_RESET)
354    def write_setup(self, *args) -> None:
355        """
356        Writes of the configuration registers previously changed to the device (see command `M2CMD_CARD_WRITESETUP` in the manual)
358        Parameters
359        ----------
360        *args : int
361            flags that are set with the write command
362        """
364        self.cmd(M2CMD_CARD_WRITESETUP, *args)
366    def register_list(self, register_list : List[dict[str, Union[int, float]]]) -> None:
367        """
368        Writes a list with dictionaries, where each dictionary corresponds to a command (see the user manual of your device for all the available registers)
370        Parameters
371        ----------
372        register_list : List[dict[str, Union[int, float]]]
373            The list of commands that needs to written to the specific registers of the card.
374        """
376        c_astParams = (ST_LIST_PARAM * 1024)()
377        astParams = ctypes.cast(c_astParams, ctypes.POINTER(ST_LIST_PARAM))
378        for i, register in enumerate(register_list):
379            astParams[i].lReg = register["lReg"]
380            astParams[i].lType = register["lType"]
381            if register["lType"] == TYPE_INT64:
382                astParams[i].Value.llValue = register["llValue"]
383            elif register["lType"] == TYPE_DOUBLE:
384                astParams[i].Value.dValue = register["dValue"]
385        self.set_ptr(SPC_REGISTER_LIST, astParams, len(register_list) * ctypes.sizeof(ST_LIST_PARAM))
387    # Low-level get and set functions
388    def get_i(self, register : int) -> int:
389        """
390        Get the integer value of a specific register of the card (see the user manual of your device for all the available registers)
392        Parameters
393        ----------
394        register : int
395            The specific register that will be read from.
397        Returns
398        -------
399        int
400            The value as stored in the specific register
401        """
403        self._check_closed()
404        return_value = int64(0)
405        dwErr = spcm_dwGetParam_i64(self._handle, register, byref(return_value))
406        self._check_error(dwErr)
407        return return_value.value
408    get = get_i
409    """Alias of get_i"""
411    def get_d(self, register : int) -> float:
412        """
413        Get the float value of a specific register of the card (see the user manual of your device for all the available registers)
415        Parameters
416        ----------
417        register : int
418            The specific register that will be read from.
420        Returns
421        -------
422        float
423            The value as stored in the specific register
424        """
426        self._check_closed()
427        return_value = c_double(0)
428        self._check_error(spcm_dwGetParam_d64(self._handle, register, byref(return_value)))
429        return return_value.value
431    def get_str(self, register : int) -> str:
432        """
433        Get the string value of a specific register of the card (see the user manual of your device for all the available registers)
435        Parameters
436        ----------
437        register : int
438            The specific register that will be read from.
440        Returns
441        -------
442        str
443            The value as stored in the specific register
444        """
446        self._check_closed()
447        return_value = create_string_buffer(self._str_len)
448        self._check_error(spcm_dwGetParam_ptr(self._handle, register, byref(return_value), self._str_len))
449        return return_value.value.decode('utf-8')
451    def set_i(self, register : int, value : int) -> None:
452        """
453        Write the value of a specific register to the card (see the user manual of your device for all the available registers)
455        Parameters
456        ----------
457        register : int
458            The specific register that will be written.
459        value : int
460            The value that is written to the card.
461        """
463        self._check_closed()
464        self._check_error(spcm_dwSetParam_i64(self._handle, register, value))
466    def set_d(self, register : int, value : float) -> None:
467        """
468        Write the value of a specific register to the card (see the user manual of your device for all the available registers)
470        Parameters
471        ----------
472        register : int
473            The specific register that will be written.
474        value : float
475            The value that is written to the card.
476        """
478        self._check_closed()
479        self._check_error(spcm_dwSetParam_d64(self._handle, register, value))
481    def set_ptr(self, register : int, reference : c_void_p, size : int) -> None:
482        """
483        Use a memory segment to write to a specific register of the card (see the user manual of your device for all the available registers)
485        Parameters
486        ----------
487        register : int
488            The specific register that will be read from.
489        reference : c_void_p
490            pointer to the memory segment
491        size : int
492            size of the memory segment
494        Returns
495        -------
496        int
497            The value as stored in the specific register
498        """
500        self._check_closed()
501        self._check_error(spcm_dwSetParam_ptr(self._handle, register, reference, size))
503    # Error handling and exception raising
504    def _check_error(self, dwErr : int):
505        """
506        Create an SpcmError object and check for the last error (see the appendix in the user manual of your device for all the possible error codes)
508        Parameters
509        ----------
510        dwErr : int
511            The error value as returned from a direct driver call
513        Raises
514        ------
515        SpcmException
516        SpcmTimeout
517        """
519        # pass
520        if dwErr not in [ERR_OK, ERR_TIMEOUT] and self._throw_error:
521            self.get_error_info()
522            raise SpcmException(self._last_error)
523        elif dwErr == ERR_TIMEOUT:
524            raise SpcmTimeout("A card timeout occured")
526    def get_error_info(self) -> SpcmError:
527        """
528        Create an SpcmError object and store it in an object parameter
530        Returns
531        ----------
532        SpcmError
533            the Error object containing the last error
534        """
536        self._last_error = SpcmError(self._handle)
537        return self._last_error
539    def _check_closed(self) -> None:
540        """
541        Check if a connection to the card exists and if not throw an error
543        Raises
544        ------
545        SpcmException
546        """
547        if self._closed:
548            error_text = "The connection to the card has been closed. Please reopen the connection before sending commands."
549            if self._throw_error:
550                raise SpcmException(text=error_text)
551            else:
552                self._print(error_text)
554    def _print(self, text : str, verbose : bool = False, **kwargs) -> None:
555        """
556        Print information
558        Parameters
559        ----------
560        text : str
561            The text that is printed
562        verbose : bool
563            A boolean that indicates if the text should forced to be printed
564        **kwargs
565            Additional parameters that are passed to the print function
567        """
569        if self._verbose or verbose:
570            print(text, **kwargs)
572    def _open(self, device_identifier : str) -> None:
573        """
574        Open a connection to the card and create a handle (see the user manual of your specific device on how to find out the device_identifier string)
576        Parameters
577        ----------
578        device_identifier : str
579            The card identifier string (e.g. '/dev/spcm0' for a local device or 'TCPIP::' for a remote device)
580        """
582        self._handle = spcm_hOpen(create_string_buffer(bytes(device_identifier, 'utf-8')))
583        self._closed = False
585    @staticmethod
586    def close(handle) -> None:
587        """
588        Close a connection to the card using a handle
590        Parameters
591        ----------
592        handle
593            the handle object used for the card connection that is closed
594        """
596        spcm_vClose(handle)

a class to control the low-level API interface of Spectrum Instrumentation devices

For more information about what setups are available, please have a look at the user manual for your specific device.

  • device_identifier: the identifying string that defines the used device
  • SpcmException
  • SpcmTimeout
Device(device_identifier: str = '', handle=False, **kwargs)
56    def __init__(self, device_identifier : str = "", handle = False, **kwargs) -> None:
57        """Puts the device_identifier in the class parameter self.device_parameter
59        Parameters
60        ----------
61        device_identifier : str = ""
62            an identifier string to connect to a specific device, for example:
64            * Local PCIe device '/dev/spcm0'
65            * Remote 'TCPIP::'
66        handle = False
67            directly supply the object with an existing handle
68        """
69        self.device_identifier = device_identifier
70        self._handle = handle
71        self._kwargs = kwargs
72        self._throw_error = kwargs.get("throw_error", True)
73        self._verbose = kwargs.get("verbose", False)

Puts the device_identifier in the class parameter self.device_parameter

  • device_identifier (str = ""): an identifier string to connect to a specific device, for example:

    • Local PCIe device '/dev/spcm0'
    • Remote 'TCPIP::'
  • handle = False: directly supply the object with an existing handle
device_identifier: str = ''
def open(self, device_identifier: str = None) -> object:
 97    def open(self, device_identifier : str = None) -> object:
 98        """
 99        Opens a connection to the card and creates a handle, when no with statement is used
101        Parameters
102        ----------
103        device_identifier : str
104            The card identifier string (e.g. '/dev/spcm0' for a local device
105            NOTE: this is to keep the API consistent with a previous version. The original open()
106            method is now in _open()
108        Returns
109        -------
110        object
111            This Card object
112        """
114        if device_identifier: # this is to keep the API consistent
115            return self._open(device_identifier)
116        # This used to be in enter. It is now split up to allow for the open method
117        # to be used when no with statement is used
118        if self.device_identifier and not self._handle:
119            self._open(self.device_identifier)
120            if not self._handle and self._throw_error:
121                error = SpcmError(text="{} not found...".format(self.device_identifier))
122                raise SpcmDeviceNotFound(error)
123            if self._handle:
124                self._closed = False
125        return self

Opens a connection to the card and creates a handle, when no with statement is used

  • device_identifier (str): The card identifier string (e.g. '/dev/spcm0' for a local device NOTE: this is to keep the API consistent with a previous version. The original open() method is now in _open()
  • object: This Card object
def handle(self) -> object:
156    def handle(self) -> object:
157        """
158        Returns the handle used by the object to connect to the active card
160        Class Parameters
161        ----------
162        self._handle
164        Returns
165        -------
166        drv_handle
167            The active card handle
168        """
170        return self._handle

Returns the handle used by the object to connect to the active card

Class Parameters


  • drv_handle: The active card handle
def drv_type(self) -> int:
196    def drv_type(self) -> int:
197        """
198        Get the driver type of the currently used driver (see register `SPC_GETDRVTYPE` in the manual)
200        Returns
201        -------
202        int
203            The driver type of the currently used driver
204        """
206        return self.get_i(SPC_GETDRVTYPE)

Get the driver type of the currently used driver (see register SPC_GETDRVTYPE in the manual)

  • int: The driver type of the currently used driver
def drv_version(self) -> dict:
208    def drv_version(self) -> dict:
209        """
210        Get the version of the currently used driver. (see register `SPC_GETDRVVERSION` in the manual)
212        Returns
213        -------
214        dict
215            version of the currently used driver
216              * "major" - the major version number,
217              * "minor" - the minor version number,
218              * "build" - the actual build
219        """
220        version_hex = self.get_i(SPC_GETDRVVERSION)
221        major = (version_hex & 0xFF000000) >> 24
222        minor = (version_hex & 0x00FF0000) >> 16
223        build = version_hex & 0x0000FFFF
224        version_dict = {"major": major, "minor": minor, "build": build}
225        return version_dict

Get the version of the currently used driver. (see register SPC_GETDRVVERSION in the manual)

  • dict: version of the currently used driver
    • "major" - the major version number,
    • "minor" - the minor version number,
    • "build" - the actual build
def kernel_version(self) -> dict:
227    def kernel_version(self) -> dict:
228        """
229        Get the version of the currently used kernel. (see register `SPC_GETKERNELVERSION` in the manual)
231        Returns
232        -------
233        dict 
234            version of the currently used driver
235              * "major" - the major version number,
236              * "minor" - the minor version number,
237              * "build" - the actual build
238        """
239        version_hex = self.get_i(SPC_GETKERNELVERSION)
240        major = (version_hex & 0xFF000000) >> 24
241        minor = (version_hex & 0x00FF0000) >> 16
242        build = version_hex & 0x0000FFFF
243        version_dict = {"major": major, "minor": minor, "build": build}
244        return version_dict

Get the version of the currently used kernel. (see register SPC_GETKERNELVERSION in the manual)

  • dict: version of the currently used driver
    • "major" - the major version number,
    • "minor" - the minor version number,
    • "build" - the actual build
def custom_modifications(self) -> dict:
246    def custom_modifications(self) -> dict:
247        """
248        Get the custom modifications of the currently used device. (see register `SPCM_CUSTOMMOD` in the manual)
250        Returns
251        -------
252        dict
253            The custom modifications of the currently used device
254              * "starhub" - custom modifications to the starhub,
255              * "module" -  custom modification of the front-end module(s)
256              * "base" - custom modification of the base card
257        """
259        custom_mode = self.get_i(SPCM_CUSTOMMOD)
260        starhub = (custom_mode & SPCM_CUSTOMMOD_STARHUB_MASK) >> 16
261        module = (custom_mode & SPCM_CUSTOMMOD_MODULE_MASK) >> 8
262        base = custom_mode & SPCM_CUSTOMMOD_BASE_MASK
263        custom_dict = {"starhub": starhub, "module": module, "base": base}
264        return custom_dict

Get the custom modifications of the currently used device. (see register SPCM_CUSTOMMOD in the manual)

  • dict: The custom modifications of the currently used device
    • "starhub" - custom modifications to the starhub,
    • "module" - custom modification of the front-end module(s)
    • "base" - custom modification of the base card
def log_level(self, log_level: int = None) -> int:
266    def log_level(self, log_level : int = None) -> int:
267        """
268        Set the logging level of the driver
270        Parameters
271        ----------
272        log_level : int
273            The logging level that is set for the driver
275        Returns
276        -------
277        int
278            The logging level of the driver
279        """
281        if log_level is not None:
282            self.set_i(SPC_LOGDLLCALLS, log_level)
283        return self.get_i(SPC_LOGDLLCALLS)

Set the logging level of the driver

  • log_level (int): The logging level that is set for the driver
  • int: The logging level of the driver
def cmd(self, *args) -> None:
285    def cmd(self, *args) -> None:
286        """
287        Execute spcm commands (see register `SPC_M2CMD` in the manual)
289        Parameters
290        ----------
291        *args : int
292            The different command flags to be executed.
293        """
295        cmd = 0
296        for arg in args:
297            cmd |= arg
298        self.set_i(SPC_M2CMD, cmd)

Execute spcm commands (see register SPC_M2CMD in the manual)

  • *args (int): The different command flags to be executed.
def timeout(self, timeout: int = None, return_unit=None) -> int:
301    def timeout(self, timeout : int = None, return_unit = None) -> int:
302        """
303        Sets the timeout in ms (see register `SPC_TIMEOUT` in the manual)
305        Parameters
306        ----------
307        timeout : int
308            The timeout in ms
310        Returns
311        -------
312        int
313            returns the current timeout in ms
314        """
316        if timeout is not None:
317            timeout = UnitConversion.convert(timeout, units.ms, int)
318            self.set_i(SPC_TIMEOUT, timeout)
319        return_value = self.get_i(SPC_TIMEOUT)
320        return_value = UnitConversion.to_unit(return_value * units.ms, return_unit)
321        return return_value

Sets the timeout in ms (see register SPC_TIMEOUT in the manual)

  • timeout (int): The timeout in ms
  • int: returns the current timeout in ms
def start(self, *args) -> None:
323    def start(self, *args) -> None:
324        """
325        Starts the connected card and enables triggering on the card (see command `M2CMD_CARD_START` in the manual)
327        Parameters
328        ----------
329        *args : int
330            flags that are send together with the start command
331        """
333        self.cmd(M2CMD_CARD_START, *args)

Starts the connected card and enables triggering on the card (see command M2CMD_CARD_START in the manual)

  • *args (int): flags that are send together with the start command
def stop(self, *args: int) -> None:
335    def stop(self, *args : int) -> None:
336        """
337        Stops the connected card (see command `M2CMD_CARD_STOP` in the manual)
339        Parameters
340        ----------
341        *args : int
342            flags that are send together with the stop command (e.g. M2CMD_DATA_STOPDMA)
343        """
345        self.cmd(M2CMD_CARD_STOP, *args)

Stops the connected card (see command M2CMD_CARD_STOP in the manual)

  • *args (int): flags that are send together with the stop command (e.g. M2CMD_DATA_STOPDMA)
def reset(self) -> None:
347    def reset(self) -> None:
348        """
349        Resets the connected device (see command `M2CMD_CARD_RESET` in the manual)
350        """
352        self.cmd(M2CMD_CARD_RESET)

Resets the connected device (see command M2CMD_CARD_RESET in the manual)

def write_setup(self, *args) -> None:
354    def write_setup(self, *args) -> None:
355        """
356        Writes of the configuration registers previously changed to the device (see command `M2CMD_CARD_WRITESETUP` in the manual)
358        Parameters
359        ----------
360        *args : int
361            flags that are set with the write command
362        """
364        self.cmd(M2CMD_CARD_WRITESETUP, *args)

Writes of the configuration registers previously changed to the device (see command M2CMD_CARD_WRITESETUP in the manual)

  • *args (int): flags that are set with the write command
def register_list(self, register_list: List[dict[str, Union[int, float]]]) -> None:
366    def register_list(self, register_list : List[dict[str, Union[int, float]]]) -> None:
367        """
368        Writes a list with dictionaries, where each dictionary corresponds to a command (see the user manual of your device for all the available registers)
370        Parameters
371        ----------
372        register_list : List[dict[str, Union[int, float]]]
373            The list of commands that needs to written to the specific registers of the card.
374        """
376        c_astParams = (ST_LIST_PARAM * 1024)()
377        astParams = ctypes.cast(c_astParams, ctypes.POINTER(ST_LIST_PARAM))
378        for i, register in enumerate(register_list):
379            astParams[i].lReg = register["lReg"]
380            astParams[i].lType = register["lType"]
381            if register["lType"] == TYPE_INT64:
382                astParams[i].Value.llValue = register["llValue"]
383            elif register["lType"] == TYPE_DOUBLE:
384                astParams[i].Value.dValue = register["dValue"]
385        self.set_ptr(SPC_REGISTER_LIST, astParams, len(register_list) * ctypes.sizeof(ST_LIST_PARAM))

Writes a list with dictionaries, where each dictionary corresponds to a command (see the user manual of your device for all the available registers)

  • register_list (List[dict[str, Union[int, float]]]): The list of commands that needs to written to the specific registers of the card.
def get_i(self, register: int) -> int:
388    def get_i(self, register : int) -> int:
389        """
390        Get the integer value of a specific register of the card (see the user manual of your device for all the available registers)
392        Parameters
393        ----------
394        register : int
395            The specific register that will be read from.
397        Returns
398        -------
399        int
400            The value as stored in the specific register
401        """
403        self._check_closed()
404        return_value = int64(0)
405        dwErr = spcm_dwGetParam_i64(self._handle, register, byref(return_value))
406        self._check_error(dwErr)
407        return return_value.value

Get the integer value of a specific register of the card (see the user manual of your device for all the available registers)

  • register (int): The specific register that will be read from.
  • int: The value as stored in the specific register
def get(self, register: int) -> int:
388    def get_i(self, register : int) -> int:
389        """
390        Get the integer value of a specific register of the card (see the user manual of your device for all the available registers)
392        Parameters
393        ----------
394        register : int
395            The specific register that will be read from.
397        Returns
398        -------
399        int
400            The value as stored in the specific register
401        """
403        self._check_closed()
404        return_value = int64(0)
405        dwErr = spcm_dwGetParam_i64(self._handle, register, byref(return_value))
406        self._check_error(dwErr)
407        return return_value.value

Alias of get_i

def get_d(self, register: int) -> float:
411    def get_d(self, register : int) -> float:
412        """
413        Get the float value of a specific register of the card (see the user manual of your device for all the available registers)
415        Parameters
416        ----------
417        register : int
418            The specific register that will be read from.
420        Returns
421        -------
422        float
423            The value as stored in the specific register
424        """
426        self._check_closed()
427        return_value = c_double(0)
428        self._check_error(spcm_dwGetParam_d64(self._handle, register, byref(return_value)))
429        return return_value.value

Get the float value of a specific register of the card (see the user manual of your device for all the available registers)

  • register (int): The specific register that will be read from.
  • float: The value as stored in the specific register
def get_str(self, register: int) -> str:
431    def get_str(self, register : int) -> str:
432        """
433        Get the string value of a specific register of the card (see the user manual of your device for all the available registers)
435        Parameters
436        ----------
437        register : int
438            The specific register that will be read from.
440        Returns
441        -------
442        str
443            The value as stored in the specific register
444        """
446        self._check_closed()
447        return_value = create_string_buffer(self._str_len)
448        self._check_error(spcm_dwGetParam_ptr(self._handle, register, byref(return_value), self._str_len))
449        return return_value.value.decode('utf-8')

Get the string value of a specific register of the card (see the user manual of your device for all the available registers)

  • register (int): The specific register that will be read from.
  • str: The value as stored in the specific register
def set_i(self, register: int, value: int) -> None:
451    def set_i(self, register : int, value : int) -> None:
452        """
453        Write the value of a specific register to the card (see the user manual of your device for all the available registers)
455        Parameters
456        ----------
457        register : int
458            The specific register that will be written.
459        value : int
460            The value that is written to the card.
461        """
463        self._check_closed()
464        self._check_error(spcm_dwSetParam_i64(self._handle, register, value))

Write the value of a specific register to the card (see the user manual of your device for all the available registers)

  • register (int): The specific register that will be written.
  • value (int): The value that is written to the card.
def set_d(self, register: int, value: float) -> None:
466    def set_d(self, register : int, value : float) -> None:
467        """
468        Write the value of a specific register to the card (see the user manual of your device for all the available registers)
470        Parameters
471        ----------
472        register : int
473            The specific register that will be written.
474        value : float
475            The value that is written to the card.
476        """
478        self._check_closed()
479        self._check_error(spcm_dwSetParam_d64(self._handle, register, value))

Write the value of a specific register to the card (see the user manual of your device for all the available registers)

  • register (int): The specific register that will be written.
  • value (float): The value that is written to the card.
def set_ptr(self, register: int, reference: ctypes.c_void_p, size: int) -> None:
481    def set_ptr(self, register : int, reference : c_void_p, size : int) -> None:
482        """
483        Use a memory segment to write to a specific register of the card (see the user manual of your device for all the available registers)
485        Parameters
486        ----------
487        register : int
488            The specific register that will be read from.
489        reference : c_void_p
490            pointer to the memory segment
491        size : int
492            size of the memory segment
494        Returns
495        -------
496        int
497            The value as stored in the specific register
498        """
500        self._check_closed()
501        self._check_error(spcm_dwSetParam_ptr(self._handle, register, reference, size))

Use a memory segment to write to a specific register of the card (see the user manual of your device for all the available registers)

  • register (int): The specific register that will be read from.
  • reference (c_void_p): pointer to the memory segment
  • size (int): size of the memory segment
  • int: The value as stored in the specific register
def get_error_info(self) -> SpcmError:
526    def get_error_info(self) -> SpcmError:
527        """
528        Create an SpcmError object and store it in an object parameter
530        Returns
531        ----------
532        SpcmError
533            the Error object containing the last error
534        """
536        self._last_error = SpcmError(self._handle)
537        return self._last_error

Create an SpcmError object and store it in an object parameter

  • SpcmError: the Error object containing the last error
def close(handle) -> None:
585    @staticmethod
586    def close(handle) -> None:
587        """
588        Close a connection to the card using a handle
590        Parameters
591        ----------
592        handle
593            the handle object used for the card connection that is closed
594        """
596        spcm_vClose(handle)

Close a connection to the card using a handle

  • handle: the handle object used for the card connection that is closed
class Card(spcm.Device):
 15class Card(Device):
 16    """
 17    a high-level class to control Spectrum Instrumentation cards
 19    For more information about what setups are available, please have a look at the user manual
 20    for your specific card.
 22    """
 24    _std_device_identifier : str = "/dev/spcm{}"
 25    _max_cards : int = 64
 27    _function_type : int = 0
 28    _card_type : int = 0
 29    _max_sample_value : int = 0
 31    def __enter__(self) -> 'Card':
 32        """
 33        Context manager entry function
 35        Returns
 36        -------
 37        Card
 38            The card object
 40        Raises
 41        ------
 42        SpcmException
 43        """
 44        return super().__enter__()
 46    def open(self, device_identifier : str = None) -> 'Card':
 47        """
 48        Open a connection to the card
 50        Parameters
 51        ----------
 52        device_identifier : str = ""
 53            The device identifier of the card that needs to be opened
 55        Returns
 56        -------
 57        Card
 58            The card object
 60        Raises
 61        ------
 62        SpcmException
 63        """
 65        if device_identifier is not None:
 66            return super().open(device_identifier=device_identifier)
 68        super().open()
 70        # keyword arguments
 71        card_type = self._kwargs.get("card_type", 0)
 72        serial_number = self._kwargs.get("serial_number", 0)
 74        if self.device_identifier == "":
 75            # No device identifier was given, so we need to find the first card
 76            self._handle = self.find(card_type=card_type, serial_number=serial_number)
 77            if not self._handle:
 78                if card_type:
 79                    raise SpcmException(text="No card found of right type")
 80                elif serial_number:
 81                    raise SpcmException(text="No card found with serial number: {}".format(serial_number))
 82            else:
 83                self._closed = False
 84        elif self._handle:
 85            if card_type != 0 and self.function_type() != card_type:
 86                raise SpcmException(text="The card with the given device identifier is not the correct type")
 87            elif serial_number != 0 and self.sn() != serial_number:
 88                raise SpcmException(text="The card with the given device identifier does not have the correct serial number")
 90        # Check python, driver and kernel version
 91        if self._verbose:
 92            print("Python version: {} on {}".format (platform.python_version(), platform.system()))
 93            print("Driver version: {major}.{minor}.{build}".format(**self.drv_version()))
 94            print("Kernel version: {major}.{minor}.{build}".format(**self.kernel_version()))
 95            if self._handle:
 96                print("Found '{}': {} sn {:05d}".format(self.device_identifier, self.product_name(), self.sn()))
 98        # Get the function type of the card
 99        self._function_type = self.get_i(SPC_FNCTYPE)
100        self._card_type = self.get_i(SPC_PCITYP)
101        self._features = self.get_i(SPC_PCIFEATURES)
102        self._ext_features = self.get_i(SPC_PCIEXTFEATURES)
103        self._max_sample_value = self.get_i(SPC_MIINST_MAXADCVALUE)
105        return self
107    def __str__(self) -> str:
108        """
109        String representation of the card
111        Returns
112        -------
113        str
114            String representation of the card
115        """
116        return "Card: {} sn {:05d}".format(self.product_name(), self.sn())
117    __repr__ = __str__
119    def find(self, card_type : int = 0, serial_number : int = 0) -> Union[bool, int]:
120        """
121        Find first card that is connected to the computer, with either the given card type or serial number
123        Parameters
124        ----------
125        card_type : int = 0
126            The function type of the card that needs to be found
127        serial_number : int = 0
128            The serial number of the card that needs to be found
130        Returns
131        -------
132        Union[bool, int]
133            False if no card is found, otherwise the handle of the card
135        """
136        for nr in range(self._max_cards):
137            device_identifier = self._std_device_identifier.format(nr)
138            handle = spcm_hOpen(ctypes.create_string_buffer(bytes(device_identifier, 'utf-8')))
139            if handle:
140                self.device_identifier = device_identifier
141                return_value = ctypes.c_int64()
142                spcm_dwGetParam_i64(handle, SPC_FNCTYPE, ctypes.byref(return_value))
143                function_type = return_value.value
144                spcm_dwGetParam_i64(handle, SPC_PCISERIALNO, ctypes.byref(return_value))
145                sn = return_value.value
146                if card_type != 0 and (card_type & function_type) == function_type:
147                    return handle
148                elif sn != 0 and sn == serial_number:
149                    return handle
150                elif serial_number == 0 and card_type == 0:
151                    return handle
152                spcm_vClose(handle)
153        return False
156    # High-level parameter functions, that use the low-level get and set function
157    def status(self) -> int:
158        """
159        Get the status of the card (see register `SPC_M2STATUS` in the manual)
161        Returns
162        -------
163        int
164            The status of the card
165        """
167        return self.get_i(SPC_M2STATUS)
169    def card_type(self) -> int:
170        """
171        Get the card type of the card (see register `SPC_PCITYP` in the manual)
173        Returns
174        -------
175        int
176            The card type of the card
177        """
179        return self._card_type
181    def series(self) -> int:
182        """
183        Get the series of the card (see register `SPC_PCITYP` and `TYP_SERIESMASK` in the manual)
185        Returns
186        -------
187        int
188            The series of the card
189        """
191        return self.card_type() & TYP_SERIESMASK
193    def function_type(self) -> int:
194        """
195        Gives information about what type of card it is. (see register `SPC_FNCTYPE` in the manual)
197        Returns
198        -------
199        int
200            The function type of the card
202            * SPCM_TYPE_AI = 1h - Analog input card (analog acquisition; the M2i.4028 and M2i.4038 also return this value)
203            * SPCM_TYPE_AO = 2h - Analog output card (arbitrary waveform generators)
204            * SPCM_TYPE_DI = 4h - Digital input card (logic analyzer card)
205            * SPCM_TYPE_DO = 8h - Digital output card (pattern generators)
206            * SPCM_TYPE_DIO = 10h - Digital I/O (input/output) card, where the direction is software selectable.
207        """
209        return self._function_type
211    def features(self) -> int:
212        """
213        Get the features of the card (see register `SPC_PCIFEATURES` in the manual)
215        Returns
216        -------
217        int
218            The features of the card
219        """
221        return self._features
223    def ext_features(self) -> int:
224        """
225        Get the extended features of the card (see register `SPC_PCIEXTFEATURES` in the manual)
227        Returns
228        -------
229        int
230            The extended features of the card
231        """
233        return self._ext_features
235    def starhub_card(self) -> bool:
236        """
237        Check if the card is a starhub card (see register `SPC_PCIFEATURES` in the manual)
239        Returns
240        -------
241        bool
242            True if the card is the card that carriers a starhub, False otherwise
243        """
245        return bool(self._features & SPCM_FEAT_STARHUBXX_MASK)
247    def num_modules(self) -> int:
248        """
249        Get the number of modules of the card (see register `SPC_MIINST_MODULES` in the manual)
251        Returns
252        -------
253        int
254            The number of modules of the card
255        """
257        return self.get_i(SPC_MIINST_MODULES)
259    def channels_per_module(self) -> int:
260        """
261        Get the number of channels per module of the card (see register `SPC_MIINST_CHPERMODULE` in the manual)
263        Returns
264        -------
265        int
266            The number of channels per module of the card
267        """
269        return self.get_i(SPC_MIINST_CHPERMODULE)
271    def num_channels(self) -> int:
272        """
273        Get the number of channels of the card (= SPC_MIINST_MODULES * SPC_MIINST_CHPERMODULE)
275        Returns
276        -------
277        int
278            The number of channels of the card
279        """
281        return self.num_modules() * self.channels_per_module()
283    def card_mode(self, card_mode : int = None) -> int:
284        """
285        Set the card mode of the connected card (see register `SPC_CARDMODE` in the manual)
287        Parameters
288        ----------
289        card_mode : int
290            the mode that the card needs to operate in
292        Returns
293        -------
294        int
295            the mode that the card operates in
296        """
298        if card_mode is not None:
299            self.set_i(SPC_CARDMODE, card_mode)
300        return self.get_i(SPC_CARDMODE)
302    def product_name(self) -> str:
303        """
304        Get the product name of the card (see register `SPC_PCITYP` in the manual)
306        Returns
307        -------
308        str
309            The product name of the connected card (e.g. M4i.6631-x8)
310        """
312        return self.get_str(SPC_PCITYP)
314    def sn(self) -> int:
315        """
316        Get the serial number of a product (see register `SPC_PCISERIALNO` in the manual)
318        Returns
319        -------
320        int
321            The serial number of the connected card (e.g. 12345)
322        """
324        return self.get_i(SPC_PCISERIALNO)
326    def active_channels(self) -> int:
327        """
328        Get the number of channels of the card (see register `SPC_CHCOUNT` in the manual)
330        Returns
331        -------
332        int
333            The number of channels of the card
334        """
336        return self.get_i(SPC_CHCOUNT)
338    def bits_per_sample(self) -> int:
339        """
340        Get the number of bits per sample of the card (see register `SPC_MIINST_BITSPERSAMPLE` in the manual)
342        Returns
343        -------
344        int
345            The number of bits per sample of the card
346        """
348        return self.get_i(SPC_MIINST_BITSPERSAMPLE)
350    def bytes_per_sample(self) -> int:
351        """
352        Get the number of bytes per sample
354        Returns
355        -------
356        int
357            number of bytes per sample
358        """
359        return self.get_i(SPC_MIINST_BYTESPERSAMPLE)
361    def max_sample_value(self) -> int:
362        """
363        Get the maximum ADC value of the card (see register `SPC_MIINST_MAXADCVALUE` in the manual)
365        Returns
366        -------
367        int
368            The maximum ADC value of the card
369        """
371        return self._max_sample_value
373    def loops(self, loops : int = None) -> int:
374        """
375        Set the number of times the memory is replayed. If set to zero the generation will run continuously until it is 
376        stopped by the user.  (see register `SPC_LOOPS` in the manual)
378        Parameters
379        ----------
380        loops : int
381            the number of loops that the card should perform
382        """
384        if loops is not None:
385            self.set_i(SPC_LOOPS, loops)
386        return self.get_i(SPC_LOOPS)

a high-level class to control Spectrum Instrumentation cards

For more information about what setups are available, please have a look at the user manual for your specific card.

def open(self, device_identifier: str = None) -> Card:
 46    def open(self, device_identifier : str = None) -> 'Card':
 47        """
 48        Open a connection to the card
 50        Parameters
 51        ----------
 52        device_identifier : str = ""
 53            The device identifier of the card that needs to be opened
 55        Returns
 56        -------
 57        Card
 58            The card object
 60        Raises
 61        ------
 62        SpcmException
 63        """
 65        if device_identifier is not None:
 66            return super().open(device_identifier=device_identifier)
 68        super().open()
 70        # keyword arguments
 71        card_type = self._kwargs.get("card_type", 0)
 72        serial_number = self._kwargs.get("serial_number", 0)
 74        if self.device_identifier == "":
 75            # No device identifier was given, so we need to find the first card
 76            self._handle = self.find(card_type=card_type, serial_number=serial_number)
 77            if not self._handle:
 78                if card_type:
 79                    raise SpcmException(text="No card found of right type")
 80                elif serial_number:
 81                    raise SpcmException(text="No card found with serial number: {}".format(serial_number))
 82            else:
 83                self._closed = False
 84        elif self._handle:
 85            if card_type != 0 and self.function_type() != card_type:
 86                raise SpcmException(text="The card with the given device identifier is not the correct type")
 87            elif serial_number != 0 and self.sn() != serial_number:
 88                raise SpcmException(text="The card with the given device identifier does not have the correct serial number")
 90        # Check python, driver and kernel version
 91        if self._verbose:
 92            print("Python version: {} on {}".format (platform.python_version(), platform.system()))
 93            print("Driver version: {major}.{minor}.{build}".format(**self.drv_version()))
 94            print("Kernel version: {major}.{minor}.{build}".format(**self.kernel_version()))
 95            if self._handle:
 96                print("Found '{}': {} sn {:05d}".format(self.device_identifier, self.product_name(), self.sn()))
 98        # Get the function type of the card
 99        self._function_type = self.get_i(SPC_FNCTYPE)
100        self._card_type = self.get_i(SPC_PCITYP)
101        self._features = self.get_i(SPC_PCIFEATURES)
102        self._ext_features = self.get_i(SPC_PCIEXTFEATURES)
103        self._max_sample_value = self.get_i(SPC_MIINST_MAXADCVALUE)
105        return self

Open a connection to the card

  • device_identifier (str = ""): The device identifier of the card that needs to be opened
  • Card: The card object
  • SpcmException
def find(self, card_type: int = 0, serial_number: int = 0) -> Union[bool, int]:
119    def find(self, card_type : int = 0, serial_number : int = 0) -> Union[bool, int]:
120        """
121        Find first card that is connected to the computer, with either the given card type or serial number
123        Parameters
124        ----------
125        card_type : int = 0
126            The function type of the card that needs to be found
127        serial_number : int = 0
128            The serial number of the card that needs to be found
130        Returns
131        -------
132        Union[bool, int]
133            False if no card is found, otherwise the handle of the card
135        """
136        for nr in range(self._max_cards):
137            device_identifier = self._std_device_identifier.format(nr)
138            handle = spcm_hOpen(ctypes.create_string_buffer(bytes(device_identifier, 'utf-8')))
139            if handle:
140                self.device_identifier = device_identifier
141                return_value = ctypes.c_int64()
142                spcm_dwGetParam_i64(handle, SPC_FNCTYPE, ctypes.byref(return_value))
143                function_type = return_value.value
144                spcm_dwGetParam_i64(handle, SPC_PCISERIALNO, ctypes.byref(return_value))
145                sn = return_value.value
146                if card_type != 0 and (card_type & function_type) == function_type:
147                    return handle
148                elif sn != 0 and sn == serial_number:
149                    return handle
150                elif serial_number == 0 and card_type == 0:
151                    return handle
152                spcm_vClose(handle)
153        return False

Find first card that is connected to the computer, with either the given card type or serial number

  • card_type (int = 0): The function type of the card that needs to be found
  • serial_number (int = 0): The serial number of the card that needs to be found
  • Union[bool, int]: False if no card is found, otherwise the handle of the card
def status(self) -> int:
157    def status(self) -> int:
158        """
159        Get the status of the card (see register `SPC_M2STATUS` in the manual)
161        Returns
162        -------
163        int
164            The status of the card
165        """
167        return self.get_i(SPC_M2STATUS)

Get the status of the card (see register SPC_M2STATUS in the manual)

  • int: The status of the card
def card_type(self) -> int:
169    def card_type(self) -> int:
170        """
171        Get the card type of the card (see register `SPC_PCITYP` in the manual)
173        Returns
174        -------
175        int
176            The card type of the card
177        """
179        return self._card_type

Get the card type of the card (see register SPC_PCITYP in the manual)

  • int: The card type of the card
def series(self) -> int:
181    def series(self) -> int:
182        """
183        Get the series of the card (see register `SPC_PCITYP` and `TYP_SERIESMASK` in the manual)
185        Returns
186        -------
187        int
188            The series of the card
189        """
191        return self.card_type() & TYP_SERIESMASK

Get the series of the card (see register SPC_PCITYP and TYP_SERIESMASK in the manual)

  • int: The series of the card
def function_type(self) -> int:
193    def function_type(self) -> int:
194        """
195        Gives information about what type of card it is. (see register `SPC_FNCTYPE` in the manual)
197        Returns
198        -------
199        int
200            The function type of the card
202            * SPCM_TYPE_AI = 1h - Analog input card (analog acquisition; the M2i.4028 and M2i.4038 also return this value)
203            * SPCM_TYPE_AO = 2h - Analog output card (arbitrary waveform generators)
204            * SPCM_TYPE_DI = 4h - Digital input card (logic analyzer card)
205            * SPCM_TYPE_DO = 8h - Digital output card (pattern generators)
206            * SPCM_TYPE_DIO = 10h - Digital I/O (input/output) card, where the direction is software selectable.
207        """
209        return self._function_type

Gives information about what type of card it is. (see register SPC_FNCTYPE in the manual)

  • int: The function type of the card

    • SPCM_TYPE_AI = 1h - Analog input card (analog acquisition; the M2i.4028 and M2i.4038 also return this value)
    • SPCM_TYPE_AO = 2h - Analog output card (arbitrary waveform generators)
    • SPCM_TYPE_DI = 4h - Digital input card (logic analyzer card)
    • SPCM_TYPE_DO = 8h - Digital output card (pattern generators)
    • SPCM_TYPE_DIO = 10h - Digital I/O (input/output) card, where the direction is software selectable.
def features(self) -> int:
211    def features(self) -> int:
212        """
213        Get the features of the card (see register `SPC_PCIFEATURES` in the manual)
215        Returns
216        -------
217        int
218            The features of the card
219        """
221        return self._features

Get the features of the card (see register SPC_PCIFEATURES in the manual)

  • int: The features of the card
def ext_features(self) -> int:
223    def ext_features(self) -> int:
224        """
225        Get the extended features of the card (see register `SPC_PCIEXTFEATURES` in the manual)
227        Returns
228        -------
229        int
230            The extended features of the card
231        """
233        return self._ext_features

Get the extended features of the card (see register SPC_PCIEXTFEATURES in the manual)

  • int: The extended features of the card
def starhub_card(self) -> bool:
235    def starhub_card(self) -> bool:
236        """
237        Check if the card is a starhub card (see register `SPC_PCIFEATURES` in the manual)
239        Returns
240        -------
241        bool
242            True if the card is the card that carriers a starhub, False otherwise
243        """
245        return bool(self._features & SPCM_FEAT_STARHUBXX_MASK)

Check if the card is a starhub card (see register SPC_PCIFEATURES in the manual)

  • bool: True if the card is the card that carriers a starhub, False otherwise
def num_modules(self) -> int:
247    def num_modules(self) -> int:
248        """
249        Get the number of modules of the card (see register `SPC_MIINST_MODULES` in the manual)
251        Returns
252        -------
253        int
254            The number of modules of the card
255        """
257        return self.get_i(SPC_MIINST_MODULES)

Get the number of modules of the card (see register SPC_MIINST_MODULES in the manual)

  • int: The number of modules of the card
def channels_per_module(self) -> int:
259    def channels_per_module(self) -> int:
260        """
261        Get the number of channels per module of the card (see register `SPC_MIINST_CHPERMODULE` in the manual)
263        Returns
264        -------
265        int
266            The number of channels per module of the card
267        """
269        return self.get_i(SPC_MIINST_CHPERMODULE)

Get the number of channels per module of the card (see register SPC_MIINST_CHPERMODULE in the manual)

  • int: The number of channels per module of the card
def num_channels(self) -> int:
271    def num_channels(self) -> int:
272        """
273        Get the number of channels of the card (= SPC_MIINST_MODULES * SPC_MIINST_CHPERMODULE)
275        Returns
276        -------
277        int
278            The number of channels of the card
279        """
281        return self.num_modules() * self.channels_per_module()

Get the number of channels of the card (= SPC_MIINST_MODULES * SPC_MIINST_CHPERMODULE)

  • int: The number of channels of the card
def card_mode(self, card_mode: int = None) -> int:
283    def card_mode(self, card_mode : int = None) -> int:
284        """
285        Set the card mode of the connected card (see register `SPC_CARDMODE` in the manual)
287        Parameters
288        ----------
289        card_mode : int
290            the mode that the card needs to operate in
292        Returns
293        -------
294        int
295            the mode that the card operates in
296        """
298        if card_mode is not None:
299            self.set_i(SPC_CARDMODE, card_mode)
300        return self.get_i(SPC_CARDMODE)

Set the card mode of the connected card (see register SPC_CARDMODE in the manual)

  • card_mode (int): the mode that the card needs to operate in
  • int: the mode that the card operates in
def product_name(self) -> str:
302    def product_name(self) -> str:
303        """
304        Get the product name of the card (see register `SPC_PCITYP` in the manual)
306        Returns
307        -------
308        str
309            The product name of the connected card (e.g. M4i.6631-x8)
310        """
312        return self.get_str(SPC_PCITYP)

Get the product name of the card (see register SPC_PCITYP in the manual)

  • str: The product name of the connected card (e.g. M4i.6631-x8)
def sn(self) -> int:
314    def sn(self) -> int:
315        """
316        Get the serial number of a product (see register `SPC_PCISERIALNO` in the manual)
318        Returns
319        -------
320        int
321            The serial number of the connected card (e.g. 12345)
322        """
324        return self.get_i(SPC_PCISERIALNO)

Get the serial number of a product (see register SPC_PCISERIALNO in the manual)

  • int: The serial number of the connected card (e.g. 12345)
def active_channels(self) -> int:
326    def active_channels(self) -> int:
327        """
328        Get the number of channels of the card (see register `SPC_CHCOUNT` in the manual)
330        Returns
331        -------
332        int
333            The number of channels of the card
334        """
336        return self.get_i(SPC_CHCOUNT)

Get the number of channels of the card (see register SPC_CHCOUNT in the manual)

  • int: The number of channels of the card
def bits_per_sample(self) -> int:
338    def bits_per_sample(self) -> int:
339        """
340        Get the number of bits per sample of the card (see register `SPC_MIINST_BITSPERSAMPLE` in the manual)
342        Returns
343        -------
344        int
345            The number of bits per sample of the card
346        """
348        return self.get_i(SPC_MIINST_BITSPERSAMPLE)

Get the number of bits per sample of the card (see register SPC_MIINST_BITSPERSAMPLE in the manual)

  • int: The number of bits per sample of the card
def bytes_per_sample(self) -> int:
350    def bytes_per_sample(self) -> int:
351        """
352        Get the number of bytes per sample
354        Returns
355        -------
356        int
357            number of bytes per sample
358        """
359        return self.get_i(SPC_MIINST_BYTESPERSAMPLE)

Get the number of bytes per sample

  • int: number of bytes per sample
def max_sample_value(self) -> int:
361    def max_sample_value(self) -> int:
362        """
363        Get the maximum ADC value of the card (see register `SPC_MIINST_MAXADCVALUE` in the manual)
365        Returns
366        -------
367        int
368            The maximum ADC value of the card
369        """
371        return self._max_sample_value

Get the maximum ADC value of the card (see register SPC_MIINST_MAXADCVALUE in the manual)

  • int: The maximum ADC value of the card
def loops(self, loops: int = None) -> int:
373    def loops(self, loops : int = None) -> int:
374        """
375        Set the number of times the memory is replayed. If set to zero the generation will run continuously until it is 
376        stopped by the user.  (see register `SPC_LOOPS` in the manual)
378        Parameters
379        ----------
380        loops : int
381            the number of loops that the card should perform
382        """
384        if loops is not None:
385            self.set_i(SPC_LOOPS, loops)
386        return self.get_i(SPC_LOOPS)

Set the number of times the memory is replayed. If set to zero the generation will run continuously until it is stopped by the user. (see register SPC_LOOPS in the manual)

  • loops (int): the number of loops that the card should perform
class Sync(spcm.Device):
  8class Sync(Device):
  9    """a class to control Spectrum Instrumentation Starhub synchronization devices
 11    For more information about what setups are available, please have a look at the user manual
 12    for your specific Starhub.
 14    Exceptions
 15    ----------
 16    SpcmException
 17    SpcmTimeout
 18    """
 20    def enable(self, enable : int = None) -> int:
 21        """
 22        Enable or disable the Starthub (see register 'SPC_SYNC_ENABLEMASK' in chapter `Star-Hub` in the manual)
 24        Parameters
 25        ----------
 26        enable : int or bool
 27            enable or disable the Starthub
 28        """
 30        if enable is not None:
 31            enable_mask = 0
 32            if isinstance(enable, bool):
 33                num_cards = self.sync_count()
 34                enable_mask = ((1 << num_cards) - 1) if enable else 0
 35            elif isinstance(enable, int):
 36                enable_mask = enable
 37            else:
 38                raise ValueError("The enable parameter must be a boolean or an integer")
 39            self.set_i(SPC_SYNC_ENABLEMASK, enable_mask)
 40        return self.get_i(SPC_SYNC_ENABLEMASK)
 42    def num_connectors(self) -> int:
 43        """
 44        Number of connectors that the Star-Hub offers at max. (see register 'SPC_SYNC_READ_NUMCONNECTORS' in chapter `Star-Hub` in the manual)
 46        Returns
 47        -------
 48        int
 49            number of connectors on the StarHub
 50        """
 52        return self.get_i(SPC_SYNC_READ_NUMCONNECTORS)
 54    def sync_count(self) -> int:
 55        """
 56        Number of cards that are connected to this Star-Hub (see register 'SPC_SYNC_READ_SYNCCOUNT' in chapter `Star-Hub` in the manual)
 58        Returns
 59        -------
 60        int
 61            number of synchronized cards
 62        """
 64        return self.get_i(SPC_SYNC_READ_SYNCCOUNT)
 66    def card_index(self, index) -> int:
 67        """
 68        Index of the card that is connected to the Star-Hub at the given local index (see register 'SPC_SYNC_READ_CARDIDX0' in chapter `Star-Hub` in the manual)
 70        Parameters
 71        ----------
 72        index : int
 73            connector index
 75        Returns
 76        -------
 77        int
 78            card index
 79        """
 81        return self.get_i(SPC_SYNC_READ_CARDIDX0 + index)
 83    def cable_connection(self, index) -> int:
 84        """
 85        Returns the index of the cable connection that is used for the logical connection `index`. (see register 'SPC_SYNC_READ_CABLECON0' in chapter `Star-Hub` in the manual)
 86        The cable connections can be seen printed on the PCB of the star-hub. Use these cable connection information in case 
 87        that there are hardware failures with the star-hub cabeling.
 89        Parameters
 90        ----------
 91        index : int
 92            connector index
 94        Returns
 95        -------
 96        int
 97            cable index
 98        """
100        return self.get_i(SPC_SYNC_READ_CABLECON0 + index)

a class to control Spectrum Instrumentation Starhub synchronization devices

For more information about what setups are available, please have a look at the user manual for your specific Starhub.


SpcmException SpcmTimeout

def enable(self, enable: int = None) -> int:
20    def enable(self, enable : int = None) -> int:
21        """
22        Enable or disable the Starthub (see register 'SPC_SYNC_ENABLEMASK' in chapter `Star-Hub` in the manual)
24        Parameters
25        ----------
26        enable : int or bool
27            enable or disable the Starthub
28        """
30        if enable is not None:
31            enable_mask = 0
32            if isinstance(enable, bool):
33                num_cards = self.sync_count()
34                enable_mask = ((1 << num_cards) - 1) if enable else 0
35            elif isinstance(enable, int):
36                enable_mask = enable
37            else:
38                raise ValueError("The enable parameter must be a boolean or an integer")
39            self.set_i(SPC_SYNC_ENABLEMASK, enable_mask)
40        return self.get_i(SPC_SYNC_ENABLEMASK)

Enable or disable the Starthub (see register 'SPC_SYNC_ENABLEMASK' in chapter Star-Hub in the manual)

  • enable (int or bool): enable or disable the Starthub
def num_connectors(self) -> int:
42    def num_connectors(self) -> int:
43        """
44        Number of connectors that the Star-Hub offers at max. (see register 'SPC_SYNC_READ_NUMCONNECTORS' in chapter `Star-Hub` in the manual)
46        Returns
47        -------
48        int
49            number of connectors on the StarHub
50        """
52        return self.get_i(SPC_SYNC_READ_NUMCONNECTORS)

Number of connectors that the Star-Hub offers at max. (see register 'SPC_SYNC_READ_NUMCONNECTORS' in chapter Star-Hub in the manual)

  • int: number of connectors on the StarHub
def sync_count(self) -> int:
54    def sync_count(self) -> int:
55        """
56        Number of cards that are connected to this Star-Hub (see register 'SPC_SYNC_READ_SYNCCOUNT' in chapter `Star-Hub` in the manual)
58        Returns
59        -------
60        int
61            number of synchronized cards
62        """
64        return self.get_i(SPC_SYNC_READ_SYNCCOUNT)

Number of cards that are connected to this Star-Hub (see register 'SPC_SYNC_READ_SYNCCOUNT' in chapter Star-Hub in the manual)

  • int: number of synchronized cards
def card_index(self, index) -> int:
66    def card_index(self, index) -> int:
67        """
68        Index of the card that is connected to the Star-Hub at the given local index (see register 'SPC_SYNC_READ_CARDIDX0' in chapter `Star-Hub` in the manual)
70        Parameters
71        ----------
72        index : int
73            connector index
75        Returns
76        -------
77        int
78            card index
79        """
81        return self.get_i(SPC_SYNC_READ_CARDIDX0 + index)

Index of the card that is connected to the Star-Hub at the given local index (see register 'SPC_SYNC_READ_CARDIDX0' in chapter Star-Hub in the manual)

  • index (int): connector index
  • int: card index
def cable_connection(self, index) -> int:
 83    def cable_connection(self, index) -> int:
 84        """
 85        Returns the index of the cable connection that is used for the logical connection `index`. (see register 'SPC_SYNC_READ_CABLECON0' in chapter `Star-Hub` in the manual)
 86        The cable connections can be seen printed on the PCB of the star-hub. Use these cable connection information in case 
 87        that there are hardware failures with the star-hub cabeling.
 89        Parameters
 90        ----------
 91        index : int
 92            connector index
 94        Returns
 95        -------
 96        int
 97            cable index
 98        """
100        return self.get_i(SPC_SYNC_READ_CABLECON0 + index)

Returns the index of the cable connection that is used for the logical connection index. (see register 'SPC_SYNC_READ_CABLECON0' in chapter Star-Hub in the manual) The cable connections can be seen printed on the PCB of the star-hub. Use these cable connection information in case that there are hardware failures with the star-hub cabeling.

  • index (int): connector index
  • int: cable index
class CardStack(contextlib.ExitStack):
 13class CardStack(ExitStack):
 14    """
 15    A context manager object for handling multiple Card objects with or without a Sync object
 17    Parameters
 18    ----------
 19    cards : list[Card]
 20        a list of card objects that is managed by the context manager
 21    sync : Sync
 22        an object for handling the synchronization of cards
 23    sync_card : Card
 24        a card object that is used for synchronization
 25    sync_id : int
 26        the index of the sync card in the list of cards
 27    is_synced : bool
 28        a boolean that indicates if the cards are synchronized
 29    """
 31    cards : list[Card] = []
 32    sync : Sync = None
 33    sync_card : Card = None
 34    sync_id : int = -1
 35    is_synced : bool = False
 37    def __init__(self, card_identifiers : list[str] = [], sync_identifier : str = "", find_sync : bool = False) -> None:
 38        """
 39        Initialize the CardStack object with a list of card identifiers and a sync identifier
 41        Parameters
 42        ----------
 43        card_identifiers : list[str] = []
 44            a list of strings that represent the VISA strings of the cards
 45        sync_identifier : str = ""
 46            a string that represents the VISA string of the sync card
 47        find_sync : bool = False
 48            a boolean that indicates if the sync card should be found automatically
 49        """
 51        super().__init__()
 52        # Handle card objects
 53        self.cards = [self.enter_context(Card(identifier)) for identifier in card_identifiers]
 54        if find_sync:
 55            for id, card in enumerate(self.cards):
 56                if card.starhub_card():
 57                    self.sync_card = card
 58                    self.sync_id = id
 59                    self.is_synced = True
 60                    break
 61        if sync_identifier and (not find_sync or self.is_synced):
 62            self.sync = self.enter_context(Sync(sync_identifier))
 63            self.is_synced = bool(self.sync)
 65    def __bool__(self) -> bool:
 66        """Checks if all defined cards are connected"""
 67        connected = True
 68        for card in self.cards:
 69            connected &= bool(card)
 70        return connected
 72    def synched(self):
 73        """Checks if the sync card is connected
 74        """
 75        return bool(self.is_synced)
 77    def start(self, *args) -> None:
 78        """
 79        Start all cards
 81        Parameters
 82        ----------
 83        args : list
 84            a list of arguments that will be passed to the start method of the cards
 85        """
 87        if self.sync:
 88            self.sync.start(*args)
 89        else:
 90            for card in self.cards:
 91                card.start(*args)
 93    def stop(self, *args) -> None:
 94        """
 95        Stop all cards
 97        Parameters
 98        ----------
 99        args : list
100            a list of arguments that will be passed to the stop method of the cards
101        """
103        if self.sync:
104            self.sync.stop(*args)
105        else:
106            for card in self.cards:
107                card.stop(*args)
109    def reset(self, *args) -> None:
110        """
111        Reset all cards
113        Parameters
114        ----------
115        args : list
116            a list of arguments that will be passed to the reset method of the cards
117        """
119        if self.sync:
120            self.sync.reset(*args)
121        else:
122            for card in self.cards:
123                card.reset(*args)
125    def force_trigger(self, *args) -> None:
126        """
127        Force trigger on all cards
129        Parameters
130        ----------
131        args : list
132            a list of arguments that will be passed with the force trigger command for the cards
133        """
135        # TODO: the force trigger needs to be correctly implemented in the driver
136        if self.sync_card:
137            self.sync_card.cmd(M2CMD_CARD_FORCETRIGGER, *args)
138        elif self.sync:
139            # self.sync.cmd(M2CMD_CARD_FORCETRIGGER, *args)
140            self.cards[0].cmd(M2CMD_CARD_FORCETRIGGER, *args)
141        else:
142            for card in self.cards:
143                card.cmd(M2CMD_CARD_FORCETRIGGER, *args)
145    def sync_enable(self, enable : int = True) -> int:
146        """
147        Enable synchronization on all cards
149        Parameters
150        ----------
151        enable : int or bool
152            a boolean or integer mask to enable or disable the synchronization of different channels
154        Returns
155        -------
156        int
157            the mask of the enabled channels
159        Raises
160        ------
161        ValueError
162            The enable parameter must be a boolean or an integer
163        SpcmException
164            No sync card avaliable to enable synchronization on the cards
165        """
167        if self.sync:
168            return self.sync.enable(enable)
169        else:
170            raise SpcmException("No sync card avaliable to enable synchronization on the cards")
173    @staticmethod
174    def id_to_ip(device_identifier : str) -> str:
175        """
176        Returns the IP address of the Netbox using the device identifier
178        Parameters
179        ----------
180        device_identifier : str
181            The device identifier of the Netbox
183        Returns
184        -------
185        str
186            The IP address of the Netbox
187        """
188        ip = device_identifier
189        ip = ip[ip.find('::') + 2:]
190        ip = ip[:ip.find ('::')]
191        return ip
193    @staticmethod
194    def discover(max_num_remote_cards : int = 50, max_visa_string_len : int = 256, max_idn_string_len : int = 256, timeout_ms : int = 5000) -> dict[list[str]]:
195        """
196        Do a discovery of the cards connected through a network
198        Parameters
199        ----------
200        max_num_remote_cards : int = 50
201            the maximum number of remote cards that can be discovered
202        max_visa_string_len : int = 256
203            the maximum length of the VISA string
204        max_idn_string_len : int = 256
205            the maximum length of the IDN string
206        timeout_ms : int = 5000
207            the timeout in milliseconds for the discovery process
209        Returns
210        -------
211        CardStack
212            a stack object with all the discovered cards
214        Raises
215        ------
216        SpcmException
217            No Spectrum devices found
218        """
220        visa = (spcm_core.c_char_p * max_num_remote_cards)()
221        for i in range(max_num_remote_cards):
222            visa[i] = spcm_core.cast(spcm_core.create_string_buffer(max_visa_string_len), spcm_core.c_char_p)
223        spcm_core.spcm_dwDiscovery (visa, spcm_core.uint32(max_num_remote_cards), spcm_core.uint32(max_visa_string_len), spcm_core.uint32(timeout_ms))
225        # ----- check from which manufacturer the devices are -----
226        idn = (spcm_core.c_char_p * max_num_remote_cards)()
227        for i in range(max_num_remote_cards):
228            idn[i] = spcm_core.cast(spcm_core.create_string_buffer(max_idn_string_len), spcm_core.c_char_p)
229        spcm_core.spcm_dwSendIDNRequest (idn, spcm_core.uint32(max_num_remote_cards), spcm_core.uint32(max_idn_string_len))
231        # ----- store VISA strings for all discovered cards and open them afterwards -----
232        list_spectrum_devices = {}
233        for (id, visa) in zip(idn, visa):
234            if not id:
235                break
237            if id.decode('utf-8').startswith("Spectrum GmbH,"):
238                ip = __class__.id_to_ip(visa.decode("utf-8"))
239                if ip in list_spectrum_devices:
240                    list_spectrum_devices[ip].append(visa.decode("utf-8"))
241                else:
242                    list_spectrum_devices[ip] = [visa.decode("utf-8")]
244        if not list_spectrum_devices:
245            raise SpcmException("No Spectrum devices found")
247        return list_spectrum_devices

A context manager object for handling multiple Card objects with or without a Sync object

  • cards (list[Card]): a list of card objects that is managed by the context manager
  • sync (Sync): an object for handling the synchronization of cards
  • sync_card (Card): a card object that is used for synchronization
  • sync_id (int): the index of the sync card in the list of cards
  • is_synced (bool): a boolean that indicates if the cards are synchronized
CardStack( card_identifiers: list[str] = [], sync_identifier: str = '', find_sync: bool = False)
37    def __init__(self, card_identifiers : list[str] = [], sync_identifier : str = "", find_sync : bool = False) -> None:
38        """
39        Initialize the CardStack object with a list of card identifiers and a sync identifier
41        Parameters
42        ----------
43        card_identifiers : list[str] = []
44            a list of strings that represent the VISA strings of the cards
45        sync_identifier : str = ""
46            a string that represents the VISA string of the sync card
47        find_sync : bool = False
48            a boolean that indicates if the sync card should be found automatically
49        """
51        super().__init__()
52        # Handle card objects
53        self.cards = [self.enter_context(Card(identifier)) for identifier in card_identifiers]
54        if find_sync:
55            for id, card in enumerate(self.cards):
56                if card.starhub_card():
57                    self.sync_card = card
58                    self.sync_id = id
59                    self.is_synced = True
60                    break
61        if sync_identifier and (not find_sync or self.is_synced):
62            self.sync = self.enter_context(Sync(sync_identifier))
63            self.is_synced = bool(self.sync)

Initialize the CardStack object with a list of card identifiers and a sync identifier

  • card_identifiers (list[str] = []): a list of strings that represent the VISA strings of the cards
  • sync_identifier (str = ""): a string that represents the VISA string of the sync card
  • find_sync (bool = False): a boolean that indicates if the sync card should be found automatically
cards: list[Card] = []
sync: Sync = None
sync_card: Card = None
sync_id: int = -1
is_synced: bool = False
def synched(self):
72    def synched(self):
73        """Checks if the sync card is connected
74        """
75        return bool(self.is_synced)

Checks if the sync card is connected

def start(self, *args) -> None:
77    def start(self, *args) -> None:
78        """
79        Start all cards
81        Parameters
82        ----------
83        args : list
84            a list of arguments that will be passed to the start method of the cards
85        """
87        if self.sync:
88            self.sync.start(*args)
89        else:
90            for card in self.cards:
91                card.start(*args)

Start all cards

  • args (list): a list of arguments that will be passed to the start method of the cards
def stop(self, *args) -> None:
 93    def stop(self, *args) -> None:
 94        """
 95        Stop all cards
 97        Parameters
 98        ----------
 99        args : list
100            a list of arguments that will be passed to the stop method of the cards
101        """
103        if self.sync:
104            self.sync.stop(*args)
105        else:
106            for card in self.cards:
107                card.stop(*args)

Stop all cards

  • args (list): a list of arguments that will be passed to the stop method of the cards
def reset(self, *args) -> None:
109    def reset(self, *args) -> None:
110        """
111        Reset all cards
113        Parameters
114        ----------
115        args : list
116            a list of arguments that will be passed to the reset method of the cards
117        """
119        if self.sync:
120            self.sync.reset(*args)
121        else:
122            for card in self.cards:
123                card.reset(*args)

Reset all cards

  • args (list): a list of arguments that will be passed to the reset method of the cards
def force_trigger(self, *args) -> None:
125    def force_trigger(self, *args) -> None:
126        """
127        Force trigger on all cards
129        Parameters
130        ----------
131        args : list
132            a list of arguments that will be passed with the force trigger command for the cards
133        """
135        # TODO: the force trigger needs to be correctly implemented in the driver
136        if self.sync_card:
137            self.sync_card.cmd(M2CMD_CARD_FORCETRIGGER, *args)
138        elif self.sync:
139            # self.sync.cmd(M2CMD_CARD_FORCETRIGGER, *args)
140            self.cards[0].cmd(M2CMD_CARD_FORCETRIGGER, *args)
141        else:
142            for card in self.cards:
143                card.cmd(M2CMD_CARD_FORCETRIGGER, *args)

Force trigger on all cards

  • args (list): a list of arguments that will be passed with the force trigger command for the cards
def sync_enable(self, enable: int = True) -> int:
145    def sync_enable(self, enable : int = True) -> int:
146        """
147        Enable synchronization on all cards
149        Parameters
150        ----------
151        enable : int or bool
152            a boolean or integer mask to enable or disable the synchronization of different channels
154        Returns
155        -------
156        int
157            the mask of the enabled channels
159        Raises
160        ------
161        ValueError
162            The enable parameter must be a boolean or an integer
163        SpcmException
164            No sync card avaliable to enable synchronization on the cards
165        """
167        if self.sync:
168            return self.sync.enable(enable)
169        else:
170            raise SpcmException("No sync card avaliable to enable synchronization on the cards")

Enable synchronization on all cards

  • enable (int or bool): a boolean or integer mask to enable or disable the synchronization of different channels
  • int: the mask of the enabled channels
  • ValueError: The enable parameter must be a boolean or an integer
  • SpcmException: No sync card avaliable to enable synchronization on the cards
def id_to_ip(device_identifier: str) -> str:
173    @staticmethod
174    def id_to_ip(device_identifier : str) -> str:
175        """
176        Returns the IP address of the Netbox using the device identifier
178        Parameters
179        ----------
180        device_identifier : str
181            The device identifier of the Netbox
183        Returns
184        -------
185        str
186            The IP address of the Netbox
187        """
188        ip = device_identifier
189        ip = ip[ip.find('::') + 2:]
190        ip = ip[:ip.find ('::')]
191        return ip

Returns the IP address of the Netbox using the device identifier

  • device_identifier (str): The device identifier of the Netbox
  • str: The IP address of the Netbox
def discover( max_num_remote_cards: int = 50, max_visa_string_len: int = 256, max_idn_string_len: int = 256, timeout_ms: int = 5000) -> dict[list[str]]:
193    @staticmethod
194    def discover(max_num_remote_cards : int = 50, max_visa_string_len : int = 256, max_idn_string_len : int = 256, timeout_ms : int = 5000) -> dict[list[str]]:
195        """
196        Do a discovery of the cards connected through a network
198        Parameters
199        ----------
200        max_num_remote_cards : int = 50
201            the maximum number of remote cards that can be discovered
202        max_visa_string_len : int = 256
203            the maximum length of the VISA string
204        max_idn_string_len : int = 256
205            the maximum length of the IDN string
206        timeout_ms : int = 5000
207            the timeout in milliseconds for the discovery process
209        Returns
210        -------
211        CardStack
212            a stack object with all the discovered cards
214        Raises
215        ------
216        SpcmException
217            No Spectrum devices found
218        """
220        visa = (spcm_core.c_char_p * max_num_remote_cards)()
221        for i in range(max_num_remote_cards):
222            visa[i] = spcm_core.cast(spcm_core.create_string_buffer(max_visa_string_len), spcm_core.c_char_p)
223        spcm_core.spcm_dwDiscovery (visa, spcm_core.uint32(max_num_remote_cards), spcm_core.uint32(max_visa_string_len), spcm_core.uint32(timeout_ms))
225        # ----- check from which manufacturer the devices are -----
226        idn = (spcm_core.c_char_p * max_num_remote_cards)()
227        for i in range(max_num_remote_cards):
228            idn[i] = spcm_core.cast(spcm_core.create_string_buffer(max_idn_string_len), spcm_core.c_char_p)
229        spcm_core.spcm_dwSendIDNRequest (idn, spcm_core.uint32(max_num_remote_cards), spcm_core.uint32(max_idn_string_len))
231        # ----- store VISA strings for all discovered cards and open them afterwards -----
232        list_spectrum_devices = {}
233        for (id, visa) in zip(idn, visa):
234            if not id:
235                break
237            if id.decode('utf-8').startswith("Spectrum GmbH,"):
238                ip = __class__.id_to_ip(visa.decode("utf-8"))
239                if ip in list_spectrum_devices:
240                    list_spectrum_devices[ip].append(visa.decode("utf-8"))
241                else:
242                    list_spectrum_devices[ip] = [visa.decode("utf-8")]
244        if not list_spectrum_devices:
245            raise SpcmException("No Spectrum devices found")
247        return list_spectrum_devices

Do a discovery of the cards connected through a network

  • max_num_remote_cards (int = 50): the maximum number of remote cards that can be discovered
  • max_visa_string_len (int = 256): the maximum length of the VISA string
  • max_idn_string_len (int = 256): the maximum length of the IDN string
  • timeout_ms (int = 5000): the timeout in milliseconds for the discovery process
  • CardStack: a stack object with all the discovered cards
  • SpcmException: No Spectrum devices found
class Netbox(spcm.CardStack):
  9class Netbox(CardStack):
 10    """
 11    A hardware class that controls a Netbox device
 13    Parameters
 14    ----------
 15    netbox_card : Card
 16        a card object that is the main card in the Netbox
 17    netbox_number : int
 18        the index of the netbox card in the list of cards
 19    is_netbox : bool
 20        a boolean that indicates if the card is a Netbox
 22    """
 23    netbox_card : Card = None
 24    netbox_number : int = -1
 25    is_netbox : bool = False
 27    def __init__(self, card_identifiers : list[str] = [], sync_identifier : str = "", find_sync : bool = False, **kwargs) -> None:
 28        """
 29        Initialize the Netbox object with a list of card identifiers and a sync identifier
 31        Parameters
 32        ----------
 33        card_identifiers : list[str] = []
 34            a list of strings that represent the VISA strings of the cards
 35        sync_identifier : str = ""
 36            a string that represents the VISA string of the sync card
 37        find_sync : bool = False
 38            a boolean that indicates if the sync card should be found automatically
 39        """
 41        super().__init__(card_identifiers, sync_identifier, find_sync, **kwargs)
 43        for id, card in enumerate(self.cards):
 44            netbox_type = card.get_i(SPC_NETBOX_TYPE)
 45            if netbox_type != 0:
 46                self.netbox_card = card
 47                self.netbox_number = id
 48                self.is_netbox = True
 49                break
 51    def __bool__(self) -> bool:
 52        """
 53        Checks if the Netbox is connected and returns true if the connection is alive
 55        Returns
 56        -------
 57        bool
 58            True if the Netbox is connected
 59        """
 61        return self.is_netbox
 63    def __str__(self) -> str:
 64        """
 65        Returns the string representation of the Netbox
 67        Returns
 68        -------
 69        str
 70            The string representation of the Netbox
 71        """
 73        netbox_type = self.type()
 74        netbox_str = "DN{series:x}.{family:x}{speed:x}-{channel:d}".format(**netbox_type)
 75        return f"Netbox: {netbox_str} at {self.ip()} sn {self.sn():05d}"
 76    __repr__ = __str__
 78    def type(self) -> dict[int, int, int, int]:
 79        """
 80        Returns the type of the Netbox (see register 'SPC_NETBOX_TYPE' in chapter `Netbox` in the manual)
 82        Returns
 83        -------
 84        dict[int, int, int, int]
 85            A dictionary with the series, family, speed and number of channels of the Netbox
 86        """
 88        netbox_type = self.netbox_card.get_i(SPC_NETBOX_TYPE)
 89        netbox_series = (netbox_type & NETBOX_SERIES_MASK) >> 24
 90        netbox_family = (netbox_type & NETBOX_FAMILY_MASK) >> 16
 91        netbox_speed = (netbox_type & NETBOX_SPEED_MASK) >> 8
 92        netbox_channel = (netbox_type & NETBOX_CHANNEL_MASK)
 93        return {"series" : netbox_series, "family" : netbox_family, "speed" : netbox_speed, "channel" : netbox_channel}
 95    def ip(self) -> str:
 96        """
 97        Returns the IP address of the Netbox using the device identifier of the netbox_card
 99        Returns
100        -------
101        str
102            The IP address of the Netbox
103        """
105        return self.id_to_ip(self.netbox_card.device_identifier)
107    def sn(self) -> int:
108        """
109        Returns the serial number of the Netbox (see register 'SPC_NETBOX_SERIALNO' in chapter `Netbox` in the manual)
111        Returns
112        -------
113        int
114            The serial number of the Netbox
115        """
117        return self.netbox_card.get_i(SPC_NETBOX_SERIALNO)
119    def production_date(self) -> int:
120        """
121        Returns the production date of the Netbox (see register 'SPC_NETBOX_PRODUCTIONDATE' in chapter `Netbox` in the manual)
123        Returns
124        -------
125        int
126            The production date of the Netbox
127        """
129        return self.netbox_card.get_i(SPC_NETBOX_PRODUCTIONDATE)
131    def hw_version(self) -> int:
132        """
133        Returns the hardware version of the Netbox (see register 'SPC_NETBOX_HWVERSION' in chapter `Netbox` in the manual)
135        Returns
136        -------
137        int
138            The hardware version of the Netbox
139        """
141        return self.netbox_card.get_i(SPC_NETBOX_HWVERSION)
143    def sw_version(self) -> int:
144        """
145        Returns the software version of the Netbox (see register 'SPC_NETBOX_SWVERSION' in chapter `Netbox` in the manual)
147        Returns
148        -------
149        int
150            The software version of the Netbox
151        """
153        return self.netbox_card.get_i(SPC_NETBOX_SWVERSION)
155    def features(self) -> int:
156        """
157        Returns the features of the Netbox (see register 'SPC_NETBOX_FEATURES' in chapter `Netbox` in the manual)
159        Returns
160        -------
161        int
162            The features of the Netbox
163        """
165        return self.netbox_card.get_i(SPC_NETBOX_FEATURES)
167    def custom(self) -> int:
168        """
169        Returns the custom code of the Netbox (see register 'SPC_NETBOX_CUSTOM' in chapter `Netbox` in the manual)
171        Returns
172        -------
173        int
174            The custom of the Netbox
175        """
176        return self.netbox_card.get_i(SPC_NETBOX_CUSTOM)
178    # def wake_on_lan(self, mac : int):
179    #     """
180    #     Set the wake on lan for the Netbox (see register 'SPC_NETBOX_WAKEONLAN' in chapter `Netbox` in the manual)
182    #     Parameters
183    #     ----------
184    #     mac : int
185    #         The mac addresse of the Netbox to wake on lan
186    #     """
187    #     self.netbox_card.set_i(SPC_NETBOX_WAKEONLAN, mac)
189    def mac_address(self) -> int:
190        """
191        Returns the mac address of the Netbox (see register 'SPC_NETBOX_MACADDRESS' in chapter `Netbox` in the manual)
193        Returns
194        -------
195        int
196            The mac address of the Netbox
197        """
198        return self.netbox_card.get_i(SPC_NETBOX_MACADDRESS)
200    def temperature(self) -> int:
201        """
202        Returns the temperature of the Netbox (see register 'SPC_NETBOX_TEMPERATURE' in chapter `Netbox` in the manual)
204        Returns
205        -------
206        int
207            The temperature of the Netbox
208        """
209        return self.netbox_card.get_i(SPC_NETBOX_TEMPERATURE)
211    def shutdown(self):
212        """
213        Shutdown the Netbox (see register 'SPC_NETBOX_SHUTDOWN' in chapter `Netbox` in the manual)
214        """
215        self.netbox_card.set_i(SPC_NETBOX_SHUTDOWN, 0)
217    def restart(self):
218        """
219        Restart the Netbox (see register 'SPC_NETBOX_RESTART' in chapter `Netbox` in the manual)
220        """
221        self.netbox_card.set_i(SPC_NETBOX_RESTART, 0)
223    def fan_speed(self, id : int) -> int:
224        """
225        Returns the fan speed of the Netbox (see register 'SPC_NETBOX_FANSPEED' in chapter `Netbox` in the manual)
227        Returns
228        -------
229        int
230            The fan speed of the Netbox
231        """
232        return self.netbox_card.get_i(SPC_NETBOX_FANSPEED0 + id)

A hardware class that controls a Netbox device

  • netbox_card (Card): a card object that is the main card in the Netbox
  • netbox_number (int): the index of the netbox card in the list of cards
  • is_netbox (bool): a boolean that indicates if the card is a Netbox
Netbox( card_identifiers: list[str] = [], sync_identifier: str = '', find_sync: bool = False, **kwargs)
27    def __init__(self, card_identifiers : list[str] = [], sync_identifier : str = "", find_sync : bool = False, **kwargs) -> None:
28        """
29        Initialize the Netbox object with a list of card identifiers and a sync identifier
31        Parameters
32        ----------
33        card_identifiers : list[str] = []
34            a list of strings that represent the VISA strings of the cards
35        sync_identifier : str = ""
36            a string that represents the VISA string of the sync card
37        find_sync : bool = False
38            a boolean that indicates if the sync card should be found automatically
39        """
41        super().__init__(card_identifiers, sync_identifier, find_sync, **kwargs)
43        for id, card in enumerate(self.cards):
44            netbox_type = card.get_i(SPC_NETBOX_TYPE)
45            if netbox_type != 0:
46                self.netbox_card = card
47                self.netbox_number = id
48                self.is_netbox = True
49                break

Initialize the Netbox object with a list of card identifiers and a sync identifier

  • card_identifiers (list[str] = []): a list of strings that represent the VISA strings of the cards
  • sync_identifier (str = ""): a string that represents the VISA string of the sync card
  • find_sync (bool = False): a boolean that indicates if the sync card should be found automatically
netbox_card: Card = None
netbox_number: int = -1
is_netbox: bool = False
def type(self) -> dict[int, int, int, int]:
78    def type(self) -> dict[int, int, int, int]:
79        """
80        Returns the type of the Netbox (see register 'SPC_NETBOX_TYPE' in chapter `Netbox` in the manual)
82        Returns
83        -------
84        dict[int, int, int, int]
85            A dictionary with the series, family, speed and number of channels of the Netbox
86        """
88        netbox_type = self.netbox_card.get_i(SPC_NETBOX_TYPE)
89        netbox_series = (netbox_type & NETBOX_SERIES_MASK) >> 24
90        netbox_family = (netbox_type & NETBOX_FAMILY_MASK) >> 16
91        netbox_speed = (netbox_type & NETBOX_SPEED_MASK) >> 8
92        netbox_channel = (netbox_type & NETBOX_CHANNEL_MASK)
93        return {"series" : netbox_series, "family" : netbox_family, "speed" : netbox_speed, "channel" : netbox_channel}

Returns the type of the Netbox (see register 'SPC_NETBOX_TYPE' in chapter Netbox in the manual)

  • dict[int, int, int, int]: A dictionary with the series, family, speed and number of channels of the Netbox
def ip(self) -> str:
 95    def ip(self) -> str:
 96        """
 97        Returns the IP address of the Netbox using the device identifier of the netbox_card
 99        Returns
100        -------
101        str
102            The IP address of the Netbox
103        """
105        return self.id_to_ip(self.netbox_card.device_identifier)

Returns the IP address of the Netbox using the device identifier of the netbox_card

  • str: The IP address of the Netbox
def sn(self) -> int:
107    def sn(self) -> int:
108        """
109        Returns the serial number of the Netbox (see register 'SPC_NETBOX_SERIALNO' in chapter `Netbox` in the manual)
111        Returns
112        -------
113        int
114            The serial number of the Netbox
115        """
117        return self.netbox_card.get_i(SPC_NETBOX_SERIALNO)

Returns the serial number of the Netbox (see register 'SPC_NETBOX_SERIALNO' in chapter Netbox in the manual)

  • int: The serial number of the Netbox
def production_date(self) -> int:
119    def production_date(self) -> int:
120        """
121        Returns the production date of the Netbox (see register 'SPC_NETBOX_PRODUCTIONDATE' in chapter `Netbox` in the manual)
123        Returns
124        -------
125        int
126            The production date of the Netbox
127        """
129        return self.netbox_card.get_i(SPC_NETBOX_PRODUCTIONDATE)

Returns the production date of the Netbox (see register 'SPC_NETBOX_PRODUCTIONDATE' in chapter Netbox in the manual)

  • int: The production date of the Netbox
def hw_version(self) -> int:
131    def hw_version(self) -> int:
132        """
133        Returns the hardware version of the Netbox (see register 'SPC_NETBOX_HWVERSION' in chapter `Netbox` in the manual)
135        Returns
136        -------
137        int
138            The hardware version of the Netbox
139        """
141        return self.netbox_card.get_i(SPC_NETBOX_HWVERSION)

Returns the hardware version of the Netbox (see register 'SPC_NETBOX_HWVERSION' in chapter Netbox in the manual)

  • int: The hardware version of the Netbox
def sw_version(self) -> int:
143    def sw_version(self) -> int:
144        """
145        Returns the software version of the Netbox (see register 'SPC_NETBOX_SWVERSION' in chapter `Netbox` in the manual)
147        Returns
148        -------
149        int
150            The software version of the Netbox
151        """
153        return self.netbox_card.get_i(SPC_NETBOX_SWVERSION)

Returns the software version of the Netbox (see register 'SPC_NETBOX_SWVERSION' in chapter Netbox in the manual)

  • int: The software version of the Netbox
def features(self) -> int:
155    def features(self) -> int:
156        """
157        Returns the features of the Netbox (see register 'SPC_NETBOX_FEATURES' in chapter `Netbox` in the manual)
159        Returns
160        -------
161        int
162            The features of the Netbox
163        """
165        return self.netbox_card.get_i(SPC_NETBOX_FEATURES)

Returns the features of the Netbox (see register 'SPC_NETBOX_FEATURES' in chapter Netbox in the manual)

  • int: The features of the Netbox
def custom(self) -> int:
167    def custom(self) -> int:
168        """
169        Returns the custom code of the Netbox (see register 'SPC_NETBOX_CUSTOM' in chapter `Netbox` in the manual)
171        Returns
172        -------
173        int
174            The custom of the Netbox
175        """
176        return self.netbox_card.get_i(SPC_NETBOX_CUSTOM)

Returns the custom code of the Netbox (see register 'SPC_NETBOX_CUSTOM' in chapter Netbox in the manual)

  • int: The custom of the Netbox
def mac_address(self) -> int:
189    def mac_address(self) -> int:
190        """
191        Returns the mac address of the Netbox (see register 'SPC_NETBOX_MACADDRESS' in chapter `Netbox` in the manual)
193        Returns
194        -------
195        int
196            The mac address of the Netbox
197        """
198        return self.netbox_card.get_i(SPC_NETBOX_MACADDRESS)

Returns the mac address of the Netbox (see register 'SPC_NETBOX_MACADDRESS' in chapter Netbox in the manual)

  • int: The mac address of the Netbox
def temperature(self) -> int:
200    def temperature(self) -> int:
201        """
202        Returns the temperature of the Netbox (see register 'SPC_NETBOX_TEMPERATURE' in chapter `Netbox` in the manual)
204        Returns
205        -------
206        int
207            The temperature of the Netbox
208        """
209        return self.netbox_card.get_i(SPC_NETBOX_TEMPERATURE)

Returns the temperature of the Netbox (see register 'SPC_NETBOX_TEMPERATURE' in chapter Netbox in the manual)

  • int: The temperature of the Netbox
def shutdown(self):
211    def shutdown(self):
212        """
213        Shutdown the Netbox (see register 'SPC_NETBOX_SHUTDOWN' in chapter `Netbox` in the manual)
214        """
215        self.netbox_card.set_i(SPC_NETBOX_SHUTDOWN, 0)

Shutdown the Netbox (see register 'SPC_NETBOX_SHUTDOWN' in chapter Netbox in the manual)

def restart(self):
217    def restart(self):
218        """
219        Restart the Netbox (see register 'SPC_NETBOX_RESTART' in chapter `Netbox` in the manual)
220        """
221        self.netbox_card.set_i(SPC_NETBOX_RESTART, 0)

Restart the Netbox (see register 'SPC_NETBOX_RESTART' in chapter Netbox in the manual)

def fan_speed(self, id: int) -> int:
223    def fan_speed(self, id : int) -> int:
224        """
225        Returns the fan speed of the Netbox (see register 'SPC_NETBOX_FANSPEED' in chapter `Netbox` in the manual)
227        Returns
228        -------
229        int
230            The fan speed of the Netbox
231        """
232        return self.netbox_card.get_i(SPC_NETBOX_FANSPEED0 + id)

Returns the fan speed of the Netbox (see register 'SPC_NETBOX_FANSPEED' in chapter Netbox in the manual)

  • int: The fan speed of the Netbox
class CardFunctionality:
 6class CardFunctionality:
 7    """
 8    A prototype class for card specific functionality that needs it's own namespace
 9    """
10    card : Card
11    function_type = 0
13    def __init__(self, card : Card, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
14        """
15        Takes a Card object that is used by the functionality
17        Parameters
18        ----------
19        card : Card
20            a Card object on which the functionality works
21        """
22        self.card = card
23        self.function_type = self.card.function_type()
26    # Check if a card was found
27    def __bool__(self) -> bool:
28        """
29        Check for a connection to the active card
31        Returns
32        -------
33        bool
34            True for an active connection and false otherwise
36        """
38        return bool(self.card)

A prototype class for card specific functionality that needs it's own namespace

CardFunctionality(card: Card, *args, **kwargs)
13    def __init__(self, card : Card, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
14        """
15        Takes a Card object that is used by the functionality
17        Parameters
18        ----------
19        card : Card
20            a Card object on which the functionality works
21        """
22        self.card = card
23        self.function_type = self.card.function_type()

Takes a Card object that is used by the functionality

  • card (Card): a Card object on which the functionality works
card: Card
function_type = 0
class Channels:
494class Channels:
495    """
496    a higher-level abstraction of the CardFunctionality class to implement the Card's channel settings
497    """
499    cards : list[Card] = []
500    channels : list[Channel] = []
501    num_channels : list[int] = []
503    def __init__(self, card : Card = None, card_enable : int = None, stack : CardStack = None, stack_enable : list[int] = None) -> None:
504        """
505        Constructor of the Channels class
507        Parameters
508        ----------
509        card : Card = None
510            The card to be used
511        card_enable : int = None
512            The bitmask to enable specific channels
513        stack : CardStack = None
514            The card stack to be used
515        stack_enable : list[int] = None
516            The list of bitmasks to enable specific channels
518        Raises
519        ------
520        SpcmException
521            No card or card stack provided
522        """
524        self.cards = []
525        self.channels = []
526        self.num_channels = []
527        if card is not None:
528            self.cards.append(card)
529            if card_enable is not None:
530                self.channels_enable(enable_list=[card_enable])
531            else:
532                self.channels_enable(enable_all=True)
533        elif stack is not None:
534            self.cards = stack.cards
535            if stack_enable is not None:
536                self.channels_enable(enable_list=stack_enable)
537            else:
538                self.channels_enable(enable_all=True)
539        else:
540            raise SpcmException(text="No card or card stack provided")
542    def __str__(self) -> str:
543        """
544        String representation of the Channels class
546        Returns
547        -------
548        str
549            String representation of the Channels class
550        """
552        return f"Channels()"
554    __repr__ = __str__
556    def __iter__(self) -> "Channels":
557        """Define this class as an iterator"""
558        return self
560    def __getitem__(self, index : int) -> Channel:
561        """
562        This method is called to access the channel by index
564        Parameters
565        ----------
566        index : int
567            The index of the channel
569        Returns
570        -------
571        Channel
572            the channel at the specific index
573        """
576        return self.channels[index]
578    _channel_iterator_index = -1
579    def __next__(self) -> Channel:
580        """
581        This method is called when the next element is requested from the iterator
583        Returns
584        -------
585        Channel
586            the next available channel
588        Raises
589        ------
590        StopIteration
591        """
592        self._channel_iterator_index += 1
593        if self._channel_iterator_index >= len(self.channels):
594            self._channel_iterator_index = -1
595            raise StopIteration
596        return self.channels[self._channel_iterator_index]
598    def __len__(self) -> int:
599        """Returns the number of channels"""
600        return len(self.channels)
602    def write_setup(self) -> None:
603        """Write the setup to the card"""
604        for card in self.cards:
605            card.write_setup()
607    def channels_enable(self, enable_list : list[int] = None, enable_all : bool = False) -> int:
608        """
609        Enables or disables the channels of all the available cards (see register `SPC_CHENABLE` in the manual)
611        Parameters
612        ----------
613        enable_list : list[int] = None
614            A list of channels bitmasks to be enable or disable specific channels
615        enable_all : bool = False
616            Enable all the channels
618        Returns
619        -------
620        int
621            A list with items that indicate for each card the number of channels that are enabled, or True to enable all channels.
622        """
624        self.channels = []
625        self.num_channels = []
626        num_channels = 0
628        if enable_all:
629            for card in self.cards:
630                num_channels = card.num_channels()
631                card.set_i(SPC_CHENABLE, (1 << num_channels) - 1)
632                num_channels = card.get_i(SPC_CHCOUNT)
633                self.num_channels.append(num_channels)
634                for i in range(num_channels):
635                    self.channels.append(Channel(i, i, card))
636        elif enable_list is not None:
637            for enable, card in zip(enable_list, self.cards):
638                card.set_i(SPC_CHENABLE, enable)
639                num_channels = card.get_i(SPC_CHCOUNT)
640                self.num_channels.append(num_channels)
641                counter = 0
642                for i in range(len(bin(enable))):
643                    if (enable >> i) & 1:
644                        self.channels.append(Channel(i, counter, card))
645                        counter += 1
646        return sum(self.num_channels)
648    # def __getattribute__(self, name):
649    #     # print("Calling __getattr__: {}".format(name))
650    #     if hasattr(Channel, name):
651    #         def wrapper(*args, **kw):
652    #             for channel in self.channels:
653    #                 getattr(channel, name)(*args, **kw)
654    #         return wrapper
655    #     else:
656    #         return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
658    def enable(self, enable : bool) -> None:
659        """
660        Enables or disables the analog front-end of all channels of the card (see register `SPC_ENABLEOUT` in the manual)
662        Parameters
663        ----------
664        enable : bool
665            Turn-on (True) or off (False) the spezific channel
666        """
668        for channel in self.channels:
669            channel.enable(enable)
670    enable_out = enable
672    def path(self, value : int) -> None:
673        """
674        Sets the input path of the analog front-end of all channels of the card (see register `SPC_PATH` in the manual)
676        Parameters
677        ----------
678        value : int
679            The input path of the specific channel
680        """
682        for channel in self.channels:
683            channel.path(value)
685    def amp(self, value : int) -> None:
686        """
687        Sets the output/input range (amplitude) of the analog front-end of all channels of the card in mV (see register `SPC_AMP` in the manual)
689        Parameters
690        ----------
691        value : int
692            The output range (amplitude) of all channels in millivolts
693        """
695        for channel in self.channels:
696            channel.amp(value)
698    def offset(self, value : int) -> None:
699        """
700        Sets the offset of the analog front-end of all channels of the card in mV (see register `SPC_OFFSET` in the manual)
702        Parameters
703        ----------
704        value : int
705            The offset of all channels in millivolts
706        """
708        for channel in self.channels:
709            channel.offset(value)
711    def termination(self, value : int) -> None:
712        """
713        Sets the termination of the analog front-end of all channels of the card (see register `SPC_50OHM` in the manual)
715        Parameters
716        ----------
717        value : int
718            The termination of all channels
719        """
721        for channel in self.channels:
722            channel.termination(value)
724    def coupling(self, value : int) -> None:
725        """
726        Sets the coupling of the analog front-end of all channels of the card (see register `SPC_ACDC` in the manual)
728        Parameters
729        ----------
730        value : int
731            The coupling of all channels
732        """
734        for channel in self.channels:
735            channel.coupling(value)
737    def coupling_offset_compensation(self, value : int) -> None:
738        """
739        Sets the coupling offset compensation of the analog front-end of all channels of the card (see register `SPC_ACDC_OFFS_COMPENSATION` in the manual)
741        Parameters
742        ----------
743        value : int
744            The coupling offset compensation of all channels
745        """
747        for channel in self.channels:
748            channel.coupling_offset_compensation(value)
750    def filter(self, value : int) -> None:
751        """
752        Sets the filter of the analog front-end of all channels of the card (see register `SPC_FILTER` in the manual)
754        Parameters
755        ----------
756        value : int
757            The filter of all channels
758        """
760        for channel in self.channels:
761            channel.filter(value)
763    def stop_level(self, value : int) -> None:
764        """
765        Usually the used outputs of the analog generation boards are set to zero level after replay. 
766        This is in most cases adequate. In some cases it can be necessary to hold the last sample,
767        to output the maximum positive level or maximum negative level after replay. The stoplevel will 
768        stay on the defined level until the next output has been made. With this function
769        you can define the behavior after replay (see register `SPC_CH0_STOPLEVEL` in the manual)
771        Parameters
772        ----------
773        value : int
774            The wanted stop behaviour:
775        """
777        for channel in self.channels:
778            channel.stop_level(value)
780    def custom_stop(self, value : int) -> None:
781        """
782        Allows to define a 16bit wide custom level per channel for the analog output to enter in pauses. The sample format is 
783        exactly the same as during replay, as described in the „sample format“ section.
784        When synchronous digital bits are replayed along, the custom level must include these as well and therefore allows to 
785        set a custom level for each multi-purpose line separately. (see register `SPC_CH0_CUSTOM_STOP` in the manual)
787        Parameters
788        ----------
789        value : int
790            The custom stop value
791        """
793        for channel in self.channels:
794            channel.custom_stop(value)
796    def output_load(self, value : pint.Quantity) -> None:
797        """
798        Sets the electrical load of the user system connect the channel of the card. This is important for the correct
799        calculation of the output power. Typically, the load would be 50 Ohms, but it can be different.
801        Parameters
802        ----------
803        value : pint.Quantity
804            The electrical load connected by the user to the specific channel
805        """
806        for channel in self.channels:
807            channel.output_load(value)
809    def ch_mask(self) -> int:
810        """
811        Gets mask for the "or"- or "and"-mask
813        Returns
814        -------
815        int
816            The mask for the "or"- or "and"-mask
817        """
819        return sum([channel.ch_mask() for channel in self.channels])

a higher-level abstraction of the CardFunctionality class to implement the Card's channel settings

Channels( card: Card = None, card_enable: int = None, stack: CardStack = None, stack_enable: list[int] = None)
503    def __init__(self, card : Card = None, card_enable : int = None, stack : CardStack = None, stack_enable : list[int] = None) -> None:
504        """
505        Constructor of the Channels class
507        Parameters
508        ----------
509        card : Card = None
510            The card to be used
511        card_enable : int = None
512            The bitmask to enable specific channels
513        stack : CardStack = None
514            The card stack to be used
515        stack_enable : list[int] = None
516            The list of bitmasks to enable specific channels
518        Raises
519        ------
520        SpcmException
521            No card or card stack provided
522        """
524        self.cards = []
525        self.channels = []
526        self.num_channels = []
527        if card is not None:
528            self.cards.append(card)
529            if card_enable is not None:
530                self.channels_enable(enable_list=[card_enable])
531            else:
532                self.channels_enable(enable_all=True)
533        elif stack is not None:
534            self.cards = stack.cards
535            if stack_enable is not None:
536                self.channels_enable(enable_list=stack_enable)
537            else:
538                self.channels_enable(enable_all=True)
539        else:
540            raise SpcmException(text="No card or card stack provided")

Constructor of the Channels class

  • card (Card = None): The card to be used
  • card_enable (int = None): The bitmask to enable specific channels
  • stack (CardStack = None): The card stack to be used
  • stack_enable (list[int] = None): The list of bitmasks to enable specific channels
  • SpcmException: No card or card stack provided
cards: list[Card] = []
channels: list[Channel] = []
num_channels: list[int] = []
def write_setup(self) -> None:
602    def write_setup(self) -> None:
603        """Write the setup to the card"""
604        for card in self.cards:
605            card.write_setup()

Write the setup to the card

def channels_enable(self, enable_list: list[int] = None, enable_all: bool = False) -> int:
607    def channels_enable(self, enable_list : list[int] = None, enable_all : bool = False) -> int:
608        """
609        Enables or disables the channels of all the available cards (see register `SPC_CHENABLE` in the manual)
611        Parameters
612        ----------
613        enable_list : list[int] = None
614            A list of channels bitmasks to be enable or disable specific channels
615        enable_all : bool = False
616            Enable all the channels
618        Returns
619        -------
620        int
621            A list with items that indicate for each card the number of channels that are enabled, or True to enable all channels.
622        """
624        self.channels = []
625        self.num_channels = []
626        num_channels = 0
628        if enable_all:
629            for card in self.cards:
630                num_channels = card.num_channels()
631                card.set_i(SPC_CHENABLE, (1 << num_channels) - 1)
632                num_channels = card.get_i(SPC_CHCOUNT)
633                self.num_channels.append(num_channels)
634                for i in range(num_channels):
635                    self.channels.append(Channel(i, i, card))
636        elif enable_list is not None:
637            for enable, card in zip(enable_list, self.cards):
638                card.set_i(SPC_CHENABLE, enable)
639                num_channels = card.get_i(SPC_CHCOUNT)
640                self.num_channels.append(num_channels)
641                counter = 0
642                for i in range(len(bin(enable))):
643                    if (enable >> i) & 1:
644                        self.channels.append(Channel(i, counter, card))
645                        counter += 1
646        return sum(self.num_channels)

Enables or disables the channels of all the available cards (see register SPC_CHENABLE in the manual)

  • enable_list (list[int] = None): A list of channels bitmasks to be enable or disable specific channels
  • enable_all (bool = False): Enable all the channels
  • int: A list with items that indicate for each card the number of channels that are enabled, or True to enable all channels.
def enable(self, enable: bool) -> None:
658    def enable(self, enable : bool) -> None:
659        """
660        Enables or disables the analog front-end of all channels of the card (see register `SPC_ENABLEOUT` in the manual)
662        Parameters
663        ----------
664        enable : bool
665            Turn-on (True) or off (False) the spezific channel
666        """
668        for channel in self.channels:
669            channel.enable(enable)

Enables or disables the analog front-end of all channels of the card (see register SPC_ENABLEOUT in the manual)

  • enable (bool): Turn-on (True) or off (False) the spezific channel
def enable_out(self, enable: bool) -> None:
658    def enable(self, enable : bool) -> None:
659        """
660        Enables or disables the analog front-end of all channels of the card (see register `SPC_ENABLEOUT` in the manual)
662        Parameters
663        ----------
664        enable : bool
665            Turn-on (True) or off (False) the spezific channel
666        """
668        for channel in self.channels:
669            channel.enable(enable)

Enables or disables the analog front-end of all channels of the card (see register SPC_ENABLEOUT in the manual)

  • enable (bool): Turn-on (True) or off (False) the spezific channel
def path(self, value: int) -> None:
672    def path(self, value : int) -> None:
673        """
674        Sets the input path of the analog front-end of all channels of the card (see register `SPC_PATH` in the manual)
676        Parameters
677        ----------
678        value : int
679            The input path of the specific channel
680        """
682        for channel in self.channels:
683            channel.path(value)

Sets the input path of the analog front-end of all channels of the card (see register SPC_PATH in the manual)

  • value (int): The input path of the specific channel
def amp(self, value: int) -> None:
685    def amp(self, value : int) -> None:
686        """
687        Sets the output/input range (amplitude) of the analog front-end of all channels of the card in mV (see register `SPC_AMP` in the manual)
689        Parameters
690        ----------
691        value : int
692            The output range (amplitude) of all channels in millivolts
693        """
695        for channel in self.channels:
696            channel.amp(value)

Sets the output/input range (amplitude) of the analog front-end of all channels of the card in mV (see register SPC_AMP in the manual)

  • value (int): The output range (amplitude) of all channels in millivolts
def offset(self, value: int) -> None:
698    def offset(self, value : int) -> None:
699        """
700        Sets the offset of the analog front-end of all channels of the card in mV (see register `SPC_OFFSET` in the manual)
702        Parameters
703        ----------
704        value : int
705            The offset of all channels in millivolts
706        """
708        for channel in self.channels:
709            channel.offset(value)

Sets the offset of the analog front-end of all channels of the card in mV (see register SPC_OFFSET in the manual)

  • value (int): The offset of all channels in millivolts
def termination(self, value: int) -> None:
711    def termination(self, value : int) -> None:
712        """
713        Sets the termination of the analog front-end of all channels of the card (see register `SPC_50OHM` in the manual)
715        Parameters
716        ----------
717        value : int
718            The termination of all channels
719        """
721        for channel in self.channels:
722            channel.termination(value)

Sets the termination of the analog front-end of all channels of the card (see register SPC_50OHM in the manual)

  • value (int): The termination of all channels
def coupling(self, value: int) -> None:
724    def coupling(self, value : int) -> None:
725        """
726        Sets the coupling of the analog front-end of all channels of the card (see register `SPC_ACDC` in the manual)
728        Parameters
729        ----------
730        value : int
731            The coupling of all channels
732        """
734        for channel in self.channels:
735            channel.coupling(value)

Sets the coupling of the analog front-end of all channels of the card (see register SPC_ACDC in the manual)

  • value (int): The coupling of all channels
def coupling_offset_compensation(self, value: int) -> None:
737    def coupling_offset_compensation(self, value : int) -> None:
738        """
739        Sets the coupling offset compensation of the analog front-end of all channels of the card (see register `SPC_ACDC_OFFS_COMPENSATION` in the manual)
741        Parameters
742        ----------
743        value : int
744            The coupling offset compensation of all channels
745        """
747        for channel in self.channels:
748            channel.coupling_offset_compensation(value)

Sets the coupling offset compensation of the analog front-end of all channels of the card (see register SPC_ACDC_OFFS_COMPENSATION in the manual)

  • value (int): The coupling offset compensation of all channels
def filter(self, value: int) -> None:
750    def filter(self, value : int) -> None:
751        """
752        Sets the filter of the analog front-end of all channels of the card (see register `SPC_FILTER` in the manual)
754        Parameters
755        ----------
756        value : int
757            The filter of all channels
758        """
760        for channel in self.channels:
761            channel.filter(value)

Sets the filter of the analog front-end of all channels of the card (see register SPC_FILTER in the manual)

  • value (int): The filter of all channels
def stop_level(self, value: int) -> None:
763    def stop_level(self, value : int) -> None:
764        """
765        Usually the used outputs of the analog generation boards are set to zero level after replay. 
766        This is in most cases adequate. In some cases it can be necessary to hold the last sample,
767        to output the maximum positive level or maximum negative level after replay. The stoplevel will 
768        stay on the defined level until the next output has been made. With this function
769        you can define the behavior after replay (see register `SPC_CH0_STOPLEVEL` in the manual)
771        Parameters
772        ----------
773        value : int
774            The wanted stop behaviour:
775        """
777        for channel in self.channels:
778            channel.stop_level(value)

Usually the used outputs of the analog generation boards are set to zero level after replay. This is in most cases adequate. In some cases it can be necessary to hold the last sample, to output the maximum positive level or maximum negative level after replay. The stoplevel will stay on the defined level until the next output has been made. With this function you can define the behavior after replay (see register SPC_CH0_STOPLEVEL in the manual)

  • value (int): The wanted stop behaviour:
def custom_stop(self, value: int) -> None:
780    def custom_stop(self, value : int) -> None:
781        """
782        Allows to define a 16bit wide custom level per channel for the analog output to enter in pauses. The sample format is 
783        exactly the same as during replay, as described in the „sample format“ section.
784        When synchronous digital bits are replayed along, the custom level must include these as well and therefore allows to 
785        set a custom level for each multi-purpose line separately. (see register `SPC_CH0_CUSTOM_STOP` in the manual)
787        Parameters
788        ----------
789        value : int
790            The custom stop value
791        """
793        for channel in self.channels:
794            channel.custom_stop(value)

Allows to define a 16bit wide custom level per channel for the analog output to enter in pauses. The sample format is exactly the same as during replay, as described in the „sample format“ section. When synchronous digital bits are replayed along, the custom level must include these as well and therefore allows to set a custom level for each multi-purpose line separately. (see register SPC_CH0_CUSTOM_STOP in the manual)

  • value (int): The custom stop value
def output_load(self, value: pint.registry.Quantity) -> None:
796    def output_load(self, value : pint.Quantity) -> None:
797        """
798        Sets the electrical load of the user system connect the channel of the card. This is important for the correct
799        calculation of the output power. Typically, the load would be 50 Ohms, but it can be different.
801        Parameters
802        ----------
803        value : pint.Quantity
804            The electrical load connected by the user to the specific channel
805        """
806        for channel in self.channels:
807            channel.output_load(value)

Sets the electrical load of the user system connect the channel of the card. This is important for the correct calculation of the output power. Typically, the load would be 50 Ohms, but it can be different.

  • value (pint.Quantity): The electrical load connected by the user to the specific channel
def ch_mask(self) -> int:
809    def ch_mask(self) -> int:
810        """
811        Gets mask for the "or"- or "and"-mask
813        Returns
814        -------
815        int
816            The mask for the "or"- or "and"-mask
817        """
819        return sum([channel.ch_mask() for channel in self.channels])

Gets mask for the "or"- or "and"-mask

  • int: The mask for the "or"- or "and"-mask
class Channel:
 18class Channel:
 19    """A class to represent a channel of a card only used inside the Channels class in the list of channels"""
 21    card : Card = None
 22    index : int = 0
 23    data_index : int = 0
 25    _conversion_amp : pint.Quantity = None
 26    _conversion_offset : pint.Quantity = None
 27    _output_load : pint.Quantity = None
 28    _series_impedance : pint.Quantity = None
 30    def __init__(self, index : int, data_index : int, card : Card) -> None:
 31        """
 32        Constructor of the Channel class
 34        Parameters
 35        ----------
 36        index : int
 37            The index of the channel
 38        card : Card
 39            The card of the channel
 40        """
 42        self.card = card
 43        self.index = index
 44        self.data_index = data_index
 45        self._conversion_amp = None
 46        self._conversion_offset = 0 * units.percent
 47        self._output_load = 50 * units.ohm
 48        self._series_impedance = 50 * units.ohm
 50    def __str__(self) -> str:
 51        """
 52        String representation of the Channel class
 54        Returns
 55        -------
 56        str
 57            String representation of the Channel class
 58        """
 60        return f"Channel {self.index}"
 62    __repr__ = __str__
 64    def __int__(self) -> int:
 65        """
 66        The Channel object acts like an int and returns the index of the channel and can also be used as the index in an array
 68        Returns
 69        -------
 70        int
 71            The index of the channel
 72        """
 73        return self.data_index
 74    __index__ = __int__
 76    def __add__(self, other):
 77        """
 78        The Channel object again acts like an int and returns the index of the channel plus the other value
 80        Parameters
 81        ----------
 82        other : int or float
 83            The value to be added to the index of the channel
 85        Returns
 86        -------
 87        int or float
 88            The index of the channel plus the other value
 89        """
 90        return self.index + other
 92    def enable(self, enable : bool = None) -> bool:
 93        """
 94        Enables the analog front-end of the channel of the card (see register `SPC_ENABLEOUT` in the manual)
 96        Parameters
 97        ----------
 98        enable : bool
 99            Turn-on (True) or off (False) the spezific channel
101        Returns
102        -------
103        bool
104            The enable state of the specific channel
105        """
107        if enable is not None:
108            self.card.set_i(SPC_ENABLEOUT0 + (SPC_ENABLEOUT1 - SPC_ENABLEOUT0) * self.index, int(enable))
109        return bool(self.card.get_i(SPC_ENABLEOUT0 + (SPC_ENABLEOUT1 - SPC_ENABLEOUT0) * self.index))
110    enable_out = enable
112    def path(self, value : int = None) -> int:
113        """
114        Sets the input path of the channel of the card (see register `SPC_PATH0` in the manual)
116        Parameters
117        ----------
118        value : int
119            The input path of the specific channel
121        Returns
122        -------
123        int
124            The input path of the specific channel
125        """
127        if value is not None:
128            self.card.set_i(SPC_PATH0 + (SPC_PATH1 - SPC_PATH0) * self.index, value)
129        return self.card.get_i(SPC_PATH0 + (SPC_PATH1 - SPC_PATH0) * self.index)
131    def amp(self, value : int = None, return_unit = None) -> int:
132        """
133        Sets the output/input range (amplitude) of the analog front-end of the channel of the card in mV (see register `SPC_AMP` in the manual)
135        Parameters
136        ----------
137        value : int
138            The output range (amplitude) of the specific channel in millivolts
139        unit : pint.Unit = None
140            The unit of the return value
142        Returns
143        -------
144        int | pint.Quantity
145            The output range (amplitude) of the specific channel in millivolts or the unit specified
146        """
148        if value is not None:
149            if isinstance(value, pint.Quantity):
150                value = self.voltage_conversion(value)
151            self._conversion_amp = UnitConversion.force_unit(value, units.mV)
152            value = UnitConversion.convert(value, units.mV, int)
153            self.card.set_i(SPC_AMP0 + (SPC_AMP1 - SPC_AMP0) * self.index, value)
154        value = self.card.get_i(SPC_AMP0 + (SPC_AMP1 - SPC_AMP0) * self.index)
155        value = UnitConversion.to_unit(value * units.mV, return_unit)
156        return value
158    def offset(self, value : int = None, return_unit = None) -> int:
159        """
160        Sets the offset of the analog front-end of the channel of the card in % of the full range o rmV (see register `SPC_OFFS0` in the manual)
161        If the value is given and has a unit, then this unit is converted to the unit of the card (mV or %)
163        Parameters
164        ----------
165        value : int | pint.Quantity = None
166            The offset of the specific channel as integer in % or as a Quantity in % or mV
167        unit : pint.Unit = None
168            The unit of the return value
170        Returns
171        -------
172        int | pint.Quantity
173            The offset of the specific channel in % or the unit specified by return_unit
174        """
176        # Analog in cards are programmed in percent of the full range and analog output cards in mV (in the M2p, M4i/x and M5i families)
177        card_unit = 1
178        fnc_type = self.card.function_type()
179        if fnc_type == SPCM_TYPE_AI:
180            card_unit = units.percent
181        elif fnc_type == SPCM_TYPE_AO:
182            card_unit = units.mV
184        if value is not None:
185            # The user gives a value as a Quantity
186            if isinstance(value, pint.Quantity):
187                if fnc_type == SPCM_TYPE_AO:
188                    # The card expects a value in mV
189                    if value.check('[]'):
190                        # Convert from percent to mV
191                        value = (value * self._conversion_amp).to(card_unit)
192                    else:
193                        value = value.to(card_unit)
194                elif fnc_type == SPCM_TYPE_AI:
195                    # The card expects a value in percent
196                    if value.check('[electric_potential]'):
197                        # Convert from mV to percent
198                        value = (value / self._conversion_amp).to(card_unit)
199                    else:
200                        value = value.to(card_unit)
201            else:
202                # Value is given as a number
203                pass
205            value = UnitConversion.convert(value, card_unit, int)
206            self.card.set_i(SPC_OFFS0 + (SPC_OFFS1 - SPC_OFFS0) * self.index, value)
208        return_value = self.card.get_i(SPC_OFFS0 + (SPC_OFFS1 - SPC_OFFS0) * self.index)
209        # Turn the return value into a quantity
210        return_quantity = UnitConversion.to_unit(return_value, return_unit)
211        # Save the conversion offset to be able to convert the data to a quantity with the correct unit
212        self._conversion_offset = UnitConversion.force_unit(return_value, card_unit)
213        return return_quantity
215    def convert_data(self, data : npt.NDArray, return_unit : pint.Unit = units.mV) -> npt.NDArray:
216        """
217        Converts the data to the correct unit in units of electrical potential
219        Parameters
220        ----------
221        data : numpy.ndarray
222            The data to be converted
223        return_unit : pint.Unit = None
224            The unit of the return value
226        Returns
227        -------
228        numpy.ndarray
229            The converted data in units of electrical potential
230        """
232        max_value = self.card.max_sample_value()
233        if self._conversion_offset.check('[]'):
234            return_data = (data / max_value - self._conversion_offset) * self._conversion_amp
235        else:
236            return_data = (data / max_value) * self._conversion_amp - self._conversion_offset
237        return_data = UnitConversion.to_unit(return_data, return_unit)
238        return return_data
240    def reconvert_data(self, data : npt.NDArray) -> npt.NDArray:
241        """
242        Convert data with units back to integer values in units of electrical potential
244        Parameters
245        ----------
246        data : numpy.ndarray
247            The data to be reconverted
249        Returns
250        -------
251        numpy.ndarray
252            The reconverted data as integer in mV
253        """
255        if self._conversion_offset.check('[]'):
256            return_data = int((data / self._conversion_amp + self._conversion_offset) * self.card.max_sample_value())
257        else:
258            return_data = int(((data + self._conversion_offset) / self._conversion_amp) * self.card.max_sample_value())
259        return return_data
261    def termination(self, value : int) -> None:
262        """
263        Sets the termination of the analog front-end of the channel of the card (see register `SPC_50OHM0` in the manual)
265        Parameters
266        ----------
267        value : int | bool
268            The termination of the specific channel
269        """
271        self.card.set_i(SPC_50OHM0 + (SPC_50OHM1 - SPC_50OHM0) * self.index, int(value))
273    def get_termination(self) -> int:
274        """
275        Gets the termination of the analog front-end of the channel of the card (see register `SPC_50OHM0` in the manual)
277        Returns
278        -------
279        int
280            The termination of the specific channel
281        """
283        return self.card.get_i(SPC_50OHM0 + (SPC_50OHM1 - SPC_50OHM0) * self.index)
285    def coupling(self, value : int = None) -> int:
286        """
287        Sets the coupling of the analog front-end of the channel of the card (see register `SPC_ACDC0` in the manual)
289        Parameters
290        ----------
291        value : int
292            The coupling of the specific channel
294        Returns
295        -------
296        int
297            The coupling of the specific channel
298        """
300        if value is not None:
301            self.card.set_i(SPC_ACDC0 + (SPC_ACDC1 - SPC_ACDC0) * self.index, value)
302        return self.card.get_i(SPC_ACDC0 + (SPC_ACDC1 - SPC_ACDC0) * self.index)
304    def coupling_offset_compensation(self, value : int = None) -> int:
305        """
306        Enables or disables the coupling offset compensation of the analog front-end of the channel of the card (see register `SPC_ACDC_OFFS_COMPENSATION0` in the manual)
308        Parameters
309        ----------
310        value : int
311            Enables the coupling offset compensation of the specific channel
313        Returns
314        -------
315        int
316            return if the coupling offset compensation of the specific channel is enabled ("1") or disabled ("0")
317        """
319        if value is not None:
320            self.card.set_i(SPC_ACDC_OFFS_COMPENSATION0 + (SPC_ACDC_OFFS_COMPENSATION1 - SPC_ACDC_OFFS_COMPENSATION0) * self.index, value)
323    def filter(self, value : int = None) -> int:
324        """
325        Sets the filter of the analog front-end of the channel of the card (see register `SPC_FILTER0` in the manual)
327        Parameters
328        ----------
329        value : int
330            The filter of the specific channel
332        Returns
333        -------
334        int
335            The filter of the specific channel
336        """
338        if value is not None:
339            self.card.set_i(SPC_FILTER0 + (SPC_FILTER1 - SPC_FILTER0) * self.index, value)
340        return self.card.get_i(SPC_FILTER0 + (SPC_FILTER1 - SPC_FILTER0) * self.index)
342    def stop_level(self, value : int = None) -> int:
343        """
344        Usually the used outputs of the analog generation boards are set to zero level after replay. 
345        This is in most cases adequate. In some cases it can be necessary to hold the last sample,
346        to output the maximum positive level or maximum negative level after replay. The stoplevel will 
347        stay on the defined level until the next output has been made. With this function
348        you can define the behavior after replay (see register `SPC_CH0_STOPLEVEL` in the manual)
350        Parameters
351        ----------
352        value : int
353            The wanted stop behaviour
355        Returns
356        -------
357        int
358            The stop behaviour of the specific channel
359        """
361        if value is not None:
362            self.card.set_i(SPC_CH0_STOPLEVEL + self.index * (SPC_CH1_STOPLEVEL - SPC_CH0_STOPLEVEL), value)
363        return self.card.get_i(SPC_CH0_STOPLEVEL + self.index * (SPC_CH1_STOPLEVEL - SPC_CH0_STOPLEVEL))
365    def custom_stop(self, value : int = None) -> int:
366        """
367        Allows to define a 16bit wide custom level per channel for the analog output to enter in pauses. The sample format is 
368        exactly the same as during replay, as described in the „sample format“ section.
369        When synchronous digital bits are replayed along, the custom level must include these as well and therefore allows to 
370        set a custom level for each multi-purpose line separately. (see register `SPC_CH0_CUSTOM_STOP` in the manual)
372        Parameters
373        ----------
374        value : int
375            The custom stop value
377        Returns
378        -------
379        int
380            The custom stop value of the specific channel
382        TODO: change this to a specific unit?
383        """
385        if value is not None:
386            self.card.set_i(SPC_CH0_CUSTOM_STOP + self.index * (SPC_CH1_CUSTOM_STOP - SPC_CH0_CUSTOM_STOP), value)
387        return self.card.get_i(SPC_CH0_CUSTOM_STOP + self.index * (SPC_CH1_CUSTOM_STOP - SPC_CH0_CUSTOM_STOP))
389    def ch_mask(self) -> int:
390        """
391        Gets mask for the "or"- or "and"-mask
393        Returns
394        -------
395        int
396            The mask for the "or"- or "and"-mask
397        """
399        return 1 << self.index
401    def output_load(self, value : pint.Quantity = None) -> pint.Quantity:
402        """
403        Sets the electrical load of the user system connect the channel of the card. This is important for the correct
404        calculation of the output power. Typically, the load would be 50 Ohms, but it can be different.
406        Parameters
407        ----------
408        value : pint.Quantity
409            The electrical load connected by the user to the specific channel
411        Returns
412        -------
413        pint.Quantity
414            The electrical load connected by the user to the specific channel
415        """
416        if value is not None:
417            self._output_load = value
418        return self._output_load
420    def voltage_conversion(self, value : pint.Quantity) -> pint.Quantity:
421        """
422        Convert the voltage that is needed at a certain output load to the voltage setting of the card if the load would be 50 Ohm
424        Parameters
425        ----------
426        value : pint.Quantity
427            The voltage that is needed at a certain output load
429        Returns
430        -------
431        pint.Quantity
432            The corresponding voltage at an output load of 50 Ohm
433        """
435        # The two at the end is because the value expected by the card is defined for a 50 Ohm load
436        if self._output_load == np.inf * units.ohm:
437            return value / 2
438        return value / (self._output_load / (self._output_load + self._series_impedance)) / 2
440    def to_amplitude_fraction(self, value) -> float:
441        """
442        Convert the voltage, percentage or power to percentage of the full range of the card
444        Parameters
445        ----------
446        value : pint.Quantity | float
447            The voltage that should be outputted at a certain output load
449        Returns
450        -------
451        float
452            The corresponding fraction of the full range of the card
453        """
455        if isinstance(value, units.Quantity) and value.check("[power]"):
456            # U_pk = U_rms * sqrt(2)
457            value = np.sqrt(2 * value.to('mW') * self._output_load) / self._conversion_amp * 100 * units.percent
458        elif isinstance(value, units.Quantity) and value.check("[electric_potential]"):
459            # value in U_pk
460            value = self.voltage_conversion(value) / self._conversion_amp * 100 * units.percent
461        value = UnitConversion.convert(value, units.fraction, float, rounding=None)
462        return value
464    def from_amplitude_fraction(self, fraction, return_unit : pint.Quantity = None) -> pint.Quantity:
465        """
466        Convert the percentage of the full range to voltage, percentage or power
468        Parameters
469        ----------
470        fraction : float
471            The percentage of the full range of the card
472        return_unit : pint.Quantity
473            The unit of the return value
475        Returns
476        -------
477        pint.Quantity
478            The corresponding voltage, percentage or power
479        """
481        return_value = fraction
482        if isinstance(return_unit, units.Unit) and (1*return_unit).check("[power]"):
483            return_value = (np.power(self._conversion_amp * fraction, 2) / self._output_load / 2).to(return_unit)
484            # U_pk = U_rms * sqrt(2)
485        elif isinstance(return_unit, units.Unit) and (1*return_unit).check("[electric_potential]"):
486            return_value = (self._conversion_amp * fraction / (100 * units.percent)).to(return_unit)
487            # value in U_pk
488            # value = self.voltage_conversion(value) / self._conversion_amp * 100 * units.percent
489        elif isinstance(return_unit, units.Unit) and (1*return_unit).check("[]"):
490            return_value = UnitConversion.force_unit(fraction, return_unit)
491        return return_value

A class to represent a channel of a card only used inside the Channels class in the list of channels

Channel(index: int, data_index: int, card: Card)
30    def __init__(self, index : int, data_index : int, card : Card) -> None:
31        """
32        Constructor of the Channel class
34        Parameters
35        ----------
36        index : int
37            The index of the channel
38        card : Card
39            The card of the channel
40        """
42        self.card = card
43        self.index = index
44        self.data_index = data_index
45        self._conversion_amp = None
46        self._conversion_offset = 0 * units.percent
47        self._output_load = 50 * units.ohm
48        self._series_impedance = 50 * units.ohm

Constructor of the Channel class

  • index (int): The index of the channel
  • card (Card): The card of the channel
card: Card = None
index: int = 0
data_index: int = 0
def enable(self, enable: bool = None) -> bool:
 92    def enable(self, enable : bool = None) -> bool:
 93        """
 94        Enables the analog front-end of the channel of the card (see register `SPC_ENABLEOUT` in the manual)
 96        Parameters
 97        ----------
 98        enable : bool
 99            Turn-on (True) or off (False) the spezific channel
101        Returns
102        -------
103        bool
104            The enable state of the specific channel
105        """
107        if enable is not None:
108            self.card.set_i(SPC_ENABLEOUT0 + (SPC_ENABLEOUT1 - SPC_ENABLEOUT0) * self.index, int(enable))
109        return bool(self.card.get_i(SPC_ENABLEOUT0 + (SPC_ENABLEOUT1 - SPC_ENABLEOUT0) * self.index))

Enables the analog front-end of the channel of the card (see register SPC_ENABLEOUT in the manual)

  • enable (bool): Turn-on (True) or off (False) the spezific channel
  • bool: The enable state of the specific channel
def enable_out(self, enable: bool = None) -> bool:
 92    def enable(self, enable : bool = None) -> bool:
 93        """
 94        Enables the analog front-end of the channel of the card (see register `SPC_ENABLEOUT` in the manual)
 96        Parameters
 97        ----------
 98        enable : bool
 99            Turn-on (True) or off (False) the spezific channel
101        Returns
102        -------
103        bool
104            The enable state of the specific channel
105        """
107        if enable is not None:
108            self.card.set_i(SPC_ENABLEOUT0 + (SPC_ENABLEOUT1 - SPC_ENABLEOUT0) * self.index, int(enable))
109        return bool(self.card.get_i(SPC_ENABLEOUT0 + (SPC_ENABLEOUT1 - SPC_ENABLEOUT0) * self.index))

Enables the analog front-end of the channel of the card (see register SPC_ENABLEOUT in the manual)

  • enable (bool): Turn-on (True) or off (False) the spezific channel
  • bool: The enable state of the specific channel
def path(self, value: int = None) -> int:
112    def path(self, value : int = None) -> int:
113        """
114        Sets the input path of the channel of the card (see register `SPC_PATH0` in the manual)
116        Parameters
117        ----------
118        value : int
119            The input path of the specific channel
121        Returns
122        -------
123        int
124            The input path of the specific channel
125        """
127        if value is not None:
128            self.card.set_i(SPC_PATH0 + (SPC_PATH1 - SPC_PATH0) * self.index, value)
129        return self.card.get_i(SPC_PATH0 + (SPC_PATH1 - SPC_PATH0) * self.index)

Sets the input path of the channel of the card (see register SPC_PATH0 in the manual)

  • value (int): The input path of the specific channel
  • int: The input path of the specific channel
def amp(self, value: int = None, return_unit=None) -> int:
131    def amp(self, value : int = None, return_unit = None) -> int:
132        """
133        Sets the output/input range (amplitude) of the analog front-end of the channel of the card in mV (see register `SPC_AMP` in the manual)
135        Parameters
136        ----------
137        value : int
138            The output range (amplitude) of the specific channel in millivolts
139        unit : pint.Unit = None
140            The unit of the return value
142        Returns
143        -------
144        int | pint.Quantity
145            The output range (amplitude) of the specific channel in millivolts or the unit specified
146        """
148        if value is not None:
149            if isinstance(value, pint.Quantity):
150                value = self.voltage_conversion(value)
151            self._conversion_amp = UnitConversion.force_unit(value, units.mV)
152            value = UnitConversion.convert(value, units.mV, int)
153            self.card.set_i(SPC_AMP0 + (SPC_AMP1 - SPC_AMP0) * self.index, value)
154        value = self.card.get_i(SPC_AMP0 + (SPC_AMP1 - SPC_AMP0) * self.index)
155        value = UnitConversion.to_unit(value * units.mV, return_unit)
156        return value

Sets the output/input range (amplitude) of the analog front-end of the channel of the card in mV (see register SPC_AMP in the manual)

  • value (int): The output range (amplitude) of the specific channel in millivolts
  • unit (pint.Unit = None): The unit of the return value
  • int | pint.Quantity: The output range (amplitude) of the specific channel in millivolts or the unit specified
def offset(self, value: int = None, return_unit=None) -> int:
158    def offset(self, value : int = None, return_unit = None) -> int:
159        """
160        Sets the offset of the analog front-end of the channel of the card in % of the full range o rmV (see register `SPC_OFFS0` in the manual)
161        If the value is given and has a unit, then this unit is converted to the unit of the card (mV or %)
163        Parameters
164        ----------
165        value : int | pint.Quantity = None
166            The offset of the specific channel as integer in % or as a Quantity in % or mV
167        unit : pint.Unit = None
168            The unit of the return value
170        Returns
171        -------
172        int | pint.Quantity
173            The offset of the specific channel in % or the unit specified by return_unit
174        """
176        # Analog in cards are programmed in percent of the full range and analog output cards in mV (in the M2p, M4i/x and M5i families)
177        card_unit = 1
178        fnc_type = self.card.function_type()
179        if fnc_type == SPCM_TYPE_AI:
180            card_unit = units.percent
181        elif fnc_type == SPCM_TYPE_AO:
182            card_unit = units.mV
184        if value is not None:
185            # The user gives a value as a Quantity
186            if isinstance(value, pint.Quantity):
187                if fnc_type == SPCM_TYPE_AO:
188                    # The card expects a value in mV
189                    if value.check('[]'):
190                        # Convert from percent to mV
191                        value = (value * self._conversion_amp).to(card_unit)
192                    else:
193                        value = value.to(card_unit)
194                elif fnc_type == SPCM_TYPE_AI:
195                    # The card expects a value in percent
196                    if value.check('[electric_potential]'):
197                        # Convert from mV to percent
198                        value = (value / self._conversion_amp).to(card_unit)
199                    else:
200                        value = value.to(card_unit)
201            else:
202                # Value is given as a number
203                pass
205            value = UnitConversion.convert(value, card_unit, int)
206            self.card.set_i(SPC_OFFS0 + (SPC_OFFS1 - SPC_OFFS0) * self.index, value)
208        return_value = self.card.get_i(SPC_OFFS0 + (SPC_OFFS1 - SPC_OFFS0) * self.index)
209        # Turn the return value into a quantity
210        return_quantity = UnitConversion.to_unit(return_value, return_unit)
211        # Save the conversion offset to be able to convert the data to a quantity with the correct unit
212        self._conversion_offset = UnitConversion.force_unit(return_value, card_unit)
213        return return_quantity

Sets the offset of the analog front-end of the channel of the card in % of the full range o rmV (see register SPC_OFFS0 in the manual) If the value is given and has a unit, then this unit is converted to the unit of the card (mV or %)

  • value (int | pint.Quantity = None): The offset of the specific channel as integer in % or as a Quantity in % or mV
  • unit (pint.Unit = None): The unit of the return value
  • int | pint.Quantity: The offset of the specific channel in % or the unit specified by return_unit
def convert_data( self, data: numpy.ndarray[tuple[int, ...], numpy.dtype[+_ScalarType_co]], return_unit: pint.registry.Unit = <Unit('millivolt')>) -> numpy.ndarray[tuple[int, ...], numpy.dtype[+_ScalarType_co]]:
215    def convert_data(self, data : npt.NDArray, return_unit : pint.Unit = units.mV) -> npt.NDArray:
216        """
217        Converts the data to the correct unit in units of electrical potential
219        Parameters
220        ----------
221        data : numpy.ndarray
222            The data to be converted
223        return_unit : pint.Unit = None
224            The unit of the return value
226        Returns
227        -------
228        numpy.ndarray
229            The converted data in units of electrical potential
230        """
232        max_value = self.card.max_sample_value()
233        if self._conversion_offset.check('[]'):
234            return_data = (data / max_value - self._conversion_offset) * self._conversion_amp
235        else:
236            return_data = (data / max_value) * self._conversion_amp - self._conversion_offset
237        return_data = UnitConversion.to_unit(return_data, return_unit)
238        return return_data

Converts the data to the correct unit in units of electrical potential

  • data (numpy.ndarray): The data to be converted
  • return_unit (pint.Unit = None): The unit of the return value
  • numpy.ndarray: The converted data in units of electrical potential
def reconvert_data( self, data: numpy.ndarray[tuple[int, ...], numpy.dtype[+_ScalarType_co]]) -> numpy.ndarray[tuple[int, ...], numpy.dtype[+_ScalarType_co]]:
240    def reconvert_data(self, data : npt.NDArray) -> npt.NDArray:
241        """
242        Convert data with units back to integer values in units of electrical potential
244        Parameters
245        ----------
246        data : numpy.ndarray
247            The data to be reconverted
249        Returns
250        -------
251        numpy.ndarray
252            The reconverted data as integer in mV
253        """
255        if self._conversion_offset.check('[]'):
256            return_data = int((data / self._conversion_amp + self._conversion_offset) * self.card.max_sample_value())
257        else:
258            return_data = int(((data + self._conversion_offset) / self._conversion_amp) * self.card.max_sample_value())
259        return return_data

Convert data with units back to integer values in units of electrical potential

  • data (numpy.ndarray): The data to be reconverted
  • numpy.ndarray: The reconverted data as integer in mV
def termination(self, value: int) -> None:
261    def termination(self, value : int) -> None:
262        """
263        Sets the termination of the analog front-end of the channel of the card (see register `SPC_50OHM0` in the manual)
265        Parameters
266        ----------
267        value : int | bool
268            The termination of the specific channel
269        """
271        self.card.set_i(SPC_50OHM0 + (SPC_50OHM1 - SPC_50OHM0) * self.index, int(value))

Sets the termination of the analog front-end of the channel of the card (see register SPC_50OHM0 in the manual)

  • value (int | bool): The termination of the specific channel
def get_termination(self) -> int:
273    def get_termination(self) -> int:
274        """
275        Gets the termination of the analog front-end of the channel of the card (see register `SPC_50OHM0` in the manual)
277        Returns
278        -------
279        int
280            The termination of the specific channel
281        """
283        return self.card.get_i(SPC_50OHM0 + (SPC_50OHM1 - SPC_50OHM0) * self.index)

Gets the termination of the analog front-end of the channel of the card (see register SPC_50OHM0 in the manual)

  • int: The termination of the specific channel
def coupling(self, value: int = None) -> int:
285    def coupling(self, value : int = None) -> int:
286        """
287        Sets the coupling of the analog front-end of the channel of the card (see register `SPC_ACDC0` in the manual)
289        Parameters
290        ----------
291        value : int
292            The coupling of the specific channel
294        Returns
295        -------
296        int
297            The coupling of the specific channel
298        """
300        if value is not None:
301            self.card.set_i(SPC_ACDC0 + (SPC_ACDC1 - SPC_ACDC0) * self.index, value)
302        return self.card.get_i(SPC_ACDC0 + (SPC_ACDC1 - SPC_ACDC0) * self.index)

Sets the coupling of the analog front-end of the channel of the card (see register SPC_ACDC0 in the manual)

  • value (int): The coupling of the specific channel
  • int: The coupling of the specific channel
def coupling_offset_compensation(self, value: int = None) -> int:
304    def coupling_offset_compensation(self, value : int = None) -> int:
305        """
306        Enables or disables the coupling offset compensation of the analog front-end of the channel of the card (see register `SPC_ACDC_OFFS_COMPENSATION0` in the manual)
308        Parameters
309        ----------
310        value : int
311            Enables the coupling offset compensation of the specific channel
313        Returns
314        -------
315        int
316            return if the coupling offset compensation of the specific channel is enabled ("1") or disabled ("0")
317        """
319        if value is not None:
320            self.card.set_i(SPC_ACDC_OFFS_COMPENSATION0 + (SPC_ACDC_OFFS_COMPENSATION1 - SPC_ACDC_OFFS_COMPENSATION0) * self.index, value)

Enables or disables the coupling offset compensation of the analog front-end of the channel of the card (see register SPC_ACDC_OFFS_COMPENSATION0 in the manual)

  • value (int): Enables the coupling offset compensation of the specific channel
  • int: return if the coupling offset compensation of the specific channel is enabled ("1") or disabled ("0")
def filter(self, value: int = None) -> int:
323    def filter(self, value : int = None) -> int:
324        """
325        Sets the filter of the analog front-end of the channel of the card (see register `SPC_FILTER0` in the manual)
327        Parameters
328        ----------
329        value : int
330            The filter of the specific channel
332        Returns
333        -------
334        int
335            The filter of the specific channel
336        """
338        if value is not None:
339            self.card.set_i(SPC_FILTER0 + (SPC_FILTER1 - SPC_FILTER0) * self.index, value)
340        return self.card.get_i(SPC_FILTER0 + (SPC_FILTER1 - SPC_FILTER0) * self.index)

Sets the filter of the analog front-end of the channel of the card (see register SPC_FILTER0 in the manual)

  • value (int): The filter of the specific channel
  • int: The filter of the specific channel
def stop_level(self, value: int = None) -> int:
342    def stop_level(self, value : int = None) -> int:
343        """
344        Usually the used outputs of the analog generation boards are set to zero level after replay. 
345        This is in most cases adequate. In some cases it can be necessary to hold the last sample,
346        to output the maximum positive level or maximum negative level after replay. The stoplevel will 
347        stay on the defined level until the next output has been made. With this function
348        you can define the behavior after replay (see register `SPC_CH0_STOPLEVEL` in the manual)
350        Parameters
351        ----------
352        value : int
353            The wanted stop behaviour
355        Returns
356        -------
357        int
358            The stop behaviour of the specific channel
359        """
361        if value is not None:
362            self.card.set_i(SPC_CH0_STOPLEVEL + self.index * (SPC_CH1_STOPLEVEL - SPC_CH0_STOPLEVEL), value)
363        return self.card.get_i(SPC_CH0_STOPLEVEL + self.index * (SPC_CH1_STOPLEVEL - SPC_CH0_STOPLEVEL))

Usually the used outputs of the analog generation boards are set to zero level after replay. This is in most cases adequate. In some cases it can be necessary to hold the last sample, to output the maximum positive level or maximum negative level after replay. The stoplevel will stay on the defined level until the next output has been made. With this function you can define the behavior after replay (see register SPC_CH0_STOPLEVEL in the manual)

  • value (int): The wanted stop behaviour
  • int: The stop behaviour of the specific channel
def custom_stop(self, value: int = None) -> int:
365    def custom_stop(self, value : int = None) -> int:
366        """
367        Allows to define a 16bit wide custom level per channel for the analog output to enter in pauses. The sample format is 
368        exactly the same as during replay, as described in the „sample format“ section.
369        When synchronous digital bits are replayed along, the custom level must include these as well and therefore allows to 
370        set a custom level for each multi-purpose line separately. (see register `SPC_CH0_CUSTOM_STOP` in the manual)
372        Parameters
373        ----------
374        value : int
375            The custom stop value
377        Returns
378        -------
379        int
380            The custom stop value of the specific channel
382        TODO: change this to a specific unit?
383        """
385        if value is not None:
386            self.card.set_i(SPC_CH0_CUSTOM_STOP + self.index * (SPC_CH1_CUSTOM_STOP - SPC_CH0_CUSTOM_STOP), value)
387        return self.card.get_i(SPC_CH0_CUSTOM_STOP + self.index * (SPC_CH1_CUSTOM_STOP - SPC_CH0_CUSTOM_STOP))

Allows to define a 16bit wide custom level per channel for the analog output to enter in pauses. The sample format is exactly the same as during replay, as described in the „sample format“ section. When synchronous digital bits are replayed along, the custom level must include these as well and therefore allows to set a custom level for each multi-purpose line separately. (see register SPC_CH0_CUSTOM_STOP in the manual)

  • value (int): The custom stop value
  • int: The custom stop value of the specific channel
  • TODO (change this to a specific unit?):
def ch_mask(self) -> int:
389    def ch_mask(self) -> int:
390        """
391        Gets mask for the "or"- or "and"-mask
393        Returns
394        -------
395        int
396            The mask for the "or"- or "and"-mask
397        """
399        return 1 << self.index

Gets mask for the "or"- or "and"-mask

  • int: The mask for the "or"- or "and"-mask
def output_load(self, value: pint.registry.Quantity = None) -> pint.registry.Quantity:
401    def output_load(self, value : pint.Quantity = None) -> pint.Quantity:
402        """
403        Sets the electrical load of the user system connect the channel of the card. This is important for the correct
404        calculation of the output power. Typically, the load would be 50 Ohms, but it can be different.
406        Parameters
407        ----------
408        value : pint.Quantity
409            The electrical load connected by the user to the specific channel
411        Returns
412        -------
413        pint.Quantity
414            The electrical load connected by the user to the specific channel
415        """
416        if value is not None:
417            self._output_load = value
418        return self._output_load

Sets the electrical load of the user system connect the channel of the card. This is important for the correct calculation of the output power. Typically, the load would be 50 Ohms, but it can be different.

  • value (pint.Quantity): The electrical load connected by the user to the specific channel
  • pint.Quantity: The electrical load connected by the user to the specific channel
def voltage_conversion(self, value: pint.registry.Quantity) -> pint.registry.Quantity:
420    def voltage_conversion(self, value : pint.Quantity) -> pint.Quantity:
421        """
422        Convert the voltage that is needed at a certain output load to the voltage setting of the card if the load would be 50 Ohm
424        Parameters
425        ----------
426        value : pint.Quantity
427            The voltage that is needed at a certain output load
429        Returns
430        -------
431        pint.Quantity
432            The corresponding voltage at an output load of 50 Ohm
433        """
435        # The two at the end is because the value expected by the card is defined for a 50 Ohm load
436        if self._output_load == np.inf * units.ohm:
437            return value / 2
438        return value / (self._output_load / (self._output_load + self._series_impedance)) / 2

Convert the voltage that is needed at a certain output load to the voltage setting of the card if the load would be 50 Ohm

  • value (pint.Quantity): The voltage that is needed at a certain output load
  • pint.Quantity: The corresponding voltage at an output load of 50 Ohm
def to_amplitude_fraction(self, value) -> float:
440    def to_amplitude_fraction(self, value) -> float:
441        """
442        Convert the voltage, percentage or power to percentage of the full range of the card
444        Parameters
445        ----------
446        value : pint.Quantity | float
447            The voltage that should be outputted at a certain output load
449        Returns
450        -------
451        float
452            The corresponding fraction of the full range of the card
453        """
455        if isinstance(value, units.Quantity) and value.check("[power]"):
456            # U_pk = U_rms * sqrt(2)
457            value = np.sqrt(2 * value.to('mW') * self._output_load) / self._conversion_amp * 100 * units.percent
458        elif isinstance(value, units.Quantity) and value.check("[electric_potential]"):
459            # value in U_pk
460            value = self.voltage_conversion(value) / self._conversion_amp * 100 * units.percent
461        value = UnitConversion.convert(value, units.fraction, float, rounding=None)
462        return value

Convert the voltage, percentage or power to percentage of the full range of the card

  • value (pint.Quantity | float): The voltage that should be outputted at a certain output load
  • float: The corresponding fraction of the full range of the card
def from_amplitude_fraction( self, fraction, return_unit: pint.registry.Quantity = None) -> pint.registry.Quantity:
464    def from_amplitude_fraction(self, fraction, return_unit : pint.Quantity = None) -> pint.Quantity:
465        """
466        Convert the percentage of the full range to voltage, percentage or power
468        Parameters
469        ----------
470        fraction : float
471            The percentage of the full range of the card
472        return_unit : pint.Quantity
473            The unit of the return value
475        Returns
476        -------
477        pint.Quantity
478            The corresponding voltage, percentage or power
479        """
481        return_value = fraction
482        if isinstance(return_unit, units.Unit) and (1*return_unit).check("[power]"):
483            return_value = (np.power(self._conversion_amp * fraction, 2) / self._output_load / 2).to(return_unit)
484            # U_pk = U_rms * sqrt(2)
485        elif isinstance(return_unit, units.Unit) and (1*return_unit).check("[electric_potential]"):
486            return_value = (self._conversion_amp * fraction / (100 * units.percent)).to(return_unit)
487            # value in U_pk
488            # value = self.voltage_conversion(value) / self._conversion_amp * 100 * units.percent
489        elif isinstance(return_unit, units.Unit) and (1*return_unit).check("[]"):
490            return_value = UnitConversion.force_unit(fraction, return_unit)
491        return return_value

Convert the percentage of the full range to voltage, percentage or power

  • fraction (float): The percentage of the full range of the card
  • return_unit (pint.Quantity): The unit of the return value
  • pint.Quantity: The corresponding voltage, percentage or power
class Clock(spcm.CardFunctionality):
 12class Clock(CardFunctionality):
 13    """a higher-level abstraction of the CardFunctionality class to implement the Card's clock engine"""
 15    def __str__(self) -> str:
 16        """
 17        String representation of the Clock class
 19        Returns
 20        -------
 21        str
 22            String representation of the Clock class
 23        """
 25        return f"Clock(card={self.card})"
 27    __repr__ = __str__
 29    def write_setup(self) -> None:
 30        """Write the setup to the card"""
 31        self.card.write_setup()
 34    def mode(self, mode : int = None) -> int:
 35        """
 36        Set the clock mode of the card (see register `SPC_CLOCKMODE` in the manual)
 38        Parameters
 39        ----------
 40        mode : int
 41            The clock mode of the card
 43        Returns
 44        -------
 45        int
 46            The clock mode of the card
 47        """
 49        if mode is not None:
 50            self.card.set_i(SPC_CLOCKMODE, mode)
 51        return self.card.get_i(SPC_CLOCKMODE)
 53    def max_sample_rate(self, return_unit = None) -> int:
 54        """
 55        Returns the maximum sample rate of the active card (see register `SPC_MIINST_MAXADCLOCK` in the manual)
 57        Returns
 58        -------
 59        int
 60        """
 62        max_sr = self.card.get_i(SPC_MIINST_MAXADCLOCK)
 63        if return_unit is not None: max_sr = UnitConversion.to_unit(max_sr * units.Hz, return_unit)
 64        return max_sr
 66    def sample_rate(self, sample_rate = 0, max : bool = False, return_unit = None) -> int:
 67        """
 68        Sets or gets the current sample rate of the handled card (see register `SPC_SAMPLERATE` in the manual)
 70        Parameters
 71        ----------
 72        sample_rate : int | pint.Quantity = 0
 73            if the parameter sample_rate is given with the function call, then the card's sample rate is set to that value
 74        max : bool = False
 75            if max is True, the method sets the maximum sample rate of the card
 76        unit : pint.Unit = None
 77            the unit of the sample rate, by default None
 79        Returns
 80        -------
 81        int
 82            the current sample rate in Samples/s
 83        """
 85        if max: sample_rate = self.max_sample_rate()
 86        if sample_rate:
 87            if isinstance(sample_rate, units.Quantity) and sample_rate.check("[]"):
 88                max_sr = self.max_sample_rate()
 89                sample_rate = sample_rate.to_base_units().magnitude * max_sr
 90            sample_rate = UnitConversion.convert(sample_rate, units.Hz, int)
 91            self.card.set_i(SPC_SAMPLERATE, int(sample_rate))
 92        return_value = self.card.get_i(SPC_SAMPLERATE)
 93        if return_unit is not None: return_value = UnitConversion.to_unit(return_value * units.Hz, return_unit)
 94        return return_value
 96    def clock_output(self, clock_output : int = None) -> int:
 97        """
 98        Set the clock output of the card (see register `SPC_CLOCKOUT` in the manual)
100        Parameters
101        ----------
102        clock_output : int
103            the clock output of the card
105        Returns
106        -------
107        int
108            the clock output of the card
109        """
111        if clock_output is not None:
112            self.card.set_i(SPC_CLOCKOUT, int(clock_output))
113        return self.card.get_i(SPC_CLOCKOUT)
114    output = clock_output
116    def reference_clock(self, reference_clock : int = None) -> int:
117        """
118        Set the reference clock of the card (see register `SPC_REFERENCECLOCK` in the manual)
120        Parameters
121        ----------
122        reference_clock : int | pint.Quantity
123            the reference clock of the card in Hz
125        Returns
126        -------
127        int
128            the reference clock of the card in Hz
129        """
131        if reference_clock is not None:
132            reference_clock = UnitConversion.convert(reference_clock, units.Hz, int)
133            self.card.set_i(SPC_REFERENCECLOCK, reference_clock)
134        return self.card.get_i(SPC_REFERENCECLOCK)
136    def termination(self, termination : int = None) -> int:
137        """
138        Set the termination for the clock input of the card (see register `SPC_CLOCK50OHM` in the manual)
140        Parameters
141        ----------
142        termination : int | bool
143            the termination of the card
145        Returns
146        -------
147        int
148            the termination of the card
149        """
151        if termination is not None:
152            self.card.set_i(SPC_CLOCK50OHM, int(termination))
153        return self.card.get_i(SPC_CLOCK50OHM)
155    def threshold(self, value : int = None, return_unit = None) -> int:
156        """
157        Set the clock threshold of the card (see register `SPC_CLOCKTHRESHOLD` in the manual)
159        Parameters
160        ----------
161        value : int
162            the clock threshold of the card
163        return_unit : pint.Unit = None
164            the unit of the clock threshold
166        Returns
167        -------
168        int | pint.Quantity
169            the clock threshold of the card
170        """
172        if value is not None:
173            value = UnitConversion.convert(value, units.mV, int)
174            self.card.set_i(SPC_CLOCK_THRESHOLD, int(value))
175        value = self.card.get_i(SPC_CLOCK_THRESHOLD)
176        value = UnitConversion.to_unit(value * units.mV, return_unit)
177        return value
179    def threshold_min(self, return_unit = None) -> int:
180        """
181        Returns the minimum clock threshold of the card (see register `SPC_CLOCK_AVAILTHRESHOLD_MIN` in the manual)
183        Parameters
184        ----------
185        return_unit : pint.Unit = None
186            the unit of the return clock threshold
188        Returns
189        -------
190        int
191            the minimum clock threshold of the card
192        """
194        value = self.card.get_i(SPC_CLOCK_AVAILTHRESHOLD_MIN)
195        value = UnitConversion.to_unit(value * units.mV, return_unit)
196        return value
198    def threshold_max(self, return_unit = None) -> int:
199        """
200        Returns the maximum clock threshold of the card (see register `SPC_CLOCK_AVAILTHRESHOLD_MAX` in the manual)
202        Parameters
203        ----------
204        return_unit : pint.Unit = None
205            the unit of the return clock threshold
207        Returns
208        -------
209        int
210            the maximum clock threshold of the card
211        """
213        value = self.card.get_i(SPC_CLOCK_AVAILTHRESHOLD_MAX)
214        value = UnitConversion.to_unit(value * units.mV, return_unit)
215        return value
217    def threshold_step(self, return_unit = None) -> int:
218        """
219        Returns the step of the clock threshold of the card (see register `SPC_CLOCK_AVAILTHRESHOLD_STEP` in the manual)
221        Parameters
222        ----------
223        return_unit : pint.Unit = None
224            the unit of the return clock threshold
226        Returns
227        -------
228        int
229            the step of the clock threshold of the card
230        """
232        value = self.card.get_i(SPC_CLOCK_AVAILTHRESHOLD_STEP)
233        value = UnitConversion.to_unit(value * units.mV, return_unit)
234        return value

a higher-level abstraction of the CardFunctionality class to implement the Card's clock engine

def write_setup(self) -> None:
29    def write_setup(self) -> None:
30        """Write the setup to the card"""
31        self.card.write_setup()

Write the setup to the card

def mode(self, mode: int = None) -> int:
34    def mode(self, mode : int = None) -> int:
35        """
36        Set the clock mode of the card (see register `SPC_CLOCKMODE` in the manual)
38        Parameters
39        ----------
40        mode : int
41            The clock mode of the card
43        Returns
44        -------
45        int
46            The clock mode of the card
47        """
49        if mode is not None:
50            self.card.set_i(SPC_CLOCKMODE, mode)
51        return self.card.get_i(SPC_CLOCKMODE)

Set the clock mode of the card (see register SPC_CLOCKMODE in the manual)

  • mode (int): The clock mode of the card
  • int: The clock mode of the card
def max_sample_rate(self, return_unit=None) -> int:
53    def max_sample_rate(self, return_unit = None) -> int:
54        """
55        Returns the maximum sample rate of the active card (see register `SPC_MIINST_MAXADCLOCK` in the manual)
57        Returns
58        -------
59        int
60        """
62        max_sr = self.card.get_i(SPC_MIINST_MAXADCLOCK)
63        if return_unit is not None: max_sr = UnitConversion.to_unit(max_sr * units.Hz, return_unit)
64        return max_sr

Returns the maximum sample rate of the active card (see register SPC_MIINST_MAXADCLOCK in the manual)

  • int
def sample_rate(self, sample_rate=0, max: bool = False, return_unit=None) -> int:
66    def sample_rate(self, sample_rate = 0, max : bool = False, return_unit = None) -> int:
67        """
68        Sets or gets the current sample rate of the handled card (see register `SPC_SAMPLERATE` in the manual)
70        Parameters
71        ----------
72        sample_rate : int | pint.Quantity = 0
73            if the parameter sample_rate is given with the function call, then the card's sample rate is set to that value
74        max : bool = False
75            if max is True, the method sets the maximum sample rate of the card
76        unit : pint.Unit = None
77            the unit of the sample rate, by default None
79        Returns
80        -------
81        int
82            the current sample rate in Samples/s
83        """
85        if max: sample_rate = self.max_sample_rate()
86        if sample_rate:
87            if isinstance(sample_rate, units.Quantity) and sample_rate.check("[]"):
88                max_sr = self.max_sample_rate()
89                sample_rate = sample_rate.to_base_units().magnitude * max_sr
90            sample_rate = UnitConversion.convert(sample_rate, units.Hz, int)
91            self.card.set_i(SPC_SAMPLERATE, int(sample_rate))
92        return_value = self.card.get_i(SPC_SAMPLERATE)
93        if return_unit is not None: return_value = UnitConversion.to_unit(return_value * units.Hz, return_unit)
94        return return_value

Sets or gets the current sample rate of the handled card (see register SPC_SAMPLERATE in the manual)

  • sample_rate (int | pint.Quantity = 0): if the parameter sample_rate is given with the function call, then the card's sample rate is set to that value
  • max (bool = False): if max is True, the method sets the maximum sample rate of the card
  • unit (pint.Unit = None): the unit of the sample rate, by default None
  • int: the current sample rate in Samples/s
def clock_output(self, clock_output: int = None) -> int:
 96    def clock_output(self, clock_output : int = None) -> int:
 97        """
 98        Set the clock output of the card (see register `SPC_CLOCKOUT` in the manual)
100        Parameters
101        ----------
102        clock_output : int
103            the clock output of the card
105        Returns
106        -------
107        int
108            the clock output of the card
109        """
111        if clock_output is not None:
112            self.card.set_i(SPC_CLOCKOUT, int(clock_output))
113        return self.card.get_i(SPC_CLOCKOUT)

Set the clock output of the card (see register SPC_CLOCKOUT in the manual)

  • clock_output (int): the clock output of the card
  • int: the clock output of the card
def output(self, clock_output: int = None) -> int:
 96    def clock_output(self, clock_output : int = None) -> int:
 97        """
 98        Set the clock output of the card (see register `SPC_CLOCKOUT` in the manual)
100        Parameters
101        ----------
102        clock_output : int
103            the clock output of the card
105        Returns
106        -------
107        int
108            the clock output of the card
109        """
111        if clock_output is not None:
112            self.card.set_i(SPC_CLOCKOUT, int(clock_output))
113        return self.card.get_i(SPC_CLOCKOUT)

Set the clock output of the card (see register SPC_CLOCKOUT in the manual)

  • clock_output (int): the clock output of the card
  • int: the clock output of the card
def reference_clock(self, reference_clock: int = None) -> int:
116    def reference_clock(self, reference_clock : int = None) -> int:
117        """
118        Set the reference clock of the card (see register `SPC_REFERENCECLOCK` in the manual)
120        Parameters
121        ----------
122        reference_clock : int | pint.Quantity
123            the reference clock of the card in Hz
125        Returns
126        -------
127        int
128            the reference clock of the card in Hz
129        """
131        if reference_clock is not None:
132            reference_clock = UnitConversion.convert(reference_clock, units.Hz, int)
133            self.card.set_i(SPC_REFERENCECLOCK, reference_clock)
134        return self.card.get_i(SPC_REFERENCECLOCK)

Set the reference clock of the card (see register SPC_REFERENCECLOCK in the manual)

  • reference_clock (int | pint.Quantity): the reference clock of the card in Hz
  • int: the reference clock of the card in Hz
def termination(self, termination: int = None) -> int:
136    def termination(self, termination : int = None) -> int:
137        """
138        Set the termination for the clock input of the card (see register `SPC_CLOCK50OHM` in the manual)
140        Parameters
141        ----------
142        termination : int | bool
143            the termination of the card
145        Returns
146        -------
147        int
148            the termination of the card
149        """
151        if termination is not None:
152            self.card.set_i(SPC_CLOCK50OHM, int(termination))
153        return self.card.get_i(SPC_CLOCK50OHM)

Set the termination for the clock input of the card (see register SPC_CLOCK50OHM in the manual)

  • termination (int | bool): the termination of the card
  • int: the termination of the card
def threshold(self, value: int = None, return_unit=None) -> int:
155    def threshold(self, value : int = None, return_unit = None) -> int:
156        """
157        Set the clock threshold of the card (see register `SPC_CLOCKTHRESHOLD` in the manual)
159        Parameters
160        ----------
161        value : int
162            the clock threshold of the card
163        return_unit : pint.Unit = None
164            the unit of the clock threshold
166        Returns
167        -------
168        int | pint.Quantity
169            the clock threshold of the card
170        """
172        if value is not None:
173            value = UnitConversion.convert(value, units.mV, int)
174            self.card.set_i(SPC_CLOCK_THRESHOLD, int(value))
175        value = self.card.get_i(SPC_CLOCK_THRESHOLD)
176        value = UnitConversion.to_unit(value * units.mV, return_unit)
177        return value

Set the clock threshold of the card (see register SPC_CLOCKTHRESHOLD in the manual)

  • value (int): the clock threshold of the card
  • return_unit (pint.Unit = None): the unit of the clock threshold
  • int | pint.Quantity: the clock threshold of the card
def threshold_min(self, return_unit=None) -> int:
179    def threshold_min(self, return_unit = None) -> int:
180        """
181        Returns the minimum clock threshold of the card (see register `SPC_CLOCK_AVAILTHRESHOLD_MIN` in the manual)
183        Parameters
184        ----------
185        return_unit : pint.Unit = None
186            the unit of the return clock threshold
188        Returns
189        -------
190        int
191            the minimum clock threshold of the card
192        """
194        value = self.card.get_i(SPC_CLOCK_AVAILTHRESHOLD_MIN)
195        value = UnitConversion.to_unit(value * units.mV, return_unit)
196        return value

Returns the minimum clock threshold of the card (see register SPC_CLOCK_AVAILTHRESHOLD_MIN in the manual)

  • return_unit (pint.Unit = None): the unit of the return clock threshold
  • int: the minimum clock threshold of the card
def threshold_max(self, return_unit=None) -> int:
198    def threshold_max(self, return_unit = None) -> int:
199        """
200        Returns the maximum clock threshold of the card (see register `SPC_CLOCK_AVAILTHRESHOLD_MAX` in the manual)
202        Parameters
203        ----------
204        return_unit : pint.Unit = None
205            the unit of the return clock threshold
207        Returns
208        -------
209        int
210            the maximum clock threshold of the card
211        """
213        value = self.card.get_i(SPC_CLOCK_AVAILTHRESHOLD_MAX)
214        value = UnitConversion.to_unit(value * units.mV, return_unit)
215        return value

Returns the maximum clock threshold of the card (see register SPC_CLOCK_AVAILTHRESHOLD_MAX in the manual)

  • return_unit (pint.Unit = None): the unit of the return clock threshold
  • int: the maximum clock threshold of the card
def threshold_step(self, return_unit=None) -> int:
217    def threshold_step(self, return_unit = None) -> int:
218        """
219        Returns the step of the clock threshold of the card (see register `SPC_CLOCK_AVAILTHRESHOLD_STEP` in the manual)
221        Parameters
222        ----------
223        return_unit : pint.Unit = None
224            the unit of the return clock threshold
226        Returns
227        -------
228        int
229            the step of the clock threshold of the card
230        """
232        value = self.card.get_i(SPC_CLOCK_AVAILTHRESHOLD_STEP)
233        value = UnitConversion.to_unit(value * units.mV, return_unit)
234        return value

Returns the step of the clock threshold of the card (see register SPC_CLOCK_AVAILTHRESHOLD_STEP in the manual)

  • return_unit (pint.Unit = None): the unit of the return clock threshold
  • int: the step of the clock threshold of the card
class Trigger(spcm.CardFunctionality):
 16class Trigger(CardFunctionality):
 17    """a higher-level abstraction of the CardFunctionality class to implement the Card's Trigger engine"""
 19    channels : Channels = None
 21    def __init__(self, card : 'Card', **kwargs) -> None:
 22        """
 23        Constructor of the Trigger class
 25        Parameters
 26        ----------
 27        card : Card
 28            The card to use for the Trigger class
 29        """
 31        super().__init__(card)
 32        self.channels = kwargs.get('channels', None)
 34    def __str__(self) -> str:
 35        """
 36        String representation of the Trigger class
 38        Returns
 39        -------
 40        str
 41            String representation of the Trigger class
 42        """
 44        return f"Trigger(card={self.card})"
 46    __repr__ = __str__
 48    def enable(self) -> None:
 49        """Enables the trigger engine (see command 'M2CMD_CARD_ENABLETRIGGER' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)"""
 50        self.card.cmd(M2CMD_CARD_ENABLETRIGGER)
 52    def disable(self) -> None:
 53        """Disables the trigger engine (see command 'M2CMD_CARD_DISABLETRIGGER' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)"""
 54        self.card.cmd(M2CMD_CARD_DISABLETRIGGER)
 56    def force(self) -> None:
 57        """Forces a trigger event if the hardware is still waiting for a trigger event. (see command 'M2CMD_CARD_FORCETRIGGER' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)"""
 58        self.card.cmd(M2CMD_CARD_FORCETRIGGER)
 60    def write_setup(self) -> None:
 61        """Write the trigger setup to the card"""
 62        self.card.write_setup()
 64    # OR Mask
 65    def or_mask(self, mask : int = None) -> int:
 66        """
 67        Set the OR mask for the trigger input lines (see register 'SPC_TRIG_ORMASK' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)
 69        Parameters
 70        ----------
 71        mask : int
 72            The OR mask for the trigger input lines
 74        Returns
 75        -------
 76        int
 77            The OR mask for the trigger input lines
 78        """
 80        if mask is not None:
 81            self.card.set_i(SPC_TRIG_ORMASK, mask)
 82        return self.card.get_i(SPC_TRIG_ORMASK)
 84    # AND Mask
 85    def and_mask(self, mask : int = None) -> int:
 86        """
 87        Set the AND mask for the trigger input lines (see register 'SPC_TRIG_ANDMASK' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)
 89        Parameters
 90        ----------
 91        mask : int
 92            The AND mask for the trigger input lines
 94        Returns
 95        -------
 96        int
 97            The AND mask for the trigger input lines
 98        """
100        if mask is not None:
101            self.card.set_i(SPC_TRIG_ANDMASK, mask)
102        return self.card.get_i(SPC_TRIG_ANDMASK)
104    # Channel triggering
105    def ch_mode(self, channel, mode : int = None) -> int:
106        """
107        Set the mode for the trigger input lines (see register 'SPC_TRIG_CH0_MODE' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)
109        Parameters
110        ----------
111        channel : int | Channel
112            The channel to set the mode for
113        mode : int
114            The mode for the trigger input lines
116        Returns
117        -------
118        int
119            The mode for the trigger input lines
121        """
123        channel_index = int(channel)
124        if mode is not None:
125            self.card.set_i(SPC_TRIG_CH0_MODE + channel_index, mode)
126        return self.card.get_i(SPC_TRIG_CH0_MODE + channel_index)
128    def ch_level(self, channel : int, level_num : int, level_value = None, return_unit : pint.Unit = None) -> int:
129        """
130        Set the level for the trigger input lines (see register 'SPC_TRIG_CH0_LEVEL0' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)
132        Parameters
133        ----------
134        channel : int | Channel
135            The channel to set the level for
136        level_num : int
137            The level 0 or level 1
138        level_value : int | pint.Quantity | None
139            The level for the trigger input lines
141        Returns
142        -------
143        int
144            The level for the trigger input lines
145        """
147        channel_index = int(channel)
148        # if a level value is given in the form of a quantity, convert it to the card's unit as a integer value
149        if isinstance(level_value, units.Quantity):
150            if isinstance(channel, Channel):
151                level_value = channel.reconvert_data(level_value)
152            elif self.channels and isinstance(self.channels[channel_index], Channel):
153                level_value = self.channels[channel_index].reconvert_data(level_value)
154            else:
155                raise ValueError("No channel information available to convert the trigger level value. Please provide a channel object or set the channel information in the Trigger object.")
157        if isinstance(level_value, int):
158            self.card.set_i(SPC_TRIG_CH0_LEVEL0 + channel_index + 100 * level_num, level_value)
160        return_value = self.card.get_i(SPC_TRIG_CH0_LEVEL0 + channel_index + 100 * level_num)
161        # if a return unit is given, convert the value to the given unit if a channel object is available
162        if isinstance(return_unit, pint.Unit):
163            if isinstance(channel, Channel):
164                return_value = channel.convert_data(return_value, return_unit=return_unit)
165            elif self.channels and isinstance(self.channels[channel_index], Channel):
166                return_value = self.channels[channel_index].convert_data(return_value, return_unit=return_unit)
167            else:
168                raise ValueError("No channel information available to convert the returning trigger level value. Please provide a channel object or set the channel information in the Trigger object.")
170        return return_value
172    def ch_level0(self, channel : int, level_value = None, return_unit : pint.Unit = None) -> int:
173        """
174        Set the level 0 for the trigger input lines (see register 'SPC_TRIG_CH0_LEVEL0' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)
176        Parameters
177        ----------
178        channel : int | Channel
179            The channel to set the level for
180        level_value : int | pint.Quantity | None
181            The level for the trigger input lines
183        Returns
184        -------
185        int
186            The level for the trigger input lines
187        """
189        return self.ch_level(channel, 0, level_value, return_unit)
191    def ch_level1(self, channel : int, level_value = None, return_unit : pint.Unit = None) -> int:
192        """
193        Set the level 1 for the trigger input lines (see register 'SPC_TRIG_CH0_LEVEL1' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)
195        Parameters
196        ----------
197        channel : int | Channel
198            The channel to set the level for
199        level_value : int | pint.Quantity | None
200            The level for the trigger input lines
202        Returns
203        -------
204        int
205            The level for the trigger input lines
206        """
208        return self.ch_level(channel, 1, level_value, return_unit)
210    # Channel OR Mask0
211    def ch_or_mask0(self, mask : int = None) -> int:
212        """
213        Set the channel OR mask0 for the trigger input lines (see register 'SPC_TRIG_CH_ORMASK0' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)
215        Parameters
216        ----------
217        mask : int
218            The OR mask for the trigger input lines
220        Returns
221        -------
222        int
223            The OR mask for the trigger input lines
224        """
226        if mask is not None:
227            self.card.set_i(SPC_TRIG_CH_ORMASK0, mask)
228        return self.card.get_i(SPC_TRIG_CH_ORMASK0)
230    # Channel AND Mask0
231    def ch_and_mask0(self, mask : int = None) -> int:
232        """
233        Set the AND mask0 for the trigger input lines (see register 'SPC_TRIG_CH_ANDMASK0' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)
235        Parameters
236        ----------
237        mask : int
238            The AND mask0 for the trigger input lines
240        Returns
241        -------
242        int
243            The AND mask0 for the trigger input lines
244        """
246        if mask is not None:
247            self.card.set_i(SPC_TRIG_CH_ANDMASK0, mask)
248        return self.card.get_i(SPC_TRIG_CH_ANDMASK0)
250    # Delay
251    def delay(self, delay = None, return_unit : pint.Unit = None) -> int:
252        """
253        Set the delay for the trigger input lines in number of sample clocks (see register 'SPC_TRIG_DELAY' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)
255        Parameters
256        ----------
257        delay : int | pint.Quantity
258            The delay for the trigger input lines
259        return_unit : pint.Unit
260            The unit to return the value in
262        Returns
263        -------
264        int | pint.Quantity
265            The delay for the trigger input lines
267        NOTE
268        ----
269        different cards have different step sizes for the delay. 
270        If a delay with unit is given, this function takes the value, 
271        calculates the integer value and rounds to the nearest allowed delay value
272        """
274        sr = self.card.get_i(SPC_SAMPLERATE) * units.Hz
275        if delay is not None:
276            if isinstance(delay, units.Quantity):
277                delay_step = self.avail_delay_step()
278                delay = np.rint(int(delay * sr) / delay_step).astype(np.int64) * delay_step
279            self.card.set_i(SPC_TRIG_DELAY, delay)
280        return_value = self.card.get_i(SPC_TRIG_DELAY)
281        if isinstance(return_unit, pint.Unit): return_value = UnitConversion.to_unit(return_value / sr, return_unit)
282        return return_value
284    def avail_delay_max(self) -> int:
285        """
286        Get the maximum delay for the trigger input lines in number of sample clocks (see register 'SPC_TRIG_AVAILDELAY' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)
288        Returns
289        -------
290        int
291            The maximum delay for the trigger input lines
292        """
294        return self.card.get_i(SPC_TRIG_AVAILDELAY)
296    def avail_delay_step(self) -> int:
297        """
298        Get the step size for the delay for the trigger input lines in number of sample clocks (see register 'SPC_TRIG_AVAILDELAY_STEP' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)
300        Returns
301        -------
302        int
303            The step size for the delay for the trigger input lines
304        """
306        return self.card.get_i(SPC_TRIG_AVAILDELAY_STEP)
309    def trigger_counter(self) -> int:
310        """
311        Get the number of trigger events since acquisition start (see register 'SPC_TRIGGERCOUNTER' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)
313        Returns
314        -------
315        int
316            The trigger counter
317        """
319        return self.card.get_i(SPC_TRIGGERCOUNTER)
321    # Main external window trigger (ext0/Trg0)
322    def ext0_mode(self, mode : int = None) -> int:
323        """
324        Set the mode for the main external window trigger (ext0/Trg0) (see register 'SPC_TRIG_EXT0_MODE' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)
326        Parameters
327        ----------
328        mode : int
329            The mode for the main external window trigger (ext0/Trg0)
331        Returns
332        -------
333        int
334            The mode for the main external window trigger (ext0/Trg0)
335        """
337        if mode is not None:
338            self.card.set_i(SPC_TRIG_EXT0_MODE, mode)
339        return self.card.get_i(SPC_TRIG_EXT0_MODE)
341    # Trigger termination
342    def termination(self, termination : int = None) -> int:
343        """
344        Set the trigger termination (see register 'SPC_TRIG_TERM' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)
346        Parameters
347        ----------
348        termination : int
349            The trigger termination: a „1“ sets the 50 Ohm termination for external trigger signals. A „0“ sets the high impedance termination
351        Returns
352        -------
353        int
354            The trigger termination: a „1“ sets the 50 Ohm termination for external trigger signals. A „0“ sets the high impedance termination
355        """
357        if termination is not None:
358            self.card.set_i(SPC_TRIG_TERM, termination)
359        return self.card.get_i(SPC_TRIG_TERM)
361    # Trigger input coupling
362    def ext0_coupling(self, coupling : int = None) -> int:
363        """
364        Set the trigger input coupling (see hardware manual register name 'SPC_TRIG_EXT0_ACDC')
366        Parameters
367        ----------
368        coupling : int
369            The trigger input coupling: COUPLING_DC enables DC coupling, COUPLING_AC enables AC coupling for the external trigger 
370            input (AC coupling is the default).
372        Returns
373        -------
374        int
375            The trigger input coupling: COUPLING_DC enables DC coupling, COUPLING_AC enables AC coupling for the external trigger 
376            input (AC coupling is the default).
377        """
379        if coupling is not None:
380            self.card.set_i(SPC_TRIG_EXT0_ACDC, coupling)
381        return self.card.get_i(SPC_TRIG_EXT0_ACDC)
383    # ext1 trigger mode
384    def ext1_mode(self, mode : int = None) -> int:
385        """
386        Set the mode for the ext1 trigger (see register 'SPC_TRIG_EXT1_MODE' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)
388        Parameters
389        ----------
390        mode : int
391            The mode for the ext1 trigger
393        Returns
394        -------
395        int
396            The mode for the ext1 trigger
397        """
399        if mode is not None:
400            self.card.set_i(SPC_TRIG_EXT1_MODE, mode)
401        return self.card.get_i(SPC_TRIG_EXT1_MODE)
403    # Trigger level
404    def ext0_level0(self, level = None, return_unit = None) -> int:
405        """
406        Set the trigger level 0 for the ext0 trigger (see register 'SPC_TRIG_EXT0_LEVEL0' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)
408        Parameters
409        ----------
410        level : int
411            The trigger level 0 for the ext0 trigger in mV
412        return_unit : pint.Unit
413            The unit to return the value in
415        Returns
416        -------
417        int | pint.Quantity
418            The trigger level 0 for the ext0 trigger in mV or in the specified unit
419        """
421        if level is not None:
422            level = UnitConversion.convert(level, units.mV, int)
423            self.card.set_i(SPC_TRIG_EXT0_LEVEL0, level)
424        return_value = self.card.get_i(SPC_TRIG_EXT0_LEVEL0)
425        return UnitConversion.to_unit(return_value * units.mV, return_unit)
427    def ext0_level1(self, level = None, return_unit = None) -> int:
428        """
429        Set the trigger level 1 for the ext0 trigger (see register 'SPC_TRIG_EXT0_LEVEL1' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)
431        Parameters
432        ----------
433        level : int
434            The trigger level for the ext0 trigger in mV
435        return_unit : pint.Unit
436            The unit to return the value in
438        Returns
439        -------
440        int | pint.Quantity
441            The trigger level for the ext0 trigger in mV or in the specified unit
442        """
444        if level is not None:
445            level = UnitConversion.convert(level, units.mV, int)
446            self.card.set_i(SPC_TRIG_EXT0_LEVEL1, level)
447        return_value = self.card.get_i(SPC_TRIG_EXT0_LEVEL1)
448        return UnitConversion.to_unit(return_value * units.mV, return_unit)
450    def ext1_level0(self, level = None, return_unit = None) -> int:
451        """
452        Set the trigger level 0 for the ext1 trigger (see register 'SPC_TRIG_EXT1_LEVEL0' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)
454        Parameters
455        ----------
456        level : int
457            The trigger level 0 for the ext1 trigger in mV
458        return_unit : pint.Unit
459            The unit to return the value in
461        Returns
462        -------
463        int | pint.Quantity
464            The trigger level 0 for the ext1 trigger in mV or in the specified unit
465        """
467        if level is not None:
468            level = UnitConversion.convert(level, units.mV, int)
469            self.card.set_i(SPC_TRIG_EXT1_LEVEL0, level)
470        return_value = self.card.get_i(SPC_TRIG_EXT1_LEVEL0)
471        return UnitConversion.to_unit(return_value * units.mV, return_unit)

a higher-level abstraction of the CardFunctionality class to implement the Card's Trigger engine

Trigger(card: Card, **kwargs)
21    def __init__(self, card : 'Card', **kwargs) -> None:
22        """
23        Constructor of the Trigger class
25        Parameters
26        ----------
27        card : Card
28            The card to use for the Trigger class
29        """
31        super().__init__(card)
32        self.channels = kwargs.get('channels', None)

Constructor of the Trigger class

  • card (Card): The card to use for the Trigger class
channels: Channels = None
def enable(self) -> None:
48    def enable(self) -> None:
49        """Enables the trigger engine (see command 'M2CMD_CARD_ENABLETRIGGER' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)"""
50        self.card.cmd(M2CMD_CARD_ENABLETRIGGER)

Enables the trigger engine (see command 'M2CMD_CARD_ENABLETRIGGER' in chapter Trigger in the manual)

def disable(self) -> None:
52    def disable(self) -> None:
53        """Disables the trigger engine (see command 'M2CMD_CARD_DISABLETRIGGER' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)"""
54        self.card.cmd(M2CMD_CARD_DISABLETRIGGER)

Disables the trigger engine (see command 'M2CMD_CARD_DISABLETRIGGER' in chapter Trigger in the manual)

def force(self) -> None:
56    def force(self) -> None:
57        """Forces a trigger event if the hardware is still waiting for a trigger event. (see command 'M2CMD_CARD_FORCETRIGGER' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)"""
58        self.card.cmd(M2CMD_CARD_FORCETRIGGER)

Forces a trigger event if the hardware is still waiting for a trigger event. (see command 'M2CMD_CARD_FORCETRIGGER' in chapter Trigger in the manual)

def write_setup(self) -> None:
60    def write_setup(self) -> None:
61        """Write the trigger setup to the card"""
62        self.card.write_setup()

Write the trigger setup to the card

def or_mask(self, mask: int = None) -> int:
65    def or_mask(self, mask : int = None) -> int:
66        """
67        Set the OR mask for the trigger input lines (see register 'SPC_TRIG_ORMASK' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)
69        Parameters
70        ----------
71        mask : int
72            The OR mask for the trigger input lines
74        Returns
75        -------
76        int
77            The OR mask for the trigger input lines
78        """
80        if mask is not None:
81            self.card.set_i(SPC_TRIG_ORMASK, mask)
82        return self.card.get_i(SPC_TRIG_ORMASK)

Set the OR mask for the trigger input lines (see register 'SPC_TRIG_ORMASK' in chapter Trigger in the manual)

  • mask (int): The OR mask for the trigger input lines
  • int: The OR mask for the trigger input lines
def and_mask(self, mask: int = None) -> int:
 85    def and_mask(self, mask : int = None) -> int:
 86        """
 87        Set the AND mask for the trigger input lines (see register 'SPC_TRIG_ANDMASK' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)
 89        Parameters
 90        ----------
 91        mask : int
 92            The AND mask for the trigger input lines
 94        Returns
 95        -------
 96        int
 97            The AND mask for the trigger input lines
 98        """
100        if mask is not None:
101            self.card.set_i(SPC_TRIG_ANDMASK, mask)
102        return self.card.get_i(SPC_TRIG_ANDMASK)

Set the AND mask for the trigger input lines (see register 'SPC_TRIG_ANDMASK' in chapter Trigger in the manual)

  • mask (int): The AND mask for the trigger input lines
  • int: The AND mask for the trigger input lines
def ch_mode(self, channel, mode: int = None) -> int:
105    def ch_mode(self, channel, mode : int = None) -> int:
106        """
107        Set the mode for the trigger input lines (see register 'SPC_TRIG_CH0_MODE' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)
109        Parameters
110        ----------
111        channel : int | Channel
112            The channel to set the mode for
113        mode : int
114            The mode for the trigger input lines
116        Returns
117        -------
118        int
119            The mode for the trigger input lines
121        """
123        channel_index = int(channel)
124        if mode is not None:
125            self.card.set_i(SPC_TRIG_CH0_MODE + channel_index, mode)
126        return self.card.get_i(SPC_TRIG_CH0_MODE + channel_index)

Set the mode for the trigger input lines (see register 'SPC_TRIG_CH0_MODE' in chapter Trigger in the manual)

  • channel (int | Channel): The channel to set the mode for
  • mode (int): The mode for the trigger input lines
  • int: The mode for the trigger input lines
def ch_level( self, channel: int, level_num: int, level_value=None, return_unit: pint.registry.Unit = None) -> int:
128    def ch_level(self, channel : int, level_num : int, level_value = None, return_unit : pint.Unit = None) -> int:
129        """
130        Set the level for the trigger input lines (see register 'SPC_TRIG_CH0_LEVEL0' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)
132        Parameters
133        ----------
134        channel : int | Channel
135            The channel to set the level for
136        level_num : int
137            The level 0 or level 1
138        level_value : int | pint.Quantity | None
139            The level for the trigger input lines
141        Returns
142        -------
143        int
144            The level for the trigger input lines
145        """
147        channel_index = int(channel)
148        # if a level value is given in the form of a quantity, convert it to the card's unit as a integer value
149        if isinstance(level_value, units.Quantity):
150            if isinstance(channel, Channel):
151                level_value = channel.reconvert_data(level_value)
152            elif self.channels and isinstance(self.channels[channel_index], Channel):
153                level_value = self.channels[channel_index].reconvert_data(level_value)
154            else:
155                raise ValueError("No channel information available to convert the trigger level value. Please provide a channel object or set the channel information in the Trigger object.")
157        if isinstance(level_value, int):
158            self.card.set_i(SPC_TRIG_CH0_LEVEL0 + channel_index + 100 * level_num, level_value)
160        return_value = self.card.get_i(SPC_TRIG_CH0_LEVEL0 + channel_index + 100 * level_num)
161        # if a return unit is given, convert the value to the given unit if a channel object is available
162        if isinstance(return_unit, pint.Unit):
163            if isinstance(channel, Channel):
164                return_value = channel.convert_data(return_value, return_unit=return_unit)
165            elif self.channels and isinstance(self.channels[channel_index], Channel):
166                return_value = self.channels[channel_index].convert_data(return_value, return_unit=return_unit)
167            else:
168                raise ValueError("No channel information available to convert the returning trigger level value. Please provide a channel object or set the channel information in the Trigger object.")
170        return return_value

Set the level for the trigger input lines (see register 'SPC_TRIG_CH0_LEVEL0' in chapter Trigger in the manual)

  • channel (int | Channel): The channel to set the level for
  • level_num (int): The level 0 or level 1
  • level_value (int | pint.Quantity | None): The level for the trigger input lines
  • int: The level for the trigger input lines
def ch_level0( self, channel: int, level_value=None, return_unit: pint.registry.Unit = None) -> int:
172    def ch_level0(self, channel : int, level_value = None, return_unit : pint.Unit = None) -> int:
173        """
174        Set the level 0 for the trigger input lines (see register 'SPC_TRIG_CH0_LEVEL0' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)
176        Parameters
177        ----------
178        channel : int | Channel
179            The channel to set the level for
180        level_value : int | pint.Quantity | None
181            The level for the trigger input lines
183        Returns
184        -------
185        int
186            The level for the trigger input lines
187        """
189        return self.ch_level(channel, 0, level_value, return_unit)

Set the level 0 for the trigger input lines (see register 'SPC_TRIG_CH0_LEVEL0' in chapter Trigger in the manual)

  • channel (int | Channel): The channel to set the level for
  • level_value (int | pint.Quantity | None): The level for the trigger input lines
  • int: The level for the trigger input lines
def ch_level1( self, channel: int, level_value=None, return_unit: pint.registry.Unit = None) -> int:
191    def ch_level1(self, channel : int, level_value = None, return_unit : pint.Unit = None) -> int:
192        """
193        Set the level 1 for the trigger input lines (see register 'SPC_TRIG_CH0_LEVEL1' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)
195        Parameters
196        ----------
197        channel : int | Channel
198            The channel to set the level for
199        level_value : int | pint.Quantity | None
200            The level for the trigger input lines
202        Returns
203        -------
204        int
205            The level for the trigger input lines
206        """
208        return self.ch_level(channel, 1, level_value, return_unit)

Set the level 1 for the trigger input lines (see register 'SPC_TRIG_CH0_LEVEL1' in chapter Trigger in the manual)

  • channel (int | Channel): The channel to set the level for
  • level_value (int | pint.Quantity | None): The level for the trigger input lines
  • int: The level for the trigger input lines
def ch_or_mask0(self, mask: int = None) -> int:
211    def ch_or_mask0(self, mask : int = None) -> int:
212        """
213        Set the channel OR mask0 for the trigger input lines (see register 'SPC_TRIG_CH_ORMASK0' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)
215        Parameters
216        ----------
217        mask : int
218            The OR mask for the trigger input lines
220        Returns
221        -------
222        int
223            The OR mask for the trigger input lines
224        """
226        if mask is not None:
227            self.card.set_i(SPC_TRIG_CH_ORMASK0, mask)
228        return self.card.get_i(SPC_TRIG_CH_ORMASK0)

Set the channel OR mask0 for the trigger input lines (see register 'SPC_TRIG_CH_ORMASK0' in chapter Trigger in the manual)

  • mask (int): The OR mask for the trigger input lines
  • int: The OR mask for the trigger input lines
def ch_and_mask0(self, mask: int = None) -> int:
231    def ch_and_mask0(self, mask : int = None) -> int:
232        """
233        Set the AND mask0 for the trigger input lines (see register 'SPC_TRIG_CH_ANDMASK0' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)
235        Parameters
236        ----------
237        mask : int
238            The AND mask0 for the trigger input lines
240        Returns
241        -------
242        int
243            The AND mask0 for the trigger input lines
244        """
246        if mask is not None:
247            self.card.set_i(SPC_TRIG_CH_ANDMASK0, mask)
248        return self.card.get_i(SPC_TRIG_CH_ANDMASK0)

Set the AND mask0 for the trigger input lines (see register 'SPC_TRIG_CH_ANDMASK0' in chapter Trigger in the manual)

  • mask (int): The AND mask0 for the trigger input lines
  • int: The AND mask0 for the trigger input lines
def delay(self, delay=None, return_unit: pint.registry.Unit = None) -> int:
251    def delay(self, delay = None, return_unit : pint.Unit = None) -> int:
252        """
253        Set the delay for the trigger input lines in number of sample clocks (see register 'SPC_TRIG_DELAY' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)
255        Parameters
256        ----------
257        delay : int | pint.Quantity
258            The delay for the trigger input lines
259        return_unit : pint.Unit
260            The unit to return the value in
262        Returns
263        -------
264        int | pint.Quantity
265            The delay for the trigger input lines
267        NOTE
268        ----
269        different cards have different step sizes for the delay. 
270        If a delay with unit is given, this function takes the value, 
271        calculates the integer value and rounds to the nearest allowed delay value
272        """
274        sr = self.card.get_i(SPC_SAMPLERATE) * units.Hz
275        if delay is not None:
276            if isinstance(delay, units.Quantity):
277                delay_step = self.avail_delay_step()
278                delay = np.rint(int(delay * sr) / delay_step).astype(np.int64) * delay_step
279            self.card.set_i(SPC_TRIG_DELAY, delay)
280        return_value = self.card.get_i(SPC_TRIG_DELAY)
281        if isinstance(return_unit, pint.Unit): return_value = UnitConversion.to_unit(return_value / sr, return_unit)
282        return return_value

Set the delay for the trigger input lines in number of sample clocks (see register 'SPC_TRIG_DELAY' in chapter Trigger in the manual)

  • delay (int | pint.Quantity): The delay for the trigger input lines
  • return_unit (pint.Unit): The unit to return the value in
  • int | pint.Quantity: The delay for the trigger input lines

different cards have different step sizes for the delay. If a delay with unit is given, this function takes the value, calculates the integer value and rounds to the nearest allowed delay value

def avail_delay_max(self) -> int:
284    def avail_delay_max(self) -> int:
285        """
286        Get the maximum delay for the trigger input lines in number of sample clocks (see register 'SPC_TRIG_AVAILDELAY' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)
288        Returns
289        -------
290        int
291            The maximum delay for the trigger input lines
292        """
294        return self.card.get_i(SPC_TRIG_AVAILDELAY)

Get the maximum delay for the trigger input lines in number of sample clocks (see register 'SPC_TRIG_AVAILDELAY' in chapter Trigger in the manual)

  • int: The maximum delay for the trigger input lines
def avail_delay_step(self) -> int:
296    def avail_delay_step(self) -> int:
297        """
298        Get the step size for the delay for the trigger input lines in number of sample clocks (see register 'SPC_TRIG_AVAILDELAY_STEP' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)
300        Returns
301        -------
302        int
303            The step size for the delay for the trigger input lines
304        """
306        return self.card.get_i(SPC_TRIG_AVAILDELAY_STEP)

Get the step size for the delay for the trigger input lines in number of sample clocks (see register 'SPC_TRIG_AVAILDELAY_STEP' in chapter Trigger in the manual)

  • int: The step size for the delay for the trigger input lines
def trigger_counter(self) -> int:
309    def trigger_counter(self) -> int:
310        """
311        Get the number of trigger events since acquisition start (see register 'SPC_TRIGGERCOUNTER' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)
313        Returns
314        -------
315        int
316            The trigger counter
317        """
319        return self.card.get_i(SPC_TRIGGERCOUNTER)

Get the number of trigger events since acquisition start (see register 'SPC_TRIGGERCOUNTER' in chapter Trigger in the manual)

  • int: The trigger counter
def ext0_mode(self, mode: int = None) -> int:
322    def ext0_mode(self, mode : int = None) -> int:
323        """
324        Set the mode for the main external window trigger (ext0/Trg0) (see register 'SPC_TRIG_EXT0_MODE' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)
326        Parameters
327        ----------
328        mode : int
329            The mode for the main external window trigger (ext0/Trg0)
331        Returns
332        -------
333        int
334            The mode for the main external window trigger (ext0/Trg0)
335        """
337        if mode is not None:
338            self.card.set_i(SPC_TRIG_EXT0_MODE, mode)
339        return self.card.get_i(SPC_TRIG_EXT0_MODE)

Set the mode for the main external window trigger (ext0/Trg0) (see register 'SPC_TRIG_EXT0_MODE' in chapter Trigger in the manual)

  • mode (int): The mode for the main external window trigger (ext0/Trg0)
  • int: The mode for the main external window trigger (ext0/Trg0)
def termination(self, termination: int = None) -> int:
342    def termination(self, termination : int = None) -> int:
343        """
344        Set the trigger termination (see register 'SPC_TRIG_TERM' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)
346        Parameters
347        ----------
348        termination : int
349            The trigger termination: a „1“ sets the 50 Ohm termination for external trigger signals. A „0“ sets the high impedance termination
351        Returns
352        -------
353        int
354            The trigger termination: a „1“ sets the 50 Ohm termination for external trigger signals. A „0“ sets the high impedance termination
355        """
357        if termination is not None:
358            self.card.set_i(SPC_TRIG_TERM, termination)
359        return self.card.get_i(SPC_TRIG_TERM)

Set the trigger termination (see register 'SPC_TRIG_TERM' in chapter Trigger in the manual)

  • termination (int): The trigger termination: a „1“ sets the 50 Ohm termination for external trigger signals. A „0“ sets the high impedance termination
  • int: The trigger termination: a „1“ sets the 50 Ohm termination for external trigger signals. A „0“ sets the high impedance termination
def ext0_coupling(self, coupling: int = None) -> int:
362    def ext0_coupling(self, coupling : int = None) -> int:
363        """
364        Set the trigger input coupling (see hardware manual register name 'SPC_TRIG_EXT0_ACDC')
366        Parameters
367        ----------
368        coupling : int
369            The trigger input coupling: COUPLING_DC enables DC coupling, COUPLING_AC enables AC coupling for the external trigger 
370            input (AC coupling is the default).
372        Returns
373        -------
374        int
375            The trigger input coupling: COUPLING_DC enables DC coupling, COUPLING_AC enables AC coupling for the external trigger 
376            input (AC coupling is the default).
377        """
379        if coupling is not None:
380            self.card.set_i(SPC_TRIG_EXT0_ACDC, coupling)
381        return self.card.get_i(SPC_TRIG_EXT0_ACDC)

Set the trigger input coupling (see hardware manual register name 'SPC_TRIG_EXT0_ACDC')

  • coupling (int): The trigger input coupling: COUPLING_DC enables DC coupling, COUPLING_AC enables AC coupling for the external trigger input (AC coupling is the default).
  • int: The trigger input coupling: COUPLING_DC enables DC coupling, COUPLING_AC enables AC coupling for the external trigger input (AC coupling is the default).
def ext1_mode(self, mode: int = None) -> int:
384    def ext1_mode(self, mode : int = None) -> int:
385        """
386        Set the mode for the ext1 trigger (see register 'SPC_TRIG_EXT1_MODE' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)
388        Parameters
389        ----------
390        mode : int
391            The mode for the ext1 trigger
393        Returns
394        -------
395        int
396            The mode for the ext1 trigger
397        """
399        if mode is not None:
400            self.card.set_i(SPC_TRIG_EXT1_MODE, mode)
401        return self.card.get_i(SPC_TRIG_EXT1_MODE)

Set the mode for the ext1 trigger (see register 'SPC_TRIG_EXT1_MODE' in chapter Trigger in the manual)

  • mode (int): The mode for the ext1 trigger
  • int: The mode for the ext1 trigger
def ext0_level0(self, level=None, return_unit=None) -> int:
404    def ext0_level0(self, level = None, return_unit = None) -> int:
405        """
406        Set the trigger level 0 for the ext0 trigger (see register 'SPC_TRIG_EXT0_LEVEL0' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)
408        Parameters
409        ----------
410        level : int
411            The trigger level 0 for the ext0 trigger in mV
412        return_unit : pint.Unit
413            The unit to return the value in
415        Returns
416        -------
417        int | pint.Quantity
418            The trigger level 0 for the ext0 trigger in mV or in the specified unit
419        """
421        if level is not None:
422            level = UnitConversion.convert(level, units.mV, int)
423            self.card.set_i(SPC_TRIG_EXT0_LEVEL0, level)
424        return_value = self.card.get_i(SPC_TRIG_EXT0_LEVEL0)
425        return UnitConversion.to_unit(return_value * units.mV, return_unit)

Set the trigger level 0 for the ext0 trigger (see register 'SPC_TRIG_EXT0_LEVEL0' in chapter Trigger in the manual)

  • level (int): The trigger level 0 for the ext0 trigger in mV
  • return_unit (pint.Unit): The unit to return the value in
  • int | pint.Quantity: The trigger level 0 for the ext0 trigger in mV or in the specified unit
def ext0_level1(self, level=None, return_unit=None) -> int:
427    def ext0_level1(self, level = None, return_unit = None) -> int:
428        """
429        Set the trigger level 1 for the ext0 trigger (see register 'SPC_TRIG_EXT0_LEVEL1' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)
431        Parameters
432        ----------
433        level : int
434            The trigger level for the ext0 trigger in mV
435        return_unit : pint.Unit
436            The unit to return the value in
438        Returns
439        -------
440        int | pint.Quantity
441            The trigger level for the ext0 trigger in mV or in the specified unit
442        """
444        if level is not None:
445            level = UnitConversion.convert(level, units.mV, int)
446            self.card.set_i(SPC_TRIG_EXT0_LEVEL1, level)
447        return_value = self.card.get_i(SPC_TRIG_EXT0_LEVEL1)
448        return UnitConversion.to_unit(return_value * units.mV, return_unit)

Set the trigger level 1 for the ext0 trigger (see register 'SPC_TRIG_EXT0_LEVEL1' in chapter Trigger in the manual)

  • level (int): The trigger level for the ext0 trigger in mV
  • return_unit (pint.Unit): The unit to return the value in
  • int | pint.Quantity: The trigger level for the ext0 trigger in mV or in the specified unit
def ext1_level0(self, level=None, return_unit=None) -> int:
450    def ext1_level0(self, level = None, return_unit = None) -> int:
451        """
452        Set the trigger level 0 for the ext1 trigger (see register 'SPC_TRIG_EXT1_LEVEL0' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)
454        Parameters
455        ----------
456        level : int
457            The trigger level 0 for the ext1 trigger in mV
458        return_unit : pint.Unit
459            The unit to return the value in
461        Returns
462        -------
463        int | pint.Quantity
464            The trigger level 0 for the ext1 trigger in mV or in the specified unit
465        """
467        if level is not None:
468            level = UnitConversion.convert(level, units.mV, int)
469            self.card.set_i(SPC_TRIG_EXT1_LEVEL0, level)
470        return_value = self.card.get_i(SPC_TRIG_EXT1_LEVEL0)
471        return UnitConversion.to_unit(return_value * units.mV, return_unit)

Set the trigger level 0 for the ext1 trigger (see register 'SPC_TRIG_EXT1_LEVEL0' in chapter Trigger in the manual)

  • level (int): The trigger level 0 for the ext1 trigger in mV
  • return_unit (pint.Unit): The unit to return the value in
  • int | pint.Quantity: The trigger level 0 for the ext1 trigger in mV or in the specified unit
class MultiPurposeIOs(spcm.CardFunctionality):
 89class MultiPurposeIOs(CardFunctionality):
 90    """a higher-level abstraction of the CardFunctionality class to implement the Card's Multi purpose I/O functionality"""
 92    xio_lines : list[MultiPurposeIO] = []
 93    num_xio_lines : int = None
 95    def __init__(self, card : Card, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
 96        """
 97        Constructor for the MultiPurposeIO class
 99        Parameters
100        ----------
101        card : Card
102            The card object to communicate with the card
103        """
105        super().__init__(card, *args, **kwargs)
107        self.xio_lines = []
108        self.num_xio_lines = self.get_num_xio_lines()
109        self.load()
111    def __str__(self) -> str:
112        """
113        String representation of the MultiPurposeIO class
115        Returns
116        -------
117        str
118            String representation of the MultiPurposeIO class
119        """
121        return f"MultiPurposeIOs(card={self.card})"
123    __repr__ = __str__
124    def __iter__(self) -> "MultiPurposeIOs":
125        """Define this class as an iterator"""
126        return self
128    def __getitem__(self, index : int) -> MultiPurposeIO:
129        """
130        Get the xio line at the given index
132        Parameters
133        ----------
134        index : int
135            The index of the xio line to be returned
137        Returns
138        -------
139        MultiPurposeIO
140            The xio line at the given index
141        """
143        return self.xio_lines[index]
145    _xio_iterator_index = -1
146    def __next__(self) -> MultiPurposeIO:
147        """
148        This method is called when the next element is requested from the iterator
150        Returns
151        -------
152        MultiPurposeIO
153            The next xio line in the iterator
155        Raises
156        ------
157        StopIteration
158        """
159        self._xio_iterator_index += 1
160        if self._xio_iterator_index >= len(self.xio_lines):
161            self._xio_iterator_index = -1
162            raise StopIteration
163        return self.xio_lines[self._xio_iterator_index]
165    def __len__(self) -> int:
166        """Returns the number of available xio lines of the card"""
167        return len(self.xio_lines)
170    def get_num_xio_lines(self) -> int:
171        """
172        Returns the number of digital input/output lines of the card (see register 'SPCM_NUM_XIO_LINES' in chapter `Multi Purpose I/O Lines` in the manual)
174        Returns
175        -------
176        int
177            The number of digital input/output lines of the card
179        """
181        return self.card.get_i(SPC_NUM_XIO_LINES)
183    def load(self) -> None:
184        """
185        Loads the digital input/output lines of the card
186        """
188        self.xio_lines = [MultiPurposeIO(self.card, x_index) for x_index in range(self.num_xio_lines)]
190    def asyncio(self, output : int = None) -> int:
191        """
192        Sets the async input/output of the card (see register 'SPCM_XX_ASYNCIO' in chapter `Multi Purpose I/O Lines` in the manual)
194        Parameters
195        ----------
196        output : int
197            The async input/output of the card
199        Returns
200        -------
201        int
202            The async input/output of the card
203        """
205        if output is not None:
206            self.card.set_i(SPCM_XX_ASYNCIO, output)
207        return self.card.get_i(SPCM_XX_ASYNCIO)

a higher-level abstraction of the CardFunctionality class to implement the Card's Multi purpose I/O functionality

MultiPurposeIOs(card: Card, *args, **kwargs)
 95    def __init__(self, card : Card, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
 96        """
 97        Constructor for the MultiPurposeIO class
 99        Parameters
100        ----------
101        card : Card
102            The card object to communicate with the card
103        """
105        super().__init__(card, *args, **kwargs)
107        self.xio_lines = []
108        self.num_xio_lines = self.get_num_xio_lines()
109        self.load()

Constructor for the MultiPurposeIO class

  • card (Card): The card object to communicate with the card
xio_lines: list[MultiPurposeIO] = []
num_xio_lines: int = None
def get_num_xio_lines(self) -> int:
170    def get_num_xio_lines(self) -> int:
171        """
172        Returns the number of digital input/output lines of the card (see register 'SPCM_NUM_XIO_LINES' in chapter `Multi Purpose I/O Lines` in the manual)
174        Returns
175        -------
176        int
177            The number of digital input/output lines of the card
179        """
181        return self.card.get_i(SPC_NUM_XIO_LINES)

Returns the number of digital input/output lines of the card (see register 'SPCM_NUM_XIO_LINES' in chapter Multi Purpose I/O Lines in the manual)

  • int: The number of digital input/output lines of the card
def load(self) -> None:
183    def load(self) -> None:
184        """
185        Loads the digital input/output lines of the card
186        """
188        self.xio_lines = [MultiPurposeIO(self.card, x_index) for x_index in range(self.num_xio_lines)]

Loads the digital input/output lines of the card

def asyncio(self, output: int = None) -> int:
190    def asyncio(self, output : int = None) -> int:
191        """
192        Sets the async input/output of the card (see register 'SPCM_XX_ASYNCIO' in chapter `Multi Purpose I/O Lines` in the manual)
194        Parameters
195        ----------
196        output : int
197            The async input/output of the card
199        Returns
200        -------
201        int
202            The async input/output of the card
203        """
205        if output is not None:
206            self.card.set_i(SPCM_XX_ASYNCIO, output)
207        return self.card.get_i(SPCM_XX_ASYNCIO)

Sets the async input/output of the card (see register 'SPCM_XX_ASYNCIO' in chapter Multi Purpose I/O Lines in the manual)

  • output (int): The async input/output of the card
  • int: The async input/output of the card
class MultiPurposeIO:
 9class MultiPurposeIO:
10    """a higher-level abstraction of the CardFunctionality class to implement the Card's Multi purpose I/O functionality"""
12    card : Card = None
13    x_index : int = None
15    def __init__(self, card : Card, x_index : int = None) -> None:
16        """
17        Constructor for the MultiPurposeIO class
19        Parameters
20        ----------
21        card : Card
22            The card object to communicate with the card
23        x_index : int
24            The index of the digital input/output to be enabled.
25        """
27        self.card = card
28        self.x_index = x_index
30    def __str__(self) -> str:
31        """
32        String representation of the MultiPurposeIO class
34        Returns
35        -------
36        str
37            String representation of the MultiPurposeIO class
38        """
40        return f"MultiPurposeIO(card={self.card}, x_index={self.x_index})"
42    __repr__ = __str__
44    def avail_modes(self) -> int:
45        """
46        Returns the available modes of the digital input/output of the card (see register 'SPCM_X0_AVAILMODES' in chapter `Multi Purpose I/O Lines` in the manual)
48        Returns
49        -------
50        int
51            The available modes of the digital input/output
52        """
54        return self.card.get_i(SPCM_X0_AVAILMODES + self.x_index)
56    def x_mode(self, mode : int = None) -> int:
57        """
58        Sets the mode of the digital input/output of the card (see register 'SPCM_X0_MODE' in chapter `Multi Purpose I/O Lines` in the manual)
60        Parameters
61        ----------
62        mode : int
63            The mode of the digital input/output
64        """
66        if mode is not None:
67            self.card.set_i(SPCM_X0_MODE + self.x_index, mode)
68        return self.card.get_i(SPCM_X0_MODE + self.x_index)
70    def dig_mode(self, mode : int = None) -> int:
71        """
72        Sets the digital input/output mode of the xio line (see register 'SPCM_DIGMODE0' in chapter `Multi Purpose I/O Lines` in the manual)
74        Parameters
75        ----------
76        mode : int
77            The digital input/output mode of the xio line
79        Returns
80        -------
81        int
82            The digital input/output mode of the xio line
83        """
85        if mode is not None:
86            self.card.set_i(SPC_DIGMODE0 + self.x_index, mode)
87        return self.card.get_i(SPC_DIGMODE0 + self.x_index)

a higher-level abstraction of the CardFunctionality class to implement the Card's Multi purpose I/O functionality

MultiPurposeIO(card: Card, x_index: int = None)
15    def __init__(self, card : Card, x_index : int = None) -> None:
16        """
17        Constructor for the MultiPurposeIO class
19        Parameters
20        ----------
21        card : Card
22            The card object to communicate with the card
23        x_index : int
24            The index of the digital input/output to be enabled.
25        """
27        self.card = card
28        self.x_index = x_index

Constructor for the MultiPurposeIO class

  • card (Card): The card object to communicate with the card
  • x_index (int): The index of the digital input/output to be enabled.
card: Card = None
x_index: int = None
def avail_modes(self) -> int:
44    def avail_modes(self) -> int:
45        """
46        Returns the available modes of the digital input/output of the card (see register 'SPCM_X0_AVAILMODES' in chapter `Multi Purpose I/O Lines` in the manual)
48        Returns
49        -------
50        int
51            The available modes of the digital input/output
52        """
54        return self.card.get_i(SPCM_X0_AVAILMODES + self.x_index)

Returns the available modes of the digital input/output of the card (see register 'SPCM_X0_AVAILMODES' in chapter Multi Purpose I/O Lines in the manual)

  • int: The available modes of the digital input/output
def x_mode(self, mode: int = None) -> int:
56    def x_mode(self, mode : int = None) -> int:
57        """
58        Sets the mode of the digital input/output of the card (see register 'SPCM_X0_MODE' in chapter `Multi Purpose I/O Lines` in the manual)
60        Parameters
61        ----------
62        mode : int
63            The mode of the digital input/output
64        """
66        if mode is not None:
67            self.card.set_i(SPCM_X0_MODE + self.x_index, mode)
68        return self.card.get_i(SPCM_X0_MODE + self.x_index)

Sets the mode of the digital input/output of the card (see register 'SPCM_X0_MODE' in chapter Multi Purpose I/O Lines in the manual)

  • mode (int): The mode of the digital input/output
def dig_mode(self, mode: int = None) -> int:
70    def dig_mode(self, mode : int = None) -> int:
71        """
72        Sets the digital input/output mode of the xio line (see register 'SPCM_DIGMODE0' in chapter `Multi Purpose I/O Lines` in the manual)
74        Parameters
75        ----------
76        mode : int
77            The digital input/output mode of the xio line
79        Returns
80        -------
81        int
82            The digital input/output mode of the xio line
83        """
85        if mode is not None:
86            self.card.set_i(SPC_DIGMODE0 + self.x_index, mode)
87        return self.card.get_i(SPC_DIGMODE0 + self.x_index)

Sets the digital input/output mode of the xio line (see register 'SPCM_DIGMODE0' in chapter Multi Purpose I/O Lines in the manual)

  • mode (int): The digital input/output mode of the xio line
  • int: The digital input/output mode of the xio line
class DataTransfer(spcm.CardFunctionality):
  21class DataTransfer(CardFunctionality):
  22    """
  23    A high-level class to control Data Transfer to and from Spectrum Instrumentation cards.
  25    This class is an iterator class that implements the functions `__iter__` and `__next__`.
  26    This allows the user to supply the class to a for loop and iterate over the data that 
  27    is transferred from or to the card. Each iteration will return a numpy array with a data
  28    block of size `notify_samples`. In case of a digitizer you can read the data from that 
  29    block and process it. In case of a generator you can write data to the block and it's 
  30    then transferred.
  32    For more information about what setups are available, please have a look at the user manual
  33    for your specific card.
  35    Parameters
  36    ----------
  37    `buffer` : NDArray[np.int_]
  38        numpy object that can be used to write data into the spcm buffer
  39    `buffer_size`: int
  40        defines the size of the current buffer shared between the PC and the card
  41    `buffer_type`: int
  42        defines the type of data in the buffer that is used for the transfer
  43    `num_channels`: int
  44        defines the number of channels that are used for the transfer
  45    `bytes_per_sample`: int
  46        defines the number of bytes per sample
  47    `bits_per_sample`: int
  48        defines the number of bits per sample
  49    `direction` : Direction = Direction.Acquisition
  50        Direction of the data transfer.
  52    """
  53    # public
  54    buffer_size : int = 0
  55    notify_size : int = 0
  57    direction : Direction = Direction.Acquisition
  59    buffer_type : int
  60    num_channels : int = 0
  61    bytes_per_sample : int = 0
  62    bits_per_sample : int = 0
  64    current_user_pos : int = 0
  66    _polling = False
  67    _polling_timer = 0
  69    # private
  70    _buffer_samples : int = 0
  71    _notify_samples : int = 0
  73    @property
  74    def buffer(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.int_]:
  75        """
  76        The numpy buffer object that interfaces the Card and can be written and read from
  78        Returns
  79        -------
  80        numpy array
  81            the numpy buffer object with the following array index definition: 
  82            `[channel, sample]`
  83            or in case of multiple recording / replay:
  84            `[segment, sample, channel]`
  85        """
  86        return self._np_buffer
  88    @buffer.setter
  89    def buffer(self, value) -> None:
  90        self._np_buffer = value
  92    @buffer.deleter
  93    def buffer(self) -> None:
  94        del self._np_buffer
  96    @property
  97    def buffer_samples(self) -> int:
  98        """
  99        The number of samples in the buffer
 101        Returns
 102        -------
 103        int
 104            the number of samples in the buffer
 105        """
 106        return self._buffer_samples
 108    @buffer_samples.setter
 109    def buffer_samples(self, value) -> None:
 110        if value is not None:
 111            self._buffer_samples = value
 113            self.buffer_size = self.samples_to_bytes(self._buffer_samples)
 115            # if self.bits_per_sample > 1:
 116            #     self.buffer_size = int(self._buffer_samples * self.bytes_per_sample * self.num_channels)
 117            # else:
 118            #     self.buffer_size = int(self._buffer_samples * self.num_channels // 8)
 120    @buffer_samples.deleter
 121    def buffer_samples(self) -> None:
 122        del self._buffer_samples
 124    def bytes_to_samples(self, num_bytes : int) -> int:
 125        """
 126        Convert bytes to samples
 128        Parameters
 129        ----------
 130        bytes : int
 131            the number of bytes
 133        Returns
 134        -------
 135        int
 136            the number of samples
 137        """
 139        if self.bits_per_sample > 1:
 140            num_samples = num_bytes // self.bytes_per_sample // self.num_channels
 141        else:
 142            num_samples = num_bytes // self.num_channels * 8
 143        return num_samples
 145    def samples_to_bytes(self, num_samples : int) -> int:
 146        """
 147        Convert samples to bytes
 149        Parameters
 150        ----------
 151        num_samples : int
 152            the number of samples
 154        Returns
 155        -------
 156        int
 157            the number of bytes
 158        """
 160        if self.bits_per_sample > 1:
 161            num_bytes = num_samples * self.bytes_per_sample * self.num_channels
 162        else:
 163            num_bytes = num_samples * self.num_channels // 8
 164        return num_bytes
 166    # @property
 167    # def notify_samples(self) -> int:
 168    #     """
 169    #     The number of samples to notify the user about
 171    #     Returns
 172    #     -------
 173    #     int
 174    #         the number of samples to notify the user about
 175    #     """
 176    #     return self._notify_samples
 178    # @notify_samples.setter
 179    def notify_samples(self, notify_samples : int = None) -> int:
 180        """
 181        Set the number of samples to notify the user about
 183        Parameters
 184        ----------
 185        notify_samples : int | pint.Quantity
 186            the number of samples to notify the user about
 187        """
 189        if notify_samples is not None:
 190            notify_samples = UnitConversion.convert(notify_samples, units.Sa, int)
 191            self._notify_samples = notify_samples
 192            self.notify_size = self.samples_to_bytes(self._notify_samples)
 193            # self.notify_size = int(self._notify_samples * self.bytes_per_sample * self.num_channels)
 194        return self._notify_samples
 196    # @notify_samples.deleter
 197    # def notify_samples(self) -> None:
 198    #     del self._notify_samples
 200    # private
 201    _memory_size : int = 0
 202    _c_buffer = None # Internal numpy ctypes buffer object
 203    _buffer_alignment : int = 4096
 204    _np_buffer : npt.NDArray[np.int_] # Internal object on which the getter setter logic is working
 205    _8bit_mode : bool = False
 206    _12bit_mode : bool = False
 207    _pre_trigger : int = 0
 209    def __init__(self, card, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
 210        """
 211        Initialize the DataTransfer object with a card object and additional arguments
 213        Parameters
 214        ----------
 215        card : Card
 216            the card object that is used for the data transfer
 217        *args : list
 218            list of additional arguments
 219        **kwargs : dict
 220            dictionary of additional keyword arguments
 221        """
 223        self.buffer_size = 0
 224        self.notify_size = 0
 225        self.num_channels = 0
 226        self.bytes_per_sample = 0
 227        self.bits_per_sample = 0
 229        self.current_user_pos = 0
 231        self._buffer_samples = 0
 232        self._notify_samples = 0
 233        self._memory_size = 0
 234        self._c_buffer = None
 235        self._buffer_alignment = 4096
 236        self._np_buffer = None
 237        self._8bit_mode = False
 238        self._12bit_mode = False
 239        self._pre_trigger = 0
 241        super().__init__(card, *args, **kwargs)
 242        self.buffer_type = SPCM_BUF_DATA
 243        self._bytes_per_sample()
 244        self._bits_per_sample()
 245        self.num_channels = self.card.active_channels()
 247        # Find out the direction of transfer
 248        if self.function_type == SPCM_TYPE_AI or self.function_type == SPCM_TYPE_DI:
 249            self.direction = Direction.Acquisition
 250        elif self.function_type == SPCM_TYPE_AO or self.function_type == SPCM_TYPE_DO:
 251            self.direction = Direction.Generation
 252        else:
 253            self.direction = Direction.Undefined
 255    def _sample_rate(self) -> pint.Quantity:
 256        """
 257        Get the sample rate of the card
 259        Returns
 260        -------
 261        pint.Quantity
 262            the sample rate of the card in Hz as a pint quantity
 263        """
 264        return self.card.get_i(SPC_SAMPLERATE) * units.Hz
 266    def memory_size(self, memory_samples : int = None) -> int:
 267        """
 268        Sets the memory size in samples per channel. The memory size setting must be set before transferring 
 269        data to the card. (see register `SPC_MEMSIZE` in the manual)
 271        Parameters
 272        ----------
 273        memory_samples : int | pint.Quantity
 274            the size of the memory in samples
 276        Returns
 277        -------
 278        int
 279            the size of the memory in samples
 280        """
 282        if memory_samples is not None:
 283            memory_samples = UnitConversion.convert(memory_samples, units.Sa, int)
 284            self.card.set_i(SPC_MEMSIZE, memory_samples)
 285        self._memory_size = self.card.get_i(SPC_MEMSIZE)
 286        return self._memory_size
 288    def output_buffer_size(self, buffer_samples : int = None) -> int:
 289        """
 290        Set the size of the output buffer (see register `SPC_DATA_OUTBUFSIZE` in the manual)
 292        Parameters
 293        ----------
 294        buffer_samples : int | pint.Quantity
 295            the size of the output buffer in Bytes
 297        Returns
 298        -------
 299        int
 300            the size of the output buffer in Samples
 301        """
 303        if buffer_samples is not None:
 304            buffer_samples = UnitConversion.convert(buffer_samples, units.B, int)
 305            buffer_size = self.samples_to_bytes(buffer_samples)
 306            self.card.set_i(SPC_DATA_OUTBUFSIZE, buffer_size)
 307        return self.bytes_to_samples(self.card.get_i(SPC_DATA_OUTBUFSIZE))
 309    def loops(self, loops : int = None) -> int:
 310        return self.card.loops(loops)
 312    def _bits_per_sample(self) -> int:
 313        """
 314        Get the number of bits per sample
 316        Returns
 317        -------
 318        int
 319            number of bits per sample
 320        """
 321        if self._8bit_mode:
 322            self.bits_per_sample = 8
 323        elif self._12bit_mode:
 324            self.bits_per_sample = 12        
 325        else:
 326            self.bits_per_sample = self.card.bits_per_sample()
 327        return self.bits_per_sample
 329    def _bytes_per_sample(self) -> int:
 330        """
 331        Get the number of bytes per sample
 333        Returns
 334        -------
 335        int
 336            number of bytes per sample
 337        """
 338        if self._8bit_mode:
 339            self.bytes_per_sample = 1
 340        elif self._12bit_mode:
 341            self.bytes_per_sample = 1.5
 342        else:
 343            self.bytes_per_sample = self.card.bytes_per_sample()
 344        return self.bytes_per_sample
 346    def pre_trigger(self, num_samples : int = None) -> int:
 347        """
 348        Set the number of pre trigger samples (see register `SPC_PRETRIGGER` in the manual)
 350        Parameters
 351        ----------
 352        num_samples : int | pint.Quantity
 353            the number of pre trigger samples
 355        Returns
 356        -------
 357        int
 358            the number of pre trigger samples
 359        """
 361        if num_samples is not None:
 362            num_samples = UnitConversion.convert(num_samples, units.Sa, int)
 363            self.card.set_i(SPC_PRETRIGGER, num_samples)
 364        self._pre_trigger = self.card.get_i(SPC_PRETRIGGER)
 365        return self._pre_trigger
 367    def post_trigger(self, num_samples : int = None) -> int:
 368        """
 369        Set the number of post trigger samples (see register `SPC_POSTTRIGGER` in the manual)
 371        Parameters
 372        ----------
 373        num_samples : int | pint.Quantity
 374            the number of post trigger samples
 376        Returns
 377        -------
 378        int
 379            the number of post trigger samples
 380        """
 382        if self._memory_size < num_samples:
 383            raise ValueError(f"The number of post trigger samples needs to be smaller than the total number of samples: {self._memory_size} < {num_samples}")
 384        if num_samples is not None:
 385            num_samples = UnitConversion.convert(num_samples, units.Sa, int)
 386            self.card.set_i(SPC_POSTTRIGGER, num_samples)
 387        post_trigger = self.card.get_i(SPC_POSTTRIGGER)
 388        self._pre_trigger = self._memory_size - post_trigger
 389        return post_trigger
 391    def allocate_buffer(self, num_samples : int, no_reshape = False) -> None:
 392        """
 393        Memory allocation for the buffer that is used for communicating with the card
 395        Parameters
 396        ----------
 397        num_samples : int | pint.Quantity = None
 398            use the number of samples an get the number of active channels and bytes per samples directly from the card
 399        """
 401        self.buffer_samples = UnitConversion.convert(num_samples, units.Sa, int)
 403        sample_type = self.numpy_type()
 405        dwMask = self._buffer_alignment - 1
 407        item_size = sample_type(0).itemsize
 408        # print(f"Item size: {item_size}")
 409        # allocate a buffer (numpy array) for DMA transfer: a little bigger one to have room for address alignment
 410        databuffer_unaligned = np.empty(((self._buffer_alignment + self.buffer_size) // item_size, ), dtype = sample_type)   # byte count to sample (// = integer division)
 411        # two numpy-arrays may share the same memory: skip the begin up to the alignment boundary (ArrayVariable[SKIP_VALUE:])
 412        # Address of data-memory from numpy-array: ArrayVariable.__array_interface__['data'][0]
 413        start_pos_samples = ((self._buffer_alignment - (databuffer_unaligned.__array_interface__['data'][0] & dwMask)) // item_size)
 414        self.buffer = databuffer_unaligned[start_pos_samples:start_pos_samples + (self.buffer_size // item_size)]   # byte address to sample size
 415        if self.bits_per_sample > 1 and not self._12bit_mode and not no_reshape:
 416            self.buffer = self.buffer.reshape((self.num_channels, self.buffer_samples), order='F')  # index definition: [channel, sample] !
 418    def start_buffer_transfer(self, *args, buffer_type=SPCM_BUF_DATA, direction=None, notify_samples=None, transfer_offset=None, transfer_length=None, exception_num_samples=False) -> None:
 419        """
 420        Start the transfer of the data to or from the card  (see the API function `spcm_dwDefTransfer_i64` in the manual)
 422        Parameters
 423        ----------
 424        *args : list
 425            list of additonal arguments that are added as flags to the start dma command
 426        buffer_type : int
 427            the type of buffer that is used for the transfer
 428        direction : int
 429            the direction of the transfer
 430        notify_samples : int
 431            the number of samples to notify the user about
 432        transfer_offset : int
 433            the offset of the transfer
 434        transfer_length : int
 435            the length of the transfer
 436        exception_num_samples : bool
 437            if True, an exception is raised if the number of samples is not a multiple of the notify samples. The automatic buffer handling only works with the number of samples being a multiple of the notify samples.
 439        Raises
 440        ------
 441        SpcmException
 442        """
 444        self.notify_samples(UnitConversion.convert(notify_samples, units.Sa, int))
 445        transfer_offset = UnitConversion.convert(transfer_offset, units.Sa, int)
 446        transfer_length = UnitConversion.convert(transfer_length, units.Sa, int)
 448        if self.buffer is None: 
 449            raise SpcmException(text="No buffer defined for transfer")
 450        if buffer_type: 
 451            self.buffer_type = buffer_type
 452        if direction is None:
 453            if self.direction == Direction.Acquisition:
 454                direction = SPCM_DIR_CARDTOPC
 455            elif self.direction == Direction.Generation:
 456                direction = SPCM_DIR_PCTOCARD
 457            else:
 458                raise SpcmException(text="Please define a direction for transfer (SPCM_DIR_CARDTOPC or SPCM_DIR_PCTOCARD)")
 460        if self._notify_samples != 0 and np.remainder(self.buffer_samples, self._notify_samples) and exception_num_samples:
 461            raise SpcmException("The number of samples needs to be a multiple of the notify samples.")
 463        if transfer_offset:
 464            transfer_offset_bytes = self.samples_to_bytes(transfer_offset)
 465        else:
 466            transfer_offset_bytes = 0
 468        self.buffer_samples = transfer_length
 470        # we define the buffer for transfer
 471        self.card._print("Starting the DMA transfer and waiting until data is in board memory")
 472        self._c_buffer = self.buffer.ctypes.data_as(c_void_p)
 473        self.card._check_error(spcm_dwDefTransfer_i64(self.card._handle, self.buffer_type, direction, self.notify_size, self._c_buffer, transfer_offset_bytes, self.buffer_size))
 475        # Execute additional commands if available
 476        if args:
 477            cmd = 0
 478            for arg in args:
 479                cmd |= arg
 480            self.card.cmd(cmd)
 481            self.card._print("... data transfer started")
 483    def duration(self, duration : pint.Quantity, pre_trigger_duration : pint.Quantity = None, post_trigger_duration : pint.Quantity = None) -> None:
 484        """
 485        Set the duration of the data transfer
 487        Parameters
 488        ----------
 489        duration : pint.Quantity
 490            the duration of the data transfer
 491        pre_trigger_duration : pint.Quantity = None
 492            the duration before the trigger event
 493        post_trigger_duration : pint.Quantity = None
 494            the duration after the trigger event
 496        Returns
 497        -------
 498        pint.Quantity
 499            the duration of the data transfer
 500        """
 502        if pre_trigger_duration is None and post_trigger_duration is None:
 503            raise ValueError("Please define either pre_trigger_duration or post_trigger_duration")
 505        memsize_min = self.card.get_i(SPC_AVAILMEMSIZE_MIN)
 506        memsize_max = self.card.get_i(SPC_AVAILMEMSIZE_MAX)
 507        memsize_stp = self.card.get_i(SPC_AVAILMEMSIZE_STEP)
 508        num_samples = (duration * self._sample_rate()).to_base_units().magnitude
 509        num_samples = np.ceil(num_samples / memsize_stp) * memsize_stp
 510        num_samples = np.clip(num_samples, memsize_min, memsize_max)
 511        num_samples = int(num_samples)
 512        self.memory_size(num_samples)
 513        self.allocate_buffer(num_samples)
 514        if pre_trigger_duration is not None:
 515            pre_min = self.card.get_i(SPC_AVAILPRETRIGGER_MIN)
 516            pre_max = self.card.get_i(SPC_AVAILPRETRIGGER_MAX)
 517            pre_stp = self.card.get_i(SPC_AVAILPRETRIGGER_STEP)
 518            pre_samples = (pre_trigger_duration * self._sample_rate()).to_base_units().magnitude
 519            pre_samples = np.ceil(pre_samples / pre_stp) * pre_stp
 520            pre_samples = np.clip(pre_samples, pre_min, pre_max)
 521            pre_samples = int(post_samples)
 522            self.post_trigger(post_samples)
 523        if post_trigger_duration is not None:
 524            post_min = self.card.get_i(SPC_AVAILPOSTTRIGGER_MIN)
 525            post_max = self.card.get_i(SPC_AVAILPOSTTRIGGER_MAX)
 526            post_stp = self.card.get_i(SPC_AVAILPOSTTRIGGER_STEP)
 527            post_samples = (post_trigger_duration * self._sample_rate()).to_base_units().magnitude
 528            post_samples = np.ceil(post_samples / post_stp) * post_stp
 529            post_samples = np.clip(post_samples, post_min, post_max)
 530            post_samples = int(post_samples)
 531            self.post_trigger(post_samples)
 532        return num_samples, post_samples
 534    def time_data(self, total_num_samples : int = None, return_units = units.s) -> npt.NDArray:
 535        """
 536        Get the time array for the data buffer
 538        Parameters
 539        ----------
 540        total_num_samples : int | pint.Quantity
 541            the total number of samples
 542        return_units : pint.Quantity
 543            the units that the time should be converted to
 545        Returns
 546        -------
 547        numpy array
 548            the time array
 549        """
 551        if total_num_samples is None:
 552            total_num_samples = self._buffer_samples
 553        total_num_samples = UnitConversion.convert(total_num_samples, units.Sa, int)
 554        pre_trigger = UnitConversion.convert(self._pre_trigger, units.Sa, int)
 555        return self.convert_time((np.arange(total_num_samples) - pre_trigger)).to(return_units)
 557    def convert_time(self, time, return_units = units.s):
 558        """
 559        Convert a time to the units of the card sample rate
 561        Parameters
 562        ----------
 563        time : numpy array
 564            the time array with integers that should be converted
 565        return_units : numpy array with pint.Quantity
 566            the units that the time should be converted to
 568        Returns
 569        -------
 570        pint.Quantity
 571            the converted time
 572        """
 574        sample_rate = self._sample_rate()
 575        return (time / sample_rate).to(return_units)
 577    def unpack_12bit_buffer(self, data : npt.NDArray[np.int_] = None) -> npt.NDArray[np.int_]:
 578        """
 579        Unpacks the 12-bit packed data to 16-bit data
 581        Parameters
 582        ----------
 583        data : numpy array
 584            the packed data
 586        Returns
 587        -------
 588        numpy array
 589            the unpacked 16bit buffer
 590        """
 592        if not self._12bit_mode:
 593            raise SpcmException("The card is not in 12bit packed mode")
 595        if data is None:
 596            data = self.buffer
 598        fst_int8, mid_int8, lst_int8 = np.reshape(data, (data.shape[0] // 3, 3)).astype(np.int16).T
 599        nibble_h = (mid_int8 >> 0) & 0x0F
 600        nibble_m = (fst_int8 >> 4) & 0x0F
 601        nibble_l = (fst_int8 >> 0) & 0x0F
 602        fst_int12 = ((nibble_h << 12) >> 4) | (nibble_m << 4) | (nibble_l << 0)
 603        nibble_h = (lst_int8 >> 4) & 0x0F
 604        nibble_m = (lst_int8 >> 0) & 0x0F
 605        nibble_l = (mid_int8 >> 4) & 0x0F
 606        snd_int12 = ((nibble_h << 12) >> 4) | (nibble_m << 4) | (nibble_l << 0)
 607        data_int12 = np.concatenate((fst_int12[:, None], snd_int12[:, None]), axis=1).reshape((-1,))
 608        data_int12 = data_int12.reshape((self.num_channels, self._buffer_samples), order='F')
 609        return data_int12
 611    def unpackbits(self, data : npt.NDArray[np.int_] = None) -> npt.NDArray[np.int_]:
 612        """
 613        Unpack the buffer to bits
 615        Parameters
 616        ----------
 617        data : numpy array | None = None
 618            the packed data
 620        Returns
 621        -------
 622        numpy array
 623            the unpacked buffer
 624        """
 626        if data is None:
 627            data = self.buffer
 628        dshape = list(data.shape)
 629        return_data = data.reshape([-1, 1])
 630        num_bits = return_data.dtype.itemsize * 8
 631        mask = 2**np.arange(num_bits, dtype=return_data.dtype).reshape([1, num_bits])
 632        return (return_data & mask).astype(bool).astype(int).reshape(dshape + [num_bits])
 634    def tofile(self, filename : str, buffer = None, **kwargs) -> None:
 635        """
 636        Export the buffer to a file. The file format is determined by the file extension
 637        Supported file formats are: 
 638        * .bin: raw binary file
 639        * .csv: comma-separated values file
 640        * .npy: numpy binary file
 641        * .npz: compressed numpy binary file
 642        * .txt: whitespace-delimited text file
 643        * .h5: hdf5 file format
 645        Parameters
 646        ----------
 647        filename : str
 648            the name of the file that the buffer should be exported to
 650        Raises
 651        ------
 652        ImportError
 653            if the file format is not supported
 654        """
 656        if buffer is None:
 657            buffer = self.buffer
 658        file_path = Path(filename)
 659        if file_path.suffix == '.bin':
 660            buffer.tofile(file_path)
 661        elif file_path.suffix == '.csv':
 662            delimiter = kwargs.get('delimiter', ',')
 663            np.savetxt(file_path, buffer, delimiter=delimiter)
 664        elif file_path.suffix == '.npy':
 665            np.save(file_path, buffer)
 666        elif file_path.suffix == '.npz':
 667            np.savez_compressed(file_path, buffer)
 668        elif file_path.suffix == '.txt':
 669            np.savetxt(file_path, buffer, fmt='%d')
 670        elif file_path.suffix == '.h5' or file_path.suffix == '.hdf5':
 671            import h5py
 672            with h5py.File(file_path, 'w') as f:
 673                f.create_dataset('data', data=buffer)
 674        else:
 675            raise ImportError("File format not supported")
 677    def fromfile(self, filename : str, in_buffer : bool = True, **kwargs) -> npt.NDArray[np.int_]:
 678        """
 679        Import the buffer from a file. The file format is determined by the file extension
 680        Supported file formats are: 
 681        * .bin: raw binary file
 682        * .csv: comma-separated values file
 683        * .npy: numpy binary file
 684        * .npz: compressed numpy binary file
 685        * .txt: whitespace-delimited text file
 686        * .h5: hdf5 file format
 688        Parameters
 689        ----------
 690        filename : str
 691            the name of the file that the buffer should be imported from
 693        Raises
 694        ------
 695        ImportError
 696            if the file format is not supported
 697        """
 699        file_path = Path(filename)
 700        if file_path.suffix == '.bin':
 701            dtype = kwargs.get('dtype', self.numpy_type())
 702            shape = kwargs.get('shape', (self.num_channels, self.buffer_size // self.num_channels))
 703            buffer = np.fromfile(file_path, dtype=dtype)
 704            loaded_data = buffer.reshape(shape, order='C')
 705        elif file_path.suffix == '.csv':
 706            delimiter = kwargs.get('delimiter', ',')
 707            loaded_data = np.loadtxt(file_path, delimiter=delimiter)
 708        elif file_path.suffix == '.npy':
 709            loaded_data = np.load(file_path)
 710        elif file_path.suffix == '.npz':
 711            data = np.load(file_path)
 712            loaded_data = data['arr_0']
 713        elif file_path.suffix == '.txt':
 714            loaded_data = np.loadtxt(file_path)
 715        elif file_path.suffix == '.h5' or file_path.suffix == '.hdf5':
 716            import h5py
 717            with h5py.File(file_path, 'r') as f:
 718                loaded_data = f['data'][()]
 719        else:
 720            raise ImportError("File format not supported")
 722        if in_buffer:
 723            self.buffer[:] = loaded_data
 724        return loaded_data
 727    def avail_card_len(self, available_samples : int = 0) -> None:
 728        """
 729        Set the amount of data that has been read out of the data buffer (see register `SPC_DATA_AVAIL_CARD_LEN` in the manual)
 731        Parameters
 732        ----------
 733        available_samples : int | pint.Quantity
 734            the amount of data that is available for reading
 735        """
 737        available_samples = UnitConversion.convert(available_samples, units.Sa, int)
 738        # print(available_samples, self.bytes_per_sample, self.num_channels)
 739        available_bytes = self.samples_to_bytes(available_samples)
 740        self.card.set_i(SPC_DATA_AVAIL_CARD_LEN, available_bytes)
 742    def avail_user_pos(self, in_bytes : bool = False) -> int:
 743        """
 744        Get the current position of the pointer in the data buffer (see register `SPC_DATA_AVAIL_USER_POS` in the manual)
 746        Parameters
 747        ----------
 748        in_bytes : bool
 749            if True, the position is returned in bytes
 751        Returns
 752        -------
 753        int
 754            pointer position
 755        """
 757        self.current_user_pos = self.card.get_i(SPC_DATA_AVAIL_USER_POS)
 758        if not in_bytes:
 759            self.current_user_pos = self.bytes_to_samples(self.current_user_pos)
 760        return self.current_user_pos
 762    def avail_user_len(self, in_bytes : bool = False) -> int:
 763        """
 764        Get the current length of the data in the data buffer (see register `SPC_DATA_AVAIL_USER_LEN` in the manual)
 766        Parameters
 767        ----------
 768        in_bytes : bool
 769            if True, the length is returned in bytes
 771        Returns
 772        -------
 773        int
 774            data length available
 775        """
 777        user_len = self.card.get_i(SPC_DATA_AVAIL_USER_LEN)
 778        if not in_bytes:
 779            user_len = self.bytes_to_samples(user_len)
 780        return user_len
 782    def fill_size_promille(self, return_unit = None) -> int:
 783        """
 784        Get the fill size of the data buffer (see register `SPC_FILLSIZEPROMILLE` in the manual)
 786        Returns
 787        -------
 788        int
 789            fill size
 790        """
 792        return_value = self.card.get_i(SPC_FILLSIZEPROMILLE)
 793        if return_unit is not None: return_value = UnitConversion.to_unit(return_value * units.promille, return_unit)
 794        return return_value
 796    def wait_dma(self) -> None:
 797        """
 798        Wait for the DMA transfer to finish (see register `M2CMD_DATA_WAITDMA` in the manual)
 799        """
 801        self.card.cmd(M2CMD_DATA_WAITDMA)
 802    wait = wait_dma
 804    def numpy_type(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.int_]:
 805        """
 806        Get the type of numpy data from number of bytes
 808        Returns
 809        -------
 810        numpy data type
 811            the type of data that is used by the card
 812        """
 814        if self._8bit_mode:
 815            return np.uint8
 816        if self._12bit_mode:
 817            return np.int8
 818        if self.bits_per_sample == 1:
 819            if self.num_channels <= 8:
 820                return np.uint8
 821            elif self.num_channels <= 16:
 822                return np.uint16
 823            elif self.num_channels <= 32:
 824                return np.uint32
 825            return np.uint64
 826        if self.bits_per_sample <= 8:
 827            return np.int8
 828        elif self.bits_per_sample <= 16:
 829            return np.int16
 830        elif self.bits_per_sample <= 32:
 831            return np.int32
 832        return np.int64
 834    # Data conversion mode
 835    def data_conversion(self, mode : int = None) -> int:
 836        """
 837        Set the data conversion mode (see register `SPC_DATACONVERSION` in the manual)
 839        Parameters
 840        ----------
 841        mode : int
 842            the data conversion mode
 843        """
 845        if mode is not None:
 846            self.card.set_i(SPC_DATACONVERSION, mode)
 847        mode = self.card.get_i(SPC_DATACONVERSION)
 848        self._8bit_mode = (mode == SPCM_DC_12BIT_TO_8BIT or mode == SPCM_DC_14BIT_TO_8BIT or mode == SPCM_DC_16BIT_TO_8BIT)
 849        self._12bit_mode = (mode == SPCM_DC_12BIT_TO_12BITPACKED)
 850        self._bits_per_sample()
 851        self._bytes_per_sample()
 852        return mode
 854    def avail_data_conversion(self) -> int:
 855        """
 856        Get the available data conversion modes (see register `SPC_AVAILDATACONVERSION` in the manual)
 858        Returns
 859        -------
 860        int
 861            the available data conversion modes
 862        """
 863        return self.card.get_i(SPC_AVAILDATACONVERSION)
 865    # Iterator methods
 867    iterator_index = 0
 868    _max_timeout = 64
 870    _to_transfer_samples = 0
 871    _current_samples = 0
 873    _verbose = False
 875    def verbose(self, verbose : bool = None) -> bool:
 876        """
 877        Set or get the verbose mode for the data transfer
 879        Parameters
 880        ----------
 881        verbose : bool = None
 882            the verbose mode
 883        """
 885        if verbose is not None:
 886            self._verbose = verbose
 887        return self._verbose
 889    def to_transfer_samples(self, samples) -> None:
 890        """
 891        This method sets the number of samples to transfer
 893        Parameters
 894        ----------
 895        samples : int | pint.Quantity
 896            the number of samples to transfer
 897        """
 899        samples = UnitConversion.convert(samples, units.Sa, int)
 900        self._to_transfer_samples = samples
 902    def __iter__(self):
 903        """
 904        This method is called when the iterator is initialized
 906        Returns
 907        -------
 908        DataIterator
 909            the iterator itself
 910        """
 912        self.iterator_index = 0
 913        return self
 915    def polling(self, polling : bool = True, timer : float = 0.01) -> None:
 916        """
 917        Set the polling mode for the data transfer otherwise wait_dma() is used
 919        Parameters
 920        ----------
 921        polling : bool
 922            True to enable polling, False to disable polling
 923        timer : float | pint.Quantity
 924            the polling timer in seconds
 925        """
 927        self._polling = polling
 928        self._polling_timer = UnitConversion.convert(timer, units.s, float, rounding=None)
 930    _auto_avail_card_len = True
 931    def auto_avail_card_len(self, value : bool = None) -> bool:
 932        """
 933        Enable or disable the automatic sending of the number of samples that the card can now use for sample data transfer again
 935        Parameters
 936        ----------
 937        value : bool = None
 938            True to enable, False to disable and None to get the current status
 940        Returns
 941        -------
 942        bool
 943            the current status
 944        """
 945        if value is not None:
 946            self._auto_avail_card_len = value
 947        return self._auto_avail_card_len
 949    def __next__(self) -> npt.ArrayLike:
 950        """
 951        This method is called when the next element is requested from the iterator
 953        Returns
 954        -------
 955        npt.ArrayLike
 956            the next data block
 958        Raises
 959        ------
 960        StopIteration
 961        """
 962        timeout_counter = 0
 963        # notify the card that data is available or read, but only after the first block
 964        if self.iterator_index != 0 and self._auto_avail_card_len:
 965            self.flush()
 967        while True:
 968            try:
 969                if not self._polling:
 970                    self.wait_dma()
 971                else:
 972                    user_len = self.avail_user_len()
 973                    if user_len >= self._notify_samples:
 974                        break
 975                    time.sleep(0.01)
 976            except SpcmTimeout:
 977                self.card._print("... Timeout ({})".format(timeout_counter), end='\r')
 978                timeout_counter += 1
 979                if timeout_counter > self._max_timeout:
 980                    self.iterator_index = 0
 981                    raise StopIteration
 982            else:
 983                if not self._polling:
 984                    break
 986        self.iterator_index += 1
 988        self._current_samples += self._notify_samples
 989        if self._to_transfer_samples != 0 and self._to_transfer_samples < self._current_samples:
 990            self.iterator_index = 0
 991            raise StopIteration
 993        user_pos = self.avail_user_pos()
 994        fill_size = self.fill_size_promille()
 996        self.card._print("Fill size: {}%  Pos:{:08x} Total:{:.2f} MiS / {:.2f} MiS".format(fill_size/10, user_pos, self._current_samples / MEBI(1), self._to_transfer_samples / MEBI(1)), end='\r', verbose=self._verbose)
 998        return self.buffer[:, user_pos:user_pos+self._notify_samples]
1000    def flush(self):
1001        """
1002        This method is used to tell the card that a notify size of data is freed up after reading (acquisition) or written to (generation)
1003        """
1004        self.avail_card_len(self._notify_samples)

A high-level class to control Data Transfer to and from Spectrum Instrumentation cards.

This class is an iterator class that implements the functions __iter__ and __next__. This allows the user to supply the class to a for loop and iterate over the data that is transferred from or to the card. Each iteration will return a numpy array with a data block of size notify_samples. In case of a digitizer you can read the data from that block and process it. In case of a generator you can write data to the block and it's then transferred.

For more information about what setups are available, please have a look at the user manual for your specific card.

  • buffer (NDArray[np.int_]): numpy object that can be used to write data into the spcm buffer
  • buffer_size (int): defines the size of the current buffer shared between the PC and the card
  • buffer_type (int): defines the type of data in the buffer that is used for the transfer
  • num_channels (int): defines the number of channels that are used for the transfer
  • bytes_per_sample (int): defines the number of bytes per sample
  • bits_per_sample (int): defines the number of bits per sample
  • direction (Direction = Direction.Acquisition): Direction of the data transfer.
DataTransfer(card, *args, **kwargs)
209    def __init__(self, card, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
210        """
211        Initialize the DataTransfer object with a card object and additional arguments
213        Parameters
214        ----------
215        card : Card
216            the card object that is used for the data transfer
217        *args : list
218            list of additional arguments
219        **kwargs : dict
220            dictionary of additional keyword arguments
221        """
223        self.buffer_size = 0
224        self.notify_size = 0
225        self.num_channels = 0
226        self.bytes_per_sample = 0
227        self.bits_per_sample = 0
229        self.current_user_pos = 0
231        self._buffer_samples = 0
232        self._notify_samples = 0
233        self._memory_size = 0
234        self._c_buffer = None
235        self._buffer_alignment = 4096
236        self._np_buffer = None
237        self._8bit_mode = False
238        self._12bit_mode = False
239        self._pre_trigger = 0
241        super().__init__(card, *args, **kwargs)
242        self.buffer_type = SPCM_BUF_DATA
243        self._bytes_per_sample()
244        self._bits_per_sample()
245        self.num_channels = self.card.active_channels()
247        # Find out the direction of transfer
248        if self.function_type == SPCM_TYPE_AI or self.function_type == SPCM_TYPE_DI:
249            self.direction = Direction.Acquisition
250        elif self.function_type == SPCM_TYPE_AO or self.function_type == SPCM_TYPE_DO:
251            self.direction = Direction.Generation
252        else:
253            self.direction = Direction.Undefined

Initialize the DataTransfer object with a card object and additional arguments

  • card (Card): the card object that is used for the data transfer
  • *args (list): list of additional arguments
  • **kwargs (dict): dictionary of additional keyword arguments
buffer_size: int = 0
notify_size: int = 0
direction: spcm_core.pyspcm.Direction = <Direction.Acquisition: 1>
buffer_type: int
num_channels: int = 0
bytes_per_sample: int = 0
bits_per_sample: int = 0
current_user_pos: int = 0
buffer: numpy.ndarray[tuple[int, ...], numpy.dtype[numpy.int64]]
73    @property
74    def buffer(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.int_]:
75        """
76        The numpy buffer object that interfaces the Card and can be written and read from
78        Returns
79        -------
80        numpy array
81            the numpy buffer object with the following array index definition: 
82            `[channel, sample]`
83            or in case of multiple recording / replay:
84            `[segment, sample, channel]`
85        """
86        return self._np_buffer

The numpy buffer object that interfaces the Card and can be written and read from

  • numpy array: the numpy buffer object with the following array index definition: [channel, sample] or in case of multiple recording / replay: [segment, sample, channel]
buffer_samples: int
 96    @property
 97    def buffer_samples(self) -> int:
 98        """
 99        The number of samples in the buffer
101        Returns
102        -------
103        int
104            the number of samples in the buffer
105        """
106        return self._buffer_samples

The number of samples in the buffer

  • int: the number of samples in the buffer
def bytes_to_samples(self, num_bytes: int) -> int:
124    def bytes_to_samples(self, num_bytes : int) -> int:
125        """
126        Convert bytes to samples
128        Parameters
129        ----------
130        bytes : int
131            the number of bytes
133        Returns
134        -------
135        int
136            the number of samples
137        """
139        if self.bits_per_sample > 1:
140            num_samples = num_bytes // self.bytes_per_sample // self.num_channels
141        else:
142            num_samples = num_bytes // self.num_channels * 8
143        return num_samples

Convert bytes to samples

  • bytes (int): the number of bytes
  • int: the number of samples
def samples_to_bytes(self, num_samples: int) -> int:
145    def samples_to_bytes(self, num_samples : int) -> int:
146        """
147        Convert samples to bytes
149        Parameters
150        ----------
151        num_samples : int
152            the number of samples
154        Returns
155        -------
156        int
157            the number of bytes
158        """
160        if self.bits_per_sample > 1:
161            num_bytes = num_samples * self.bytes_per_sample * self.num_channels
162        else:
163            num_bytes = num_samples * self.num_channels // 8
164        return num_bytes

Convert samples to bytes

  • num_samples (int): the number of samples
  • int: the number of bytes
def notify_samples(self, notify_samples: int = None) -> int:
179    def notify_samples(self, notify_samples : int = None) -> int:
180        """
181        Set the number of samples to notify the user about
183        Parameters
184        ----------
185        notify_samples : int | pint.Quantity
186            the number of samples to notify the user about
187        """
189        if notify_samples is not None:
190            notify_samples = UnitConversion.convert(notify_samples, units.Sa, int)
191            self._notify_samples = notify_samples
192            self.notify_size = self.samples_to_bytes(self._notify_samples)
193            # self.notify_size = int(self._notify_samples * self.bytes_per_sample * self.num_channels)
194        return self._notify_samples

Set the number of samples to notify the user about

  • notify_samples (int | pint.Quantity): the number of samples to notify the user about
def memory_size(self, memory_samples: int = None) -> int:
266    def memory_size(self, memory_samples : int = None) -> int:
267        """
268        Sets the memory size in samples per channel. The memory size setting must be set before transferring 
269        data to the card. (see register `SPC_MEMSIZE` in the manual)
271        Parameters
272        ----------
273        memory_samples : int | pint.Quantity
274            the size of the memory in samples
276        Returns
277        -------
278        int
279            the size of the memory in samples
280        """
282        if memory_samples is not None:
283            memory_samples = UnitConversion.convert(memory_samples, units.Sa, int)
284            self.card.set_i(SPC_MEMSIZE, memory_samples)
285        self._memory_size = self.card.get_i(SPC_MEMSIZE)
286        return self._memory_size

Sets the memory size in samples per channel. The memory size setting must be set before transferring data to the card. (see register SPC_MEMSIZE in the manual)

  • memory_samples (int | pint.Quantity): the size of the memory in samples
  • int: the size of the memory in samples
def output_buffer_size(self, buffer_samples: int = None) -> int:
288    def output_buffer_size(self, buffer_samples : int = None) -> int:
289        """
290        Set the size of the output buffer (see register `SPC_DATA_OUTBUFSIZE` in the manual)
292        Parameters
293        ----------
294        buffer_samples : int | pint.Quantity
295            the size of the output buffer in Bytes
297        Returns
298        -------
299        int
300            the size of the output buffer in Samples
301        """
303        if buffer_samples is not None:
304            buffer_samples = UnitConversion.convert(buffer_samples, units.B, int)
305            buffer_size = self.samples_to_bytes(buffer_samples)
306            self.card.set_i(SPC_DATA_OUTBUFSIZE, buffer_size)
307        return self.bytes_to_samples(self.card.get_i(SPC_DATA_OUTBUFSIZE))

Set the size of the output buffer (see register SPC_DATA_OUTBUFSIZE in the manual)

  • buffer_samples (int | pint.Quantity): the size of the output buffer in Bytes
  • int: the size of the output buffer in Samples
def loops(self, loops: int = None) -> int:
309    def loops(self, loops : int = None) -> int:
310        return self.card.loops(loops)
def pre_trigger(self, num_samples: int = None) -> int:
346    def pre_trigger(self, num_samples : int = None) -> int:
347        """
348        Set the number of pre trigger samples (see register `SPC_PRETRIGGER` in the manual)
350        Parameters
351        ----------
352        num_samples : int | pint.Quantity
353            the number of pre trigger samples
355        Returns
356        -------
357        int
358            the number of pre trigger samples
359        """
361        if num_samples is not None:
362            num_samples = UnitConversion.convert(num_samples, units.Sa, int)
363            self.card.set_i(SPC_PRETRIGGER, num_samples)
364        self._pre_trigger = self.card.get_i(SPC_PRETRIGGER)
365        return self._pre_trigger

Set the number of pre trigger samples (see register SPC_PRETRIGGER in the manual)

  • num_samples (int | pint.Quantity): the number of pre trigger samples
  • int: the number of pre trigger samples
def post_trigger(self, num_samples: int = None) -> int:
367    def post_trigger(self, num_samples : int = None) -> int:
368        """
369        Set the number of post trigger samples (see register `SPC_POSTTRIGGER` in the manual)
371        Parameters
372        ----------
373        num_samples : int | pint.Quantity
374            the number of post trigger samples
376        Returns
377        -------
378        int
379            the number of post trigger samples
380        """
382        if self._memory_size < num_samples:
383            raise ValueError(f"The number of post trigger samples needs to be smaller than the total number of samples: {self._memory_size} < {num_samples}")
384        if num_samples is not None:
385            num_samples = UnitConversion.convert(num_samples, units.Sa, int)
386            self.card.set_i(SPC_POSTTRIGGER, num_samples)
387        post_trigger = self.card.get_i(SPC_POSTTRIGGER)
388        self._pre_trigger = self._memory_size - post_trigger
389        return post_trigger

Set the number of post trigger samples (see register SPC_POSTTRIGGER in the manual)

  • num_samples (int | pint.Quantity): the number of post trigger samples
  • int: the number of post trigger samples
def allocate_buffer(self, num_samples: int, no_reshape=False) -> None:
391    def allocate_buffer(self, num_samples : int, no_reshape = False) -> None:
392        """
393        Memory allocation for the buffer that is used for communicating with the card
395        Parameters
396        ----------
397        num_samples : int | pint.Quantity = None
398            use the number of samples an get the number of active channels and bytes per samples directly from the card
399        """
401        self.buffer_samples = UnitConversion.convert(num_samples, units.Sa, int)
403        sample_type = self.numpy_type()
405        dwMask = self._buffer_alignment - 1
407        item_size = sample_type(0).itemsize
408        # print(f"Item size: {item_size}")
409        # allocate a buffer (numpy array) for DMA transfer: a little bigger one to have room for address alignment
410        databuffer_unaligned = np.empty(((self._buffer_alignment + self.buffer_size) // item_size, ), dtype = sample_type)   # byte count to sample (// = integer division)
411        # two numpy-arrays may share the same memory: skip the begin up to the alignment boundary (ArrayVariable[SKIP_VALUE:])
412        # Address of data-memory from numpy-array: ArrayVariable.__array_interface__['data'][0]
413        start_pos_samples = ((self._buffer_alignment - (databuffer_unaligned.__array_interface__['data'][0] & dwMask)) // item_size)
414        self.buffer = databuffer_unaligned[start_pos_samples:start_pos_samples + (self.buffer_size // item_size)]   # byte address to sample size
415        if self.bits_per_sample > 1 and not self._12bit_mode and not no_reshape:
416            self.buffer = self.buffer.reshape((self.num_channels, self.buffer_samples), order='F')  # index definition: [channel, sample] !

Memory allocation for the buffer that is used for communicating with the card

  • num_samples (int | pint.Quantity = None): use the number of samples an get the number of active channels and bytes per samples directly from the card
def start_buffer_transfer( self, *args, buffer_type=1000, direction=None, notify_samples=None, transfer_offset=None, transfer_length=None, exception_num_samples=False) -> None:
418    def start_buffer_transfer(self, *args, buffer_type=SPCM_BUF_DATA, direction=None, notify_samples=None, transfer_offset=None, transfer_length=None, exception_num_samples=False) -> None:
419        """
420        Start the transfer of the data to or from the card  (see the API function `spcm_dwDefTransfer_i64` in the manual)
422        Parameters
423        ----------
424        *args : list
425            list of additonal arguments that are added as flags to the start dma command
426        buffer_type : int
427            the type of buffer that is used for the transfer
428        direction : int
429            the direction of the transfer
430        notify_samples : int
431            the number of samples to notify the user about
432        transfer_offset : int
433            the offset of the transfer
434        transfer_length : int
435            the length of the transfer
436        exception_num_samples : bool
437            if True, an exception is raised if the number of samples is not a multiple of the notify samples. The automatic buffer handling only works with the number of samples being a multiple of the notify samples.
439        Raises
440        ------
441        SpcmException
442        """
444        self.notify_samples(UnitConversion.convert(notify_samples, units.Sa, int))
445        transfer_offset = UnitConversion.convert(transfer_offset, units.Sa, int)
446        transfer_length = UnitConversion.convert(transfer_length, units.Sa, int)
448        if self.buffer is None: 
449            raise SpcmException(text="No buffer defined for transfer")
450        if buffer_type: 
451            self.buffer_type = buffer_type
452        if direction is None:
453            if self.direction == Direction.Acquisition:
454                direction = SPCM_DIR_CARDTOPC
455            elif self.direction == Direction.Generation:
456                direction = SPCM_DIR_PCTOCARD
457            else:
458                raise SpcmException(text="Please define a direction for transfer (SPCM_DIR_CARDTOPC or SPCM_DIR_PCTOCARD)")
460        if self._notify_samples != 0 and np.remainder(self.buffer_samples, self._notify_samples) and exception_num_samples:
461            raise SpcmException("The number of samples needs to be a multiple of the notify samples.")
463        if transfer_offset:
464            transfer_offset_bytes = self.samples_to_bytes(transfer_offset)
465        else:
466            transfer_offset_bytes = 0
468        self.buffer_samples = transfer_length
470        # we define the buffer for transfer
471        self.card._print("Starting the DMA transfer and waiting until data is in board memory")
472        self._c_buffer = self.buffer.ctypes.data_as(c_void_p)
473        self.card._check_error(spcm_dwDefTransfer_i64(self.card._handle, self.buffer_type, direction, self.notify_size, self._c_buffer, transfer_offset_bytes, self.buffer_size))
475        # Execute additional commands if available
476        if args:
477            cmd = 0
478            for arg in args:
479                cmd |= arg
480            self.card.cmd(cmd)
481            self.card._print("... data transfer started")

Start the transfer of the data to or from the card (see the API function spcm_dwDefTransfer_i64 in the manual)

  • *args (list): list of additonal arguments that are added as flags to the start dma command
  • buffer_type (int): the type of buffer that is used for the transfer
  • direction (int): the direction of the transfer
  • notify_samples (int): the number of samples to notify the user about
  • transfer_offset (int): the offset of the transfer
  • transfer_length (int): the length of the transfer
  • exception_num_samples (bool): if True, an exception is raised if the number of samples is not a multiple of the notify samples. The automatic buffer handling only works with the number of samples being a multiple of the notify samples.
  • SpcmException
def duration( self, duration: pint.registry.Quantity, pre_trigger_duration: pint.registry.Quantity = None, post_trigger_duration: pint.registry.Quantity = None) -> None:
483    def duration(self, duration : pint.Quantity, pre_trigger_duration : pint.Quantity = None, post_trigger_duration : pint.Quantity = None) -> None:
484        """
485        Set the duration of the data transfer
487        Parameters
488        ----------
489        duration : pint.Quantity
490            the duration of the data transfer
491        pre_trigger_duration : pint.Quantity = None
492            the duration before the trigger event
493        post_trigger_duration : pint.Quantity = None
494            the duration after the trigger event
496        Returns
497        -------
498        pint.Quantity
499            the duration of the data transfer
500        """
502        if pre_trigger_duration is None and post_trigger_duration is None:
503            raise ValueError("Please define either pre_trigger_duration or post_trigger_duration")
505        memsize_min = self.card.get_i(SPC_AVAILMEMSIZE_MIN)
506        memsize_max = self.card.get_i(SPC_AVAILMEMSIZE_MAX)
507        memsize_stp = self.card.get_i(SPC_AVAILMEMSIZE_STEP)
508        num_samples = (duration * self._sample_rate()).to_base_units().magnitude
509        num_samples = np.ceil(num_samples / memsize_stp) * memsize_stp
510        num_samples = np.clip(num_samples, memsize_min, memsize_max)
511        num_samples = int(num_samples)
512        self.memory_size(num_samples)
513        self.allocate_buffer(num_samples)
514        if pre_trigger_duration is not None:
515            pre_min = self.card.get_i(SPC_AVAILPRETRIGGER_MIN)
516            pre_max = self.card.get_i(SPC_AVAILPRETRIGGER_MAX)
517            pre_stp = self.card.get_i(SPC_AVAILPRETRIGGER_STEP)
518            pre_samples = (pre_trigger_duration * self._sample_rate()).to_base_units().magnitude
519            pre_samples = np.ceil(pre_samples / pre_stp) * pre_stp
520            pre_samples = np.clip(pre_samples, pre_min, pre_max)
521            pre_samples = int(post_samples)
522            self.post_trigger(post_samples)
523        if post_trigger_duration is not None:
524            post_min = self.card.get_i(SPC_AVAILPOSTTRIGGER_MIN)
525            post_max = self.card.get_i(SPC_AVAILPOSTTRIGGER_MAX)
526            post_stp = self.card.get_i(SPC_AVAILPOSTTRIGGER_STEP)
527            post_samples = (post_trigger_duration * self._sample_rate()).to_base_units().magnitude
528            post_samples = np.ceil(post_samples / post_stp) * post_stp
529            post_samples = np.clip(post_samples, post_min, post_max)
530            post_samples = int(post_samples)
531            self.post_trigger(post_samples)
532        return num_samples, post_samples

Set the duration of the data transfer

  • duration (pint.Quantity): the duration of the data transfer
  • pre_trigger_duration (pint.Quantity = None): the duration before the trigger event
  • post_trigger_duration (pint.Quantity = None): the duration after the trigger event
  • pint.Quantity: the duration of the data transfer
def time_data( self, total_num_samples: int = None, return_units=<Unit('second')>) -> numpy.ndarray[tuple[int, ...], numpy.dtype[+_ScalarType_co]]:
534    def time_data(self, total_num_samples : int = None, return_units = units.s) -> npt.NDArray:
535        """
536        Get the time array for the data buffer
538        Parameters
539        ----------
540        total_num_samples : int | pint.Quantity
541            the total number of samples
542        return_units : pint.Quantity
543            the units that the time should be converted to
545        Returns
546        -------
547        numpy array
548            the time array
549        """
551        if total_num_samples is None:
552            total_num_samples = self._buffer_samples
553        total_num_samples = UnitConversion.convert(total_num_samples, units.Sa, int)
554        pre_trigger = UnitConversion.convert(self._pre_trigger, units.Sa, int)
555        return self.convert_time((np.arange(total_num_samples) - pre_trigger)).to(return_units)

Get the time array for the data buffer

  • total_num_samples (int | pint.Quantity): the total number of samples
  • return_units (pint.Quantity): the units that the time should be converted to
  • numpy array: the time array
def convert_time(self, time, return_units=<Unit('second')>):
557    def convert_time(self, time, return_units = units.s):
558        """
559        Convert a time to the units of the card sample rate
561        Parameters
562        ----------
563        time : numpy array
564            the time array with integers that should be converted
565        return_units : numpy array with pint.Quantity
566            the units that the time should be converted to
568        Returns
569        -------
570        pint.Quantity
571            the converted time
572        """
574        sample_rate = self._sample_rate()
575        return (time / sample_rate).to(return_units)

Convert a time to the units of the card sample rate

  • time (numpy array): the time array with integers that should be converted
  • return_units (numpy array with pint.Quantity): the units that the time should be converted to
  • pint.Quantity: the converted time
def unpack_12bit_buffer( self, data: numpy.ndarray[tuple[int, ...], numpy.dtype[numpy.int64]] = None) -> numpy.ndarray[tuple[int, ...], numpy.dtype[numpy.int64]]:
577    def unpack_12bit_buffer(self, data : npt.NDArray[np.int_] = None) -> npt.NDArray[np.int_]:
578        """
579        Unpacks the 12-bit packed data to 16-bit data
581        Parameters
582        ----------
583        data : numpy array
584            the packed data
586        Returns
587        -------
588        numpy array
589            the unpacked 16bit buffer
590        """
592        if not self._12bit_mode:
593            raise SpcmException("The card is not in 12bit packed mode")
595        if data is None:
596            data = self.buffer
598        fst_int8, mid_int8, lst_int8 = np.reshape(data, (data.shape[0] // 3, 3)).astype(np.int16).T
599        nibble_h = (mid_int8 >> 0) & 0x0F
600        nibble_m = (fst_int8 >> 4) & 0x0F
601        nibble_l = (fst_int8 >> 0) & 0x0F
602        fst_int12 = ((nibble_h << 12) >> 4) | (nibble_m << 4) | (nibble_l << 0)
603        nibble_h = (lst_int8 >> 4) & 0x0F
604        nibble_m = (lst_int8 >> 0) & 0x0F
605        nibble_l = (mid_int8 >> 4) & 0x0F
606        snd_int12 = ((nibble_h << 12) >> 4) | (nibble_m << 4) | (nibble_l << 0)
607        data_int12 = np.concatenate((fst_int12[:, None], snd_int12[:, None]), axis=1).reshape((-1,))
608        data_int12 = data_int12.reshape((self.num_channels, self._buffer_samples), order='F')
609        return data_int12

Unpacks the 12-bit packed data to 16-bit data

  • data (numpy array): the packed data
  • numpy array: the unpacked 16bit buffer
def unpackbits( self, data: numpy.ndarray[tuple[int, ...], numpy.dtype[numpy.int64]] = None) -> numpy.ndarray[tuple[int, ...], numpy.dtype[numpy.int64]]:
611    def unpackbits(self, data : npt.NDArray[np.int_] = None) -> npt.NDArray[np.int_]:
612        """
613        Unpack the buffer to bits
615        Parameters
616        ----------
617        data : numpy array | None = None
618            the packed data
620        Returns
621        -------
622        numpy array
623            the unpacked buffer
624        """
626        if data is None:
627            data = self.buffer
628        dshape = list(data.shape)
629        return_data = data.reshape([-1, 1])
630        num_bits = return_data.dtype.itemsize * 8
631        mask = 2**np.arange(num_bits, dtype=return_data.dtype).reshape([1, num_bits])
632        return (return_data & mask).astype(bool).astype(int).reshape(dshape + [num_bits])

Unpack the buffer to bits

  • data (numpy array | None = None): the packed data
  • numpy array: the unpacked buffer
def tofile(self, filename: str, buffer=None, **kwargs) -> None:
634    def tofile(self, filename : str, buffer = None, **kwargs) -> None:
635        """
636        Export the buffer to a file. The file format is determined by the file extension
637        Supported file formats are: 
638        * .bin: raw binary file
639        * .csv: comma-separated values file
640        * .npy: numpy binary file
641        * .npz: compressed numpy binary file
642        * .txt: whitespace-delimited text file
643        * .h5: hdf5 file format
645        Parameters
646        ----------
647        filename : str
648            the name of the file that the buffer should be exported to
650        Raises
651        ------
652        ImportError
653            if the file format is not supported
654        """
656        if buffer is None:
657            buffer = self.buffer
658        file_path = Path(filename)
659        if file_path.suffix == '.bin':
660            buffer.tofile(file_path)
661        elif file_path.suffix == '.csv':
662            delimiter = kwargs.get('delimiter', ',')
663            np.savetxt(file_path, buffer, delimiter=delimiter)
664        elif file_path.suffix == '.npy':
665            np.save(file_path, buffer)
666        elif file_path.suffix == '.npz':
667            np.savez_compressed(file_path, buffer)
668        elif file_path.suffix == '.txt':
669            np.savetxt(file_path, buffer, fmt='%d')
670        elif file_path.suffix == '.h5' or file_path.suffix == '.hdf5':
671            import h5py
672            with h5py.File(file_path, 'w') as f:
673                f.create_dataset('data', data=buffer)
674        else:
675            raise ImportError("File format not supported")

Export the buffer to a file. The file format is determined by the file extension Supported file formats are:

  • .bin: raw binary file
  • .csv: comma-separated values file
  • .npy: numpy binary file
  • .npz: compressed numpy binary file
  • .txt: whitespace-delimited text file
  • .h5: hdf5 file format
  • filename (str): the name of the file that the buffer should be exported to
  • ImportError: if the file format is not supported
def fromfile( self, filename: str, in_buffer: bool = True, **kwargs) -> numpy.ndarray[tuple[int, ...], numpy.dtype[numpy.int64]]:
677    def fromfile(self, filename : str, in_buffer : bool = True, **kwargs) -> npt.NDArray[np.int_]:
678        """
679        Import the buffer from a file. The file format is determined by the file extension
680        Supported file formats are: 
681        * .bin: raw binary file
682        * .csv: comma-separated values file
683        * .npy: numpy binary file
684        * .npz: compressed numpy binary file
685        * .txt: whitespace-delimited text file
686        * .h5: hdf5 file format
688        Parameters
689        ----------
690        filename : str
691            the name of the file that the buffer should be imported from
693        Raises
694        ------
695        ImportError
696            if the file format is not supported
697        """
699        file_path = Path(filename)
700        if file_path.suffix == '.bin':
701            dtype = kwargs.get('dtype', self.numpy_type())
702            shape = kwargs.get('shape', (self.num_channels, self.buffer_size // self.num_channels))
703            buffer = np.fromfile(file_path, dtype=dtype)
704            loaded_data = buffer.reshape(shape, order='C')
705        elif file_path.suffix == '.csv':
706            delimiter = kwargs.get('delimiter', ',')
707            loaded_data = np.loadtxt(file_path, delimiter=delimiter)
708        elif file_path.suffix == '.npy':
709            loaded_data = np.load(file_path)
710        elif file_path.suffix == '.npz':
711            data = np.load(file_path)
712            loaded_data = data['arr_0']
713        elif file_path.suffix == '.txt':
714            loaded_data = np.loadtxt(file_path)
715        elif file_path.suffix == '.h5' or file_path.suffix == '.hdf5':
716            import h5py
717            with h5py.File(file_path, 'r') as f:
718                loaded_data = f['data'][()]
719        else:
720            raise ImportError("File format not supported")
722        if in_buffer:
723            self.buffer[:] = loaded_data
724        return loaded_data

Import the buffer from a file. The file format is determined by the file extension Supported file formats are:

  • .bin: raw binary file
  • .csv: comma-separated values file
  • .npy: numpy binary file
  • .npz: compressed numpy binary file
  • .txt: whitespace-delimited text file
  • .h5: hdf5 file format
  • filename (str): the name of the file that the buffer should be imported from
  • ImportError: if the file format is not supported
def avail_card_len(self, available_samples: int = 0) -> None:
727    def avail_card_len(self, available_samples : int = 0) -> None:
728        """
729        Set the amount of data that has been read out of the data buffer (see register `SPC_DATA_AVAIL_CARD_LEN` in the manual)
731        Parameters
732        ----------
733        available_samples : int | pint.Quantity
734            the amount of data that is available for reading
735        """
737        available_samples = UnitConversion.convert(available_samples, units.Sa, int)
738        # print(available_samples, self.bytes_per_sample, self.num_channels)
739        available_bytes = self.samples_to_bytes(available_samples)
740        self.card.set_i(SPC_DATA_AVAIL_CARD_LEN, available_bytes)

Set the amount of data that has been read out of the data buffer (see register SPC_DATA_AVAIL_CARD_LEN in the manual)

  • available_samples (int | pint.Quantity): the amount of data that is available for reading
def avail_user_pos(self, in_bytes: bool = False) -> int:
742    def avail_user_pos(self, in_bytes : bool = False) -> int:
743        """
744        Get the current position of the pointer in the data buffer (see register `SPC_DATA_AVAIL_USER_POS` in the manual)
746        Parameters
747        ----------
748        in_bytes : bool
749            if True, the position is returned in bytes
751        Returns
752        -------
753        int
754            pointer position
755        """
757        self.current_user_pos = self.card.get_i(SPC_DATA_AVAIL_USER_POS)
758        if not in_bytes:
759            self.current_user_pos = self.bytes_to_samples(self.current_user_pos)
760        return self.current_user_pos

Get the current position of the pointer in the data buffer (see register SPC_DATA_AVAIL_USER_POS in the manual)

  • in_bytes (bool): if True, the position is returned in bytes
  • int: pointer position
def avail_user_len(self, in_bytes: bool = False) -> int:
762    def avail_user_len(self, in_bytes : bool = False) -> int:
763        """
764        Get the current length of the data in the data buffer (see register `SPC_DATA_AVAIL_USER_LEN` in the manual)
766        Parameters
767        ----------
768        in_bytes : bool
769            if True, the length is returned in bytes
771        Returns
772        -------
773        int
774            data length available
775        """
777        user_len = self.card.get_i(SPC_DATA_AVAIL_USER_LEN)
778        if not in_bytes:
779            user_len = self.bytes_to_samples(user_len)
780        return user_len

Get the current length of the data in the data buffer (see register SPC_DATA_AVAIL_USER_LEN in the manual)

  • in_bytes (bool): if True, the length is returned in bytes
  • int: data length available
def fill_size_promille(self, return_unit=None) -> int:
782    def fill_size_promille(self, return_unit = None) -> int:
783        """
784        Get the fill size of the data buffer (see register `SPC_FILLSIZEPROMILLE` in the manual)
786        Returns
787        -------
788        int
789            fill size
790        """
792        return_value = self.card.get_i(SPC_FILLSIZEPROMILLE)
793        if return_unit is not None: return_value = UnitConversion.to_unit(return_value * units.promille, return_unit)
794        return return_value

Get the fill size of the data buffer (see register SPC_FILLSIZEPROMILLE in the manual)

  • int: fill size
def wait_dma(self) -> None:
796    def wait_dma(self) -> None:
797        """
798        Wait for the DMA transfer to finish (see register `M2CMD_DATA_WAITDMA` in the manual)
799        """
801        self.card.cmd(M2CMD_DATA_WAITDMA)

Wait for the DMA transfer to finish (see register M2CMD_DATA_WAITDMA in the manual)

def wait(self) -> None:
796    def wait_dma(self) -> None:
797        """
798        Wait for the DMA transfer to finish (see register `M2CMD_DATA_WAITDMA` in the manual)
799        """
801        self.card.cmd(M2CMD_DATA_WAITDMA)

Wait for the DMA transfer to finish (see register M2CMD_DATA_WAITDMA in the manual)

def numpy_type(self) -> numpy.ndarray[tuple[int, ...], numpy.dtype[numpy.int64]]:
804    def numpy_type(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.int_]:
805        """
806        Get the type of numpy data from number of bytes
808        Returns
809        -------
810        numpy data type
811            the type of data that is used by the card
812        """
814        if self._8bit_mode:
815            return np.uint8
816        if self._12bit_mode:
817            return np.int8
818        if self.bits_per_sample == 1:
819            if self.num_channels <= 8:
820                return np.uint8
821            elif self.num_channels <= 16:
822                return np.uint16
823            elif self.num_channels <= 32:
824                return np.uint32
825            return np.uint64
826        if self.bits_per_sample <= 8:
827            return np.int8
828        elif self.bits_per_sample <= 16:
829            return np.int16
830        elif self.bits_per_sample <= 32:
831            return np.int32
832        return np.int64

Get the type of numpy data from number of bytes

  • numpy data type: the type of data that is used by the card
def data_conversion(self, mode: int = None) -> int:
835    def data_conversion(self, mode : int = None) -> int:
836        """
837        Set the data conversion mode (see register `SPC_DATACONVERSION` in the manual)
839        Parameters
840        ----------
841        mode : int
842            the data conversion mode
843        """
845        if mode is not None:
846            self.card.set_i(SPC_DATACONVERSION, mode)
847        mode = self.card.get_i(SPC_DATACONVERSION)
848        self._8bit_mode = (mode == SPCM_DC_12BIT_TO_8BIT or mode == SPCM_DC_14BIT_TO_8BIT or mode == SPCM_DC_16BIT_TO_8BIT)
849        self._12bit_mode = (mode == SPCM_DC_12BIT_TO_12BITPACKED)
850        self._bits_per_sample()
851        self._bytes_per_sample()
852        return mode

Set the data conversion mode (see register SPC_DATACONVERSION in the manual)

  • mode (int): the data conversion mode
def avail_data_conversion(self) -> int:
854    def avail_data_conversion(self) -> int:
855        """
856        Get the available data conversion modes (see register `SPC_AVAILDATACONVERSION` in the manual)
858        Returns
859        -------
860        int
861            the available data conversion modes
862        """
863        return self.card.get_i(SPC_AVAILDATACONVERSION)

Get the available data conversion modes (see register SPC_AVAILDATACONVERSION in the manual)

  • int: the available data conversion modes
iterator_index = 0
def verbose(self, verbose: bool = None) -> bool:
875    def verbose(self, verbose : bool = None) -> bool:
876        """
877        Set or get the verbose mode for the data transfer
879        Parameters
880        ----------
881        verbose : bool = None
882            the verbose mode
883        """
885        if verbose is not None:
886            self._verbose = verbose
887        return self._verbose

Set or get the verbose mode for the data transfer

  • verbose (bool = None): the verbose mode
def to_transfer_samples(self, samples) -> None:
889    def to_transfer_samples(self, samples) -> None:
890        """
891        This method sets the number of samples to transfer
893        Parameters
894        ----------
895        samples : int | pint.Quantity
896            the number of samples to transfer
897        """
899        samples = UnitConversion.convert(samples, units.Sa, int)
900        self._to_transfer_samples = samples

This method sets the number of samples to transfer

  • samples (int | pint.Quantity): the number of samples to transfer
def polling(self, polling: bool = True, timer: float = 0.01) -> None:
915    def polling(self, polling : bool = True, timer : float = 0.01) -> None:
916        """
917        Set the polling mode for the data transfer otherwise wait_dma() is used
919        Parameters
920        ----------
921        polling : bool
922            True to enable polling, False to disable polling
923        timer : float | pint.Quantity
924            the polling timer in seconds
925        """
927        self._polling = polling
928        self._polling_timer = UnitConversion.convert(timer, units.s, float, rounding=None)

Set the polling mode for the data transfer otherwise wait_dma() is used

  • polling (bool): True to enable polling, False to disable polling
  • timer (float | pint.Quantity): the polling timer in seconds
def auto_avail_card_len(self, value: bool = None) -> bool:
931    def auto_avail_card_len(self, value : bool = None) -> bool:
932        """
933        Enable or disable the automatic sending of the number of samples that the card can now use for sample data transfer again
935        Parameters
936        ----------
937        value : bool = None
938            True to enable, False to disable and None to get the current status
940        Returns
941        -------
942        bool
943            the current status
944        """
945        if value is not None:
946            self._auto_avail_card_len = value
947        return self._auto_avail_card_len

Enable or disable the automatic sending of the number of samples that the card can now use for sample data transfer again

  • value (bool = None): True to enable, False to disable and None to get the current status
  • bool: the current status
def flush(self):
1000    def flush(self):
1001        """
1002        This method is used to tell the card that a notify size of data is freed up after reading (acquisition) or written to (generation)
1003        """
1004        self.avail_card_len(self._notify_samples)

This method is used to tell the card that a notify size of data is freed up after reading (acquisition) or written to (generation)

class DDS(spcm.CardFunctionality):
 248class DDS(CardFunctionality):
 249    """a higher-level abstraction of the SpcmCardFunctionality class to implement DDS functionality
 251    The DDS firmware allows the user a certain maximum number of dds cores, that 
 252    each on it's own generates a sine wave with the following parameters:
 253    * static parameters:
 254        + frequency
 255        + amplitude
 256        + phase
 257    * dynamic parameters:
 258        + frequency_slope
 259            changes the active frequency of the dds core with a linear slope
 260        + amplitude_slope
 261            changes the active amplitude of the dds core with a linear slope
 262    Each of these cores can either be added together and outputted, or specific groups
 263    of cores can be added together and outputted on a specific hardware output channel.
 264    Furthermore, specific dds cores can be connected to input parameters of another dds core.
 266    For more information about what setups are available, please have a look at the user manual
 267    for your specific card.
 269    Commands
 270    ---------
 271    The DDS functionality is controlled through commands that are listed and then written to the card.
 272    These written lists of commands are collected in a shadow register and are transferred to 
 273    the active register when a trigger is received.
 275    There are three different trigger sources, that can be set with the method 'trg_source()':
 276    * SPCM_DDS_TRG_SRC_NONE  = 0
 277        no triggers are generated and the commands are only transfered to the active register
 278        when a exec_now command is send
 279    * SPCM_DDS_TRG_SRC_TIMER = 1
 280        the triggers are generated on a timed grid with a period that can be set by the 
 281        method 'trg_timer()'
 282    * SPCM_DDS_TRG_SRC_CARD  = 2
 283        the triggers come from the card internal trigger logic (for more information, 
 284        see our product's user manual on how to setup the different triggers). In the DDS-mode
 285        multiple triggers can be processed, as with the mode SPC_STD_REP_SINGLERESTART.
 287    Note
 288    ----
 289    also the trigger source setting happens when a trigger comes. Hence a change of
 290    the trigger mode only happens after an 'arm()' command was send and an internal trigger was
 291    received.
 293    """
 295    cores : list[DDSCore] = []
 296    channels : Channels = None
 298    check_features : bool = False
 300    _current_core : int = -1
 301    _channel_from_core : dict[int, int] = {}
 303    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
 304        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
 305        self.channels = kwargs.get("channels", None)
 306        self.check_features = kwargs.get("check_features", False)
 307        self.cores = []
 308        self.load_cores()
 309        # Check if DDS feature is installed
 310        if self.check_features:
 311            features = self.card.ext_features()
 312            if not ((features & SPCM_FEAT_EXTFW_DDS20) or (features & SPCM_FEAT_EXTFW_DDS50)):
 313                raise SpcmException("The DDS feature is not installed on the card")
 315    def load_cores(self):
 316        """
 317        load the cores of the DDS functionality
 318        """
 320        self.cores = []
 321        num_cores = self.num_cores()
 323        if self.channels is not None:
 324            for channel in self.channels:
 325                cores_on_channel = self.get_cores_on_channel(channel.index)
 326                for core in range(num_cores):
 327                    if cores_on_channel & (1 << core):
 328                        self._channel_from_core[core] = channel
 330        for core in range(num_cores):
 331            if core in self._channel_from_core:
 332                self.cores.append(DDSCore(core, self, channel=self._channel_from_core[core]))
 333            else:
 334                self.cores.append(DDSCore(core, self))
 336    def __len__(self) -> int:
 337        """
 338        get the number of cores
 340        Returns
 341        -------
 342        int
 343            the number of cores
 344        """
 345        return len(self.cores)
 347    def __iter__(self):
 348        """
 349        make the class iterable
 351        Returns
 352        -------
 353        self
 354        """
 355        return self
 357    def __next__(self):
 358        """
 359        get the next core
 361        Returns
 362        -------
 363        DDSCore
 364            the next core
 365        """
 367        self._current_core += 1
 368        if self._current_core < len(self.cores):
 369            return self.cores[self._current_core]
 370        else:
 371            self._current_core = -1
 372            raise StopIteration
 374    def __getitem__(self, index : int) -> DDSCore:
 375        """
 376        get a specific core
 378        Parameters
 379        ----------
 380        index : int
 381            the index of the core
 383        Returns
 384        -------
 385        DDSCore
 386            the specific core
 387        """
 389        return self.cores[index]
 391    def set_i(self, reg : int, value : int) -> None:
 392        """
 393        set an integer value to a register
 395        Parameters
 396        ----------
 397        reg : int
 398            the register to be changed
 399        value : int
 400            the value to be set
 402        Raises
 403        ------
 404        SpcmException
 405            if the command list is full
 406        """
 408        self.card.set_i(reg, value)
 410    def set_d(self, reg : int, value : float) -> None:
 411        """
 412        set a double value to a register
 414        Parameters
 415        ----------
 416        reg : int
 417            the register to be changed
 418        value : float
 419            the value to be set
 420        """
 422        self.card.set_d(reg, value)
 424    def reset(self) -> None:
 425        """
 426        Resets the DDS specific part of the firmware (see register `SPC_DDS_CMD` in the manual)
 427        """
 429        self.cmd(SPCM_DDS_CMD_RESET)
 431    # DDS information
 432    def num_cores(self) -> int:
 433        """
 434        get the total num of available cores on the card. (see register `SPC_DDS_NUM_CORES` in the manual)
 436        Returns
 437        -------
 438        int
 439            the available number of dds cores
 440        """
 441        return self.card.get_i(SPC_DDS_NUM_CORES)
 443    def queue_cmd_max(self):
 444        """
 445        get the total number of commands that can be hold by the queue. (see register `SPC_DDS_QUEUE_CMD_MAX` in the manual)
 447        Returns
 448        -------
 449        int
 450            the total number of commands
 451        """
 452        return self.card.get_i(SPC_DDS_QUEUE_CMD_MAX)
 454    def queue_cmd_count(self):
 455        """
 456        get the current number of commands that are in the queue. (see register `SPC_DDS_QUEUE_CMD_COUNT` in the manual)
 458        Returns
 459        -------
 460        int
 461            the current number of commands
 462        """
 463        return self.card.get_i(SPC_DDS_QUEUE_CMD_COUNT)
 465    def status(self):
 466        return self.card.get_i(SPC_DDS_STATUS)
 468    # DDS setup settings
 469    def data_transfer_mode(self, mode : int) -> None:
 470        """
 471        set the data transfer mode for the DDS functionality (see register `SPC_DDS_DATA_TRANSFER_MODE` in the manual)
 473        Parameters
 474        ----------
 475        mode : int
 476            the data transfer mode:
 477            * SPCM_DDS_DTM_SINGLE = 0
 478                the data is transferred using single commands (with lower latency)
 479            * SPCM_DDS_DTM_DMA = 1
 480                the data is transferred using DMA (with higher bandwidth)
 481        """
 483        self._dtm = mode
 484        self.set_i(SPC_DDS_DATA_TRANSFER_MODE, mode)
 486    def get_data_transfer_mode(self) -> int:
 487        """
 488        get the data transfer mode for the DDS functionality (see register `SPC_DDS_DATA_TRANSFER_MODE` in the manual)
 490        Returns
 491        -------
 492        int
 493            the data transfer mode:
 494            * SPCM_DDS_DTM_SINGLE = 0
 495                the data is transferred using single commands (with lower latency)
 496            * SPCM_DDS_DTM_DMA = 1
 497                the data is transferred using DMA (with higher bandwidth)
 498        """
 500        self._dtm = self.card.get_i(SPC_DDS_DATA_TRANSFER_MODE)
 501        return self._dtm
 503    def phase_behaviour(self, behaviour : int) -> None:
 504        """
 505        set the phase behaviour of the DDS cores (see register `SPC_DDS_PHASE_BEHAVIOUR` in the manual)
 507        Parameters
 508        ----------
 509        behaviour : int
 510            the phase behaviour
 511        """
 513        self.set_i(SPC_DDS_PHASE_BEHAVIOUR, behaviour)
 515    def get_phase_behaviour(self) -> int:
 516        """
 517        get the phase behaviour of the DDS cores (see register `SPC_DDS_PHASE_BEHAVIOUR` in the manual)
 519        Returns
 520        -------
 521        int
 522            the phase behaviour
 523        """
 525        return self.card.get_i(SPC_DDS_PHASE_BEHAVIOUR)
 527    def cores_on_channel(self, channel : int, *args) -> None:
 528        """
 529        setup the cores that are connected to a specific channel (see register `SPC_DDS_CORES_ON_CH0` in the manual)
 531        Parameters
 532        ----------
 533        channel : int
 534            the channel number
 535        *args : int
 536            the cores that are connected to the channel
 538        TODO: change the channel associated with each core
 539        """
 541        mask = 0
 542        for core in args:
 543            mask |= core
 544        self.set_i(SPC_DDS_CORES_ON_CH0 + channel, mask)
 546    def get_cores_on_channel(self, channel : int) -> int:
 547        """
 548        get the cores that are connected to a specific channel (see register `SPC_DDS_CORES_ON_CH0` in the manual)
 550        Parameters
 551        ----------
 552        channel : int
 553            the channel number
 555        Returns
 556        -------
 557        int
 558            the cores that are connected to the channel
 559        """
 561        return self.card.get_i(SPC_DDS_CORES_ON_CH0 + channel)
 563    def trg_src(self, src : int) -> None:
 564        """
 565        setup the source of where the trigger is coming from (see register `SPC_DDS_TRG_SRC` in the manual)
 567        NOTE
 568        ---
 569        the trigger source is also set using the shadow register, hence only after an exec_at_trig or exec_now --
 571        Parameters
 572        ----------
 573        src : int
 574            set the trigger source:
 575            * SPCM_DDS_TRG_SRC_NONE  = 0
 576                no trigger source set, only exec_now changes what is output by the cores
 577            * SPCM_DDS_TRG_SRC_TIMER = 1
 578                an internal timer sends out triggers with a period defined by `trg_timer(period)`
 579            * SPCM_DDS_TRG_SRC_CARD  = 2
 580                use the trigger engine of the card (see the user manual for more information about setting up the trigger engine)
 581        """
 583        self.set_i(SPC_DDS_TRG_SRC, src)
 585    def get_trg_src(self) -> int:
 586        """
 587        get the source of where the trigger is coming from (see register `SPC_DDS_TRG_SRC` in the manual)
 589        NOTE
 590        ----
 591        the trigger source is also set using the shadow register, hence only after an exec_at_trig or exec_now --
 593        Returns
 594        ----------
 595        int
 596            get one of the trigger source:
 597            * SPCM_DDS_TRG_SRC_NONE  = 0
 598                no trigger source set, only exec_now changes what is output by the cores
 599            * SPCM_DDS_TRG_SRC_TIMER = 1
 600                an internal timer sends out triggers with a period defined by `trg_timer(period)`
 601            * SPCM_DDS_TRG_SRC_CARD  = 2
 602                use the trigger engine of the card (see the user manual for more information about setting up the trigger engine)
 603        """
 605        return self.card.get_i(SPC_DDS_TRG_SRC)
 607    def trg_timer(self, period : float) -> None:
 608        """
 609        set the period at which the timer should raise DDS trigger events. (see register `SPC_DDS_TRG_TIMER` in the manual)
 611        NOTE
 612        ----
 613        only used in conjecture with the trigger source set to SPCM_DDS_TRG_SRC_TIMER ---
 615        Parameters
 616        ----------
 617        period : float | pint.Quantity
 618            the time between DDS trigger events in seconds
 619        """
 621        period = UnitConversion.convert(period, units.s, float, rounding=None)
 622        self.set_d(SPC_DDS_TRG_TIMER, float(period))
 624    def get_trg_timer(self, return_unit = None) -> float:
 625        """
 626        get the period at which the timer should raise DDS trigger events. (see register `SPC_DDS_TRG_TIMER` in the manual)
 628        NOTE
 629        ----
 630        only used in conjecture with the trigger source set to SPCM_DDS_TRG_SRC_TIMER ---
 632        Parameters
 633        ----------
 634        return_unit : pint.Unit = None
 635            the unit of the returned time between DDS trigger events, by default None
 637        Returns
 638        ----------
 639        float
 640            the time between DDS trigger events in seconds
 641        """
 643        return_value = self.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_TRG_TIMER)
 644        if return_unit is not None: return_value = UnitConversion.to_unit(return_value * units.s, return_unit)
 645        return return_value
 647    def x_mode(self, xio : int, mode : int) -> None:
 648        """
 649        setup the kind of output that the XIO outputs will give (see register `SPC_DDS_X0_MODE` in the manual)
 651        Parameters
 652        ----------
 653        xio : int
 654            the XIO channel number
 655        mode : int
 656            the mode that the channel needs to run in
 657        """
 659        self.set_i(SPC_DDS_X0_MODE + xio, mode)
 661    def get_x_mode(self, xio : int) -> int:
 662        """
 663        get the kind of output that the XIO outputs will give (see register `SPC_DDS_X0_MODE` in the manual)
 665        Parameters
 666        ----------
 667        xio : int
 668            the XIO channel number
 670        Returns
 671        -------
 672        int
 673            the mode that the channel needs to run in
 674            SPC_DDS_XIO_SEQUENCE = 0
 675                turn on and off the XIO channels using commands in the DDS cmd queue
 676            SPC_DDS_XIO_ARM = 1
 677                when the DDS firmware is waiting for a trigger to come this signal is high
 678            SPC_DDS_XIO_LATCH = 2
 679                when the DDS firmware starts executing a change this signal is high
 680        """
 682        return self.card.get_i(SPC_DDS_X0_MODE + xio)
 684    def freq_ramp_stepsize(self, divider : int) -> None:
 685        """
 686        number of timesteps before the frequency is changed during a frequency ramp. (see register `SPC_DDS_FREQ_RAMP_STEPSIZE` in the manual)
 688        NOTES
 689        -----
 690        - this is a global setting for all cores
 691        - internally the time divider is used to calculate the amount of change per event using a given frequency slope, please set the time divider before setting the frequency slope
 693        Parameters
 694        ----------
 695        divider : int
 696            the number of DDS timesteps that a value is kept constant during a frequency ramp
 697        """
 699        self.set_i(SPC_DDS_FREQ_RAMP_STEPSIZE, int(divider))
 701    def get_freq_ramp_stepsize(self) -> int:
 702        """
 703        get the number of timesteps before the frequency is changed during a frequency ramp. (see register `SPC_DDS_FREQ_RAMP_STEPSIZE` in the manual)
 705        NOTES
 706        -----
 707        - this is a global setting for all cores
 708        - internally the time divider is used to calculate the amount of change per event using a given frequency slope, please set the time divider before setting the frequency slope
 710        Returns
 711        ----------
 712        divider : int
 713            the number of DDS timesteps that a value is kept constant during a frequency ramp
 714        """
 716        return self.card.get_i(SPC_DDS_FREQ_RAMP_STEPSIZE)
 718    def amp_ramp_stepsize(self, divider : int) -> None:
 719        """
 720        number of timesteps before the amplitude is changed during a frequency ramp. (see register `SPC_DDS_AMP_RAMP_STEPSIZE` in the manual)
 722        NOTES
 723        -----
 724        - this is a global setting for all cores
 725        - internally the time divider is used to calculate the amount of change per event using a given amplitude slope, 
 726            please set the time divider before setting the amplitude slope
 728        Parameters
 729        ----------
 730        divider : int
 731            the number of DDS timesteps that a value is kept constant during an amplitude ramp
 732        """
 734        self.set_i(SPC_DDS_AMP_RAMP_STEPSIZE, int(divider))
 736    def get_amp_ramp_stepsize(self) -> int:
 737        """
 738        get the number of timesteps before the amplitude is changed during a frequency ramp. (see register `SPC_DDS_AMP_RAMP_STEPSIZE` in the manual)
 740        NOTES
 741        -----
 742        - this is a global setting for all cores
 743        - internally the time divider is used to calculate the amount of change per event using a given amplitude slope, 
 744            please set the time divider before setting the amplitude slope
 746        Returns
 747        ----------
 748        divider : int
 749            the number of DDS timesteps that a value is kept constant during an amplitude ramp
 750        """
 752        return self.card.get_i(SPC_DDS_AMP_RAMP_STEPSIZE)
 754    # DDS "static" parameters
 755    # def amp(self, core_index : int, amplitude : float) -> None:
 756    def amp(self, *args) -> None:
 757        """
 758        set the amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP` in the manual)
 760        Parameters
 761        ----------
 762        core_index : int (optional)
 763            the index of the core to be changed
 764        amplitude : float
 765            the value between 0 and 1 corresponding to the amplitude
 766        """
 768        if len(args) == 1:
 769            amplitude = args[0]
 770            for core in self.cores:
 771                core.amp(amplitude)
 772        elif len(args) == 2:
 773            core_index, amplitude = args
 774            self.cores[core_index].amp(amplitude)
 775        else:
 776            raise TypeError("amp() takes 1 or 2 positional arguments ({} given)".format(len(args) + 1))
 777        # self.set_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP + core_index, float(amplitude))
 778    # aliases
 779    amplitude = amp
 781    def get_amp(self, core_index : int, return_unit = None) -> float:
 782        """
 783        gets the amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP` in the manual)
 785        Parameters
 786        ----------
 787        core_index : int
 788            the index of the core to be changed
 789        return_unit : pint.Unit = None
 790            the unit of the returned amplitude, by default None
 792        Returns
 793        -------
 794        float | pint.Quantity
 795            the value between 0 and 1 corresponding to the amplitude of the specific core or in the specified unit
 796        """
 798        return self.cores[core_index].get_amp(return_unit)
 799        # return self.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP + core_index)
 800    # aliases
 801    get_amplitude = get_amp
 803    def avail_amp_min(self) -> float:
 804        """
 805        get the minimum available amplitude (see register `SPC_DDS_AVAIL_AMP_MIN` in the manual)
 807        Returns
 808        -------
 809        float
 810            the minimum available amplitude
 812        TODO: unitize!
 813        """
 815        return self.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_AVAIL_AMP_MIN)
 817    def avail_amp_max(self) -> float:
 818        """
 819        get the maximum available amplitude (see register `SPC_DDS_AVAIL_AMP_MAX` in the manual)
 821        Returns
 822        -------
 823        float
 824            the maximum available amplitude
 826        TODO: unitize!
 827        """
 829        return self.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_AVAIL_AMP_MAX)
 831    def avail_amp_step(self) -> float:
 832        """
 833        get the step size of the available amplitudes (see register `SPC_DDS_AVAIL_AMP_STEP` in the manual)
 835        Returns
 836        -------
 837        float
 838            the step size of the available amplitudes
 840        TODO: unitize!
 841        """
 843        return self.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_AVAIL_AMP_STEP)
 845    # def freq(self, core_index : int, frequency : float) -> None:
 846    def freq(self, *args) -> None:
 847        """
 848        set the frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ` in the manual)
 850        Parameters
 851        ----------
 852        core_index : int (optional)
 853            the index of the core to be changed
 854        frequency : float
 855            the value of the frequency in Hz
 856        """
 858        if len(args) == 1:
 859            frequency = args[0]
 860            for core in self.cores:
 861                core.freq(frequency)
 862        elif len(args) == 2:
 863            core_index, frequency = args
 864            self.cores[core_index].freq(frequency)
 865        else:
 866            raise TypeError("freq() takes 1 or 2 positional arguments ({} given)".format(len(args) + 1))
 867        # self.set_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ + core_index, float(frequency))
 868    # aliases
 869    frequency = freq
 871    def get_freq(self, core_index : int, return_unit = None) -> float:
 872        """
 873        gets the frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ` in the manual)
 875        Parameters
 876        ----------
 877        core_index : int
 878            the index of the core to be changed
 879        return_unit : pint.Unit = None
 880            the unit of the returned frequency, by default None
 882        Returns
 883        -------
 884        float | pint.Quantity
 885            the value of the frequency in Hz the specific core or in the specified unit
 886        """
 888        return self.cores[core_index].get_freq(return_unit)
 889    # aliases
 890    get_frequency = get_freq
 892    def avail_freq_min(self) -> float:
 893        """
 894        get the minimum available frequency (see register `SPC_DDS_AVAIL_FREQ_MIN` in the manual)
 896        Returns
 897        -------
 898        float
 899            the minimum available frequency
 901        TODO: unitize!
 902        """
 904        return self.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_AVAIL_FREQ_MIN)
 906    def avail_freq_max(self) -> float:
 907        """
 908        get the maximum available frequency (see register `SPC_DDS_AVAIL_FREQ_MAX` in the manual)
 910        Returns
 911        -------
 912        float
 913            the maximum available frequency
 915        TODO: unitize!
 916        """
 918        return self.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_AVAIL_FREQ_MAX)
 920    def avail_freq_step(self) -> float:
 921        """
 922        get the step size of the available frequencies (see register `SPC_DDS_AVAIL_FREQ_STEP` in the manual)
 924        Returns
 925        -------
 926        float
 927            the step size of the available frequencies
 929        TODO: unitize!
 930        """
 932        return self.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_AVAIL_FREQ_STEP)
 934    # def phase(self, core_index : int, phase : float) -> None:
 935    def phase(self, *args) -> None:
 936        """
 937        set the phase of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_PHASE` in the manual)
 939        Parameters
 940        ----------
 941        core_index : int (optional)
 942            the index of the core to be changed
 943        phase : float
 944            the value between 0 and 360 degrees of the phase
 945        """
 947        if len(args) == 1:
 948            phase = args[0]
 949            for core in self.cores:
 950                core.phase(phase)
 951        elif len(args) == 2:
 952            core_index, phase = args
 953            self.cores[core_index].phase(phase)
 954        else:
 955            raise TypeError("phase() takes 1 or 2 positional arguments ({} given)".format(len(args) + 1))
 956        # self.set_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_PHASE + core_index, float(phase))
 958    def get_phase(self, core_index : int, return_unit = None) -> float:
 959        """
 960        gets the phase of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_PHASE` in the manual)
 962        Parameters
 963        ----------
 964        core_index : int
 965            the index of the core to be changed
 966        return_unit : pint.Unit = None
 967            the unit of the returned phase, by default None
 969        Returns
 970        -------
 971        float
 972            the value between 0 and 360 degrees of the phase
 973        """
 975        return self.cores[core_index].get_phase(return_unit)
 977    def avail_phase_min(self) -> float:
 978        """
 979        get the minimum available phase (see register `SPC_DDS_AVAIL_PHASE_MIN` in the manual)
 981        Returns
 982        -------
 983        float
 984            the minimum available phase
 986        TODO: unitize!
 987        """
 989        return self.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_AVAIL_PHASE_MIN)
 991    def avail_phase_max(self) -> float:
 992        """
 993        get the maximum available phase (see register `SPC_DDS_AVAIL_PHASE_MAX` in the manual)
 995        Returns
 996        -------
 997        float
 998            the maximum available phase
1000        TODO: unitize!
1001        """
1003        return self.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_AVAIL_PHASE_MAX)
1005    def avail_phase_step(self) -> float:
1006        """
1007        get the step size of the available phases (see register `SPC_DDS_AVAIL_PHASE_STEP` in the manual)
1009        Returns
1010        -------
1011        float
1012            the step size of the available phases
1014        TODO: unitize!
1015        """
1017        return self.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_AVAIL_PHASE_STEP)
1019    def x_manual_output(self, state_mask : int) -> None:
1020        """
1021        set the output of the xio channels using a bit mask (see register `SPC_DDS_X_MANUAL_OUTPUT` in the manual)
1023        Parameters
1024        ----------
1025        state_mask : int
1026            bit mask where the bits correspond to specific channels and 1 to on and 0 to off.
1027        """
1029        self.set_i(SPC_DDS_X_MANUAL_OUTPUT, state_mask)
1031    def get_x_manual_output(self) -> int:
1032        """
1033        get the output of the xio channels using a bit mask (see register `SPC_DDS_X_MANUAL_OUTPUT` in the manual)
1035        Returns
1036        ----------
1037        int
1038            bit mask where the bits correspond to specific channels and 1 to on and 0 to off.
1039        """
1041        return self.card.get_i(SPC_DDS_X_MANUAL_OUTPUT)
1043    # DDS dynamic parameters
1044    # def freq_slope(self, core_index : int, slope : float) -> None:
1045    def freq_slope(self, *args) -> None:
1046        """
1047        set the frequency slope of the linearly changing frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ_SLOPE` in the manual)
1049        Parameters
1050        ----------
1051        core_index : int (optional)
1052            the index of the core to be changed
1053        slope : float
1054            the rate of frequency change in Hz/s
1055        """
1057        if len(args) == 1:
1058            slope = args[0]
1059            for core in self.cores:
1060                core.freq_slope(slope)
1061        elif len(args) == 2:
1062            core_index, slope = args
1063            self.cores[core_index].freq_slope(slope)
1064        else:
1065            raise TypeError("freq_slope() takes 1 or 2 positional arguments ({} given)".format(len(args) + 1))
1066        # self.set_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ_SLOPE + core_index, float(slope))
1067    # aliases
1068    frequency_slope = freq_slope
1070    def get_freq_slope(self, core_index : int, return_unit=None) -> float:
1071        """
1072        get the frequency slope of the linearly changing frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ_SLOPE` in the manual)
1074        Parameters
1075        ----------
1076        core_index : int
1077            the index of the core to be changed
1078        return_unit : pint.Unit = None
1079            the unit of the returned frequency slope, by default None
1081        Returns
1082        -------
1083        float
1084            the rate of frequency change in Hz/s
1085        """
1087        return self.cores[core_index].get_freq_slope(return_unit)
1088    # aliases
1089    get_frequency_slope = get_freq_slope
1091    def avail_freq_slope_min(self) -> float:
1092        """
1093        get the minimum available frequency slope (see register `SPC_DDS_AVAIL_FREQ_SLOPE_MIN` in the manual)
1095        Returns
1096        -------
1097        float
1098            the minimum available frequency slope
1100        TODO: unitize!
1101        """
1103        return self.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_AVAIL_FREQ_SLOPE_MIN)
1105    def avail_freq_slope_max(self) -> float:
1106        """
1107        get the maximum available frequency slope (see register `SPC_DDS_AVAIL_FREQ_SLOPE_MAX` in the manual)
1109        Returns
1110        -------
1111        float
1112            the maximum available frequency slope
1114        TODO: unitize!
1115        """
1117        return self.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_AVAIL_FREQ_SLOPE_MAX)
1119    def avail_freq_slope_step(self) -> float:
1120        """
1121        get the step size of the available frequency slopes (see register `SPC_DDS_AVAIL_FREQ_SLOPE_STEP` in the manual)
1123        Returns
1124        -------
1125        float
1126            the step size of the available frequency slopes
1128        TODO: unitize!
1129        """
1131        return self.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_AVAIL_FREQ_SLOPE_STEP)
1133    # def amp_slope(self, core_index : int, slope : float) -> None:
1134    def amp_slope(self, *args) -> None:
1135        """
1136        set the amplitude slope of the linearly changing amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP_SLOPE` in the manual)
1138        Parameters
1139        ----------
1140        core_index : int (optional)
1141            the index of the core to be changed
1142        slope : float
1143            the rate of amplitude change in 1/s
1144        """
1146        if len(args) == 1:
1147            slope = args[0]
1148            for core in self.cores:
1149                core.amp_slope(slope)
1150        elif len(args) == 2:
1151            core_index, slope = args
1152            self.cores[core_index].amp_slope(slope)
1153        else:
1154            raise TypeError("amp_slope() takes 1 or 2 positional arguments ({} given)".format(len(args) + 1))
1155        # self.set_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP_SLOPE + core_index, float(slope))
1156    # aliases
1157    amplitude_slope = amp_slope
1159    def get_amp_slope(self, core_index : int, return_unit = None) -> float:
1160        """
1161        set the amplitude slope of the linearly changing amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP_SLOPE` in the manual)
1163        Parameters
1164        ----------
1165        core_index : int
1166            the index of the core to be changed
1167        return_unit : pint.Unit = None
1168            the unit of the returned amplitude slope, by default None
1170        Returns
1171        -------
1172        float
1173            the rate of amplitude change in 1/s
1174        """
1176        return self.cores[core_index].get_amp_slope(return_unit)
1177    # aliases
1178    amplitude_slope = amp_slope
1180    def avail_amp_slope_min(self) -> float:
1181        """
1182        get the minimum available amplitude slope (see register `SPC_DDS_AVAIL_AMP_SLOPE_MIN` in the manual)
1184        Returns
1185        -------
1186        float
1187            the minimum available amplitude slope
1189        TODO: unitize!
1190        """
1192        return self.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_AVAIL_AMP_SLOPE_MIN)
1194    def avail_amp_slope_max(self) -> float:
1195        """
1196        get the maximum available amplitude slope (see register `SPC_DDS_AVAIL_AMP_SLOPE_MAX` in the manual)
1198        Returns
1199        -------
1200        float
1201            the maximum available amplitude slope
1203        TODO: unitize!
1204        """
1206        return self.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_AVAIL_AMP_SLOPE_MAX)
1208    def avail_amp_slope_step(self) -> float:
1209        """
1210        get the step size of the available amplitude slopes (see register `SPC_DDS_AVAIL_AMP_SLOPE_STEP` in the manual)
1212        Returns
1213        -------
1214        float
1215            the step size of the available amplitude slopes
1217        TODO: unitize!
1218        """
1220        return self.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_AVAIL_AMP_SLOPE_STEP)
1222    # DDS control
1223    def cmd(self, command : int) -> None:
1224        """
1225        execute a DDS specific control flow command (see register `SPC_DDS_CMD` in the manual)
1227        Parameters
1228        ----------
1229        command : int
1230            DDS specific command
1231        """
1233        self.set_i(SPC_DDS_CMD, command)
1235    def exec_at_trg(self) -> None:
1236        """
1237        execute the commands in the shadow register at the next trigger event (see register `SPC_DDS_CMD` in the manual)
1238        """
1239        self.cmd(SPCM_DDS_CMD_EXEC_AT_TRG)
1240    # aliases
1241    arm = exec_at_trg
1242    wait_for_trg = exec_at_trg
1244    def exec_now(self) -> None:
1245        """
1246        execute the commands in the shadow register as soon as possible (see register `SPC_DDS_CMD` in the manual)
1247        """
1249        self.cmd(SPCM_DDS_CMD_EXEC_NOW)
1250    # aliases
1251    direct_latch = exec_now
1253    def trg_count(self) -> int:
1254        """
1255        get the number of trigger exec_at_trg and exec_now command that have been executed (see register `SPC_DDS_TRG_COUNT` in the manual)
1257        Returns
1258        -------
1259        int
1260            the number of trigger exec_at_trg and exec_now command that have been executed
1261        """
1263        return self.card.get_i(SPC_DDS_TRG_COUNT)
1265    def write_to_card(self, flags=0) -> None:
1266        """
1267        send a list of all the commands that came after the last write_list and send them to the card (see register `SPC_DDS_CMD` in the manual)
1269        Parameters
1270        ----------
1271        flags : int = 0
1272            the flags that can be set with the write_to_card command
1273        """
1275        self.cmd(SPCM_DDS_CMD_WRITE_TO_CARD | flags)
1277    # DDS helper functions
1278    def kwargs2mask(self, kwargs : dict[str, bool], prefix : str = "") -> int:
1279        """
1280        DDS helper: transform a dictionary with keys with a specific prefix to a bitmask
1282        Parameters
1283        ----------
1284        kwargs : dict
1285            dictonary with keys with a specific prefix and values given by bools
1286        prefix : str
1287            a prefix for the key names
1289        Returns
1290        -------
1291        int
1292            bit mask
1294        Example
1295        -------
1296        ['core_0' = True, 'core_2' = False, 'core_3' = True] => 0b1001 = 9
1297        """
1299        mask = 0
1300        for keyword, value in kwargs.items():
1301            bit = int(keyword[len(prefix):])
1302            if value:
1303                mask |= 1 << bit
1304            else:
1305                mask &= ~(1 << bit)
1306        return mask
1307    # aliases
1308    k2m = kwargs2mask

a higher-level abstraction of the SpcmCardFunctionality class to implement DDS functionality

The DDS firmware allows the user a certain maximum number of dds cores, that each on it's own generates a sine wave with the following parameters:

  • static parameters:
    • frequency
    • amplitude
    • phase
  • dynamic parameters:
    • frequency_slope changes the active frequency of the dds core with a linear slope
    • amplitude_slope changes the active amplitude of the dds core with a linear slope Each of these cores can either be added together and outputted, or specific groups of cores can be added together and outputted on a specific hardware output channel. Furthermore, specific dds cores can be connected to input parameters of another dds core.

For more information about what setups are available, please have a look at the user manual for your specific card.


The DDS functionality is controlled through commands that are listed and then written to the card. These written lists of commands are collected in a shadow register and are transferred to the active register when a trigger is received.

There are three different trigger sources, that can be set with the method 'trg_source()':

  • SPCM_DDS_TRG_SRC_NONE = 0 no triggers are generated and the commands are only transfered to the active register when a exec_now command is send
  • SPCM_DDS_TRG_SRC_TIMER = 1 the triggers are generated on a timed grid with a period that can be set by the method 'trg_timer()'
  • SPCM_DDS_TRG_SRC_CARD = 2 the triggers come from the card internal trigger logic (for more information, see our product's user manual on how to setup the different triggers). In the DDS-mode multiple triggers can be processed, as with the mode SPC_STD_REP_SINGLERESTART.

also the trigger source setting happens when a trigger comes. Hence a change of the trigger mode only happens after an 'arm()' command was send and an internal trigger was received.

DDS(*args, **kwargs)
303    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
304        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
305        self.channels = kwargs.get("channels", None)
306        self.check_features = kwargs.get("check_features", False)
307        self.cores = []
308        self.load_cores()
309        # Check if DDS feature is installed
310        if self.check_features:
311            features = self.card.ext_features()
312            if not ((features & SPCM_FEAT_EXTFW_DDS20) or (features & SPCM_FEAT_EXTFW_DDS50)):
313                raise SpcmException("The DDS feature is not installed on the card")

Takes a Card object that is used by the functionality

  • card (Card): a Card object on which the functionality works
cores: list[DDSCore] = []
channels: Channels = None
check_features: bool = False
def load_cores(self):
315    def load_cores(self):
316        """
317        load the cores of the DDS functionality
318        """
320        self.cores = []
321        num_cores = self.num_cores()
323        if self.channels is not None:
324            for channel in self.channels:
325                cores_on_channel = self.get_cores_on_channel(channel.index)
326                for core in range(num_cores):
327                    if cores_on_channel & (1 << core):
328                        self._channel_from_core[core] = channel
330        for core in range(num_cores):
331            if core in self._channel_from_core:
332                self.cores.append(DDSCore(core, self, channel=self._channel_from_core[core]))
333            else:
334                self.cores.append(DDSCore(core, self))

load the cores of the DDS functionality

def set_i(self, reg: int, value: int) -> None:
391    def set_i(self, reg : int, value : int) -> None:
392        """
393        set an integer value to a register
395        Parameters
396        ----------
397        reg : int
398            the register to be changed
399        value : int
400            the value to be set
402        Raises
403        ------
404        SpcmException
405            if the command list is full
406        """
408        self.card.set_i(reg, value)

set an integer value to a register

  • reg (int): the register to be changed
  • value (int): the value to be set
  • SpcmException: if the command list is full
def set_d(self, reg: int, value: float) -> None:
410    def set_d(self, reg : int, value : float) -> None:
411        """
412        set a double value to a register
414        Parameters
415        ----------
416        reg : int
417            the register to be changed
418        value : float
419            the value to be set
420        """
422        self.card.set_d(reg, value)

set a double value to a register

  • reg (int): the register to be changed
  • value (float): the value to be set
def reset(self) -> None:
424    def reset(self) -> None:
425        """
426        Resets the DDS specific part of the firmware (see register `SPC_DDS_CMD` in the manual)
427        """
429        self.cmd(SPCM_DDS_CMD_RESET)

Resets the DDS specific part of the firmware (see register SPC_DDS_CMD in the manual)

def num_cores(self) -> int:
432    def num_cores(self) -> int:
433        """
434        get the total num of available cores on the card. (see register `SPC_DDS_NUM_CORES` in the manual)
436        Returns
437        -------
438        int
439            the available number of dds cores
440        """
441        return self.card.get_i(SPC_DDS_NUM_CORES)

get the total num of available cores on the card. (see register SPC_DDS_NUM_CORES in the manual)

  • int: the available number of dds cores
def queue_cmd_max(self):
443    def queue_cmd_max(self):
444        """
445        get the total number of commands that can be hold by the queue. (see register `SPC_DDS_QUEUE_CMD_MAX` in the manual)
447        Returns
448        -------
449        int
450            the total number of commands
451        """
452        return self.card.get_i(SPC_DDS_QUEUE_CMD_MAX)

get the total number of commands that can be hold by the queue. (see register SPC_DDS_QUEUE_CMD_MAX in the manual)

  • int: the total number of commands
def queue_cmd_count(self):
454    def queue_cmd_count(self):
455        """
456        get the current number of commands that are in the queue. (see register `SPC_DDS_QUEUE_CMD_COUNT` in the manual)
458        Returns
459        -------
460        int
461            the current number of commands
462        """
463        return self.card.get_i(SPC_DDS_QUEUE_CMD_COUNT)

get the current number of commands that are in the queue. (see register SPC_DDS_QUEUE_CMD_COUNT in the manual)

  • int: the current number of commands
def status(self):
465    def status(self):
466        return self.card.get_i(SPC_DDS_STATUS)
def data_transfer_mode(self, mode: int) -> None:
469    def data_transfer_mode(self, mode : int) -> None:
470        """
471        set the data transfer mode for the DDS functionality (see register `SPC_DDS_DATA_TRANSFER_MODE` in the manual)
473        Parameters
474        ----------
475        mode : int
476            the data transfer mode:
477            * SPCM_DDS_DTM_SINGLE = 0
478                the data is transferred using single commands (with lower latency)
479            * SPCM_DDS_DTM_DMA = 1
480                the data is transferred using DMA (with higher bandwidth)
481        """
483        self._dtm = mode
484        self.set_i(SPC_DDS_DATA_TRANSFER_MODE, mode)

set the data transfer mode for the DDS functionality (see register SPC_DDS_DATA_TRANSFER_MODE in the manual)

  • mode (int): the data transfer mode:
    • SPCM_DDS_DTM_SINGLE = 0 the data is transferred using single commands (with lower latency)
    • SPCM_DDS_DTM_DMA = 1 the data is transferred using DMA (with higher bandwidth)
def get_data_transfer_mode(self) -> int:
486    def get_data_transfer_mode(self) -> int:
487        """
488        get the data transfer mode for the DDS functionality (see register `SPC_DDS_DATA_TRANSFER_MODE` in the manual)
490        Returns
491        -------
492        int
493            the data transfer mode:
494            * SPCM_DDS_DTM_SINGLE = 0
495                the data is transferred using single commands (with lower latency)
496            * SPCM_DDS_DTM_DMA = 1
497                the data is transferred using DMA (with higher bandwidth)
498        """
500        self._dtm = self.card.get_i(SPC_DDS_DATA_TRANSFER_MODE)
501        return self._dtm

get the data transfer mode for the DDS functionality (see register SPC_DDS_DATA_TRANSFER_MODE in the manual)

  • int: the data transfer mode:
    • SPCM_DDS_DTM_SINGLE = 0 the data is transferred using single commands (with lower latency)
    • SPCM_DDS_DTM_DMA = 1 the data is transferred using DMA (with higher bandwidth)
def phase_behaviour(self, behaviour: int) -> None:
503    def phase_behaviour(self, behaviour : int) -> None:
504        """
505        set the phase behaviour of the DDS cores (see register `SPC_DDS_PHASE_BEHAVIOUR` in the manual)
507        Parameters
508        ----------
509        behaviour : int
510            the phase behaviour
511        """
513        self.set_i(SPC_DDS_PHASE_BEHAVIOUR, behaviour)

set the phase behaviour of the DDS cores (see register SPC_DDS_PHASE_BEHAVIOUR in the manual)

  • behaviour (int): the phase behaviour
def get_phase_behaviour(self) -> int:
515    def get_phase_behaviour(self) -> int:
516        """
517        get the phase behaviour of the DDS cores (see register `SPC_DDS_PHASE_BEHAVIOUR` in the manual)
519        Returns
520        -------
521        int
522            the phase behaviour
523        """
525        return self.card.get_i(SPC_DDS_PHASE_BEHAVIOUR)

get the phase behaviour of the DDS cores (see register SPC_DDS_PHASE_BEHAVIOUR in the manual)

  • int: the phase behaviour
def cores_on_channel(self, channel: int, *args) -> None:
527    def cores_on_channel(self, channel : int, *args) -> None:
528        """
529        setup the cores that are connected to a specific channel (see register `SPC_DDS_CORES_ON_CH0` in the manual)
531        Parameters
532        ----------
533        channel : int
534            the channel number
535        *args : int
536            the cores that are connected to the channel
538        TODO: change the channel associated with each core
539        """
541        mask = 0
542        for core in args:
543            mask |= core
544        self.set_i(SPC_DDS_CORES_ON_CH0 + channel, mask)

setup the cores that are connected to a specific channel (see register SPC_DDS_CORES_ON_CH0 in the manual)

  • channel (int): the channel number
  • *args (int): the cores that are connected to the channel
  • TODO (change the channel associated with each core):
def get_cores_on_channel(self, channel: int) -> int:
546    def get_cores_on_channel(self, channel : int) -> int:
547        """
548        get the cores that are connected to a specific channel (see register `SPC_DDS_CORES_ON_CH0` in the manual)
550        Parameters
551        ----------
552        channel : int
553            the channel number
555        Returns
556        -------
557        int
558            the cores that are connected to the channel
559        """
561        return self.card.get_i(SPC_DDS_CORES_ON_CH0 + channel)

get the cores that are connected to a specific channel (see register SPC_DDS_CORES_ON_CH0 in the manual)

  • channel (int): the channel number
  • int: the cores that are connected to the channel
def trg_src(self, src: int) -> None:
563    def trg_src(self, src : int) -> None:
564        """
565        setup the source of where the trigger is coming from (see register `SPC_DDS_TRG_SRC` in the manual)
567        NOTE
568        ---
569        the trigger source is also set using the shadow register, hence only after an exec_at_trig or exec_now --
571        Parameters
572        ----------
573        src : int
574            set the trigger source:
575            * SPCM_DDS_TRG_SRC_NONE  = 0
576                no trigger source set, only exec_now changes what is output by the cores
577            * SPCM_DDS_TRG_SRC_TIMER = 1
578                an internal timer sends out triggers with a period defined by `trg_timer(period)`
579            * SPCM_DDS_TRG_SRC_CARD  = 2
580                use the trigger engine of the card (see the user manual for more information about setting up the trigger engine)
581        """
583        self.set_i(SPC_DDS_TRG_SRC, src)

setup the source of where the trigger is coming from (see register SPC_DDS_TRG_SRC in the manual)


the trigger source is also set using the shadow register, hence only after an exec_at_trig or exec_now --

  • src (int): set the trigger source:
    • SPCM_DDS_TRG_SRC_NONE = 0 no trigger source set, only exec_now changes what is output by the cores
    • SPCM_DDS_TRG_SRC_TIMER = 1 an internal timer sends out triggers with a period defined by trg_timer(period)
    • SPCM_DDS_TRG_SRC_CARD = 2 use the trigger engine of the card (see the user manual for more information about setting up the trigger engine)
def get_trg_src(self) -> int:
585    def get_trg_src(self) -> int:
586        """
587        get the source of where the trigger is coming from (see register `SPC_DDS_TRG_SRC` in the manual)
589        NOTE
590        ----
591        the trigger source is also set using the shadow register, hence only after an exec_at_trig or exec_now --
593        Returns
594        ----------
595        int
596            get one of the trigger source:
597            * SPCM_DDS_TRG_SRC_NONE  = 0
598                no trigger source set, only exec_now changes what is output by the cores
599            * SPCM_DDS_TRG_SRC_TIMER = 1
600                an internal timer sends out triggers with a period defined by `trg_timer(period)`
601            * SPCM_DDS_TRG_SRC_CARD  = 2
602                use the trigger engine of the card (see the user manual for more information about setting up the trigger engine)
603        """
605        return self.card.get_i(SPC_DDS_TRG_SRC)

get the source of where the trigger is coming from (see register SPC_DDS_TRG_SRC in the manual)


the trigger source is also set using the shadow register, hence only after an exec_at_trig or exec_now --

  • int: get one of the trigger source:
    • SPCM_DDS_TRG_SRC_NONE = 0 no trigger source set, only exec_now changes what is output by the cores
    • SPCM_DDS_TRG_SRC_TIMER = 1 an internal timer sends out triggers with a period defined by trg_timer(period)
    • SPCM_DDS_TRG_SRC_CARD = 2 use the trigger engine of the card (see the user manual for more information about setting up the trigger engine)
def trg_timer(self, period: float) -> None:
607    def trg_timer(self, period : float) -> None:
608        """
609        set the period at which the timer should raise DDS trigger events. (see register `SPC_DDS_TRG_TIMER` in the manual)
611        NOTE
612        ----
613        only used in conjecture with the trigger source set to SPCM_DDS_TRG_SRC_TIMER ---
615        Parameters
616        ----------
617        period : float | pint.Quantity
618            the time between DDS trigger events in seconds
619        """
621        period = UnitConversion.convert(period, units.s, float, rounding=None)
622        self.set_d(SPC_DDS_TRG_TIMER, float(period))

set the period at which the timer should raise DDS trigger events. (see register SPC_DDS_TRG_TIMER in the manual)


only used in conjecture with the trigger source set to SPCM_DDS_TRG_SRC_TIMER ---

  • period (float | pint.Quantity): the time between DDS trigger events in seconds
def get_trg_timer(self, return_unit=None) -> float:
624    def get_trg_timer(self, return_unit = None) -> float:
625        """
626        get the period at which the timer should raise DDS trigger events. (see register `SPC_DDS_TRG_TIMER` in the manual)
628        NOTE
629        ----
630        only used in conjecture with the trigger source set to SPCM_DDS_TRG_SRC_TIMER ---
632        Parameters
633        ----------
634        return_unit : pint.Unit = None
635            the unit of the returned time between DDS trigger events, by default None
637        Returns
638        ----------
639        float
640            the time between DDS trigger events in seconds
641        """
643        return_value = self.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_TRG_TIMER)
644        if return_unit is not None: return_value = UnitConversion.to_unit(return_value * units.s, return_unit)
645        return return_value

get the period at which the timer should raise DDS trigger events. (see register SPC_DDS_TRG_TIMER in the manual)


only used in conjecture with the trigger source set to SPCM_DDS_TRG_SRC_TIMER ---

  • return_unit (pint.Unit = None): the unit of the returned time between DDS trigger events, by default None
  • float: the time between DDS trigger events in seconds
def x_mode(self, xio: int, mode: int) -> None:
647    def x_mode(self, xio : int, mode : int) -> None:
648        """
649        setup the kind of output that the XIO outputs will give (see register `SPC_DDS_X0_MODE` in the manual)
651        Parameters
652        ----------
653        xio : int
654            the XIO channel number
655        mode : int
656            the mode that the channel needs to run in
657        """
659        self.set_i(SPC_DDS_X0_MODE + xio, mode)

setup the kind of output that the XIO outputs will give (see register SPC_DDS_X0_MODE in the manual)

  • xio (int): the XIO channel number
  • mode (int): the mode that the channel needs to run in
def get_x_mode(self, xio: int) -> int:
661    def get_x_mode(self, xio : int) -> int:
662        """
663        get the kind of output that the XIO outputs will give (see register `SPC_DDS_X0_MODE` in the manual)
665        Parameters
666        ----------
667        xio : int
668            the XIO channel number
670        Returns
671        -------
672        int
673            the mode that the channel needs to run in
674            SPC_DDS_XIO_SEQUENCE = 0
675                turn on and off the XIO channels using commands in the DDS cmd queue
676            SPC_DDS_XIO_ARM = 1
677                when the DDS firmware is waiting for a trigger to come this signal is high
678            SPC_DDS_XIO_LATCH = 2
679                when the DDS firmware starts executing a change this signal is high
680        """
682        return self.card.get_i(SPC_DDS_X0_MODE + xio)

get the kind of output that the XIO outputs will give (see register SPC_DDS_X0_MODE in the manual)

  • xio (int): the XIO channel number
  • int: the mode that the channel needs to run in SPC_DDS_XIO_SEQUENCE = 0 turn on and off the XIO channels using commands in the DDS cmd queue SPC_DDS_XIO_ARM = 1 when the DDS firmware is waiting for a trigger to come this signal is high SPC_DDS_XIO_LATCH = 2 when the DDS firmware starts executing a change this signal is high
def freq_ramp_stepsize(self, divider: int) -> None:
684    def freq_ramp_stepsize(self, divider : int) -> None:
685        """
686        number of timesteps before the frequency is changed during a frequency ramp. (see register `SPC_DDS_FREQ_RAMP_STEPSIZE` in the manual)
688        NOTES
689        -----
690        - this is a global setting for all cores
691        - internally the time divider is used to calculate the amount of change per event using a given frequency slope, please set the time divider before setting the frequency slope
693        Parameters
694        ----------
695        divider : int
696            the number of DDS timesteps that a value is kept constant during a frequency ramp
697        """
699        self.set_i(SPC_DDS_FREQ_RAMP_STEPSIZE, int(divider))

number of timesteps before the frequency is changed during a frequency ramp. (see register SPC_DDS_FREQ_RAMP_STEPSIZE in the manual)

  • this is a global setting for all cores
  • internally the time divider is used to calculate the amount of change per event using a given frequency slope, please set the time divider before setting the frequency slope
  • divider (int): the number of DDS timesteps that a value is kept constant during a frequency ramp
def get_freq_ramp_stepsize(self) -> int:
701    def get_freq_ramp_stepsize(self) -> int:
702        """
703        get the number of timesteps before the frequency is changed during a frequency ramp. (see register `SPC_DDS_FREQ_RAMP_STEPSIZE` in the manual)
705        NOTES
706        -----
707        - this is a global setting for all cores
708        - internally the time divider is used to calculate the amount of change per event using a given frequency slope, please set the time divider before setting the frequency slope
710        Returns
711        ----------
712        divider : int
713            the number of DDS timesteps that a value is kept constant during a frequency ramp
714        """
716        return self.card.get_i(SPC_DDS_FREQ_RAMP_STEPSIZE)

get the number of timesteps before the frequency is changed during a frequency ramp. (see register SPC_DDS_FREQ_RAMP_STEPSIZE in the manual)

  • this is a global setting for all cores
  • internally the time divider is used to calculate the amount of change per event using a given frequency slope, please set the time divider before setting the frequency slope
  • divider (int): the number of DDS timesteps that a value is kept constant during a frequency ramp
def amp_ramp_stepsize(self, divider: int) -> None:
718    def amp_ramp_stepsize(self, divider : int) -> None:
719        """
720        number of timesteps before the amplitude is changed during a frequency ramp. (see register `SPC_DDS_AMP_RAMP_STEPSIZE` in the manual)
722        NOTES
723        -----
724        - this is a global setting for all cores
725        - internally the time divider is used to calculate the amount of change per event using a given amplitude slope, 
726            please set the time divider before setting the amplitude slope
728        Parameters
729        ----------
730        divider : int
731            the number of DDS timesteps that a value is kept constant during an amplitude ramp
732        """
734        self.set_i(SPC_DDS_AMP_RAMP_STEPSIZE, int(divider))

number of timesteps before the amplitude is changed during a frequency ramp. (see register SPC_DDS_AMP_RAMP_STEPSIZE in the manual)

  • this is a global setting for all cores
  • internally the time divider is used to calculate the amount of change per event using a given amplitude slope, please set the time divider before setting the amplitude slope
  • divider (int): the number of DDS timesteps that a value is kept constant during an amplitude ramp
def get_amp_ramp_stepsize(self) -> int:
736    def get_amp_ramp_stepsize(self) -> int:
737        """
738        get the number of timesteps before the amplitude is changed during a frequency ramp. (see register `SPC_DDS_AMP_RAMP_STEPSIZE` in the manual)
740        NOTES
741        -----
742        - this is a global setting for all cores
743        - internally the time divider is used to calculate the amount of change per event using a given amplitude slope, 
744            please set the time divider before setting the amplitude slope
746        Returns
747        ----------
748        divider : int
749            the number of DDS timesteps that a value is kept constant during an amplitude ramp
750        """
752        return self.card.get_i(SPC_DDS_AMP_RAMP_STEPSIZE)

get the number of timesteps before the amplitude is changed during a frequency ramp. (see register SPC_DDS_AMP_RAMP_STEPSIZE in the manual)

  • this is a global setting for all cores
  • internally the time divider is used to calculate the amount of change per event using a given amplitude slope, please set the time divider before setting the amplitude slope
  • divider (int): the number of DDS timesteps that a value is kept constant during an amplitude ramp
def amp(self, *args) -> None:
756    def amp(self, *args) -> None:
757        """
758        set the amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP` in the manual)
760        Parameters
761        ----------
762        core_index : int (optional)
763            the index of the core to be changed
764        amplitude : float
765            the value between 0 and 1 corresponding to the amplitude
766        """
768        if len(args) == 1:
769            amplitude = args[0]
770            for core in self.cores:
771                core.amp(amplitude)
772        elif len(args) == 2:
773            core_index, amplitude = args
774            self.cores[core_index].amp(amplitude)
775        else:
776            raise TypeError("amp() takes 1 or 2 positional arguments ({} given)".format(len(args) + 1))
777        # self.set_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP + core_index, float(amplitude))

set the amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP in the manual)

  • core_index (int (optional)): the index of the core to be changed
  • amplitude (float): the value between 0 and 1 corresponding to the amplitude
def amplitude(self, *args) -> None:
756    def amp(self, *args) -> None:
757        """
758        set the amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP` in the manual)
760        Parameters
761        ----------
762        core_index : int (optional)
763            the index of the core to be changed
764        amplitude : float
765            the value between 0 and 1 corresponding to the amplitude
766        """
768        if len(args) == 1:
769            amplitude = args[0]
770            for core in self.cores:
771                core.amp(amplitude)
772        elif len(args) == 2:
773            core_index, amplitude = args
774            self.cores[core_index].amp(amplitude)
775        else:
776            raise TypeError("amp() takes 1 or 2 positional arguments ({} given)".format(len(args) + 1))
777        # self.set_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP + core_index, float(amplitude))

set the amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP in the manual)

  • core_index (int (optional)): the index of the core to be changed
  • amplitude (float): the value between 0 and 1 corresponding to the amplitude
def get_amp(self, core_index: int, return_unit=None) -> float:
781    def get_amp(self, core_index : int, return_unit = None) -> float:
782        """
783        gets the amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP` in the manual)
785        Parameters
786        ----------
787        core_index : int
788            the index of the core to be changed
789        return_unit : pint.Unit = None
790            the unit of the returned amplitude, by default None
792        Returns
793        -------
794        float | pint.Quantity
795            the value between 0 and 1 corresponding to the amplitude of the specific core or in the specified unit
796        """
798        return self.cores[core_index].get_amp(return_unit)
799        # return self.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP + core_index)

gets the amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP in the manual)

  • core_index (int): the index of the core to be changed
  • return_unit (pint.Unit = None): the unit of the returned amplitude, by default None
  • float | pint.Quantity: the value between 0 and 1 corresponding to the amplitude of the specific core or in the specified unit
def get_amplitude(self, core_index: int, return_unit=None) -> float:
781    def get_amp(self, core_index : int, return_unit = None) -> float:
782        """
783        gets the amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP` in the manual)
785        Parameters
786        ----------
787        core_index : int
788            the index of the core to be changed
789        return_unit : pint.Unit = None
790            the unit of the returned amplitude, by default None
792        Returns
793        -------
794        float | pint.Quantity
795            the value between 0 and 1 corresponding to the amplitude of the specific core or in the specified unit
796        """
798        return self.cores[core_index].get_amp(return_unit)
799        # return self.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP + core_index)

gets the amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP in the manual)

  • core_index (int): the index of the core to be changed
  • return_unit (pint.Unit = None): the unit of the returned amplitude, by default None
  • float | pint.Quantity: the value between 0 and 1 corresponding to the amplitude of the specific core or in the specified unit
def avail_amp_min(self) -> float:
803    def avail_amp_min(self) -> float:
804        """
805        get the minimum available amplitude (see register `SPC_DDS_AVAIL_AMP_MIN` in the manual)
807        Returns
808        -------
809        float
810            the minimum available amplitude
812        TODO: unitize!
813        """
815        return self.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_AVAIL_AMP_MIN)

get the minimum available amplitude (see register SPC_DDS_AVAIL_AMP_MIN in the manual)

  • float: the minimum available amplitude
  • TODO (unitize!):
def avail_amp_max(self) -> float:
817    def avail_amp_max(self) -> float:
818        """
819        get the maximum available amplitude (see register `SPC_DDS_AVAIL_AMP_MAX` in the manual)
821        Returns
822        -------
823        float
824            the maximum available amplitude
826        TODO: unitize!
827        """
829        return self.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_AVAIL_AMP_MAX)

get the maximum available amplitude (see register SPC_DDS_AVAIL_AMP_MAX in the manual)

  • float: the maximum available amplitude
  • TODO (unitize!):
def avail_amp_step(self) -> float:
831    def avail_amp_step(self) -> float:
832        """
833        get the step size of the available amplitudes (see register `SPC_DDS_AVAIL_AMP_STEP` in the manual)
835        Returns
836        -------
837        float
838            the step size of the available amplitudes
840        TODO: unitize!
841        """
843        return self.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_AVAIL_AMP_STEP)

get the step size of the available amplitudes (see register SPC_DDS_AVAIL_AMP_STEP in the manual)

  • float: the step size of the available amplitudes
  • TODO (unitize!):
def freq(self, *args) -> None:
846    def freq(self, *args) -> None:
847        """
848        set the frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ` in the manual)
850        Parameters
851        ----------
852        core_index : int (optional)
853            the index of the core to be changed
854        frequency : float
855            the value of the frequency in Hz
856        """
858        if len(args) == 1:
859            frequency = args[0]
860            for core in self.cores:
861                core.freq(frequency)
862        elif len(args) == 2:
863            core_index, frequency = args
864            self.cores[core_index].freq(frequency)
865        else:
866            raise TypeError("freq() takes 1 or 2 positional arguments ({} given)".format(len(args) + 1))
867        # self.set_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ + core_index, float(frequency))

set the frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ in the manual)

  • core_index (int (optional)): the index of the core to be changed
  • frequency (float): the value of the frequency in Hz
def frequency(self, *args) -> None:
846    def freq(self, *args) -> None:
847        """
848        set the frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ` in the manual)
850        Parameters
851        ----------
852        core_index : int (optional)
853            the index of the core to be changed
854        frequency : float
855            the value of the frequency in Hz
856        """
858        if len(args) == 1:
859            frequency = args[0]
860            for core in self.cores:
861                core.freq(frequency)
862        elif len(args) == 2:
863            core_index, frequency = args
864            self.cores[core_index].freq(frequency)
865        else:
866            raise TypeError("freq() takes 1 or 2 positional arguments ({} given)".format(len(args) + 1))
867        # self.set_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ + core_index, float(frequency))

set the frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ in the manual)

  • core_index (int (optional)): the index of the core to be changed
  • frequency (float): the value of the frequency in Hz
def get_freq(self, core_index: int, return_unit=None) -> float:
871    def get_freq(self, core_index : int, return_unit = None) -> float:
872        """
873        gets the frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ` in the manual)
875        Parameters
876        ----------
877        core_index : int
878            the index of the core to be changed
879        return_unit : pint.Unit = None
880            the unit of the returned frequency, by default None
882        Returns
883        -------
884        float | pint.Quantity
885            the value of the frequency in Hz the specific core or in the specified unit
886        """
888        return self.cores[core_index].get_freq(return_unit)

gets the frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ in the manual)

  • core_index (int): the index of the core to be changed
  • return_unit (pint.Unit = None): the unit of the returned frequency, by default None
  • float | pint.Quantity: the value of the frequency in Hz the specific core or in the specified unit
def get_frequency(self, core_index: int, return_unit=None) -> float:
871    def get_freq(self, core_index : int, return_unit = None) -> float:
872        """
873        gets the frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ` in the manual)
875        Parameters
876        ----------
877        core_index : int
878            the index of the core to be changed
879        return_unit : pint.Unit = None
880            the unit of the returned frequency, by default None
882        Returns
883        -------
884        float | pint.Quantity
885            the value of the frequency in Hz the specific core or in the specified unit
886        """
888        return self.cores[core_index].get_freq(return_unit)

gets the frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ in the manual)

  • core_index (int): the index of the core to be changed
  • return_unit (pint.Unit = None): the unit of the returned frequency, by default None
  • float | pint.Quantity: the value of the frequency in Hz the specific core or in the specified unit
def avail_freq_min(self) -> float:
892    def avail_freq_min(self) -> float:
893        """
894        get the minimum available frequency (see register `SPC_DDS_AVAIL_FREQ_MIN` in the manual)
896        Returns
897        -------
898        float
899            the minimum available frequency
901        TODO: unitize!
902        """
904        return self.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_AVAIL_FREQ_MIN)

get the minimum available frequency (see register SPC_DDS_AVAIL_FREQ_MIN in the manual)

  • float: the minimum available frequency
  • TODO (unitize!):
def avail_freq_max(self) -> float:
906    def avail_freq_max(self) -> float:
907        """
908        get the maximum available frequency (see register `SPC_DDS_AVAIL_FREQ_MAX` in the manual)
910        Returns
911        -------
912        float
913            the maximum available frequency
915        TODO: unitize!
916        """
918        return self.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_AVAIL_FREQ_MAX)

get the maximum available frequency (see register SPC_DDS_AVAIL_FREQ_MAX in the manual)

  • float: the maximum available frequency
  • TODO (unitize!):
def avail_freq_step(self) -> float:
920    def avail_freq_step(self) -> float:
921        """
922        get the step size of the available frequencies (see register `SPC_DDS_AVAIL_FREQ_STEP` in the manual)
924        Returns
925        -------
926        float
927            the step size of the available frequencies
929        TODO: unitize!
930        """
932        return self.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_AVAIL_FREQ_STEP)

get the step size of the available frequencies (see register SPC_DDS_AVAIL_FREQ_STEP in the manual)

  • float: the step size of the available frequencies
  • TODO (unitize!):
def phase(self, *args) -> None:
935    def phase(self, *args) -> None:
936        """
937        set the phase of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_PHASE` in the manual)
939        Parameters
940        ----------
941        core_index : int (optional)
942            the index of the core to be changed
943        phase : float
944            the value between 0 and 360 degrees of the phase
945        """
947        if len(args) == 1:
948            phase = args[0]
949            for core in self.cores:
950                core.phase(phase)
951        elif len(args) == 2:
952            core_index, phase = args
953            self.cores[core_index].phase(phase)
954        else:
955            raise TypeError("phase() takes 1 or 2 positional arguments ({} given)".format(len(args) + 1))
956        # self.set_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_PHASE + core_index, float(phase))

set the phase of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_PHASE in the manual)

  • core_index (int (optional)): the index of the core to be changed
  • phase (float): the value between 0 and 360 degrees of the phase
def get_phase(self, core_index: int, return_unit=None) -> float:
958    def get_phase(self, core_index : int, return_unit = None) -> float:
959        """
960        gets the phase of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_PHASE` in the manual)
962        Parameters
963        ----------
964        core_index : int
965            the index of the core to be changed
966        return_unit : pint.Unit = None
967            the unit of the returned phase, by default None
969        Returns
970        -------
971        float
972            the value between 0 and 360 degrees of the phase
973        """
975        return self.cores[core_index].get_phase(return_unit)

gets the phase of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_PHASE in the manual)

  • core_index (int): the index of the core to be changed
  • return_unit (pint.Unit = None): the unit of the returned phase, by default None
  • float: the value between 0 and 360 degrees of the phase
def avail_phase_min(self) -> float:
977    def avail_phase_min(self) -> float:
978        """
979        get the minimum available phase (see register `SPC_DDS_AVAIL_PHASE_MIN` in the manual)
981        Returns
982        -------
983        float
984            the minimum available phase
986        TODO: unitize!
987        """
989        return self.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_AVAIL_PHASE_MIN)

get the minimum available phase (see register SPC_DDS_AVAIL_PHASE_MIN in the manual)

  • float: the minimum available phase
  • TODO (unitize!):
def avail_phase_max(self) -> float:
 991    def avail_phase_max(self) -> float:
 992        """
 993        get the maximum available phase (see register `SPC_DDS_AVAIL_PHASE_MAX` in the manual)
 995        Returns
 996        -------
 997        float
 998            the maximum available phase
1000        TODO: unitize!
1001        """
1003        return self.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_AVAIL_PHASE_MAX)

get the maximum available phase (see register SPC_DDS_AVAIL_PHASE_MAX in the manual)

  • float: the maximum available phase
  • TODO (unitize!):
def avail_phase_step(self) -> float:
1005    def avail_phase_step(self) -> float:
1006        """
1007        get the step size of the available phases (see register `SPC_DDS_AVAIL_PHASE_STEP` in the manual)
1009        Returns
1010        -------
1011        float
1012            the step size of the available phases
1014        TODO: unitize!
1015        """
1017        return self.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_AVAIL_PHASE_STEP)

get the step size of the available phases (see register SPC_DDS_AVAIL_PHASE_STEP in the manual)

  • float: the step size of the available phases
  • TODO (unitize!):
def x_manual_output(self, state_mask: int) -> None:
1019    def x_manual_output(self, state_mask : int) -> None:
1020        """
1021        set the output of the xio channels using a bit mask (see register `SPC_DDS_X_MANUAL_OUTPUT` in the manual)
1023        Parameters
1024        ----------
1025        state_mask : int
1026            bit mask where the bits correspond to specific channels and 1 to on and 0 to off.
1027        """
1029        self.set_i(SPC_DDS_X_MANUAL_OUTPUT, state_mask)

set the output of the xio channels using a bit mask (see register SPC_DDS_X_MANUAL_OUTPUT in the manual)

  • state_mask (int): bit mask where the bits correspond to specific channels and 1 to on and 0 to off.
def get_x_manual_output(self) -> int:
1031    def get_x_manual_output(self) -> int:
1032        """
1033        get the output of the xio channels using a bit mask (see register `SPC_DDS_X_MANUAL_OUTPUT` in the manual)
1035        Returns
1036        ----------
1037        int
1038            bit mask where the bits correspond to specific channels and 1 to on and 0 to off.
1039        """
1041        return self.card.get_i(SPC_DDS_X_MANUAL_OUTPUT)

get the output of the xio channels using a bit mask (see register SPC_DDS_X_MANUAL_OUTPUT in the manual)

  • int: bit mask where the bits correspond to specific channels and 1 to on and 0 to off.
def freq_slope(self, *args) -> None:
1045    def freq_slope(self, *args) -> None:
1046        """
1047        set the frequency slope of the linearly changing frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ_SLOPE` in the manual)
1049        Parameters
1050        ----------
1051        core_index : int (optional)
1052            the index of the core to be changed
1053        slope : float
1054            the rate of frequency change in Hz/s
1055        """
1057        if len(args) == 1:
1058            slope = args[0]
1059            for core in self.cores:
1060                core.freq_slope(slope)
1061        elif len(args) == 2:
1062            core_index, slope = args
1063            self.cores[core_index].freq_slope(slope)
1064        else:
1065            raise TypeError("freq_slope() takes 1 or 2 positional arguments ({} given)".format(len(args) + 1))
1066        # self.set_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ_SLOPE + core_index, float(slope))

set the frequency slope of the linearly changing frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ_SLOPE in the manual)

  • core_index (int (optional)): the index of the core to be changed
  • slope (float): the rate of frequency change in Hz/s
def frequency_slope(self, *args) -> None:
1045    def freq_slope(self, *args) -> None:
1046        """
1047        set the frequency slope of the linearly changing frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ_SLOPE` in the manual)
1049        Parameters
1050        ----------
1051        core_index : int (optional)
1052            the index of the core to be changed
1053        slope : float
1054            the rate of frequency change in Hz/s
1055        """
1057        if len(args) == 1:
1058            slope = args[0]
1059            for core in self.cores:
1060                core.freq_slope(slope)
1061        elif len(args) == 2:
1062            core_index, slope = args
1063            self.cores[core_index].freq_slope(slope)
1064        else:
1065            raise TypeError("freq_slope() takes 1 or 2 positional arguments ({} given)".format(len(args) + 1))
1066        # self.set_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ_SLOPE + core_index, float(slope))

set the frequency slope of the linearly changing frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ_SLOPE in the manual)

  • core_index (int (optional)): the index of the core to be changed
  • slope (float): the rate of frequency change in Hz/s
def get_freq_slope(self, core_index: int, return_unit=None) -> float:
1070    def get_freq_slope(self, core_index : int, return_unit=None) -> float:
1071        """
1072        get the frequency slope of the linearly changing frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ_SLOPE` in the manual)
1074        Parameters
1075        ----------
1076        core_index : int
1077            the index of the core to be changed
1078        return_unit : pint.Unit = None
1079            the unit of the returned frequency slope, by default None
1081        Returns
1082        -------
1083        float
1084            the rate of frequency change in Hz/s
1085        """
1087        return self.cores[core_index].get_freq_slope(return_unit)

get the frequency slope of the linearly changing frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ_SLOPE in the manual)

  • core_index (int): the index of the core to be changed
  • return_unit (pint.Unit = None): the unit of the returned frequency slope, by default None
  • float: the rate of frequency change in Hz/s
def get_frequency_slope(self, core_index: int, return_unit=None) -> float:
1070    def get_freq_slope(self, core_index : int, return_unit=None) -> float:
1071        """
1072        get the frequency slope of the linearly changing frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ_SLOPE` in the manual)
1074        Parameters
1075        ----------
1076        core_index : int
1077            the index of the core to be changed
1078        return_unit : pint.Unit = None
1079            the unit of the returned frequency slope, by default None
1081        Returns
1082        -------
1083        float
1084            the rate of frequency change in Hz/s
1085        """
1087        return self.cores[core_index].get_freq_slope(return_unit)

get the frequency slope of the linearly changing frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ_SLOPE in the manual)

  • core_index (int): the index of the core to be changed
  • return_unit (pint.Unit = None): the unit of the returned frequency slope, by default None
  • float: the rate of frequency change in Hz/s
def avail_freq_slope_min(self) -> float:
1091    def avail_freq_slope_min(self) -> float:
1092        """
1093        get the minimum available frequency slope (see register `SPC_DDS_AVAIL_FREQ_SLOPE_MIN` in the manual)
1095        Returns
1096        -------
1097        float
1098            the minimum available frequency slope
1100        TODO: unitize!
1101        """
1103        return self.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_AVAIL_FREQ_SLOPE_MIN)

get the minimum available frequency slope (see register SPC_DDS_AVAIL_FREQ_SLOPE_MIN in the manual)

  • float: the minimum available frequency slope
  • TODO (unitize!):
def avail_freq_slope_max(self) -> float:
1105    def avail_freq_slope_max(self) -> float:
1106        """
1107        get the maximum available frequency slope (see register `SPC_DDS_AVAIL_FREQ_SLOPE_MAX` in the manual)
1109        Returns
1110        -------
1111        float
1112            the maximum available frequency slope
1114        TODO: unitize!
1115        """
1117        return self.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_AVAIL_FREQ_SLOPE_MAX)

get the maximum available frequency slope (see register SPC_DDS_AVAIL_FREQ_SLOPE_MAX in the manual)

  • float: the maximum available frequency slope
  • TODO (unitize!):
def avail_freq_slope_step(self) -> float:
1119    def avail_freq_slope_step(self) -> float:
1120        """
1121        get the step size of the available frequency slopes (see register `SPC_DDS_AVAIL_FREQ_SLOPE_STEP` in the manual)
1123        Returns
1124        -------
1125        float
1126            the step size of the available frequency slopes
1128        TODO: unitize!
1129        """
1131        return self.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_AVAIL_FREQ_SLOPE_STEP)

get the step size of the available frequency slopes (see register SPC_DDS_AVAIL_FREQ_SLOPE_STEP in the manual)

  • float: the step size of the available frequency slopes
  • TODO (unitize!):
def amp_slope(self, *args) -> None:
1134    def amp_slope(self, *args) -> None:
1135        """
1136        set the amplitude slope of the linearly changing amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP_SLOPE` in the manual)
1138        Parameters
1139        ----------
1140        core_index : int (optional)
1141            the index of the core to be changed
1142        slope : float
1143            the rate of amplitude change in 1/s
1144        """
1146        if len(args) == 1:
1147            slope = args[0]
1148            for core in self.cores:
1149                core.amp_slope(slope)
1150        elif len(args) == 2:
1151            core_index, slope = args
1152            self.cores[core_index].amp_slope(slope)
1153        else:
1154            raise TypeError("amp_slope() takes 1 or 2 positional arguments ({} given)".format(len(args) + 1))
1155        # self.set_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP_SLOPE + core_index, float(slope))

set the amplitude slope of the linearly changing amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP_SLOPE in the manual)

  • core_index (int (optional)): the index of the core to be changed
  • slope (float): the rate of amplitude change in 1/s
def amplitude_slope(self, *args) -> None:
1134    def amp_slope(self, *args) -> None:
1135        """
1136        set the amplitude slope of the linearly changing amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP_SLOPE` in the manual)
1138        Parameters
1139        ----------
1140        core_index : int (optional)
1141            the index of the core to be changed
1142        slope : float
1143            the rate of amplitude change in 1/s
1144        """
1146        if len(args) == 1:
1147            slope = args[0]
1148            for core in self.cores:
1149                core.amp_slope(slope)
1150        elif len(args) == 2:
1151            core_index, slope = args
1152            self.cores[core_index].amp_slope(slope)
1153        else:
1154            raise TypeError("amp_slope() takes 1 or 2 positional arguments ({} given)".format(len(args) + 1))
1155        # self.set_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP_SLOPE + core_index, float(slope))

set the amplitude slope of the linearly changing amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP_SLOPE in the manual)

  • core_index (int (optional)): the index of the core to be changed
  • slope (float): the rate of amplitude change in 1/s
def get_amp_slope(self, core_index: int, return_unit=None) -> float:
1159    def get_amp_slope(self, core_index : int, return_unit = None) -> float:
1160        """
1161        set the amplitude slope of the linearly changing amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP_SLOPE` in the manual)
1163        Parameters
1164        ----------
1165        core_index : int
1166            the index of the core to be changed
1167        return_unit : pint.Unit = None
1168            the unit of the returned amplitude slope, by default None
1170        Returns
1171        -------
1172        float
1173            the rate of amplitude change in 1/s
1174        """
1176        return self.cores[core_index].get_amp_slope(return_unit)

set the amplitude slope of the linearly changing amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP_SLOPE in the manual)

  • core_index (int): the index of the core to be changed
  • return_unit (pint.Unit = None): the unit of the returned amplitude slope, by default None
  • float: the rate of amplitude change in 1/s
def avail_amp_slope_min(self) -> float:
1180    def avail_amp_slope_min(self) -> float:
1181        """
1182        get the minimum available amplitude slope (see register `SPC_DDS_AVAIL_AMP_SLOPE_MIN` in the manual)
1184        Returns
1185        -------
1186        float
1187            the minimum available amplitude slope
1189        TODO: unitize!
1190        """
1192        return self.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_AVAIL_AMP_SLOPE_MIN)

get the minimum available amplitude slope (see register SPC_DDS_AVAIL_AMP_SLOPE_MIN in the manual)

  • float: the minimum available amplitude slope
  • TODO (unitize!):
def avail_amp_slope_max(self) -> float:
1194    def avail_amp_slope_max(self) -> float:
1195        """
1196        get the maximum available amplitude slope (see register `SPC_DDS_AVAIL_AMP_SLOPE_MAX` in the manual)
1198        Returns
1199        -------
1200        float
1201            the maximum available amplitude slope
1203        TODO: unitize!
1204        """
1206        return self.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_AVAIL_AMP_SLOPE_MAX)

get the maximum available amplitude slope (see register SPC_DDS_AVAIL_AMP_SLOPE_MAX in the manual)

  • float: the maximum available amplitude slope
  • TODO (unitize!):
def avail_amp_slope_step(self) -> float:
1208    def avail_amp_slope_step(self) -> float:
1209        """
1210        get the step size of the available amplitude slopes (see register `SPC_DDS_AVAIL_AMP_SLOPE_STEP` in the manual)
1212        Returns
1213        -------
1214        float
1215            the step size of the available amplitude slopes
1217        TODO: unitize!
1218        """
1220        return self.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_AVAIL_AMP_SLOPE_STEP)

get the step size of the available amplitude slopes (see register SPC_DDS_AVAIL_AMP_SLOPE_STEP in the manual)

  • float: the step size of the available amplitude slopes
  • TODO (unitize!):
def cmd(self, command: int) -> None:
1223    def cmd(self, command : int) -> None:
1224        """
1225        execute a DDS specific control flow command (see register `SPC_DDS_CMD` in the manual)
1227        Parameters
1228        ----------
1229        command : int
1230            DDS specific command
1231        """
1233        self.set_i(SPC_DDS_CMD, command)

execute a DDS specific control flow command (see register SPC_DDS_CMD in the manual)

  • command (int): DDS specific command
def exec_at_trg(self) -> None:
1235    def exec_at_trg(self) -> None:
1236        """
1237        execute the commands in the shadow register at the next trigger event (see register `SPC_DDS_CMD` in the manual)
1238        """
1239        self.cmd(SPCM_DDS_CMD_EXEC_AT_TRG)

execute the commands in the shadow register at the next trigger event (see register SPC_DDS_CMD in the manual)

def arm(self) -> None:
1235    def exec_at_trg(self) -> None:
1236        """
1237        execute the commands in the shadow register at the next trigger event (see register `SPC_DDS_CMD` in the manual)
1238        """
1239        self.cmd(SPCM_DDS_CMD_EXEC_AT_TRG)

execute the commands in the shadow register at the next trigger event (see register SPC_DDS_CMD in the manual)

def wait_for_trg(self) -> None:
1235    def exec_at_trg(self) -> None:
1236        """
1237        execute the commands in the shadow register at the next trigger event (see register `SPC_DDS_CMD` in the manual)
1238        """
1239        self.cmd(SPCM_DDS_CMD_EXEC_AT_TRG)

execute the commands in the shadow register at the next trigger event (see register SPC_DDS_CMD in the manual)

def exec_now(self) -> None:
1244    def exec_now(self) -> None:
1245        """
1246        execute the commands in the shadow register as soon as possible (see register `SPC_DDS_CMD` in the manual)
1247        """
1249        self.cmd(SPCM_DDS_CMD_EXEC_NOW)

execute the commands in the shadow register as soon as possible (see register SPC_DDS_CMD in the manual)

def direct_latch(self) -> None:
1244    def exec_now(self) -> None:
1245        """
1246        execute the commands in the shadow register as soon as possible (see register `SPC_DDS_CMD` in the manual)
1247        """
1249        self.cmd(SPCM_DDS_CMD_EXEC_NOW)

execute the commands in the shadow register as soon as possible (see register SPC_DDS_CMD in the manual)

def trg_count(self) -> int:
1253    def trg_count(self) -> int:
1254        """
1255        get the number of trigger exec_at_trg and exec_now command that have been executed (see register `SPC_DDS_TRG_COUNT` in the manual)
1257        Returns
1258        -------
1259        int
1260            the number of trigger exec_at_trg and exec_now command that have been executed
1261        """
1263        return self.card.get_i(SPC_DDS_TRG_COUNT)

get the number of trigger exec_at_trg and exec_now command that have been executed (see register SPC_DDS_TRG_COUNT in the manual)

  • int: the number of trigger exec_at_trg and exec_now command that have been executed
def write_to_card(self, flags=0) -> None:
1265    def write_to_card(self, flags=0) -> None:
1266        """
1267        send a list of all the commands that came after the last write_list and send them to the card (see register `SPC_DDS_CMD` in the manual)
1269        Parameters
1270        ----------
1271        flags : int = 0
1272            the flags that can be set with the write_to_card command
1273        """
1275        self.cmd(SPCM_DDS_CMD_WRITE_TO_CARD | flags)

send a list of all the commands that came after the last write_list and send them to the card (see register SPC_DDS_CMD in the manual)

  • flags (int = 0): the flags that can be set with the write_to_card command
def kwargs2mask(self, kwargs: dict[str, bool], prefix: str = '') -> int:
1278    def kwargs2mask(self, kwargs : dict[str, bool], prefix : str = "") -> int:
1279        """
1280        DDS helper: transform a dictionary with keys with a specific prefix to a bitmask
1282        Parameters
1283        ----------
1284        kwargs : dict
1285            dictonary with keys with a specific prefix and values given by bools
1286        prefix : str
1287            a prefix for the key names
1289        Returns
1290        -------
1291        int
1292            bit mask
1294        Example
1295        -------
1296        ['core_0' = True, 'core_2' = False, 'core_3' = True] => 0b1001 = 9
1297        """
1299        mask = 0
1300        for keyword, value in kwargs.items():
1301            bit = int(keyword[len(prefix):])
1302            if value:
1303                mask |= 1 << bit
1304            else:
1305                mask &= ~(1 << bit)
1306        return mask

DDS helper: transform a dictionary with keys with a specific prefix to a bitmask

  • kwargs (dict): dictonary with keys with a specific prefix and values given by bools
  • prefix (str): a prefix for the key names
  • int: bit mask

['core_0' = True, 'core_2' = False, 'core_3' = True] => 0b1001 = 9

def k2m(self, kwargs: dict[str, bool], prefix: str = '') -> int:
1278    def kwargs2mask(self, kwargs : dict[str, bool], prefix : str = "") -> int:
1279        """
1280        DDS helper: transform a dictionary with keys with a specific prefix to a bitmask
1282        Parameters
1283        ----------
1284        kwargs : dict
1285            dictonary with keys with a specific prefix and values given by bools
1286        prefix : str
1287            a prefix for the key names
1289        Returns
1290        -------
1291        int
1292            bit mask
1294        Example
1295        -------
1296        ['core_0' = True, 'core_2' = False, 'core_3' = True] => 0b1001 = 9
1297        """
1299        mask = 0
1300        for keyword, value in kwargs.items():
1301            bit = int(keyword[len(prefix):])
1302            if value:
1303                mask |= 1 << bit
1304            else:
1305                mask &= ~(1 << bit)
1306        return mask

DDS helper: transform a dictionary with keys with a specific prefix to a bitmask

  • kwargs (dict): dictonary with keys with a specific prefix and values given by bools
  • prefix (str): a prefix for the key names
  • int: bit mask

['core_0' = True, 'core_2' = False, 'core_3' = True] => 0b1001 = 9

class DDSCore:
 13class DDSCore:
 14    """
 15    a class for controlling a single DDS core
 16    """
 18    dds : "DDS"
 19    index : int
 20    channel : Channel
 22    def __init__(self, core_index, dds, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
 23        self.dds = dds
 24        self.index = core_index
 25        self.channel = kwargs.get("channel", None)
 27    def __int__(self) -> int:
 28        """
 29        get the index of the core
 31        Returns
 32        -------
 33        int
 34            the index of the core
 35        """
 36        return self.index
 37    __index__ = __int__
 39    def __str__(self) -> str:
 40        """
 41        get the string representation of the core
 43        Returns
 44        -------
 45        str
 46            the string representation of the core
 47        """
 48        return f"Core {self.index}"
 49    __repr__ = __str__
 51    def __add__(self, other) -> int:
 52        """
 53        add the index of the core to another index
 55        Parameters
 56        ----------
 57        other : int
 58            the other index
 60        Returns
 61        -------
 62        int
 63            the sum of the two indices
 64        """
 65        return self.index + other
 67    # DDS "static" parameters
 68    def amp(self, amplitude : float) -> None:
 69        """
 70        set the amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP` in the manual)
 72        Parameters
 73        ----------
 74        amplitude : float | pint.Quantity
 75            the value between 0 and 1 corresponding to the amplitude
 76        """
 78        if self.channel is not None:
 79            amplitude = self.channel.to_amplitude_fraction(amplitude)
 80        elif isinstance(amplitude, units.Quantity) and amplitude.check("[]"):
 81            amplitude = UnitConversion.convert(amplitude, units.fraction, float, rounding=None)
 82        self.dds.set_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP + self.index, float(amplitude))
 83    # aliases
 84    amplitude = amp
 86    def get_amp(self, return_unit = None) -> float:
 87        """
 88        gets the amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP` in the manual)
 90        Parameters
 91        ----------
 92        return_unit : pint.Unit = None
 93            the unit of the returned amplitude, by default None
 95        Returns
 96        -------
 97        float
 98            the value between 0 and 1 corresponding to the amplitude
 99        """
101        return_value = self.dds.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP + self.index)
102        if self.channel is not None:
103            return_value = self.channel.from_amplitude_fraction(return_value, return_unit)
104        else:
105            return_value = UnitConversion.to_unit(return_value, return_unit)
106        return return_value
107    # aliases
108    get_amplitude = get_amp
110    def freq(self, frequency : float) -> None:
111        """
112        set the frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ` in the manual)
114        Parameters
115        ----------
116        frequency : float | pint.Quantity
117            the value of the frequency in Hz
118        """
120        frequency = UnitConversion.convert(frequency, units.Hz, float, rounding=None)
121        self.dds.set_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ + self.index, float(frequency))
122    # aliases
123    frequency = freq
125    def get_freq(self, return_unit = None) -> float:
126        """
127        gets the frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ` in the manual)
129        Parameters
130        ----------
131        return_unit : pint.Unit = None
132            the unit of the returned frequency, by default None
134        Returns
135        -------
136        float | pint.Quantity
137            the value of the frequency in Hz the specific core
138        """
140        return_value = self.dds.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ + self.index)
141        if return_unit is not None: return_value = UnitConversion.to_unit(return_value * units.Hz, return_unit)
142        return return_value
143    # aliases
144    get_frequency = get_freq
146    def phase(self, phase : float) -> None:
147        """
148        set the phase of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_PHASE` in the manual)
150        Parameters
151        ----------
152        phase : float | pint.Quantity
153            the value between 0 and 360 degrees of the phase
154        """
156        phase = UnitConversion.convert(phase, units.deg, float, rounding=None)
157        self.dds.set_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_PHASE + self.index, float(phase))
159    def get_phase(self, return_unit = None) -> float:
160        """
161        gets the phase of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_PHASE` in the manual)
163        Returns
164        -------
165        float
166            the value between 0 and 360 degrees of the phase
167        """
169        return_value = self.dds.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_PHASE + self.index)
170        if return_unit is not None: return_value = UnitConversion.to_unit(return_value * units.deg, return_unit)
171        return return_value
173    # DDS dynamic parameters
174    def freq_slope(self, slope : float) -> None:
175        """
176        set the frequency slope of the linearly changing frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ_SLOPE` in the manual)
178        Parameters
179        ----------
180        slope : float | pint.Quantity
181            the rate of frequency change in Hz/s (positive or negative) or specified unit
182        """
184        slope = UnitConversion.convert(slope, units.Hz/units.s, float, rounding=None)
185        self.dds.set_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ_SLOPE + self.index, float(slope))
186    # aliases
187    frequency_slope = freq_slope
189    def get_freq_slope(self, return_unit = None) -> float:
190        """
191        get the frequency slope of the linearly changing frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ_SLOPE` in the manual)
193        Parameters
194        ----------
195        return_unit : pint.Unit = None
196            the unit of the returned frequency slope, by default None
198        Returns
199        -------
200        float
201            the rate of frequency change in Hz/s
202        """
204        return_value = self.dds.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ_SLOPE + self.index)
205        if return_unit is not None: return_value = UnitConversion.to_unit(return_value * units.Hz/units.s, return_unit)
206        return return_value
207    # aliases
208    get_frequency_slope = get_freq_slope
210    def amp_slope(self, slope : float) -> None:
211        """
212        set the amplitude slope of the linearly changing amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP_SLOPE` in the manual)
214        Parameters
215        ----------
216        slope : float | pint.Quantity
217            the rate of amplitude change in 1/s (positive or negative) or specified unit
218        """
220        slope = UnitConversion.convert(slope, 1/units.s, float, rounding=None)
221        self.dds.set_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP_SLOPE + self.index, float(slope))
222    # aliases
223    amplitude_slope = amp_slope
225    def get_amp_slope(self, return_unit = None) -> float:
226        """
227        set the amplitude slope of the linearly changing amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP_SLOPE` in the manual)
229        Parameters
230        ----------
231        return_unit : pint.Unit = None
232            the unit of the returned amplitude slope, by default None
234        Returns
235        -------
236        float
237            the rate of amplitude change in 1/s
238        """
241        return_value = self.dds.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP_SLOPE + self.index)
242        if return_unit is not None: return_value = UnitConversion.to_unit(return_value / units.s, return_unit)
243        return return_value
244    # aliases
245    amplitude_slope = amp_slope

a class for controlling a single DDS core

DDSCore(core_index, dds, *args, **kwargs)
22    def __init__(self, core_index, dds, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
23        self.dds = dds
24        self.index = core_index
25        self.channel = kwargs.get("channel", None)
dds: DDS
index: int
channel: Channel
def amp(self, amplitude: float) -> None:
68    def amp(self, amplitude : float) -> None:
69        """
70        set the amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP` in the manual)
72        Parameters
73        ----------
74        amplitude : float | pint.Quantity
75            the value between 0 and 1 corresponding to the amplitude
76        """
78        if self.channel is not None:
79            amplitude = self.channel.to_amplitude_fraction(amplitude)
80        elif isinstance(amplitude, units.Quantity) and amplitude.check("[]"):
81            amplitude = UnitConversion.convert(amplitude, units.fraction, float, rounding=None)
82        self.dds.set_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP + self.index, float(amplitude))

set the amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP in the manual)

  • amplitude (float | pint.Quantity): the value between 0 and 1 corresponding to the amplitude
def amplitude(self, amplitude: float) -> None:
68    def amp(self, amplitude : float) -> None:
69        """
70        set the amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP` in the manual)
72        Parameters
73        ----------
74        amplitude : float | pint.Quantity
75            the value between 0 and 1 corresponding to the amplitude
76        """
78        if self.channel is not None:
79            amplitude = self.channel.to_amplitude_fraction(amplitude)
80        elif isinstance(amplitude, units.Quantity) and amplitude.check("[]"):
81            amplitude = UnitConversion.convert(amplitude, units.fraction, float, rounding=None)
82        self.dds.set_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP + self.index, float(amplitude))

set the amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP in the manual)

  • amplitude (float | pint.Quantity): the value between 0 and 1 corresponding to the amplitude
def get_amp(self, return_unit=None) -> float:
 86    def get_amp(self, return_unit = None) -> float:
 87        """
 88        gets the amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP` in the manual)
 90        Parameters
 91        ----------
 92        return_unit : pint.Unit = None
 93            the unit of the returned amplitude, by default None
 95        Returns
 96        -------
 97        float
 98            the value between 0 and 1 corresponding to the amplitude
 99        """
101        return_value = self.dds.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP + self.index)
102        if self.channel is not None:
103            return_value = self.channel.from_amplitude_fraction(return_value, return_unit)
104        else:
105            return_value = UnitConversion.to_unit(return_value, return_unit)
106        return return_value

gets the amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP in the manual)

  • return_unit (pint.Unit = None): the unit of the returned amplitude, by default None
  • float: the value between 0 and 1 corresponding to the amplitude
def get_amplitude(self, return_unit=None) -> float:
 86    def get_amp(self, return_unit = None) -> float:
 87        """
 88        gets the amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP` in the manual)
 90        Parameters
 91        ----------
 92        return_unit : pint.Unit = None
 93            the unit of the returned amplitude, by default None
 95        Returns
 96        -------
 97        float
 98            the value between 0 and 1 corresponding to the amplitude
 99        """
101        return_value = self.dds.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP + self.index)
102        if self.channel is not None:
103            return_value = self.channel.from_amplitude_fraction(return_value, return_unit)
104        else:
105            return_value = UnitConversion.to_unit(return_value, return_unit)
106        return return_value

gets the amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP in the manual)

  • return_unit (pint.Unit = None): the unit of the returned amplitude, by default None
  • float: the value between 0 and 1 corresponding to the amplitude
def freq(self, frequency: float) -> None:
110    def freq(self, frequency : float) -> None:
111        """
112        set the frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ` in the manual)
114        Parameters
115        ----------
116        frequency : float | pint.Quantity
117            the value of the frequency in Hz
118        """
120        frequency = UnitConversion.convert(frequency, units.Hz, float, rounding=None)
121        self.dds.set_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ + self.index, float(frequency))

set the frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ in the manual)

  • frequency (float | pint.Quantity): the value of the frequency in Hz
def frequency(self, frequency: float) -> None:
110    def freq(self, frequency : float) -> None:
111        """
112        set the frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ` in the manual)
114        Parameters
115        ----------
116        frequency : float | pint.Quantity
117            the value of the frequency in Hz
118        """
120        frequency = UnitConversion.convert(frequency, units.Hz, float, rounding=None)
121        self.dds.set_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ + self.index, float(frequency))

set the frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ in the manual)

  • frequency (float | pint.Quantity): the value of the frequency in Hz
def get_freq(self, return_unit=None) -> float:
125    def get_freq(self, return_unit = None) -> float:
126        """
127        gets the frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ` in the manual)
129        Parameters
130        ----------
131        return_unit : pint.Unit = None
132            the unit of the returned frequency, by default None
134        Returns
135        -------
136        float | pint.Quantity
137            the value of the frequency in Hz the specific core
138        """
140        return_value = self.dds.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ + self.index)
141        if return_unit is not None: return_value = UnitConversion.to_unit(return_value * units.Hz, return_unit)
142        return return_value

gets the frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ in the manual)

  • return_unit (pint.Unit = None): the unit of the returned frequency, by default None
  • float | pint.Quantity: the value of the frequency in Hz the specific core
def get_frequency(self, return_unit=None) -> float:
125    def get_freq(self, return_unit = None) -> float:
126        """
127        gets the frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ` in the manual)
129        Parameters
130        ----------
131        return_unit : pint.Unit = None
132            the unit of the returned frequency, by default None
134        Returns
135        -------
136        float | pint.Quantity
137            the value of the frequency in Hz the specific core
138        """
140        return_value = self.dds.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ + self.index)
141        if return_unit is not None: return_value = UnitConversion.to_unit(return_value * units.Hz, return_unit)
142        return return_value

gets the frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ in the manual)

  • return_unit (pint.Unit = None): the unit of the returned frequency, by default None
  • float | pint.Quantity: the value of the frequency in Hz the specific core
def phase(self, phase: float) -> None:
146    def phase(self, phase : float) -> None:
147        """
148        set the phase of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_PHASE` in the manual)
150        Parameters
151        ----------
152        phase : float | pint.Quantity
153            the value between 0 and 360 degrees of the phase
154        """
156        phase = UnitConversion.convert(phase, units.deg, float, rounding=None)
157        self.dds.set_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_PHASE + self.index, float(phase))

set the phase of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_PHASE in the manual)

  • phase (float | pint.Quantity): the value between 0 and 360 degrees of the phase
def get_phase(self, return_unit=None) -> float:
159    def get_phase(self, return_unit = None) -> float:
160        """
161        gets the phase of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_PHASE` in the manual)
163        Returns
164        -------
165        float
166            the value between 0 and 360 degrees of the phase
167        """
169        return_value = self.dds.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_PHASE + self.index)
170        if return_unit is not None: return_value = UnitConversion.to_unit(return_value * units.deg, return_unit)
171        return return_value

gets the phase of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_PHASE in the manual)

  • float: the value between 0 and 360 degrees of the phase
def freq_slope(self, slope: float) -> None:
174    def freq_slope(self, slope : float) -> None:
175        """
176        set the frequency slope of the linearly changing frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ_SLOPE` in the manual)
178        Parameters
179        ----------
180        slope : float | pint.Quantity
181            the rate of frequency change in Hz/s (positive or negative) or specified unit
182        """
184        slope = UnitConversion.convert(slope, units.Hz/units.s, float, rounding=None)
185        self.dds.set_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ_SLOPE + self.index, float(slope))

set the frequency slope of the linearly changing frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ_SLOPE in the manual)

  • slope (float | pint.Quantity): the rate of frequency change in Hz/s (positive or negative) or specified unit
def frequency_slope(self, slope: float) -> None:
174    def freq_slope(self, slope : float) -> None:
175        """
176        set the frequency slope of the linearly changing frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ_SLOPE` in the manual)
178        Parameters
179        ----------
180        slope : float | pint.Quantity
181            the rate of frequency change in Hz/s (positive or negative) or specified unit
182        """
184        slope = UnitConversion.convert(slope, units.Hz/units.s, float, rounding=None)
185        self.dds.set_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ_SLOPE + self.index, float(slope))

set the frequency slope of the linearly changing frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ_SLOPE in the manual)

  • slope (float | pint.Quantity): the rate of frequency change in Hz/s (positive or negative) or specified unit
def get_freq_slope(self, return_unit=None) -> float:
189    def get_freq_slope(self, return_unit = None) -> float:
190        """
191        get the frequency slope of the linearly changing frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ_SLOPE` in the manual)
193        Parameters
194        ----------
195        return_unit : pint.Unit = None
196            the unit of the returned frequency slope, by default None
198        Returns
199        -------
200        float
201            the rate of frequency change in Hz/s
202        """
204        return_value = self.dds.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ_SLOPE + self.index)
205        if return_unit is not None: return_value = UnitConversion.to_unit(return_value * units.Hz/units.s, return_unit)
206        return return_value

get the frequency slope of the linearly changing frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ_SLOPE in the manual)

  • return_unit (pint.Unit = None): the unit of the returned frequency slope, by default None
  • float: the rate of frequency change in Hz/s
def get_frequency_slope(self, return_unit=None) -> float:
189    def get_freq_slope(self, return_unit = None) -> float:
190        """
191        get the frequency slope of the linearly changing frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ_SLOPE` in the manual)
193        Parameters
194        ----------
195        return_unit : pint.Unit = None
196            the unit of the returned frequency slope, by default None
198        Returns
199        -------
200        float
201            the rate of frequency change in Hz/s
202        """
204        return_value = self.dds.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ_SLOPE + self.index)
205        if return_unit is not None: return_value = UnitConversion.to_unit(return_value * units.Hz/units.s, return_unit)
206        return return_value

get the frequency slope of the linearly changing frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ_SLOPE in the manual)

  • return_unit (pint.Unit = None): the unit of the returned frequency slope, by default None
  • float: the rate of frequency change in Hz/s
def amp_slope(self, slope: float) -> None:
210    def amp_slope(self, slope : float) -> None:
211        """
212        set the amplitude slope of the linearly changing amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP_SLOPE` in the manual)
214        Parameters
215        ----------
216        slope : float | pint.Quantity
217            the rate of amplitude change in 1/s (positive or negative) or specified unit
218        """
220        slope = UnitConversion.convert(slope, 1/units.s, float, rounding=None)
221        self.dds.set_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP_SLOPE + self.index, float(slope))

set the amplitude slope of the linearly changing amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP_SLOPE in the manual)

  • slope (float | pint.Quantity): the rate of amplitude change in 1/s (positive or negative) or specified unit
def amplitude_slope(self, slope: float) -> None:
210    def amp_slope(self, slope : float) -> None:
211        """
212        set the amplitude slope of the linearly changing amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP_SLOPE` in the manual)
214        Parameters
215        ----------
216        slope : float | pint.Quantity
217            the rate of amplitude change in 1/s (positive or negative) or specified unit
218        """
220        slope = UnitConversion.convert(slope, 1/units.s, float, rounding=None)
221        self.dds.set_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP_SLOPE + self.index, float(slope))

set the amplitude slope of the linearly changing amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP_SLOPE in the manual)

  • slope (float | pint.Quantity): the rate of amplitude change in 1/s (positive or negative) or specified unit
def get_amp_slope(self, return_unit=None) -> float:
225    def get_amp_slope(self, return_unit = None) -> float:
226        """
227        set the amplitude slope of the linearly changing amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP_SLOPE` in the manual)
229        Parameters
230        ----------
231        return_unit : pint.Unit = None
232            the unit of the returned amplitude slope, by default None
234        Returns
235        -------
236        float
237            the rate of amplitude change in 1/s
238        """
241        return_value = self.dds.card.get_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP_SLOPE + self.index)
242        if return_unit is not None: return_value = UnitConversion.to_unit(return_value / units.s, return_unit)
243        return return_value

set the amplitude slope of the linearly changing amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP_SLOPE in the manual)

  • return_unit (pint.Unit = None): the unit of the returned amplitude slope, by default None
  • float: the rate of amplitude change in 1/s
class DDSCommandList(spcm.DDS):
 13class DDSCommandList(DDS):
 14    """Abstraction of the set_ptr and register `SPC_REGISTER_LIST` for command streaming in the DDS functionality"""
 16    class WRITE_MODE(IntEnum):
 17        NO_CHECK = 0
 18        EXCEPTION_IF_FULL = 1
 19        WAIT_IF_FULL = 2
 21    mode : int = WRITE_MODE.NO_CHECK
 23    command_list : ctypes._Pointer = None
 24    commands_transfered : int = 0
 25    current_index : int = 0
 27    _dtm : int = SPCM_DDS_DTM_SINGLE
 28    _list_size : int = KIBI(16)
 30    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
 31        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
 33        self.command_list = None
 34        self.current_index = 0
 36        self._dtm = SPCM_DDS_DTM_SINGLE
 38        self.list_size = self.default_size()
 40    def data_transfer_mode(self, mode : int) -> None:
 41        """
 42        set the data transfer mode of the DDS
 44        Parameters
 45        ----------
 46        mode : int
 47            the data transfer mode
 48        """
 50        self._dtm = mode
 51        self.card.set_i(SPC_DDS_DATA_TRANSFER_MODE, mode)
 52        self.card.set_i(SPC_DDS_CMD, SPCM_DDS_CMD_WRITE_TO_CARD)
 53        self.list_size = self.default_size()
 55    def default_size(self) -> int:
 56        """
 57        automatically determine the size of the commands list
 58        """
 60        if self._dtm == SPCM_DDS_DTM_SINGLE:
 61            return self.card.get_i(SPC_DDS_QUEUE_CMD_MAX) // 2
 62        elif self._dtm == SPCM_DDS_DTM_DMA:
 63            return KIBI(16)
 64        raise SpcmException(text="Data transfer mode not supported.")
 66    def allocate(self) -> None:
 67        """
 68        allocate memory for the commands list
 69        """
 70        if self.command_list is not None:
 71            del self.command_list
 72        elems = (ST_LIST_PARAM * (self._list_size + 1))() # +1 for the write to card command at the end
 73        self.command_list = ctypes.cast(elems, ctypes.POINTER(ST_LIST_PARAM))
 74        self.current_index = 0
 76    def load(self, data : dict, exec_mode : int = SPCM_DDS_CMD_EXEC_AT_TRG, repeat : int = 1) -> None:
 77        """
 78        preload the command list with data
 80        Parameters
 81        ----------
 82        data : dict
 83            the data to be preloaded
 84        mode : int = SPCM_DDS_CMD_EXEC_AT_TRG
 85            the mode of execution
 86        repeat : int = 1
 87            the number of times to repeat the data, if 0 is given the buffer is filled up with the maximal number of blocks that fit in.
 89        TODO make this possible for multiple different keys
 90        """
 92        key = list(data.keys())[0]
 93        value_list = data[key] # For now only take the first key
 94        size = len(value_list)
 95        index = 0
 96        if repeat == 0:
 97            # repeat the data until the block is full
 98            repeat = self.list_size // (2*size)
 99        for _ in range(repeat):
100            for value in value_list:
101                # Write value
102                self.command_list[index].lReg = key
103                self.command_list[index].lType = TYPE_DOUBLE
104                self.command_list[index].dValue = value
105                index += 1
106                # Write trigger mode
107                self.command_list[index].lReg = SPC_DDS_CMD
108                self.command_list[index].lType = TYPE_INT64
109                self.command_list[index].llValue = exec_mode
110                index += 1
111        self.write_to_card()
112        self.current_index = index
114    def write_to_card(self) -> None:
115        """
116        write the command list to the card
117        """
119        self.command_list[self.current_index].lReg = SPC_DDS_CMD
120        self.command_list[self.current_index].lType = TYPE_INT64
121        self.command_list[self.current_index].llValue = SPCM_DDS_CMD_WRITE_TO_CARD
122        self.current_index += 1
124    def write(self) -> None:
125        """
126        send the currently loaded data to the card
127        """
129        if self.mode == self.WRITE_MODE.EXCEPTION_IF_FULL:
130            if self.avail_user_len() < (self.current_index) * ctypes.sizeof(ST_LIST_PARAM):
131                raise SpcmException(text="Buffer is full")
132        elif self.mode == self.WRITE_MODE.WAIT_IF_FULL:
133            timer = 0
134            while self.avail_user_len() < (self.current_index) * ctypes.sizeof(ST_LIST_PARAM):
135                print("Waiting for buffer to empty {}".format("."*(timer//100)), end="\r")
136                timer = (timer + 1) % 400
137        self.card.set_ptr(SPC_REGISTER_LIST, self.command_list, (self.current_index) * ctypes.sizeof(ST_LIST_PARAM))
139    def avail_user_len(self) -> int:
140        """
141        get the available space for commands in the hardware queue
143        TODO: check if this correct. Probably we should use fillsize_promille here
144        """
146        if self._dtm == SPCM_DDS_DTM_SINGLE:
147            return self.list_size - self.card.get_i(SPC_DDS_QUEUE_CMD_COUNT)
148        elif self._dtm == SPCM_DDS_DTM_DMA:
149            return self.card.get_i(SPC_DATA_AVAIL_USER_LEN)
150        else:
151            raise SpcmException(text="Data transfer mode not supported.")
154    @property
155    def list_size(self) -> int:
156        """
157        get the size of the command list
158        """
160        return self._list_size
162    @list_size.setter
163    def list_size(self, size : int) -> None:
164        """
165        set the size of the command list
167        Parameters
168        ----------
169        size : int
170            the size of the command list
171        """
173        self._list_size = size
174        self.allocate()
176    def reset(self) -> None:
177        """
178        reset the dds firmware
179        """
181        # The reset shouldn't be queued!
182        self.card.set_i(SPC_DDS_CMD, SPCM_DDS_CMD_RESET)

Abstraction of the set_ptr and register SPC_REGISTER_LIST for command streaming in the DDS functionality

DDSCommandList(*args, **kwargs)
30    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
31        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
33        self.command_list = None
34        self.current_index = 0
36        self._dtm = SPCM_DDS_DTM_SINGLE
38        self.list_size = self.default_size()

Takes a Card object that is used by the functionality

  • card (Card): a Card object on which the functionality works
mode: int = <WRITE_MODE.NO_CHECK: 0>
command_list: _ctypes._Pointer = None
commands_transfered: int = 0
current_index: int = 0
list_size: int
154    @property
155    def list_size(self) -> int:
156        """
157        get the size of the command list
158        """
160        return self._list_size

get the size of the command list

def data_transfer_mode(self, mode: int) -> None:
40    def data_transfer_mode(self, mode : int) -> None:
41        """
42        set the data transfer mode of the DDS
44        Parameters
45        ----------
46        mode : int
47            the data transfer mode
48        """
50        self._dtm = mode
51        self.card.set_i(SPC_DDS_DATA_TRANSFER_MODE, mode)
52        self.card.set_i(SPC_DDS_CMD, SPCM_DDS_CMD_WRITE_TO_CARD)
53        self.list_size = self.default_size()

set the data transfer mode of the DDS

  • mode (int): the data transfer mode
def default_size(self) -> int:
55    def default_size(self) -> int:
56        """
57        automatically determine the size of the commands list
58        """
60        if self._dtm == SPCM_DDS_DTM_SINGLE:
61            return self.card.get_i(SPC_DDS_QUEUE_CMD_MAX) // 2
62        elif self._dtm == SPCM_DDS_DTM_DMA:
63            return KIBI(16)
64        raise SpcmException(text="Data transfer mode not supported.")

automatically determine the size of the commands list

def allocate(self) -> None:
66    def allocate(self) -> None:
67        """
68        allocate memory for the commands list
69        """
70        if self.command_list is not None:
71            del self.command_list
72        elems = (ST_LIST_PARAM * (self._list_size + 1))() # +1 for the write to card command at the end
73        self.command_list = ctypes.cast(elems, ctypes.POINTER(ST_LIST_PARAM))
74        self.current_index = 0

allocate memory for the commands list

def load(self, data: dict, exec_mode: int = 2, repeat: int = 1) -> None:
 76    def load(self, data : dict, exec_mode : int = SPCM_DDS_CMD_EXEC_AT_TRG, repeat : int = 1) -> None:
 77        """
 78        preload the command list with data
 80        Parameters
 81        ----------
 82        data : dict
 83            the data to be preloaded
 84        mode : int = SPCM_DDS_CMD_EXEC_AT_TRG
 85            the mode of execution
 86        repeat : int = 1
 87            the number of times to repeat the data, if 0 is given the buffer is filled up with the maximal number of blocks that fit in.
 89        TODO make this possible for multiple different keys
 90        """
 92        key = list(data.keys())[0]
 93        value_list = data[key] # For now only take the first key
 94        size = len(value_list)
 95        index = 0
 96        if repeat == 0:
 97            # repeat the data until the block is full
 98            repeat = self.list_size // (2*size)
 99        for _ in range(repeat):
100            for value in value_list:
101                # Write value
102                self.command_list[index].lReg = key
103                self.command_list[index].lType = TYPE_DOUBLE
104                self.command_list[index].dValue = value
105                index += 1
106                # Write trigger mode
107                self.command_list[index].lReg = SPC_DDS_CMD
108                self.command_list[index].lType = TYPE_INT64
109                self.command_list[index].llValue = exec_mode
110                index += 1
111        self.write_to_card()
112        self.current_index = index

preload the command list with data

  • data (dict): the data to be preloaded
  • mode (int = SPCM_DDS_CMD_EXEC_AT_TRG): the mode of execution
  • repeat (int = 1): the number of times to repeat the data, if 0 is given the buffer is filled up with the maximal number of blocks that fit in.
  • TODO make this possible for multiple different keys
def write_to_card(self) -> None:
114    def write_to_card(self) -> None:
115        """
116        write the command list to the card
117        """
119        self.command_list[self.current_index].lReg = SPC_DDS_CMD
120        self.command_list[self.current_index].lType = TYPE_INT64
121        self.command_list[self.current_index].llValue = SPCM_DDS_CMD_WRITE_TO_CARD
122        self.current_index += 1

write the command list to the card

def write(self) -> None:
124    def write(self) -> None:
125        """
126        send the currently loaded data to the card
127        """
129        if self.mode == self.WRITE_MODE.EXCEPTION_IF_FULL:
130            if self.avail_user_len() < (self.current_index) * ctypes.sizeof(ST_LIST_PARAM):
131                raise SpcmException(text="Buffer is full")
132        elif self.mode == self.WRITE_MODE.WAIT_IF_FULL:
133            timer = 0
134            while self.avail_user_len() < (self.current_index) * ctypes.sizeof(ST_LIST_PARAM):
135                print("Waiting for buffer to empty {}".format("."*(timer//100)), end="\r")
136                timer = (timer + 1) % 400
137        self.card.set_ptr(SPC_REGISTER_LIST, self.command_list, (self.current_index) * ctypes.sizeof(ST_LIST_PARAM))

send the currently loaded data to the card

def avail_user_len(self) -> int:
139    def avail_user_len(self) -> int:
140        """
141        get the available space for commands in the hardware queue
143        TODO: check if this correct. Probably we should use fillsize_promille here
144        """
146        if self._dtm == SPCM_DDS_DTM_SINGLE:
147            return self.list_size - self.card.get_i(SPC_DDS_QUEUE_CMD_COUNT)
148        elif self._dtm == SPCM_DDS_DTM_DMA:
149            return self.card.get_i(SPC_DATA_AVAIL_USER_LEN)
150        else:
151            raise SpcmException(text="Data transfer mode not supported.")

get the available space for commands in the hardware queue

TODO: check if this correct. Probably we should use fillsize_promille here

def reset(self) -> None:
176    def reset(self) -> None:
177        """
178        reset the dds firmware
179        """
181        # The reset shouldn't be queued!
182        self.card.set_i(SPC_DDS_CMD, SPCM_DDS_CMD_RESET)

reset the dds firmware

class DDSCommandList.WRITE_MODE(enum.IntEnum):
16    class WRITE_MODE(IntEnum):
17        NO_CHECK = 0
18        EXCEPTION_IF_FULL = 1
19        WAIT_IF_FULL = 2

An enumeration.

class DDSCommandQueue(spcm.DDSCommandList):
  8class DDSCommandQueue(DDSCommandList):
  9    """
 10    Abstraction class of the set_ptr and register `SPC_REGISTER_LIST` for command streaming in the DDS functionality.
 11    This class is used to write commands to the card in a more efficient way using a queuing mechanism that writes
 12    to the card when the queue is filled-up.
 13    """
 15    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
 16        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
 17        self.mode = self.WRITE_MODE.NO_CHECK
 19    def set_i(self, reg : int, value : int) -> None:
 20        """
 21        set an integer value to a register
 23        Parameters
 24        ----------
 25        reg : int
 26            the register to be changed
 27        value : int
 28            the value to be set
 29        """
 31        self.command_list[self.current_index].lReg = reg
 32        self.command_list[self.current_index].lType = TYPE_INT64
 33        self.command_list[self.current_index].llValue = value
 34        self.current_index += 1
 36        if self.current_index >= self.list_size:
 37            self.write_to_card()
 39    def set_d(self, reg : int, value) -> None:
 40        """
 41        set a double value to a register
 43        Parameters
 44        ----------
 45        reg : int
 46            the register to be changed
 47        value : np._float64
 48            the value to be set
 49        """
 51        self.command_list[self.current_index].lReg = reg
 52        self.command_list[self.current_index].lType = TYPE_DOUBLE
 53        self.command_list[self.current_index].dValue = value
 54        self.current_index += 1
 56        if self.current_index >= self.list_size:
 57            self.write_to_card()
 59    def write_to_card(self) -> None:
 60        """
 61        write the current list of commands to the card
 62        """
 64        super().write_to_card()
 65        self.write()
 67    def write(self) -> None:
 68        """
 69        write the current list of commands to the card and reset the current command index
 70        """
 72        super().write()
 73        self.current_index = 0
 75    # DDS "static" parameters
 76    def amp(self, index : int, amplitude : float) -> None:
 77        """
 78        set the amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP` in the manual)
 80        Parameters
 81        ----------
 82        index : int
 83            the core index
 84        amplitude : float
 85            the value between 0 and 1 corresponding to the amplitude
 86        """
 88        self.set_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP + index, amplitude)
 90    def freq(self, index : int, frequency : float) -> None:
 91        """
 92        set the frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ` in the manual)
 94        Parameters
 95        ----------
 96        index : int
 97            the core index
 98        frequency : float
 99            the value of the frequency in Hz
100        """
102        self.set_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ + index, frequency)
104    def phase(self, index : int, phase : float) -> None:
105        """
106        set the phase of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_PHASE` in the manual)
108        Parameters
109        ----------
110        core_index : int
111            the index of the core to be changed
112        phase : float
113            the value between 0 and 360 degrees of the phase
114        """
116        self.set_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_PHASE + index, phase)
118    def freq_slope(self, core_index : int, slope : float) -> None:
119        """
120        set the frequency slope of the linearly changing frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ_SLOPE` in the manual)
122        Parameters
123        ----------
124        core_index : int
125            the index of the core to be changed
126        slope : float
127            the rate of frequency change in Hz/s
128        """
130        self.set_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ_SLOPE + core_index, slope)
132    def amp_slope(self, core_index : int, slope : float) -> None:
133        """
134        set the amplitude slope of the linearly changing amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP_SLOPE` in the manual)
136        Parameters
137        ----------
138        core_index : int
139            the index of the core to be changed
140        slope : float
141            the rate of amplitude change in 1/s
142        """
144        self.set_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP_SLOPE + core_index, slope)
146    def trg_timer(self, period : float) -> None:
147        """
148        set the period at which the timer should raise DDS trigger events. (see register `SPC_DDS_TRG_TIMER` in the manual)
150        NOTE
151        ----
152        only used in conjecture with the trigger source set to SPCM_DDS_TRG_SRC_TIMER ---
154        Parameters
155        ----------
156        period : float
157            the time between DDS trigger events in seconds
158        """
160        self.set_d(SPC_DDS_TRG_TIMER, float(period))

Abstraction class of the set_ptr and register SPC_REGISTER_LIST for command streaming in the DDS functionality. This class is used to write commands to the card in a more efficient way using a queuing mechanism that writes to the card when the queue is filled-up.

DDSCommandQueue(*args, **kwargs)
15    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
16        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
17        self.mode = self.WRITE_MODE.NO_CHECK

Takes a Card object that is used by the functionality

  • card (Card): a Card object on which the functionality works
def set_i(self, reg: int, value: int) -> None:
19    def set_i(self, reg : int, value : int) -> None:
20        """
21        set an integer value to a register
23        Parameters
24        ----------
25        reg : int
26            the register to be changed
27        value : int
28            the value to be set
29        """
31        self.command_list[self.current_index].lReg = reg
32        self.command_list[self.current_index].lType = TYPE_INT64
33        self.command_list[self.current_index].llValue = value
34        self.current_index += 1
36        if self.current_index >= self.list_size:
37            self.write_to_card()

set an integer value to a register

  • reg (int): the register to be changed
  • value (int): the value to be set
def set_d(self, reg: int, value) -> None:
39    def set_d(self, reg : int, value) -> None:
40        """
41        set a double value to a register
43        Parameters
44        ----------
45        reg : int
46            the register to be changed
47        value : np._float64
48            the value to be set
49        """
51        self.command_list[self.current_index].lReg = reg
52        self.command_list[self.current_index].lType = TYPE_DOUBLE
53        self.command_list[self.current_index].dValue = value
54        self.current_index += 1
56        if self.current_index >= self.list_size:
57            self.write_to_card()

set a double value to a register

  • reg (int): the register to be changed
  • value (np._float64): the value to be set
def write_to_card(self) -> None:
59    def write_to_card(self) -> None:
60        """
61        write the current list of commands to the card
62        """
64        super().write_to_card()
65        self.write()

write the current list of commands to the card

def write(self) -> None:
67    def write(self) -> None:
68        """
69        write the current list of commands to the card and reset the current command index
70        """
72        super().write()
73        self.current_index = 0

write the current list of commands to the card and reset the current command index

def amp(self, index: int, amplitude: float) -> None:
76    def amp(self, index : int, amplitude : float) -> None:
77        """
78        set the amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP` in the manual)
80        Parameters
81        ----------
82        index : int
83            the core index
84        amplitude : float
85            the value between 0 and 1 corresponding to the amplitude
86        """
88        self.set_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP + index, amplitude)

set the amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP in the manual)

  • index (int): the core index
  • amplitude (float): the value between 0 and 1 corresponding to the amplitude
def freq(self, index: int, frequency: float) -> None:
 90    def freq(self, index : int, frequency : float) -> None:
 91        """
 92        set the frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ` in the manual)
 94        Parameters
 95        ----------
 96        index : int
 97            the core index
 98        frequency : float
 99            the value of the frequency in Hz
100        """
102        self.set_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ + index, frequency)

set the frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ in the manual)

  • index (int): the core index
  • frequency (float): the value of the frequency in Hz
def phase(self, index: int, phase: float) -> None:
104    def phase(self, index : int, phase : float) -> None:
105        """
106        set the phase of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_PHASE` in the manual)
108        Parameters
109        ----------
110        core_index : int
111            the index of the core to be changed
112        phase : float
113            the value between 0 and 360 degrees of the phase
114        """
116        self.set_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_PHASE + index, phase)

set the phase of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_PHASE in the manual)

  • core_index (int): the index of the core to be changed
  • phase (float): the value between 0 and 360 degrees of the phase
def freq_slope(self, core_index: int, slope: float) -> None:
118    def freq_slope(self, core_index : int, slope : float) -> None:
119        """
120        set the frequency slope of the linearly changing frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ_SLOPE` in the manual)
122        Parameters
123        ----------
124        core_index : int
125            the index of the core to be changed
126        slope : float
127            the rate of frequency change in Hz/s
128        """
130        self.set_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ_SLOPE + core_index, slope)

set the frequency slope of the linearly changing frequency of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_FREQ_SLOPE in the manual)

  • core_index (int): the index of the core to be changed
  • slope (float): the rate of frequency change in Hz/s
def amp_slope(self, core_index: int, slope: float) -> None:
132    def amp_slope(self, core_index : int, slope : float) -> None:
133        """
134        set the amplitude slope of the linearly changing amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register `SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP_SLOPE` in the manual)
136        Parameters
137        ----------
138        core_index : int
139            the index of the core to be changed
140        slope : float
141            the rate of amplitude change in 1/s
142        """
144        self.set_d(SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP_SLOPE + core_index, slope)

set the amplitude slope of the linearly changing amplitude of the sine wave of a specific core (see register SPC_DDS_CORE0_AMP_SLOPE in the manual)

  • core_index (int): the index of the core to be changed
  • slope (float): the rate of amplitude change in 1/s
def trg_timer(self, period: float) -> None:
146    def trg_timer(self, period : float) -> None:
147        """
148        set the period at which the timer should raise DDS trigger events. (see register `SPC_DDS_TRG_TIMER` in the manual)
150        NOTE
151        ----
152        only used in conjecture with the trigger source set to SPCM_DDS_TRG_SRC_TIMER ---
154        Parameters
155        ----------
156        period : float
157            the time between DDS trigger events in seconds
158        """
160        self.set_d(SPC_DDS_TRG_TIMER, float(period))

set the period at which the timer should raise DDS trigger events. (see register SPC_DDS_TRG_TIMER in the manual)


only used in conjecture with the trigger source set to SPCM_DDS_TRG_SRC_TIMER ---

  • period (float): the time between DDS trigger events in seconds
class PulseGenerator:
 16class PulseGenerator:
 17    """
 18    a class to implement a single pulse generator
 20    Parameters
 21    ----------
 22    card : Card
 23        the card object that is used by the functionality
 24    pg_index : int
 25        the index of the used pulse generator
 26    """
 28    card : Card
 29    pg_index : int
 30    """The index of the pulse generator"""
 32    _reg_distance : int = 100
 34    def __init__(self, card : Card, pg_index : int, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
 35        """
 36        The constructor of the PulseGenerator class
 38        Parameters
 39        ----------
 40        card : Card
 41            the card object that is used by the functionality
 42        pg_index : int
 43            the index of the used pulse generator
 44        """
 46        self.card = card
 47        self.pg_index = pg_index
 49    def __str__(self) -> str:
 50        """
 51        String representation of the PulseGenerator class
 53        Returns
 54        -------
 55        str
 56            String representation of the PulseGenerator class
 57        """
 59        return f"PulseGenerator(card={self.card}, pg_index={self.pg_index})"
 61    __repr__ = __str__
 63    # The trigger behavior of the pulse generator
 64    def mode(self, mode : int = None) -> int:
 65        """
 66        Set the trigger mode of the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_MODE' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
 68        Parameters
 69        ----------
 70        mode : int
 71            The trigger mode
 73        Returns
 74        -------
 75        int
 76            The trigger mode
 77        """
 79        if mode is not None:
 80            self.card.set_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_MODE + self._reg_distance*self.pg_index, mode)
 81        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_MODE + self._reg_distance*self.pg_index)
 83    # The duration of a single period
 84    def period_length(self, length : int = None) -> int:
 85        """
 86        Set the period length of the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_LEN' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
 88        Parameters
 89        ----------
 90        length : int
 91            The period length in clock cycles
 93        Returns
 94        -------
 95        int
 96            The period length in clock cycles
 97        """
 99        if length is not None:
100            self.card.set_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_LEN + self._reg_distance*self.pg_index, length)
101        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_LEN + self._reg_distance*self.pg_index)
103    def avail_length_min(self) -> int:
104        """
105        Returns the minimum length (period) of the pulse generator’s output pulses in clock cycles. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILLEN_MIN' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
107        Returns
108        -------
109        int
110            The available minimal length in clock cycles
111        """
112        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILLEN_MIN)
114    def avail_length_max(self) -> int:
115        """
116        Returns the maximum length (period) of the pulse generator’s output pulses in clock cycles. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILLEN_MAX' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
118        Returns
119        -------
120        int
121            The available maximal length in clock cycles
122        """
123        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILLEN_MAX)
125    def avail_length_step(self) -> int:
126        """
127        Returns the step size of the pulse generator’s output pulses in clock cycles. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILLEN_STEP' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
129        Returns
130        -------
131        int
132            The available step size in clock cycles
133        """
134        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILLEN_STEP)
136    # The time that the signal is high during one period
137    def high_length(self, length : int = None) -> int:
138        """
139        Set the high length of the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_HIGH' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
141        Parameters
142        ----------
143        pg_index : int
144            The index of the pulse generator
145        length : int
146            The high length in clock cycles
148        Returns
149        -------
150        int
151            The high length in clock cycles
152        """
154        if length is not None:
155            self.card.set_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_HIGH + self._reg_distance*self.pg_index, length)
156        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_HIGH + self._reg_distance*self.pg_index)
158    def avail_high_min(self) -> int:
159        """
160        Returns the minimum high length of the pulse generator’s output pulses in clock cycles. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILHIGH_MIN' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
162        Returns
163        -------
164        int
165            The available minimal high length in clock cycles
166        """
167        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILHIGH_MIN)
169    def avail_high_max(self) -> int:
170        """
171        Returns the maximum high length of the pulse generator’s output pulses in clock cycles. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILHIGH_MAX' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
173        Returns
174        -------
175        int
176            The available maximal high length in clock cycles
177        """
178        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILHIGH_MAX)
180    def avail_high_step(self) -> int:
181        """
182        Returns the step size of the pulse generator’s output pulses in clock cycles. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILHIGH_STEP' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
184        Returns
185        -------
186        int
187            The available step size in clock cycles
188        """
189        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILHIGH_STEP)
191    # The number of times that a single period is repeated
192    def num_loops(self, loops : int = None) -> int:
193        """
194        Set the number of loops of a single period on the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_LOOPS' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
196        Parameters
197        ----------
198        loops : int
199            The number of loops
201        Returns
202        -------
203        int
204            The number of loops
205        """
207        if loops is not None:
208            self.card.set_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_LOOPS + self._reg_distance*self.pg_index, loops)
209        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_LOOPS + self._reg_distance*self.pg_index)
211    def avail_loops_min(self) -> int:
212        """
213        Returns the minimum number of loops of the pulse generator’s output pulses. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILLOOPS_MIN' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
215        Returns
216        -------
217        int
218            The available minimal number of loops
219        """
220        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILLOOPS_MIN)
222    def avail_loops_max(self) -> int:
223        """
224        Returns the maximum number of loops of the pulse generator’s output pulses. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILLOOPS_MAX' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
226        Returns
227        -------
228        int
229            The available maximal number of loops
230        """
231        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILLOOPS_MAX)
233    def avail_loops_step(self) -> int:
234        """
235        Returns the step size of the pulse generator’s output pulses. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILLOOPS_STEP' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
237        Returns
238        -------
239        int
240            Returns the step size when defining the repetition of pulse generator’s output.
241        """
242        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILLOOPS_STEP)
244    # The delay between the start of the pulse generator and the first pulse
245    def delay(self, delay : int = None) -> int:
246        """
247        Set the delay of the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_DELAY' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
249        Parameters
250        ----------
251        delay : int
252            The delay in clock cycles
254        Returns
255        -------
256        int
257            The delay in clock cycles
258        """
260        if delay is not None:
261            self.card.set_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_DELAY + self._reg_distance*self.pg_index, delay)
262        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_DELAY + self._reg_distance*self.pg_index)
264    def avail_delay_min(self) -> int:
265        """
266        Returns the minimum delay of the pulse generator’s output pulses in clock cycles. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILDELAY_MIN' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
268        Returns
269        -------
270        int
271            The available minimal delay in clock cycles
272        """
273        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILDELAY_MIN)
275    def avail_delay_max(self) -> int:
276        """
277        Returns the maximum delay of the pulse generator’s output pulses in clock cycles. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILDELAY_MAX' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
279        Returns
280        -------
281        int
282            The available maximal delay in clock cycles
283        """
284        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILDELAY_MAX)
286    def avail_delay_step(self) -> int:
287        """
288        Returns the step size of the delay of the pulse generator’s output pulses in clock cycles. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILDELAY_STEP' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
290        Returns
291        -------
292        int
293            The available step size of the delay in clock cycles
294        """
295        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILDELAY_STEP)
297    # Trigger muxes
298    def mux1(self, mux : int = None) -> int:
299        """
300        Set the trigger mux 1 of the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_MUX1_SRC' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
302        Parameters
303        ----------
304        mux : int
305            The trigger mux 1
307        Returns
308        -------
309        int
310            The trigger mux 1
311        """
313        if mux is not None:
314            self.card.set_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_MUX1_SRC + self._reg_distance*self.pg_index, mux)
315        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_MUX1_SRC + self._reg_distance*self.pg_index)
317    def mux2(self, mux : int = None) -> int:
318        """
319        Set the trigger mux 2 of the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_MUX2_SRC' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
321        Parameters
322        ----------
323        mux : int
324            The trigger mux 2
326        Returns
327        -------
328        int
329            The trigger mux 2
330        """
332        if mux is not None:
333            self.card.set_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_MUX2_SRC + self._reg_distance*self.pg_index, mux)
334        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_MUX2_SRC + self._reg_distance*self.pg_index)
336    def config(self, config : int = None) -> int:
337        """
338        Set the configuration of the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_CONFIG' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
340        Parameters
341        ----------
342        config : int
343            The configuration of the pulse generator
345        Returns
346        -------
347        int
348            The configuration of the pulse generator
349        """
351        if config is not None:
352            self.card.set_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_CONFIG + self._reg_distance*self.pg_index, config)
353        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_CONFIG + self._reg_distance*self.pg_index)
355    def _get_clock(self, return_unit : pint.Unit = None) -> int:
356        """
357        Get the clock rate of the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_CLOCK' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
359        Returns
360        -------
361        int
362            The clock rate in Hz
363        """
365        return_value = self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_CLOCK)
366        return_value = UnitConversion.to_unit(return_value * units.Hz, return_unit)
367        return return_value
369    # Higher abtraction functions
371    def pulse_period(self, period : pint.Quantity = None, return_unit : pint.Unit = units.s) -> pint.Quantity:
372        """
373        Set the period length of the pulse generator signal in a time unit
375        Parameters
376        ----------
377        period : pint.Quantity
378            The period length in seconds
380        Returns
381        -------
382        pint.Quantity
383            The period length in seconds
384        """
386        if period is not None:
387            if isinstance(period, pint.Quantity):
388                period = int((period * self._get_clock(units.Hz)).to_base_units().magnitude)
389            else:
390                raise ValueError("The period must be a pint.Quantity")
391            self.period_length(period)
392        return_value = self.period_length()
393        return_value = UnitConversion.to_unit((return_value / self._get_clock(units.Hz)), return_unit)
394        return return_value
396    def repetition_rate(self, rate : pint.Quantity = None, return_unit : pint.Unit = units.Hz) -> pint.Quantity:
397        """
398        Set the repetition rate of the pulse generator signal in a frequency unit
400        Parameters
401        ----------
402        rate : pint.Quantity
403            The repetition rate in Hz
405        Returns
406        -------
407        pint.Quantity
408            The repetition rate in Hz
409        """
411        if rate is not None:
412            if isinstance(rate, pint.Quantity):
413                period = int(np.rint((self._get_clock(units.Hz) / rate).to_base_units().magnitude))
414            else:
415                raise ValueError("The rate must be a pint.Quantity")
416            self.period_length(period)
417        return_value = self.period_length()
418        return_value = UnitConversion.to_unit((self._get_clock(units.Hz) / return_value), return_unit)
419        return return_value
421    def pulse_length(self, length : pint.Quantity, return_unit : pint.Unit = units.s) -> pint.Quantity:
422        """
423        Set the pulse length of the pulse generator signal in a time unit
425        Parameters
426        ----------
427        length : pint.Quantity
428            The pulse length in seconds
430        Returns
431        -------
432        pint.Quantity
433            The pulse length in seconds
434        """
436        if length is not None:
437            if isinstance(length, pint.Quantity):
438                length = int((length * self._get_clock(units.Hz)).to_base_units().magnitude)
439            else:
440                raise ValueError("The length must be a pint.Quantity")
441            self.high_length(length)
442        return_value = self.high_length()
443        return_value = UnitConversion.to_unit((return_value / self._get_clock(units.Hz)), return_unit)
444        return return_value
446    def duty_cycle(self, duty_cycle : pint.Quantity = None, return_unit : pint.Unit = units.percent) -> pint.Quantity:
447        """
448        Set the duty cycle of the pulse generator signal in a percentage unit
450        Parameters
451        ----------
452        duty_cycle : pint.Quantity
453            The duty cycle in percentage
455        Returns
456        -------
457        pint.Quantity
458            The duty cycle in percentage
459        """
461        period_length = self.period_length()
462        if duty_cycle is not None:
463            if isinstance(duty_cycle, pint.Quantity):
464                high_length = int(np.rint(period_length * duty_cycle))
465            else:
466                raise ValueError("The cycle must be a pint.Quantity")
467            self.high_length(high_length)
468        return_value = self.high_length()
469        return_value = UnitConversion.to_unit((return_value / period_length) * 100 * units.percent, return_unit)
470        return return_value
472    def start_delay(self, delay : pint.Unit = None, return_unit : pint.Unit = units.s) -> pint.Unit:
473        """
474        Set the start delay of the pulse generator signal in a time unit
476        Parameters
477        ----------
478        delay : pint.Unit
479            The start delay in a pint quantity with time unit
481        Returns
482        -------
483        pint.Unit
484            The start delay in a pint quantity with time unit
485        """
487        if delay is not None:
488            if isinstance(delay, pint.Quantity):
489                delay = int((delay * self._get_clock(units.Hz)).to_base_units().magnitude)
490            else:
491                raise ValueError("The delay must be a pint.Quantity")
492        return_value = self.delay(delay)
493        return_value = UnitConversion.to_unit((return_value / self._get_clock(units.Hz)), return_unit)
494        return return_value
496    repetitions = num_loops
498    def start_condition_state_signal(self, signal : int = 0, invert : bool = False) -> int:
499        """
500        Set the start condition state signal of the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_MUX1' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
502        NOTE
503        ----
504        The Pulse Generator is started when the combined signal of both start condition signals are true and a rising edge
505        is detected. The invert parameter inverts the start condition state signal.
507        Parameters
508        ----------
509        signal : int
510            The start condition state signal
511        invert : bool
512            Invert the start condition state signal
514        Returns
515        -------
516        int
517            The start condition state signal
518        """
520        return_signal = self.mux1(signal)
521        return_invert = self.config()
522        if invert:
523            return_invert |= SPCM_PULSEGEN_CONFIG_MUX1_INVERT
524        else:
525            return_invert &= ~SPCM_PULSEGEN_CONFIG_MUX1_INVERT
526        return_invert = self.config(return_invert)
527        return return_signal, ((return_invert & SPCM_PULSEGEN_CONFIG_MUX1_INVERT) != 0)
529    def start_condition_trigger_signal(self, signal : int = 0, invert : bool = False) -> int:
530        """
531        Set the start condition trigger signal of the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_MUX2' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
533        NOTE
534        ----
535        The Pulse Generator is started when the combined signal of both start condition signals are true and a rising edge
536        is detected. The invert parameter inverts the start condition state signal.
538        Parameters
539        ----------
540        signal : int
541            The start condition trigger signal
542        invert : bool
543            Invert the start condition trigger signal
545        Returns
546        -------
547        int
548            The start condition trigger signal
549        """
551        return_signal = self.mux2(signal)
552        return_invert = self.config()
553        if invert:
554            return_invert |= SPCM_PULSEGEN_CONFIG_MUX2_INVERT
555        else:
556            return_invert &= ~SPCM_PULSEGEN_CONFIG_MUX2_INVERT
557        return_invert = self.config(return_invert)
558        return return_signal, ((return_invert & SPCM_PULSEGEN_CONFIG_MUX2_INVERT) != 0)
560    def invert_start_condition(self, invert : bool = None) -> bool:
561        """
562        Invert the start condition of the pulse generator
564        Parameters
565        ----------
566        invert : bool
567            Invert the start condition
569        Returns
570        -------
571        bool
572            The start condition inversion
573        """
575        if invert is not None:
576            return_invert = self.config()
577            if invert:
578                return_invert |= SPCM_PULSEGEN_CONFIG_INVERT
579            else:
580                return_invert &= ~SPCM_PULSEGEN_CONFIG_INVERT
581            self.config(return_invert)
582        return ((self.config() & SPCM_PULSEGEN_CONFIG_INVERT) != 0)

a class to implement a single pulse generator

  • card (Card): the card object that is used by the functionality
  • pg_index (int): the index of the used pulse generator
PulseGenerator(card: Card, pg_index: int, *args, **kwargs)
34    def __init__(self, card : Card, pg_index : int, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
35        """
36        The constructor of the PulseGenerator class
38        Parameters
39        ----------
40        card : Card
41            the card object that is used by the functionality
42        pg_index : int
43            the index of the used pulse generator
44        """
46        self.card = card
47        self.pg_index = pg_index

The constructor of the PulseGenerator class

  • card (Card): the card object that is used by the functionality
  • pg_index (int): the index of the used pulse generator
card: Card
pg_index: int

The index of the pulse generator

def mode(self, mode: int = None) -> int:
64    def mode(self, mode : int = None) -> int:
65        """
66        Set the trigger mode of the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_MODE' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
68        Parameters
69        ----------
70        mode : int
71            The trigger mode
73        Returns
74        -------
75        int
76            The trigger mode
77        """
79        if mode is not None:
80            self.card.set_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_MODE + self._reg_distance*self.pg_index, mode)
81        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_MODE + self._reg_distance*self.pg_index)

Set the trigger mode of the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_MODE' in chapter Pulse Generator in the manual)

  • mode (int): The trigger mode
  • int: The trigger mode
def period_length(self, length: int = None) -> int:
 84    def period_length(self, length : int = None) -> int:
 85        """
 86        Set the period length of the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_LEN' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
 88        Parameters
 89        ----------
 90        length : int
 91            The period length in clock cycles
 93        Returns
 94        -------
 95        int
 96            The period length in clock cycles
 97        """
 99        if length is not None:
100            self.card.set_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_LEN + self._reg_distance*self.pg_index, length)
101        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_LEN + self._reg_distance*self.pg_index)

Set the period length of the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_LEN' in chapter Pulse Generator in the manual)

  • length (int): The period length in clock cycles
  • int: The period length in clock cycles
def avail_length_min(self) -> int:
103    def avail_length_min(self) -> int:
104        """
105        Returns the minimum length (period) of the pulse generator’s output pulses in clock cycles. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILLEN_MIN' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
107        Returns
108        -------
109        int
110            The available minimal length in clock cycles
111        """
112        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILLEN_MIN)

Returns the minimum length (period) of the pulse generator’s output pulses in clock cycles. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILLEN_MIN' in chapter Pulse Generator in the manual)

  • int: The available minimal length in clock cycles
def avail_length_max(self) -> int:
114    def avail_length_max(self) -> int:
115        """
116        Returns the maximum length (period) of the pulse generator’s output pulses in clock cycles. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILLEN_MAX' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
118        Returns
119        -------
120        int
121            The available maximal length in clock cycles
122        """
123        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILLEN_MAX)

Returns the maximum length (period) of the pulse generator’s output pulses in clock cycles. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILLEN_MAX' in chapter Pulse Generator in the manual)

  • int: The available maximal length in clock cycles
def avail_length_step(self) -> int:
125    def avail_length_step(self) -> int:
126        """
127        Returns the step size of the pulse generator’s output pulses in clock cycles. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILLEN_STEP' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
129        Returns
130        -------
131        int
132            The available step size in clock cycles
133        """
134        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILLEN_STEP)

Returns the step size of the pulse generator’s output pulses in clock cycles. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILLEN_STEP' in chapter Pulse Generator in the manual)

  • int: The available step size in clock cycles
def high_length(self, length: int = None) -> int:
137    def high_length(self, length : int = None) -> int:
138        """
139        Set the high length of the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_HIGH' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
141        Parameters
142        ----------
143        pg_index : int
144            The index of the pulse generator
145        length : int
146            The high length in clock cycles
148        Returns
149        -------
150        int
151            The high length in clock cycles
152        """
154        if length is not None:
155            self.card.set_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_HIGH + self._reg_distance*self.pg_index, length)
156        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_HIGH + self._reg_distance*self.pg_index)

Set the high length of the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_HIGH' in chapter Pulse Generator in the manual)

  • pg_index (int): The index of the pulse generator
  • length (int): The high length in clock cycles
  • int: The high length in clock cycles
def avail_high_min(self) -> int:
158    def avail_high_min(self) -> int:
159        """
160        Returns the minimum high length of the pulse generator’s output pulses in clock cycles. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILHIGH_MIN' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
162        Returns
163        -------
164        int
165            The available minimal high length in clock cycles
166        """
167        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILHIGH_MIN)

Returns the minimum high length of the pulse generator’s output pulses in clock cycles. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILHIGH_MIN' in chapter Pulse Generator in the manual)

  • int: The available minimal high length in clock cycles
def avail_high_max(self) -> int:
169    def avail_high_max(self) -> int:
170        """
171        Returns the maximum high length of the pulse generator’s output pulses in clock cycles. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILHIGH_MAX' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
173        Returns
174        -------
175        int
176            The available maximal high length in clock cycles
177        """
178        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILHIGH_MAX)

Returns the maximum high length of the pulse generator’s output pulses in clock cycles. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILHIGH_MAX' in chapter Pulse Generator in the manual)

  • int: The available maximal high length in clock cycles
def avail_high_step(self) -> int:
180    def avail_high_step(self) -> int:
181        """
182        Returns the step size of the pulse generator’s output pulses in clock cycles. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILHIGH_STEP' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
184        Returns
185        -------
186        int
187            The available step size in clock cycles
188        """
189        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILHIGH_STEP)

Returns the step size of the pulse generator’s output pulses in clock cycles. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILHIGH_STEP' in chapter Pulse Generator in the manual)

  • int: The available step size in clock cycles
def num_loops(self, loops: int = None) -> int:
192    def num_loops(self, loops : int = None) -> int:
193        """
194        Set the number of loops of a single period on the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_LOOPS' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
196        Parameters
197        ----------
198        loops : int
199            The number of loops
201        Returns
202        -------
203        int
204            The number of loops
205        """
207        if loops is not None:
208            self.card.set_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_LOOPS + self._reg_distance*self.pg_index, loops)
209        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_LOOPS + self._reg_distance*self.pg_index)

Set the number of loops of a single period on the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_LOOPS' in chapter Pulse Generator in the manual)

  • loops (int): The number of loops
  • int: The number of loops
def avail_loops_min(self) -> int:
211    def avail_loops_min(self) -> int:
212        """
213        Returns the minimum number of loops of the pulse generator’s output pulses. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILLOOPS_MIN' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
215        Returns
216        -------
217        int
218            The available minimal number of loops
219        """
220        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILLOOPS_MIN)

Returns the minimum number of loops of the pulse generator’s output pulses. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILLOOPS_MIN' in chapter Pulse Generator in the manual)

  • int: The available minimal number of loops
def avail_loops_max(self) -> int:
222    def avail_loops_max(self) -> int:
223        """
224        Returns the maximum number of loops of the pulse generator’s output pulses. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILLOOPS_MAX' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
226        Returns
227        -------
228        int
229            The available maximal number of loops
230        """
231        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILLOOPS_MAX)

Returns the maximum number of loops of the pulse generator’s output pulses. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILLOOPS_MAX' in chapter Pulse Generator in the manual)

  • int: The available maximal number of loops
def avail_loops_step(self) -> int:
233    def avail_loops_step(self) -> int:
234        """
235        Returns the step size of the pulse generator’s output pulses. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILLOOPS_STEP' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
237        Returns
238        -------
239        int
240            Returns the step size when defining the repetition of pulse generator’s output.
241        """
242        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILLOOPS_STEP)

Returns the step size of the pulse generator’s output pulses. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILLOOPS_STEP' in chapter Pulse Generator in the manual)

  • int: Returns the step size when defining the repetition of pulse generator’s output.
def delay(self, delay: int = None) -> int:
245    def delay(self, delay : int = None) -> int:
246        """
247        Set the delay of the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_DELAY' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
249        Parameters
250        ----------
251        delay : int
252            The delay in clock cycles
254        Returns
255        -------
256        int
257            The delay in clock cycles
258        """
260        if delay is not None:
261            self.card.set_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_DELAY + self._reg_distance*self.pg_index, delay)
262        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_DELAY + self._reg_distance*self.pg_index)

Set the delay of the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_DELAY' in chapter Pulse Generator in the manual)

  • delay (int): The delay in clock cycles
  • int: The delay in clock cycles
def avail_delay_min(self) -> int:
264    def avail_delay_min(self) -> int:
265        """
266        Returns the minimum delay of the pulse generator’s output pulses in clock cycles. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILDELAY_MIN' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
268        Returns
269        -------
270        int
271            The available minimal delay in clock cycles
272        """
273        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILDELAY_MIN)

Returns the minimum delay of the pulse generator’s output pulses in clock cycles. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILDELAY_MIN' in chapter Pulse Generator in the manual)

  • int: The available minimal delay in clock cycles
def avail_delay_max(self) -> int:
275    def avail_delay_max(self) -> int:
276        """
277        Returns the maximum delay of the pulse generator’s output pulses in clock cycles. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILDELAY_MAX' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
279        Returns
280        -------
281        int
282            The available maximal delay in clock cycles
283        """
284        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILDELAY_MAX)

Returns the maximum delay of the pulse generator’s output pulses in clock cycles. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILDELAY_MAX' in chapter Pulse Generator in the manual)

  • int: The available maximal delay in clock cycles
def avail_delay_step(self) -> int:
286    def avail_delay_step(self) -> int:
287        """
288        Returns the step size of the delay of the pulse generator’s output pulses in clock cycles. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILDELAY_STEP' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
290        Returns
291        -------
292        int
293            The available step size of the delay in clock cycles
294        """
295        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILDELAY_STEP)

Returns the step size of the delay of the pulse generator’s output pulses in clock cycles. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_AVAILDELAY_STEP' in chapter Pulse Generator in the manual)

  • int: The available step size of the delay in clock cycles
def mux1(self, mux: int = None) -> int:
298    def mux1(self, mux : int = None) -> int:
299        """
300        Set the trigger mux 1 of the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_MUX1_SRC' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
302        Parameters
303        ----------
304        mux : int
305            The trigger mux 1
307        Returns
308        -------
309        int
310            The trigger mux 1
311        """
313        if mux is not None:
314            self.card.set_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_MUX1_SRC + self._reg_distance*self.pg_index, mux)
315        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_MUX1_SRC + self._reg_distance*self.pg_index)

Set the trigger mux 1 of the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_MUX1_SRC' in chapter Pulse Generator in the manual)

  • mux (int): The trigger mux 1
  • int: The trigger mux 1
def mux2(self, mux: int = None) -> int:
317    def mux2(self, mux : int = None) -> int:
318        """
319        Set the trigger mux 2 of the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_MUX2_SRC' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
321        Parameters
322        ----------
323        mux : int
324            The trigger mux 2
326        Returns
327        -------
328        int
329            The trigger mux 2
330        """
332        if mux is not None:
333            self.card.set_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_MUX2_SRC + self._reg_distance*self.pg_index, mux)
334        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_MUX2_SRC + self._reg_distance*self.pg_index)

Set the trigger mux 2 of the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_MUX2_SRC' in chapter Pulse Generator in the manual)

  • mux (int): The trigger mux 2
  • int: The trigger mux 2
def config(self, config: int = None) -> int:
336    def config(self, config : int = None) -> int:
337        """
338        Set the configuration of the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_CONFIG' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
340        Parameters
341        ----------
342        config : int
343            The configuration of the pulse generator
345        Returns
346        -------
347        int
348            The configuration of the pulse generator
349        """
351        if config is not None:
352            self.card.set_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_CONFIG + self._reg_distance*self.pg_index, config)
353        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_CONFIG + self._reg_distance*self.pg_index)

Set the configuration of the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_CONFIG' in chapter Pulse Generator in the manual)

  • config (int): The configuration of the pulse generator
  • int: The configuration of the pulse generator
def pulse_period( self, period: pint.registry.Quantity = None, return_unit: pint.registry.Unit = <Unit('second')>) -> pint.registry.Quantity:
371    def pulse_period(self, period : pint.Quantity = None, return_unit : pint.Unit = units.s) -> pint.Quantity:
372        """
373        Set the period length of the pulse generator signal in a time unit
375        Parameters
376        ----------
377        period : pint.Quantity
378            The period length in seconds
380        Returns
381        -------
382        pint.Quantity
383            The period length in seconds
384        """
386        if period is not None:
387            if isinstance(period, pint.Quantity):
388                period = int((period * self._get_clock(units.Hz)).to_base_units().magnitude)
389            else:
390                raise ValueError("The period must be a pint.Quantity")
391            self.period_length(period)
392        return_value = self.period_length()
393        return_value = UnitConversion.to_unit((return_value / self._get_clock(units.Hz)), return_unit)
394        return return_value

Set the period length of the pulse generator signal in a time unit

  • period (pint.Quantity): The period length in seconds
  • pint.Quantity: The period length in seconds
def repetition_rate( self, rate: pint.registry.Quantity = None, return_unit: pint.registry.Unit = <Unit('hertz')>) -> pint.registry.Quantity:
396    def repetition_rate(self, rate : pint.Quantity = None, return_unit : pint.Unit = units.Hz) -> pint.Quantity:
397        """
398        Set the repetition rate of the pulse generator signal in a frequency unit
400        Parameters
401        ----------
402        rate : pint.Quantity
403            The repetition rate in Hz
405        Returns
406        -------
407        pint.Quantity
408            The repetition rate in Hz
409        """
411        if rate is not None:
412            if isinstance(rate, pint.Quantity):
413                period = int(np.rint((self._get_clock(units.Hz) / rate).to_base_units().magnitude))
414            else:
415                raise ValueError("The rate must be a pint.Quantity")
416            self.period_length(period)
417        return_value = self.period_length()
418        return_value = UnitConversion.to_unit((self._get_clock(units.Hz) / return_value), return_unit)
419        return return_value

Set the repetition rate of the pulse generator signal in a frequency unit

  • rate (pint.Quantity): The repetition rate in Hz
  • pint.Quantity: The repetition rate in Hz
def pulse_length( self, length: pint.registry.Quantity, return_unit: pint.registry.Unit = <Unit('second')>) -> pint.registry.Quantity:
421    def pulse_length(self, length : pint.Quantity, return_unit : pint.Unit = units.s) -> pint.Quantity:
422        """
423        Set the pulse length of the pulse generator signal in a time unit
425        Parameters
426        ----------
427        length : pint.Quantity
428            The pulse length in seconds
430        Returns
431        -------
432        pint.Quantity
433            The pulse length in seconds
434        """
436        if length is not None:
437            if isinstance(length, pint.Quantity):
438                length = int((length * self._get_clock(units.Hz)).to_base_units().magnitude)
439            else:
440                raise ValueError("The length must be a pint.Quantity")
441            self.high_length(length)
442        return_value = self.high_length()
443        return_value = UnitConversion.to_unit((return_value / self._get_clock(units.Hz)), return_unit)
444        return return_value

Set the pulse length of the pulse generator signal in a time unit

  • length (pint.Quantity): The pulse length in seconds
  • pint.Quantity: The pulse length in seconds
def duty_cycle( self, duty_cycle: pint.registry.Quantity = None, return_unit: pint.registry.Unit = <Unit('percent')>) -> pint.registry.Quantity:
446    def duty_cycle(self, duty_cycle : pint.Quantity = None, return_unit : pint.Unit = units.percent) -> pint.Quantity:
447        """
448        Set the duty cycle of the pulse generator signal in a percentage unit
450        Parameters
451        ----------
452        duty_cycle : pint.Quantity
453            The duty cycle in percentage
455        Returns
456        -------
457        pint.Quantity
458            The duty cycle in percentage
459        """
461        period_length = self.period_length()
462        if duty_cycle is not None:
463            if isinstance(duty_cycle, pint.Quantity):
464                high_length = int(np.rint(period_length * duty_cycle))
465            else:
466                raise ValueError("The cycle must be a pint.Quantity")
467            self.high_length(high_length)
468        return_value = self.high_length()
469        return_value = UnitConversion.to_unit((return_value / period_length) * 100 * units.percent, return_unit)
470        return return_value

Set the duty cycle of the pulse generator signal in a percentage unit

  • duty_cycle (pint.Quantity): The duty cycle in percentage
  • pint.Quantity: The duty cycle in percentage
def start_delay( self, delay: pint.registry.Unit = None, return_unit: pint.registry.Unit = <Unit('second')>) -> pint.registry.Unit:
472    def start_delay(self, delay : pint.Unit = None, return_unit : pint.Unit = units.s) -> pint.Unit:
473        """
474        Set the start delay of the pulse generator signal in a time unit
476        Parameters
477        ----------
478        delay : pint.Unit
479            The start delay in a pint quantity with time unit
481        Returns
482        -------
483        pint.Unit
484            The start delay in a pint quantity with time unit
485        """
487        if delay is not None:
488            if isinstance(delay, pint.Quantity):
489                delay = int((delay * self._get_clock(units.Hz)).to_base_units().magnitude)
490            else:
491                raise ValueError("The delay must be a pint.Quantity")
492        return_value = self.delay(delay)
493        return_value = UnitConversion.to_unit((return_value / self._get_clock(units.Hz)), return_unit)
494        return return_value

Set the start delay of the pulse generator signal in a time unit

  • delay (pint.Unit): The start delay in a pint quantity with time unit
  • pint.Unit: The start delay in a pint quantity with time unit
def repetitions(self, loops: int = None) -> int:
192    def num_loops(self, loops : int = None) -> int:
193        """
194        Set the number of loops of a single period on the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_LOOPS' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
196        Parameters
197        ----------
198        loops : int
199            The number of loops
201        Returns
202        -------
203        int
204            The number of loops
205        """
207        if loops is not None:
208            self.card.set_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_LOOPS + self._reg_distance*self.pg_index, loops)
209        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_LOOPS + self._reg_distance*self.pg_index)

Set the number of loops of a single period on the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_LOOPS' in chapter Pulse Generator in the manual)

  • loops (int): The number of loops
  • int: The number of loops
def start_condition_state_signal(self, signal: int = 0, invert: bool = False) -> int:
498    def start_condition_state_signal(self, signal : int = 0, invert : bool = False) -> int:
499        """
500        Set the start condition state signal of the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_MUX1' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
502        NOTE
503        ----
504        The Pulse Generator is started when the combined signal of both start condition signals are true and a rising edge
505        is detected. The invert parameter inverts the start condition state signal.
507        Parameters
508        ----------
509        signal : int
510            The start condition state signal
511        invert : bool
512            Invert the start condition state signal
514        Returns
515        -------
516        int
517            The start condition state signal
518        """
520        return_signal = self.mux1(signal)
521        return_invert = self.config()
522        if invert:
523            return_invert |= SPCM_PULSEGEN_CONFIG_MUX1_INVERT
524        else:
525            return_invert &= ~SPCM_PULSEGEN_CONFIG_MUX1_INVERT
526        return_invert = self.config(return_invert)
527        return return_signal, ((return_invert & SPCM_PULSEGEN_CONFIG_MUX1_INVERT) != 0)

Set the start condition state signal of the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_MUX1' in chapter Pulse Generator in the manual)


The Pulse Generator is started when the combined signal of both start condition signals are true and a rising edge is detected. The invert parameter inverts the start condition state signal.

  • signal (int): The start condition state signal
  • invert (bool): Invert the start condition state signal
  • int: The start condition state signal
def start_condition_trigger_signal(self, signal: int = 0, invert: bool = False) -> int:
529    def start_condition_trigger_signal(self, signal : int = 0, invert : bool = False) -> int:
530        """
531        Set the start condition trigger signal of the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_MUX2' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
533        NOTE
534        ----
535        The Pulse Generator is started when the combined signal of both start condition signals are true and a rising edge
536        is detected. The invert parameter inverts the start condition state signal.
538        Parameters
539        ----------
540        signal : int
541            The start condition trigger signal
542        invert : bool
543            Invert the start condition trigger signal
545        Returns
546        -------
547        int
548            The start condition trigger signal
549        """
551        return_signal = self.mux2(signal)
552        return_invert = self.config()
553        if invert:
554            return_invert |= SPCM_PULSEGEN_CONFIG_MUX2_INVERT
555        else:
556            return_invert &= ~SPCM_PULSEGEN_CONFIG_MUX2_INVERT
557        return_invert = self.config(return_invert)
558        return return_signal, ((return_invert & SPCM_PULSEGEN_CONFIG_MUX2_INVERT) != 0)

Set the start condition trigger signal of the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN0_MUX2' in chapter Pulse Generator in the manual)


The Pulse Generator is started when the combined signal of both start condition signals are true and a rising edge is detected. The invert parameter inverts the start condition state signal.

  • signal (int): The start condition trigger signal
  • invert (bool): Invert the start condition trigger signal
  • int: The start condition trigger signal
def invert_start_condition(self, invert: bool = None) -> bool:
560    def invert_start_condition(self, invert : bool = None) -> bool:
561        """
562        Invert the start condition of the pulse generator
564        Parameters
565        ----------
566        invert : bool
567            Invert the start condition
569        Returns
570        -------
571        bool
572            The start condition inversion
573        """
575        if invert is not None:
576            return_invert = self.config()
577            if invert:
578                return_invert |= SPCM_PULSEGEN_CONFIG_INVERT
579            else:
580                return_invert &= ~SPCM_PULSEGEN_CONFIG_INVERT
581            self.config(return_invert)
582        return ((self.config() & SPCM_PULSEGEN_CONFIG_INVERT) != 0)

Invert the start condition of the pulse generator

  • invert (bool): Invert the start condition
  • bool: The start condition inversion
class PulseGenerators(spcm.CardFunctionality):
584class PulseGenerators(CardFunctionality):
585    """
586    a higher-level abstraction of the CardFunctionality class to implement Pulse generator functionality
588    Parameters
589    ----------
590    generators : list[PulseGenerator]
591        a list of pulse generators
592    num_generators : int
593        the number of pulse generators on the card
594    """
596    generators : list[PulseGenerator]
597    num_generators = 4
599    def __init__(self, card : Card, enable : int = 0, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
600        """
601        The constructor of the PulseGenerators class
603        Parameters
604        ----------
605        card : Card
606            the card object that is used by the functionality
607        enable : int or bool
608            Enable or disable (all) the different pulse generators, by default all are turned off
610        Raises
611        ------
612        SpcmException
613        """
615        super().__init__(card, *args, **kwargs)
616        # Check for the pulse generator option on the card
617        features = self.card.get_i(SPC_PCIEXTFEATURES)
618        if features & SPCM_FEAT_EXTFW_PULSEGEN:
619            self.card._print(f"Pulse generator option available")
620        else:
621            raise SpcmException(text="This card doesn't have the pulse generator functionality installed. Please contact sales@spec.de to get more information about this functionality.")
623        self.load()
624        self.enable(enable)
626    def load(self) -> None:
627        """Load the pulse generators"""
628        self.generators = [PulseGenerator(self.card, i) for i in range(self.num_generators)]
630    # TODO in the next driver release there will be a register to get the number of pulse generators
631    def get_num_generators(self) -> int:
632        """
633        Get the number of pulse generators on the card
635        Returns
636        -------
637        int
638            The number of pulse generators
639        """
641        return self.num_generators
643    def __str__(self) -> str:
644        """
645        String representation of the PulseGenerators class
647        Returns
648        -------
649        str
650            String representation of the PulseGenerators class
651        """
653        return f"PulseGenerators(card={self.card})"
655    __repr__ = __str__
658    def __iter__(self) -> "PulseGenerators":
659        """Define this class as an iterator"""
660        return self
662    def __getitem__(self, index : int) -> PulseGenerator:
663        """
664        Get the pulse generator at the given index
666        Parameters
667        ----------
668        index : int
669            The index of the pulse generator
671        Returns
672        -------
673        PulseGenerator
674            The pulse generator at the given index
675        """
677        return self.generators[index]
679    _generator_iterator_index = -1
680    def __next__(self) -> PulseGenerator:
681        """
682        This method is called when the next element is requested from the iterator
684        Returns
685        -------
686        PulseGenerator
687            the next available pulse generator
689        Raises
690        ------
691        StopIteration
692        """
693        self._generator_iterator_index += 1
694        if self._generator_iterator_index >= self.num_generators:
695            self._generator_iterator_index = -1
696            raise StopIteration
697        return self.generators[self._generator_iterator_index]
699    def __len__(self) -> int:
700        """Returns the number of available pulse generators"""
701        return len(self.generators)
703    # The pulse generator can be enabled or disabled
704    def enable(self, enable : int = None) -> int:
705        """
706        Enable or disable (all) the pulse generators (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_ENABLE' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
708        Parameters
709        ----------
710        enable : int or bool
711            Enable or disable (all) the different pulse generators, by default all are turned off
713        Returns
714        -------
715        int
716            The enable state of the pulse generators
717        """
720        if isinstance(enable, bool):
721            enable = (1 << self.num_generators) - 1 if enable else 0
722        if enable is not None:
723            self.card.set_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_ENABLE, enable)
724        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_ENABLE)
726    def cmd(self, cmd : int) -> None:
727        """
728        Execute a command on the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_COMMAND' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
730        Parameters
731        ----------
732        cmd : int
733            The command to execute
734        """
735        self.card.set_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_COMMAND, cmd)
737    def force(self) -> None:
738        """
739        Generate a single rising edge, that is common for all pulse generator engines. This allows to start/trigger the output 
740        of all enabled pulse generators synchronously by issuing a software command. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_COMMAND' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
741        """
742        self.cmd(SPCM_PULSEGEN_CMD_FORCE)
744    def write_setup(self) -> None:
745        """Write the setup of the pulse generator to the card"""
746        self.card.write_setup()
748    # The clock rate in Hz of the pulse generator
749    def get_clock(self) -> int:
750        """
751        Get the clock rate of the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_CLOCK' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
753        Returns
754        -------
755        int
756            The clock rate in Hz
757        """
758        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_CLOCK)

a higher-level abstraction of the CardFunctionality class to implement Pulse generator functionality

  • generators (list[PulseGenerator]): a list of pulse generators
  • num_generators (int): the number of pulse generators on the card
PulseGenerators(card: Card, enable: int = 0, *args, **kwargs)
599    def __init__(self, card : Card, enable : int = 0, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
600        """
601        The constructor of the PulseGenerators class
603        Parameters
604        ----------
605        card : Card
606            the card object that is used by the functionality
607        enable : int or bool
608            Enable or disable (all) the different pulse generators, by default all are turned off
610        Raises
611        ------
612        SpcmException
613        """
615        super().__init__(card, *args, **kwargs)
616        # Check for the pulse generator option on the card
617        features = self.card.get_i(SPC_PCIEXTFEATURES)
618        if features & SPCM_FEAT_EXTFW_PULSEGEN:
619            self.card._print(f"Pulse generator option available")
620        else:
621            raise SpcmException(text="This card doesn't have the pulse generator functionality installed. Please contact sales@spec.de to get more information about this functionality.")
623        self.load()
624        self.enable(enable)

The constructor of the PulseGenerators class

  • card (Card): the card object that is used by the functionality
  • enable (int or bool): Enable or disable (all) the different pulse generators, by default all are turned off
  • SpcmException
generators: list[PulseGenerator]
num_generators = 4
def load(self) -> None:
626    def load(self) -> None:
627        """Load the pulse generators"""
628        self.generators = [PulseGenerator(self.card, i) for i in range(self.num_generators)]

Load the pulse generators

def get_num_generators(self) -> int:
631    def get_num_generators(self) -> int:
632        """
633        Get the number of pulse generators on the card
635        Returns
636        -------
637        int
638            The number of pulse generators
639        """
641        return self.num_generators

Get the number of pulse generators on the card

  • int: The number of pulse generators
def enable(self, enable: int = None) -> int:
704    def enable(self, enable : int = None) -> int:
705        """
706        Enable or disable (all) the pulse generators (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_ENABLE' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
708        Parameters
709        ----------
710        enable : int or bool
711            Enable or disable (all) the different pulse generators, by default all are turned off
713        Returns
714        -------
715        int
716            The enable state of the pulse generators
717        """
720        if isinstance(enable, bool):
721            enable = (1 << self.num_generators) - 1 if enable else 0
722        if enable is not None:
723            self.card.set_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_ENABLE, enable)
724        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_ENABLE)

Enable or disable (all) the pulse generators (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_ENABLE' in chapter Pulse Generator in the manual)

  • enable (int or bool): Enable or disable (all) the different pulse generators, by default all are turned off
  • int: The enable state of the pulse generators
def cmd(self, cmd: int) -> None:
726    def cmd(self, cmd : int) -> None:
727        """
728        Execute a command on the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_COMMAND' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
730        Parameters
731        ----------
732        cmd : int
733            The command to execute
734        """
735        self.card.set_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_COMMAND, cmd)

Execute a command on the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_COMMAND' in chapter Pulse Generator in the manual)

  • cmd (int): The command to execute
def force(self) -> None:
737    def force(self) -> None:
738        """
739        Generate a single rising edge, that is common for all pulse generator engines. This allows to start/trigger the output 
740        of all enabled pulse generators synchronously by issuing a software command. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_COMMAND' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
741        """
742        self.cmd(SPCM_PULSEGEN_CMD_FORCE)

Generate a single rising edge, that is common for all pulse generator engines. This allows to start/trigger the output of all enabled pulse generators synchronously by issuing a software command. (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_COMMAND' in chapter Pulse Generator in the manual)

def write_setup(self) -> None:
744    def write_setup(self) -> None:
745        """Write the setup of the pulse generator to the card"""
746        self.card.write_setup()

Write the setup of the pulse generator to the card

def get_clock(self) -> int:
749    def get_clock(self) -> int:
750        """
751        Get the clock rate of the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_CLOCK' in chapter `Pulse Generator` in the manual)
753        Returns
754        -------
755        int
756            The clock rate in Hz
757        """
758        return self.card.get_i(SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_CLOCK)

Get the clock rate of the pulse generator (see register 'SPC_XIO_PULSEGEN_CLOCK' in chapter Pulse Generator in the manual)

  • int: The clock rate in Hz
class Multi(spcm.DataTransfer):
 14class Multi(DataTransfer):
 15    """a high-level class to control Multiple Recording and Replay functionality on Spectrum Instrumentation cards
 17    For more information about what setups are available, please have a look at the user manual
 18    for your specific card.
 20    """
 22    # Private
 23    _segment_size : int
 24    _num_segments : int
 26    def __init__(self, card, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
 27        super().__init__(card, *args, **kwargs)
 28        self._pre_trigger = None
 29        self._segment_size = 0
 30        self._num_segments = 0
 32    def segment_samples(self, segment_size : int = None) -> None:
 33        """
 34        Sets the memory size in samples per channel. The memory size setting must be set before transferring 
 35        data to the card. (see register `SPC_MEMSIZE` in the manual)
 37        Parameters
 38        ----------
 39        segment_size : int | pint.Quantity
 40            the size of a single segment in memory in Samples
 41        """
 43        if segment_size is not None:
 44            segment_size = UnitConversion.convert(segment_size, units.S, int)
 45            self.card.set_i(SPC_SEGMENTSIZE, segment_size)
 46        segment_size = self.card.get_i(SPC_SEGMENTSIZE)
 47        self._segment_size = segment_size
 49    def post_trigger(self, num_samples : int = None) -> int:
 50        """
 51        Set the number of post trigger samples (see register `SPC_POSTTRIGGER` in the manual)
 53        Parameters
 54        ----------
 55        num_samples : int | pint.Quantity
 56            the number of post trigger samples
 58        Returns
 59        -------
 60        int
 61            the number of post trigger samples
 62        """
 64        post_trigger = super().post_trigger(num_samples)
 65        self._pre_trigger = self._segment_size - post_trigger
 66        return post_trigger
 68    def allocate_buffer(self, segment_samples : int, num_segments : int = None) -> None:
 69        """
 70        Memory allocation for the buffer that is used for communicating with the card
 72        Parameters
 73        ----------
 74        segment_samples : int | pint.Quantity
 75            use the number of samples and get the number of active channels and bytes per samples directly from the card
 76        num_segments : int = None
 77            the number of segments that are used for the multiple recording mode
 78        """
 80        segment_samples = UnitConversion.convert(segment_samples, units.S, int)
 81        num_segments = UnitConversion.convert(num_segments, units.S, int)
 82        self.segment_samples(segment_samples)
 83        if num_segments is None:
 84            self._num_segments = self._memory_size // segment_samples
 85        else:
 86            self._num_segments = num_segments
 87        super().allocate_buffer(segment_samples * self._num_segments)
 88        num_channels = self.card.active_channels()
 89        if self.bits_per_sample > 1 and not self._12bit_mode:
 90            self.buffer = self.buffer.reshape((self._num_segments, segment_samples, num_channels), order='C') # index definition: [segment, sample, channel] !
 92    def time_data(self, total_num_samples : int = None, return_units = units.s) -> npt.NDArray:
 93        """
 94        Get the time array for the data buffer
 96        Parameters
 97        ----------
 98        total_num_samples : int | pint.Quantity
 99            the total number of samples
100        return_units : pint.Unit
101            the units of the time array
103        Returns
104        -------
105        numpy array
106            the time array
107        """
109        if total_num_samples is None:
110            total_num_samples = self._buffer_samples // self._num_segments
111        return super().time_data(total_num_samples, return_units)
113    def unpack_12bit_buffer(self, data : npt.NDArray[np.int_] = None) -> npt.NDArray[np.int_]:
114        """
115        Unpacks the 12-bit packed data to 16-bit data
117        Parameters
118        ----------
119        data : numpy array
120            the packed data
122        Returns
123        -------
124        numpy array
125            the unpacked 16bit buffer
126        """
127        buffer_12bit = super().unpack_12bit_buffer(data)
128        return buffer_12bit.reshape((self._num_segments, self.num_channels, self._segment_size), order='C')
131    def __next__(self) -> npt.ArrayLike:
132        """
133        This method is called when the next element is requested from the iterator
135        Returns
136        -------
137        npt.ArrayLike
138            the next data block
140        Raises
141        ------
142        StopIteration
143        """
144        super().__next__()
145        user_pos = self.avail_user_pos()
146        current_segment = user_pos // self._segment_size
147        current_pos_in_segment = user_pos % self._segment_size
148        final_segment = ((user_pos+self._notify_samples) // self._segment_size)
149        final_pos_in_segment = (user_pos+self._notify_samples) % self._segment_size
151        self.card._print("NumSamples = {}, CurrentSegment = {}, CurrentPos = {},  FinalSegment = {}, FinalPos = {}".format(self._notify_samples, current_segment, current_pos_in_segment, final_segment, final_pos_in_segment))
153        return self.buffer[current_segment:final_segment, :, :]

a high-level class to control Multiple Recording and Replay functionality on Spectrum Instrumentation cards

For more information about what setups are available, please have a look at the user manual for your specific card.

Multi(card, *args, **kwargs)
26    def __init__(self, card, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
27        super().__init__(card, *args, **kwargs)
28        self._pre_trigger = None
29        self._segment_size = 0
30        self._num_segments = 0

Initialize the DataTransfer object with a card object and additional arguments

  • card (Card): the card object that is used for the data transfer
  • *args (list): list of additional arguments
  • **kwargs (dict): dictionary of additional keyword arguments
def segment_samples(self, segment_size: int = None) -> None:
32    def segment_samples(self, segment_size : int = None) -> None:
33        """
34        Sets the memory size in samples per channel. The memory size setting must be set before transferring 
35        data to the card. (see register `SPC_MEMSIZE` in the manual)
37        Parameters
38        ----------
39        segment_size : int | pint.Quantity
40            the size of a single segment in memory in Samples
41        """
43        if segment_size is not None:
44            segment_size = UnitConversion.convert(segment_size, units.S, int)
45            self.card.set_i(SPC_SEGMENTSIZE, segment_size)
46        segment_size = self.card.get_i(SPC_SEGMENTSIZE)
47        self._segment_size = segment_size

Sets the memory size in samples per channel. The memory size setting must be set before transferring data to the card. (see register SPC_MEMSIZE in the manual)

  • segment_size (int | pint.Quantity): the size of a single segment in memory in Samples
def post_trigger(self, num_samples: int = None) -> int:
49    def post_trigger(self, num_samples : int = None) -> int:
50        """
51        Set the number of post trigger samples (see register `SPC_POSTTRIGGER` in the manual)
53        Parameters
54        ----------
55        num_samples : int | pint.Quantity
56            the number of post trigger samples
58        Returns
59        -------
60        int
61            the number of post trigger samples
62        """
64        post_trigger = super().post_trigger(num_samples)
65        self._pre_trigger = self._segment_size - post_trigger
66        return post_trigger

Set the number of post trigger samples (see register SPC_POSTTRIGGER in the manual)

  • num_samples (int | pint.Quantity): the number of post trigger samples
  • int: the number of post trigger samples
def allocate_buffer(self, segment_samples: int, num_segments: int = None) -> None:
68    def allocate_buffer(self, segment_samples : int, num_segments : int = None) -> None:
69        """
70        Memory allocation for the buffer that is used for communicating with the card
72        Parameters
73        ----------
74        segment_samples : int | pint.Quantity
75            use the number of samples and get the number of active channels and bytes per samples directly from the card
76        num_segments : int = None
77            the number of segments that are used for the multiple recording mode
78        """
80        segment_samples = UnitConversion.convert(segment_samples, units.S, int)
81        num_segments = UnitConversion.convert(num_segments, units.S, int)
82        self.segment_samples(segment_samples)
83        if num_segments is None:
84            self._num_segments = self._memory_size // segment_samples
85        else:
86            self._num_segments = num_segments
87        super().allocate_buffer(segment_samples * self._num_segments)
88        num_channels = self.card.active_channels()
89        if self.bits_per_sample > 1 and not self._12bit_mode:
90            self.buffer = self.buffer.reshape((self._num_segments, segment_samples, num_channels), order='C') # index definition: [segment, sample, channel] !

Memory allocation for the buffer that is used for communicating with the card

  • segment_samples (int | pint.Quantity): use the number of samples and get the number of active channels and bytes per samples directly from the card
  • num_segments (int = None): the number of segments that are used for the multiple recording mode
def time_data( self, total_num_samples: int = None, return_units=<Unit('second')>) -> numpy.ndarray[tuple[int, ...], numpy.dtype[+_ScalarType_co]]:
 92    def time_data(self, total_num_samples : int = None, return_units = units.s) -> npt.NDArray:
 93        """
 94        Get the time array for the data buffer
 96        Parameters
 97        ----------
 98        total_num_samples : int | pint.Quantity
 99            the total number of samples
100        return_units : pint.Unit
101            the units of the time array
103        Returns
104        -------
105        numpy array
106            the time array
107        """
109        if total_num_samples is None:
110            total_num_samples = self._buffer_samples // self._num_segments
111        return super().time_data(total_num_samples, return_units)

Get the time array for the data buffer

  • total_num_samples (int | pint.Quantity): the total number of samples
  • return_units (pint.Unit): the units of the time array
  • numpy array: the time array
def unpack_12bit_buffer( self, data: numpy.ndarray[tuple[int, ...], numpy.dtype[numpy.int64]] = None) -> numpy.ndarray[tuple[int, ...], numpy.dtype[numpy.int64]]:
113    def unpack_12bit_buffer(self, data : npt.NDArray[np.int_] = None) -> npt.NDArray[np.int_]:
114        """
115        Unpacks the 12-bit packed data to 16-bit data
117        Parameters
118        ----------
119        data : numpy array
120            the packed data
122        Returns
123        -------
124        numpy array
125            the unpacked 16bit buffer
126        """
127        buffer_12bit = super().unpack_12bit_buffer(data)
128        return buffer_12bit.reshape((self._num_segments, self.num_channels, self._segment_size), order='C')

Unpacks the 12-bit packed data to 16-bit data

  • data (numpy array): the packed data
  • numpy array: the unpacked 16bit buffer
class Gated(spcm.DataTransfer):
 14class Gated(DataTransfer):
 15    """
 16    A high-level class to control Gated sampling Spectrum Instrumentation cards.
 18    For more information about what setups are available, please have a look at the user manual
 19    for your specific card.
 20    """
 22    max_num_gates : int = 128
 23    timestamp : TimeStamp = None
 25    # Private
 26    _pre_trigger : int = 0
 27    _post_trigger : int = 0
 29    _timestamp : TimeStamp = None
 30    _alignment : int = 0
 32    def __init__(self, card, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
 33        super().__init__(card, *args, **kwargs)
 34        if self.direction is Direction.Acquisition:
 35            self.max_num_gates = kwargs.get("max_num_gates", 128)
 36            self.timestamp = TimeStamp(card)
 37            self.timestamp.mode(SPC_TSMODE_STARTRESET, SPC_TSCNT_INTERNAL)
 38            self.timestamp.allocate_buffer(2*self.max_num_gates)
 39            self._alignment = self.card.get_i(SPC_GATE_LEN_ALIGNMENT)
 41    def start_buffer_transfer(self, *args, **kwargs):
 42        super().start_buffer_transfer(*args, **kwargs)
 43        if self.direction is Direction.Acquisition:
 44            self.timestamp.start_buffer_transfer(M2CMD_EXTRA_STARTDMA)
 46    def post_trigger(self, num_samples : int = None) -> int:
 47        """
 48        Set the number of post trigger samples (see register `SPC_POSTTRIGGER` in the manual)
 50        Parameters
 51        ----------
 52        num_samples : int | pint.Quantity
 53            the number of post trigger samples
 55        Returns
 56        -------
 57        int
 58            the number of post trigger samples
 59        """
 61        if self._memory_size < num_samples:
 62            raise ValueError("The number of post trigger samples needs to be smaller than the total number of samples")
 63        if num_samples is not None:
 64            num_samples = UnitConversion.convert(num_samples, units.Sa, int)
 65            self.card.set_i(SPC_POSTTRIGGER, num_samples)
 66        self._post_trigger = self.card.get_i(SPC_POSTTRIGGER)
 67        return self._post_trigger
 69    def alignment(self) -> int:
 70        """
 71        Get the alignment of the end of the gated data buffer (see register `SPC_GATE_LEN_ALIGNMENT` in the manual)
 73        Returns
 74        -------
 75        int
 76            the number of samples to align the end of the gated data buffer
 77        """
 78        return self._alignment
 80    def gate_counter(self) -> int:
 81        """
 82        Get the number of gate events since acquisition start (see register 'SPC_TRIGGERCOUNTER' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)
 84        Returns
 85        -------
 86        int
 87            The gate counter
 88        """
 90        return self.card.get_i(SPC_TRIGGERCOUNTER)
 92    def __iter__(self):
 93        """
 94        Returns an iterator object and initializes the iterator index.
 96        Returns
 97        -------
 98        iterable
 99            An iterator object for the class.
100        """
101        iter = super().__iter__()
102        self.iterator_index = -1
103        return iter
105    iterator_index : int = -1
106    gate_count : int = 0
107    _start : int = 0
108    _end : int = 0
109    def __next__(self):
110        if self.direction is not Direction.Acquisition:
111            raise ValueError("Iterating the Gated class can only be used with acquisition")
112        self.iterator_index += 1
113        self.gate_count = self.gate_counter()
114        if self.iterator_index >= self.gate_count:
115            self.iterator_index = -1
116            raise StopIteration
117        # Get the start and end of the gate event
118        alignment = self.alignment()
119        length_unaligned = self.timestamp.buffer[2*self.iterator_index+1, 0] - self.timestamp.buffer[2*self.iterator_index+0, 0]
120        length_aligned = (length_unaligned // alignment + 1) * alignment
121        segment_length = length_unaligned + self._pre_trigger + self._post_trigger
122        total_length = length_aligned + self._pre_trigger + self._post_trigger
123        end = self._start + total_length
124        self._end = self._start + segment_length
125        if end > self.buffer.size:
126            print("Warning: Gate exceeds data length")
127            total_length -= end - self.buffer.size
128            segment_length -= self._end - self.buffer.size
129            end = self.buffer.size
130            self._end = self.buffer.size
131        return self.buffer[:, self._start:self._end]
133    def current_time_range(self, return_unit = None) -> int:
134        """
135        Get the current time range of the data buffer
137        Parameters
138        ----------
139        return_unit : pint.Unit
140            the unit to return the time range in
142        Returns
143        -------
144        int or pint.Quantity
145            the current time range of the data buffer
146        """
148        time_range = np.arange(self.timestamp.buffer[2*self.iterator_index+0, 0] - self._pre_trigger, self.timestamp.buffer[2*self.iterator_index+1, 0] + self._post_trigger)
149        time_range = UnitConversion.to_unit(time_range / self._sample_rate(), return_unit)
150        return time_range
152    def current_timestamps(self, return_unit = None) -> tuple:
153        """
154        Get the current timestamps of the data buffer
156        Parameters
157        ----------
158        return_unit : pint.Unit
159            the unit to return the timestamps in
161        Returns
162        -------
163        tuple
164            the current timestamps of the data buffer
165        """
167        ts_start = self.timestamp.buffer[2*self.iterator_index+0, 0]
168        ts_end = self.timestamp.buffer[2*self.iterator_index+1, 0]
169        ts_start = UnitConversion.to_unit(ts_start / self._sample_rate(), return_unit)
170        ts_end = UnitConversion.to_unit(ts_end / self._sample_rate(), return_unit)
171        return ts_start, ts_end

A high-level class to control Gated sampling Spectrum Instrumentation cards.

For more information about what setups are available, please have a look at the user manual for your specific card.

Gated(card, *args, **kwargs)
32    def __init__(self, card, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
33        super().__init__(card, *args, **kwargs)
34        if self.direction is Direction.Acquisition:
35            self.max_num_gates = kwargs.get("max_num_gates", 128)
36            self.timestamp = TimeStamp(card)
37            self.timestamp.mode(SPC_TSMODE_STARTRESET, SPC_TSCNT_INTERNAL)
38            self.timestamp.allocate_buffer(2*self.max_num_gates)
39            self._alignment = self.card.get_i(SPC_GATE_LEN_ALIGNMENT)

Initialize the DataTransfer object with a card object and additional arguments

  • card (Card): the card object that is used for the data transfer
  • *args (list): list of additional arguments
  • **kwargs (dict): dictionary of additional keyword arguments
max_num_gates: int = 128
timestamp: TimeStamp = None
def start_buffer_transfer(self, *args, **kwargs):
41    def start_buffer_transfer(self, *args, **kwargs):
42        super().start_buffer_transfer(*args, **kwargs)
43        if self.direction is Direction.Acquisition:
44            self.timestamp.start_buffer_transfer(M2CMD_EXTRA_STARTDMA)

Start the transfer of the data to or from the card (see the API function spcm_dwDefTransfer_i64 in the manual)

  • *args (list): list of additonal arguments that are added as flags to the start dma command
  • buffer_type (int): the type of buffer that is used for the transfer
  • direction (int): the direction of the transfer
  • notify_samples (int): the number of samples to notify the user about
  • transfer_offset (int): the offset of the transfer
  • transfer_length (int): the length of the transfer
  • exception_num_samples (bool): if True, an exception is raised if the number of samples is not a multiple of the notify samples. The automatic buffer handling only works with the number of samples being a multiple of the notify samples.
  • SpcmException
def post_trigger(self, num_samples: int = None) -> int:
46    def post_trigger(self, num_samples : int = None) -> int:
47        """
48        Set the number of post trigger samples (see register `SPC_POSTTRIGGER` in the manual)
50        Parameters
51        ----------
52        num_samples : int | pint.Quantity
53            the number of post trigger samples
55        Returns
56        -------
57        int
58            the number of post trigger samples
59        """
61        if self._memory_size < num_samples:
62            raise ValueError("The number of post trigger samples needs to be smaller than the total number of samples")
63        if num_samples is not None:
64            num_samples = UnitConversion.convert(num_samples, units.Sa, int)
65            self.card.set_i(SPC_POSTTRIGGER, num_samples)
66        self._post_trigger = self.card.get_i(SPC_POSTTRIGGER)
67        return self._post_trigger

Set the number of post trigger samples (see register SPC_POSTTRIGGER in the manual)

  • num_samples (int | pint.Quantity): the number of post trigger samples
  • int: the number of post trigger samples
def alignment(self) -> int:
69    def alignment(self) -> int:
70        """
71        Get the alignment of the end of the gated data buffer (see register `SPC_GATE_LEN_ALIGNMENT` in the manual)
73        Returns
74        -------
75        int
76            the number of samples to align the end of the gated data buffer
77        """
78        return self._alignment

Get the alignment of the end of the gated data buffer (see register SPC_GATE_LEN_ALIGNMENT in the manual)

  • int: the number of samples to align the end of the gated data buffer
def gate_counter(self) -> int:
80    def gate_counter(self) -> int:
81        """
82        Get the number of gate events since acquisition start (see register 'SPC_TRIGGERCOUNTER' in chapter `Trigger` in the manual)
84        Returns
85        -------
86        int
87            The gate counter
88        """
90        return self.card.get_i(SPC_TRIGGERCOUNTER)

Get the number of gate events since acquisition start (see register 'SPC_TRIGGERCOUNTER' in chapter Trigger in the manual)

  • int: The gate counter
iterator_index: int = -1
gate_count: int = 0
def current_time_range(self, return_unit=None) -> int:
133    def current_time_range(self, return_unit = None) -> int:
134        """
135        Get the current time range of the data buffer
137        Parameters
138        ----------
139        return_unit : pint.Unit
140            the unit to return the time range in
142        Returns
143        -------
144        int or pint.Quantity
145            the current time range of the data buffer
146        """
148        time_range = np.arange(self.timestamp.buffer[2*self.iterator_index+0, 0] - self._pre_trigger, self.timestamp.buffer[2*self.iterator_index+1, 0] + self._post_trigger)
149        time_range = UnitConversion.to_unit(time_range / self._sample_rate(), return_unit)
150        return time_range

Get the current time range of the data buffer

  • return_unit (pint.Unit): the unit to return the time range in
  • int or pint.Quantity: the current time range of the data buffer
def current_timestamps(self, return_unit=None) -> tuple:
152    def current_timestamps(self, return_unit = None) -> tuple:
153        """
154        Get the current timestamps of the data buffer
156        Parameters
157        ----------
158        return_unit : pint.Unit
159            the unit to return the timestamps in
161        Returns
162        -------
163        tuple
164            the current timestamps of the data buffer
165        """
167        ts_start = self.timestamp.buffer[2*self.iterator_index+0, 0]
168        ts_end = self.timestamp.buffer[2*self.iterator_index+1, 0]
169        ts_start = UnitConversion.to_unit(ts_start / self._sample_rate(), return_unit)
170        ts_end = UnitConversion.to_unit(ts_end / self._sample_rate(), return_unit)
171        return ts_start, ts_end

Get the current timestamps of the data buffer

  • return_unit (pint.Unit): the unit to return the timestamps in
  • tuple: the current timestamps of the data buffer
class TimeStamp(spcm.DataTransfer):
 12class TimeStamp(DataTransfer):
 13    """a class to control Spectrum Instrumentation cards with the timestamp functionality
 15    For more information about what setups are available, please have a look at the user manual
 16    for your specific card
 18    Parameters
 19    ----------
 20    ts_mode : int
 21    transfer_mode : int
 22    bits_per_ts : int = 0
 23    bytes_per_ts : int = 16
 24    """
 25    ts_mode : int
 26    transfer_mode : int
 28    bits_per_ts : int = 0
 29    bytes_per_ts : int = 16
 31    _notify_timestamps : int = 0
 32    _to_transfer_timestamps : int = 0
 34    def __init__(self, card, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
 35        """
 36        Initialize the TimeStamp object with a card object
 38        Parameters
 39        ----------
 40        card : Card
 41            a card object that is used to control the card
 42        """
 44        super().__init__(card, *args, **kwargs)
 45        self.buffer_type = SPCM_BUF_TIMESTAMP
 46        self.bits_per_ts = self.bytes_per_ts * 8
 48    def cmd(self, *args) -> None:
 49        """
 50        Execute spcm timestamp commands (see register 'SPC_TIMESTAMP_CMD' in chapter `Timestamp` in the manual)
 52        Parameters
 53        ----------
 54        *args : int
 55            The different timestamp command flags to be executed.
 56        """
 58        cmd = 0
 59        for arg in args:
 60            cmd |= arg
 61        self.card.set_i(SPC_TIMESTAMP_CMD, cmd)
 63    def reset(self) -> None:
 64        """Reset the timestamp counter (see command 'SPC_TS_RESET' in chapter `Timestamp` in the manual)"""
 65        self.cmd(SPC_TS_RESET)
 67    def mode(self, mode : int, *args : list[int]) -> None:
 68        """
 69        Set the mode of the timestamp counter (see register 'SPC_TIMESTAMP_CMD' in chapter `Timestamp` in the manual)
 71        Parameters
 72        ----------
 73        mode : int
 74            The mode of the timestamp counter
 75        *args : list[int]
 76            List of additional commands send with setting the mode
 77        """
 78        self.ts_mode = mode
 79        self.cmd(self.ts_mode, *args)
 81    def notify_timestamps(self, notify_timestamps : int) -> None:
 82        """
 83        Set the number of timestamps to notify the user about
 85        Parameters
 86        ----------
 87        notify_timestamps : int
 88            the number of timestamps to notify the user about
 89        """
 90        self._notify_timestamps = notify_timestamps
 92    def allocate_buffer(self, num_timestamps : int) -> None:
 93        """
 94        Allocate the buffer for the timestamp data transfer
 96        Parameters
 97        ----------
 98        num_timestamps : int
 99            The number of timestamps to be allocated
100        """
102        self.buffer_size = num_timestamps * self.bytes_per_ts
104        dwMask = self._buffer_alignment - 1
106        sample_type = np.int64
107        item_size = sample_type(0).itemsize
108        # allocate a buffer (numpy array) for DMA transfer: a little bigger one to have room for address alignment
109        databuffer_unaligned = np.zeros(((self._buffer_alignment + self.buffer_size) // item_size, ), dtype = sample_type)   # half byte count at int16 sample (// = integer division)
110        # two numpy-arrays may share the same memory: skip the begin up to the alignment boundary (ArrayVariable[SKIP_VALUE:])
111        # Address of data-memory from numpy-array: ArrayVariable.__array_interface__['data'][0]
112        start_pos_samples = ((self._buffer_alignment - (databuffer_unaligned.__array_interface__['data'][0] & dwMask)) // item_size)
113        self.buffer = databuffer_unaligned[start_pos_samples:start_pos_samples + (self.buffer_size // item_size)]   # byte address but int16 sample: therefore / 2
114        self.buffer = self.buffer.reshape((num_timestamps, 2), order='C') # array items per timestamp, because the maximum item size is 8 bytes = 64 bits
116    def start_buffer_transfer(self, *args, direction=SPCM_DIR_CARDTOPC, notify_timestamps=0, transfer_offset=0, transfer_length=None) -> None:
117        """
118        Start the transfer of the timestamp data to the card
120        Parameters
121        ----------
122        *args : list
123            list of additonal arguments that are added as flags to the start dma command
124        """
126        notify_size = 0
127        if notify_timestamps: 
128            self._notify_timestamps = notify_timestamps
129        if self._notify_timestamps: 
130            notify_size = self._notify_timestamps * self.bytes_per_ts
132        if transfer_offset:
133            transfer_offset_bytes = transfer_offset * self.bytes_per_ts
134        else:
135            transfer_offset_bytes = 0
137        if transfer_length is not None: 
138            transfer_length_bytes = transfer_length * self.bytes_per_ts
139        else:
140            transfer_length_bytes = self.buffer_size
143        # we define the buffer for transfer and start the DMA transfer
144        self.card._print("Starting the Timestamp transfer and waiting until data is in board memory")
145        self._c_buffer = self.buffer.ctypes.data_as(c_void_p)
146        spcm_dwDefTransfer_i64(self.card._handle, self.buffer_type, direction, notify_size, self._c_buffer, transfer_offset_bytes, transfer_length_bytes)
147        cmd = 0
148        for arg in args:
149            cmd |= arg
150        self.card.cmd(cmd)
151        self.card._print("... timestamp data transfer started")
153    def avail_card_len(self, num_timestamps : int) -> None:
154        """
155        Set the amount of timestamps that is available for reading of the timestamp buffer (see register 'SPC_TS_AVAIL_CARD_LEN' in chapter `Timestamp` in the manual)
157        Parameters
158        ----------
159        num_timestamps : int
160            the amount of timestamps that is available for reading
161        """
162        card_len = num_timestamps * self.bytes_per_ts
163        self.card.set_i(SPC_TS_AVAIL_CARD_LEN, card_len)
165    def avail_user_pos(self) -> int:
166        """
167        Get the current position of the pointer in the timestamp buffer (see register 'SPC_TS_AVAIL_USER_POS' in chapter `Timestamp` in the manual)
169        Returns
170        -------
171        int
172            pointer position in timestamps
173        """
174        return self.card.get_i(SPC_TS_AVAIL_USER_POS) // self.bytes_per_ts
176    def avail_user_len(self) -> int:
177        """
178        Get the current length of the data in timestamps in the timestamp buffer (see register 'SPC_TS_AVAIL_USER_LEN' in chapter `Timestamp` in the manual)
180        Returns
181        -------
182        int
183            data length available in number of timestamps
184        """
185        return self.card.get_i(SPC_TS_AVAIL_USER_LEN) // self.bytes_per_ts
188    # Iterator methods
189    _max_polling = 64
191    def to_transfer_timestamps(self, timestamps: int) -> None:
192        """
193        This method sets the number of timestamps to transfer
195        Parameters
196        ----------
197        timestamps : int
198            the number of timestamps to transfer
199        """
200        self._to_transfer_timestamps = timestamps
202    def poll(self) -> npt.ArrayLike:
203        """
204        This method is called when polling for timestamps
206        Returns
207        -------
208        npt.ArrayLike
209            the next data block
210        """
211        while True:
212            user_len = self.avail_user_len()
213            if user_len >= 1:
214                user_pos = self.avail_user_pos()
215                self.avail_card_len(user_len)
216                return self.buffer[user_pos:user_pos+user_len, :]

a class to control Spectrum Instrumentation cards with the timestamp functionality

For more information about what setups are available, please have a look at the user manual for your specific card

  • ts_mode (int):

  • transfer_mode (int):

  • bits_per_ts (int = 0):

  • bytes_per_ts (int = 16):

TimeStamp(card, *args, **kwargs)
34    def __init__(self, card, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
35        """
36        Initialize the TimeStamp object with a card object
38        Parameters
39        ----------
40        card : Card
41            a card object that is used to control the card
42        """
44        super().__init__(card, *args, **kwargs)
45        self.buffer_type = SPCM_BUF_TIMESTAMP
46        self.bits_per_ts = self.bytes_per_ts * 8

Initialize the TimeStamp object with a card object

  • card (Card): a card object that is used to control the card
ts_mode: int
transfer_mode: int
bits_per_ts: int = 0
bytes_per_ts: int = 16
def cmd(self, *args) -> None:
48    def cmd(self, *args) -> None:
49        """
50        Execute spcm timestamp commands (see register 'SPC_TIMESTAMP_CMD' in chapter `Timestamp` in the manual)
52        Parameters
53        ----------
54        *args : int
55            The different timestamp command flags to be executed.
56        """
58        cmd = 0
59        for arg in args:
60            cmd |= arg
61        self.card.set_i(SPC_TIMESTAMP_CMD, cmd)

Execute spcm timestamp commands (see register 'SPC_TIMESTAMP_CMD' in chapter Timestamp in the manual)

  • *args (int): The different timestamp command flags to be executed.
def reset(self) -> None:
63    def reset(self) -> None:
64        """Reset the timestamp counter (see command 'SPC_TS_RESET' in chapter `Timestamp` in the manual)"""
65        self.cmd(SPC_TS_RESET)

Reset the timestamp counter (see command 'SPC_TS_RESET' in chapter Timestamp in the manual)

def mode(self, mode: int, *args: list[int]) -> None:
67    def mode(self, mode : int, *args : list[int]) -> None:
68        """
69        Set the mode of the timestamp counter (see register 'SPC_TIMESTAMP_CMD' in chapter `Timestamp` in the manual)
71        Parameters
72        ----------
73        mode : int
74            The mode of the timestamp counter
75        *args : list[int]
76            List of additional commands send with setting the mode
77        """
78        self.ts_mode = mode
79        self.cmd(self.ts_mode, *args)

Set the mode of the timestamp counter (see register 'SPC_TIMESTAMP_CMD' in chapter Timestamp in the manual)

  • mode (int): The mode of the timestamp counter
  • *args (list[int]): List of additional commands send with setting the mode
def notify_timestamps(self, notify_timestamps: int) -> None:
81    def notify_timestamps(self, notify_timestamps : int) -> None:
82        """
83        Set the number of timestamps to notify the user about
85        Parameters
86        ----------
87        notify_timestamps : int
88            the number of timestamps to notify the user about
89        """
90        self._notify_timestamps = notify_timestamps

Set the number of timestamps to notify the user about

  • notify_timestamps (int): the number of timestamps to notify the user about
def allocate_buffer(self, num_timestamps: int) -> None:
 92    def allocate_buffer(self, num_timestamps : int) -> None:
 93        """
 94        Allocate the buffer for the timestamp data transfer
 96        Parameters
 97        ----------
 98        num_timestamps : int
 99            The number of timestamps to be allocated
100        """
102        self.buffer_size = num_timestamps * self.bytes_per_ts
104        dwMask = self._buffer_alignment - 1
106        sample_type = np.int64
107        item_size = sample_type(0).itemsize
108        # allocate a buffer (numpy array) for DMA transfer: a little bigger one to have room for address alignment
109        databuffer_unaligned = np.zeros(((self._buffer_alignment + self.buffer_size) // item_size, ), dtype = sample_type)   # half byte count at int16 sample (// = integer division)
110        # two numpy-arrays may share the same memory: skip the begin up to the alignment boundary (ArrayVariable[SKIP_VALUE:])
111        # Address of data-memory from numpy-array: ArrayVariable.__array_interface__['data'][0]
112        start_pos_samples = ((self._buffer_alignment - (databuffer_unaligned.__array_interface__['data'][0] & dwMask)) // item_size)
113        self.buffer = databuffer_unaligned[start_pos_samples:start_pos_samples + (self.buffer_size // item_size)]   # byte address but int16 sample: therefore / 2
114        self.buffer = self.buffer.reshape((num_timestamps, 2), order='C') # array items per timestamp, because the maximum item size is 8 bytes = 64 bits

Allocate the buffer for the timestamp data transfer

  • num_timestamps (int): The number of timestamps to be allocated
def start_buffer_transfer( self, *args, direction=1, notify_timestamps=0, transfer_offset=0, transfer_length=None) -> None:
116    def start_buffer_transfer(self, *args, direction=SPCM_DIR_CARDTOPC, notify_timestamps=0, transfer_offset=0, transfer_length=None) -> None:
117        """
118        Start the transfer of the timestamp data to the card
120        Parameters
121        ----------
122        *args : list
123            list of additonal arguments that are added as flags to the start dma command
124        """
126        notify_size = 0
127        if notify_timestamps: 
128            self._notify_timestamps = notify_timestamps
129        if self._notify_timestamps: 
130            notify_size = self._notify_timestamps * self.bytes_per_ts
132        if transfer_offset:
133            transfer_offset_bytes = transfer_offset * self.bytes_per_ts
134        else:
135            transfer_offset_bytes = 0
137        if transfer_length is not None: 
138            transfer_length_bytes = transfer_length * self.bytes_per_ts
139        else:
140            transfer_length_bytes = self.buffer_size
143        # we define the buffer for transfer and start the DMA transfer
144        self.card._print("Starting the Timestamp transfer and waiting until data is in board memory")
145        self._c_buffer = self.buffer.ctypes.data_as(c_void_p)
146        spcm_dwDefTransfer_i64(self.card._handle, self.buffer_type, direction, notify_size, self._c_buffer, transfer_offset_bytes, transfer_length_bytes)
147        cmd = 0
148        for arg in args:
149            cmd |= arg
150        self.card.cmd(cmd)
151        self.card._print("... timestamp data transfer started")

Start the transfer of the timestamp data to the card

  • *args (list): list of additonal arguments that are added as flags to the start dma command
def avail_card_len(self, num_timestamps: int) -> None:
153    def avail_card_len(self, num_timestamps : int) -> None:
154        """
155        Set the amount of timestamps that is available for reading of the timestamp buffer (see register 'SPC_TS_AVAIL_CARD_LEN' in chapter `Timestamp` in the manual)
157        Parameters
158        ----------
159        num_timestamps : int
160            the amount of timestamps that is available for reading
161        """
162        card_len = num_timestamps * self.bytes_per_ts
163        self.card.set_i(SPC_TS_AVAIL_CARD_LEN, card_len)

Set the amount of timestamps that is available for reading of the timestamp buffer (see register 'SPC_TS_AVAIL_CARD_LEN' in chapter Timestamp in the manual)

  • num_timestamps (int): the amount of timestamps that is available for reading
def avail_user_pos(self) -> int:
165    def avail_user_pos(self) -> int:
166        """
167        Get the current position of the pointer in the timestamp buffer (see register 'SPC_TS_AVAIL_USER_POS' in chapter `Timestamp` in the manual)
169        Returns
170        -------
171        int
172            pointer position in timestamps
173        """
174        return self.card.get_i(SPC_TS_AVAIL_USER_POS) // self.bytes_per_ts

Get the current position of the pointer in the timestamp buffer (see register 'SPC_TS_AVAIL_USER_POS' in chapter Timestamp in the manual)

  • int: pointer position in timestamps
def avail_user_len(self) -> int:
176    def avail_user_len(self) -> int:
177        """
178        Get the current length of the data in timestamps in the timestamp buffer (see register 'SPC_TS_AVAIL_USER_LEN' in chapter `Timestamp` in the manual)
180        Returns
181        -------
182        int
183            data length available in number of timestamps
184        """
185        return self.card.get_i(SPC_TS_AVAIL_USER_LEN) // self.bytes_per_ts

Get the current length of the data in timestamps in the timestamp buffer (see register 'SPC_TS_AVAIL_USER_LEN' in chapter Timestamp in the manual)

  • int: data length available in number of timestamps
def to_transfer_timestamps(self, timestamps: int) -> None:
191    def to_transfer_timestamps(self, timestamps: int) -> None:
192        """
193        This method sets the number of timestamps to transfer
195        Parameters
196        ----------
197        timestamps : int
198            the number of timestamps to transfer
199        """
200        self._to_transfer_timestamps = timestamps

This method sets the number of timestamps to transfer

  • timestamps (int): the number of timestamps to transfer
def poll( self) -> Union[numpy._typing._array_like._Buffer, numpy._typing._array_like._SupportsArray[numpy.dtype[Any]], numpy._typing._nested_sequence._NestedSequence[numpy._typing._array_like._SupportsArray[numpy.dtype[Any]]], bool, int, float, complex, str, bytes, numpy._typing._nested_sequence._NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes]]:
202    def poll(self) -> npt.ArrayLike:
203        """
204        This method is called when polling for timestamps
206        Returns
207        -------
208        npt.ArrayLike
209            the next data block
210        """
211        while True:
212            user_len = self.avail_user_len()
213            if user_len >= 1:
214                user_pos = self.avail_user_pos()
215                self.avail_card_len(user_len)
216                return self.buffer[user_pos:user_pos+user_len, :]

This method is called when polling for timestamps

  • npt.ArrayLike: the next data block
class Sequence(spcm.DataTransfer):
 11class Sequence(DataTransfer):
 12    """
 13    a high-level class to control the sequence mode on Spectrum Instrumentation cards
 15    For more information about what setups are available, please have a look at the user manual
 16    for your specific card.
 18    """
 20    def __init__(self, card, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
 21        super().__init__(card, *args, **kwargs)
 23    def max_segments(self, max_segments : int = 0) -> int:
 24        """
 25        Set the maximum number of segments that can be used in the sequence mode (see register 'SPC_SEQMODE_MAXSEGMENTS' in chapter `Sequence Mode` in the manual)
 27        Parameters
 28        ----------
 29        max_segments : int
 30            The maximum number of segments that can be used in the sequence mode
 32        Returns
 33        -------
 34        max_segments : int
 35            The actual maximum number of segments that can be used in the sequence mode
 36        """
 37        if max_segments: 
 38            self.card.set_i(SPC_SEQMODE_MAXSEGMENTS, max_segments)
 39        return self.card.get_i(SPC_SEQMODE_MAXSEGMENTS)
 41    def write_segment(self, segment : int = None) -> int:
 42        """
 43        Defines the current segment to be addressed by the user. Must be programmed prior to changing any segment parameters. (see register 'SPC_SEQMODE_WRITESEGMENT' in chapter `Sequence Mode` in the manual)
 45        Parameters
 46        ----------
 47        segment : int
 48            The segment to be addresses
 50        Returns
 51        -------
 52        segment : int
 53            The segment to be addresses
 54        """
 56        if segment is not None:
 57            self.card.set_i(SPC_SEQMODE_WRITESEGMENT, segment)
 58        return self.card.get_i(SPC_SEQMODE_WRITESEGMENT)
 60    def segment_size(self, segment_size : int = None, return_unit = None) -> int:
 61        """
 62        Defines the number of valid/to be replayed samples for the current selected memory segment in samples per channel. (see register 'SPC_SEQMODE_SEGMENTSIZE' in chapter `Sequence Mode` in the manual)
 64        Parameters
 65        ----------
 66        segment_size : int | pint.Quantity
 67            The size of the segment in samples
 69        Returns
 70        -------
 71        segment_size : int
 72            The size of the segment in samples
 73        """
 75        if segment_size is not None:
 76            segment_size = UnitConversion.convert(segment_size, units.Sa, int)
 77            self.card.set_i(SPC_SEQMODE_SEGMENTSIZE, segment_size)
 78        return_value = self.card.get_i(SPC_SEQMODE_SEGMENTSIZE)
 79        if return_unit is not None: return UnitConversion.to_unit(return_value, return_unit)
 80        return return_value
 82    def step_memory(self, step_index : int, next_step_index : int = None, segment_index : int = None, loops : int = None, flags : int = None) -> tuple[int, int, int, int]:
 83        """
 84        Defines the step memory for the current selected memory segment. (see register 'SPC_SEQMODE_STEPMEM0' in chapter `Sequence Mode` in the manual)
 86        Parameters
 87        ----------
 88        step_index : int
 89            The index of the current step
 90        next_step_index : int
 91            The index of the next step in the sequence
 92        segment_index : int
 93            The index of the segment associated to the step
 94        loops : int
 95            The number of times the segment is looped 
 96        flags : int
 97            The flags for the step
 99        Returns
100        -------
101        next_step_index : int
102            The index of the next step in the sequence
103        segment_index : int
104            The index of the segment associated to the step
105        loops : int
106            The number of times the segment is looped 
107        flags : int
108            The flags for the step
110        """
111        qwSequenceEntry = 0
113        # setup register value
114        if next_step_index is not None and segment_index is not None and loops is not None and flags is not None:
115            qwSequenceEntry = (flags & ~SPCSEQ_LOOPMASK) | (loops & SPCSEQ_LOOPMASK)
116            qwSequenceEntry <<= 32
117            qwSequenceEntry |= ((next_step_index << 16) & SPCSEQ_NEXTSTEPMASK) | (int(segment_index) & SPCSEQ_SEGMENTMASK)
118            self.card.set_i(SPC_SEQMODE_STEPMEM0 + step_index, qwSequenceEntry)
120        qwSequenceEntry = self.card.get_i(SPC_SEQMODE_STEPMEM0 + step_index)
121        return (qwSequenceEntry & SPCSEQ_NEXTSTEPMASK) >> 16, qwSequenceEntry & SPCSEQ_SEGMENTMASK, (qwSequenceEntry >> 32) & SPCSEQ_LOOPMASK, (qwSequenceEntry >> 32) & ~SPCSEQ_LOOPMASK
124    def start_step(self, start_step_index : int = None) -> int:
125        """
126        Defines which of all defined steps in the sequence memory will be used first directly after the card start. (see register 'SPC_SEQMODE_STARTSTEP' in chapter `Sequence Mode` in the manual)
128        Parameters
129        ----------
130        start_step_index : int
131            The index of the start step
133        Returns
134        -------
135        start_step_index : int
136            The index of the start step
137        """
139        if start_step_index is not None:
140            self.card.set_i(SPC_SEQMODE_STARTSTEP, start_step_index)
141        return self.card.get_i(SPC_SEQMODE_STARTSTEP)
143    def status(self) -> int:
144        """
145        Reads the status of the sequence mode. (see register 'SPC_SEQMODE_STATUS' in chapter `Sequence Mode` in the manual)
147        Returns
148        -------
149        status : int
150            The status of the sequence mode
152        """
153        return self.card.get_i(SPC_SEQMODE_STATUS)

a high-level class to control the sequence mode on Spectrum Instrumentation cards

For more information about what setups are available, please have a look at the user manual for your specific card.

Sequence(card, *args, **kwargs)
20    def __init__(self, card, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
21        super().__init__(card, *args, **kwargs)

Initialize the DataTransfer object with a card object and additional arguments

  • card (Card): the card object that is used for the data transfer
  • *args (list): list of additional arguments
  • **kwargs (dict): dictionary of additional keyword arguments
def max_segments(self, max_segments: int = 0) -> int:
23    def max_segments(self, max_segments : int = 0) -> int:
24        """
25        Set the maximum number of segments that can be used in the sequence mode (see register 'SPC_SEQMODE_MAXSEGMENTS' in chapter `Sequence Mode` in the manual)
27        Parameters
28        ----------
29        max_segments : int
30            The maximum number of segments that can be used in the sequence mode
32        Returns
33        -------
34        max_segments : int
35            The actual maximum number of segments that can be used in the sequence mode
36        """
37        if max_segments: 
38            self.card.set_i(SPC_SEQMODE_MAXSEGMENTS, max_segments)
39        return self.card.get_i(SPC_SEQMODE_MAXSEGMENTS)

Set the maximum number of segments that can be used in the sequence mode (see register 'SPC_SEQMODE_MAXSEGMENTS' in chapter Sequence Mode in the manual)

  • max_segments (int): The maximum number of segments that can be used in the sequence mode
  • max_segments (int): The actual maximum number of segments that can be used in the sequence mode
def write_segment(self, segment: int = None) -> int:
41    def write_segment(self, segment : int = None) -> int:
42        """
43        Defines the current segment to be addressed by the user. Must be programmed prior to changing any segment parameters. (see register 'SPC_SEQMODE_WRITESEGMENT' in chapter `Sequence Mode` in the manual)
45        Parameters
46        ----------
47        segment : int
48            The segment to be addresses
50        Returns
51        -------
52        segment : int
53            The segment to be addresses
54        """
56        if segment is not None:
57            self.card.set_i(SPC_SEQMODE_WRITESEGMENT, segment)
58        return self.card.get_i(SPC_SEQMODE_WRITESEGMENT)

Defines the current segment to be addressed by the user. Must be programmed prior to changing any segment parameters. (see register 'SPC_SEQMODE_WRITESEGMENT' in chapter Sequence Mode in the manual)

  • segment (int): The segment to be addresses
  • segment (int): The segment to be addresses
def segment_size(self, segment_size: int = None, return_unit=None) -> int:
60    def segment_size(self, segment_size : int = None, return_unit = None) -> int:
61        """
62        Defines the number of valid/to be replayed samples for the current selected memory segment in samples per channel. (see register 'SPC_SEQMODE_SEGMENTSIZE' in chapter `Sequence Mode` in the manual)
64        Parameters
65        ----------
66        segment_size : int | pint.Quantity
67            The size of the segment in samples
69        Returns
70        -------
71        segment_size : int
72            The size of the segment in samples
73        """
75        if segment_size is not None:
76            segment_size = UnitConversion.convert(segment_size, units.Sa, int)
77            self.card.set_i(SPC_SEQMODE_SEGMENTSIZE, segment_size)
78        return_value = self.card.get_i(SPC_SEQMODE_SEGMENTSIZE)
79        if return_unit is not None: return UnitConversion.to_unit(return_value, return_unit)
80        return return_value

Defines the number of valid/to be replayed samples for the current selected memory segment in samples per channel. (see register 'SPC_SEQMODE_SEGMENTSIZE' in chapter Sequence Mode in the manual)

  • segment_size (int | pint.Quantity): The size of the segment in samples
  • segment_size (int): The size of the segment in samples
def step_memory( self, step_index: int, next_step_index: int = None, segment_index: int = None, loops: int = None, flags: int = None) -> tuple[int, int, int, int]:
 82    def step_memory(self, step_index : int, next_step_index : int = None, segment_index : int = None, loops : int = None, flags : int = None) -> tuple[int, int, int, int]:
 83        """
 84        Defines the step memory for the current selected memory segment. (see register 'SPC_SEQMODE_STEPMEM0' in chapter `Sequence Mode` in the manual)
 86        Parameters
 87        ----------
 88        step_index : int
 89            The index of the current step
 90        next_step_index : int
 91            The index of the next step in the sequence
 92        segment_index : int
 93            The index of the segment associated to the step
 94        loops : int
 95            The number of times the segment is looped 
 96        flags : int
 97            The flags for the step
 99        Returns
100        -------
101        next_step_index : int
102            The index of the next step in the sequence
103        segment_index : int
104            The index of the segment associated to the step
105        loops : int
106            The number of times the segment is looped 
107        flags : int
108            The flags for the step
110        """
111        qwSequenceEntry = 0
113        # setup register value
114        if next_step_index is not None and segment_index is not None and loops is not None and flags is not None:
115            qwSequenceEntry = (flags & ~SPCSEQ_LOOPMASK) | (loops & SPCSEQ_LOOPMASK)
116            qwSequenceEntry <<= 32
117            qwSequenceEntry |= ((next_step_index << 16) & SPCSEQ_NEXTSTEPMASK) | (int(segment_index) & SPCSEQ_SEGMENTMASK)
118            self.card.set_i(SPC_SEQMODE_STEPMEM0 + step_index, qwSequenceEntry)
120        qwSequenceEntry = self.card.get_i(SPC_SEQMODE_STEPMEM0 + step_index)
121        return (qwSequenceEntry & SPCSEQ_NEXTSTEPMASK) >> 16, qwSequenceEntry & SPCSEQ_SEGMENTMASK, (qwSequenceEntry >> 32) & SPCSEQ_LOOPMASK, (qwSequenceEntry >> 32) & ~SPCSEQ_LOOPMASK

Defines the step memory for the current selected memory segment. (see register 'SPC_SEQMODE_STEPMEM0' in chapter Sequence Mode in the manual)

  • step_index (int): The index of the current step
  • next_step_index (int): The index of the next step in the sequence
  • segment_index (int): The index of the segment associated to the step
  • loops (int): The number of times the segment is looped
  • flags (int): The flags for the step
  • next_step_index (int): The index of the next step in the sequence
  • segment_index (int): The index of the segment associated to the step
  • loops (int): The number of times the segment is looped
  • flags (int): The flags for the step
def start_step(self, start_step_index: int = None) -> int:
124    def start_step(self, start_step_index : int = None) -> int:
125        """
126        Defines which of all defined steps in the sequence memory will be used first directly after the card start. (see register 'SPC_SEQMODE_STARTSTEP' in chapter `Sequence Mode` in the manual)
128        Parameters
129        ----------
130        start_step_index : int
131            The index of the start step
133        Returns
134        -------
135        start_step_index : int
136            The index of the start step
137        """
139        if start_step_index is not None:
140            self.card.set_i(SPC_SEQMODE_STARTSTEP, start_step_index)
141        return self.card.get_i(SPC_SEQMODE_STARTSTEP)

Defines which of all defined steps in the sequence memory will be used first directly after the card start. (see register 'SPC_SEQMODE_STARTSTEP' in chapter Sequence Mode in the manual)

  • start_step_index (int): The index of the start step
  • start_step_index (int): The index of the start step
def status(self) -> int:
143    def status(self) -> int:
144        """
145        Reads the status of the sequence mode. (see register 'SPC_SEQMODE_STATUS' in chapter `Sequence Mode` in the manual)
147        Returns
148        -------
149        status : int
150            The status of the sequence mode
152        """
153        return self.card.get_i(SPC_SEQMODE_STATUS)

Reads the status of the sequence mode. (see register 'SPC_SEQMODE_STATUS' in chapter Sequence Mode in the manual)

  • status (int): The status of the sequence mode
class BlockAverage(spcm.Multi):
11class BlockAverage(Multi):
12    """a high-level class to control Block Average functionality on Spectrum Instrumentation cards
14    For more information about what setups are available, please have a look at the user manual
15    for your specific card.
17    """
19    def __init__(self, card, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
20        super().__init__(card, *args, **kwargs)
22    def averages(self, num_averages : int = None) -> int:
23        """Sets the number of averages for the block averaging functionality (see hardware reference manual register 'SPC_AVERAGES')
25        Parameters
26        ----------
27        num_averages : int
28            the number of averages for the boxcar functionality
30        Returns
31        -------
32        int
33            the number of averages for the block averaging functionality
34        """
35        if num_averages is not None:
36            self.card.set_i(SPC_AVERAGES, num_averages)
37        return self.card.get_i(SPC_AVERAGES)
39    def _bits_per_sample(self) -> int:
40        """
41        Get the number of bits per sample
43        Returns
44        -------
45        int
46            number of bits per sample
47        """
48        self.bits_per_sample = super()._bits_per_sample() * 2
49        return self.bits_per_sample
51    def _bytes_per_sample(self) -> int:
52        """
53        Get the number of bytes per sample
55        Returns
56        -------
57        int
58            number of bytes per sample
59        """
60        self.bytes_per_sample = super()._bytes_per_sample() * 2
61        return self.bytes_per_sample
63    def numpy_type(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.int_]:
64        """
65        Get the type of numpy data from number of bytes
67        Returns
68        -------
69        numpy data type
70            the type of data that is used by the card
71        """
72        if self._bytes_per_sample == 2:
73            return np.int16
74        return np.int32

a high-level class to control Block Average functionality on Spectrum Instrumentation cards

For more information about what setups are available, please have a look at the user manual for your specific card.

BlockAverage(card, *args, **kwargs)
19    def __init__(self, card, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
20        super().__init__(card, *args, **kwargs)

Initialize the DataTransfer object with a card object and additional arguments

  • card (Card): the card object that is used for the data transfer
  • *args (list): list of additional arguments
  • **kwargs (dict): dictionary of additional keyword arguments
def averages(self, num_averages: int = None) -> int:
22    def averages(self, num_averages : int = None) -> int:
23        """Sets the number of averages for the block averaging functionality (see hardware reference manual register 'SPC_AVERAGES')
25        Parameters
26        ----------
27        num_averages : int
28            the number of averages for the boxcar functionality
30        Returns
31        -------
32        int
33            the number of averages for the block averaging functionality
34        """
35        if num_averages is not None:
36            self.card.set_i(SPC_AVERAGES, num_averages)
37        return self.card.get_i(SPC_AVERAGES)

Sets the number of averages for the block averaging functionality (see hardware reference manual register 'SPC_AVERAGES')

  • num_averages (int): the number of averages for the boxcar functionality
  • int: the number of averages for the block averaging functionality
def numpy_type(self) -> numpy.ndarray[tuple[int, ...], numpy.dtype[numpy.int64]]:
63    def numpy_type(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.int_]:
64        """
65        Get the type of numpy data from number of bytes
67        Returns
68        -------
69        numpy data type
70            the type of data that is used by the card
71        """
72        if self._bytes_per_sample == 2:
73            return np.int16
74        return np.int32

Get the type of numpy data from number of bytes

  • numpy data type: the type of data that is used by the card
class Boxcar(spcm.Multi):
11class Boxcar(Multi):
12    """a high-level class to control Boxcar functionality on Spectrum Instrumentation cards
14    For more information about what setups are available, please have a look at the user manual
15    for your specific card.
17    """
19    def __init__(self, card, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
20        super().__init__(card, *args, **kwargs)
22    def box_averages(self, num_averages : int = None) -> int:
23        """Sets the number of averages for the boxcar functionality (see hardware reference manual register 'SPC_BOX_AVERAGES')
25        Parameters
26        ----------
27        num_averages : int
28            the number of averages for the boxcar functionality
30        Returns
31        -------
32        int
33            the number of averages for the boxcar functionality
34        """
35        if num_averages is not None:
36            self.card.set_i(SPC_BOX_AVERAGES, num_averages)
37        return self.card.get_i(SPC_BOX_AVERAGES)
39    def _bits_per_sample(self) -> int:
40        """
41        Get the number of bits per sample
43        Returns
44        -------
45        int
46            number of bits per sample
47        """
48        self.bits_per_sample = 32
49        return self.bits_per_sample
51    def _bytes_per_sample(self) -> int:
52        """
53        Get the number of bytes per sample
55        Returns
56        -------
57        int
58            number of bytes per sample
59        """
60        self.bytes_per_sample = 4
61        return self.bytes_per_sample
63    def numpy_type(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.int_]:
64        """
65        Get the type of numpy data from number of bytes
67        Returns
68        -------
69        numpy data type
70            the type of data that is used by the card
71        """
72        return np.int32

a high-level class to control Boxcar functionality on Spectrum Instrumentation cards

For more information about what setups are available, please have a look at the user manual for your specific card.

Boxcar(card, *args, **kwargs)
19    def __init__(self, card, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
20        super().__init__(card, *args, **kwargs)

Initialize the DataTransfer object with a card object and additional arguments

  • card (Card): the card object that is used for the data transfer
  • *args (list): list of additional arguments
  • **kwargs (dict): dictionary of additional keyword arguments
def box_averages(self, num_averages: int = None) -> int:
22    def box_averages(self, num_averages : int = None) -> int:
23        """Sets the number of averages for the boxcar functionality (see hardware reference manual register 'SPC_BOX_AVERAGES')
25        Parameters
26        ----------
27        num_averages : int
28            the number of averages for the boxcar functionality
30        Returns
31        -------
32        int
33            the number of averages for the boxcar functionality
34        """
35        if num_averages is not None:
36            self.card.set_i(SPC_BOX_AVERAGES, num_averages)
37        return self.card.get_i(SPC_BOX_AVERAGES)

Sets the number of averages for the boxcar functionality (see hardware reference manual register 'SPC_BOX_AVERAGES')

  • num_averages (int): the number of averages for the boxcar functionality
  • int: the number of averages for the boxcar functionality
def numpy_type(self) -> numpy.ndarray[tuple[int, ...], numpy.dtype[numpy.int64]]:
63    def numpy_type(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.int_]:
64        """
65        Get the type of numpy data from number of bytes
67        Returns
68        -------
69        numpy data type
70            the type of data that is used by the card
71        """
72        return np.int32

Get the type of numpy data from number of bytes

  • numpy data type: the type of data that is used by the card
class SpcmException(builtins.Exception):
100class SpcmException(Exception):
101    """a container class for handling driver level errors
103    Examples
104    ----------
105    ```python
106    raise SpcmException(handle=card.handle())
107    raise SpcmException(register=0, value=0, text="Some weird error")
108    ```
110    Parameters
111    ---------
112    error : SpcmError
113        the error that induced the raising of the exception
115    """
116    error = None
118    def __init__(self, error = None, register = None, value = None, text = None) -> None:
119        """
120        Constructs exception object and an associated error object, either by getting 
121        the last error from the card specified by the handle or using the information 
122        coming from the parameters register, value and text
124        Parameters
125        ----------
126        handle : drv_handle (optional)
127            a card handle to obtain the last error
128        register, value and text : int, int, str (optional)
129            parameters to define an error that is not raised by a driver error
130        """
131        if error: self.error = error
132        if register or value or text:
133            self.error = SpcmError(register=register, value=value, text=text)
136    def __str__(self) -> str:
137        """
138        Returns a human-readable text of the last error connected to the exception
140        Class Parameters
141        ----------
142        self.error
144        Returns
145        -------
146        str
147            the human-readable text as return by the error
148        """
150        return str(self.error)

a container class for handling driver level errors

raise SpcmException(handle=card.handle())
raise SpcmException(register=0, value=0, text="Some weird error")
  • error (SpcmError): the error that induced the raising of the exception
SpcmException(error=None, register=None, value=None, text=None)
118    def __init__(self, error = None, register = None, value = None, text = None) -> None:
119        """
120        Constructs exception object and an associated error object, either by getting 
121        the last error from the card specified by the handle or using the information 
122        coming from the parameters register, value and text
124        Parameters
125        ----------
126        handle : drv_handle (optional)
127            a card handle to obtain the last error
128        register, value and text : int, int, str (optional)
129            parameters to define an error that is not raised by a driver error
130        """
131        if error: self.error = error
132        if register or value or text:
133            self.error = SpcmError(register=register, value=value, text=text)

Constructs exception object and an associated error object, either by getting the last error from the card specified by the handle or using the information coming from the parameters register, value and text

  • handle (drv_handle (optional)): a card handle to obtain the last error
  • register, value and text (int, int, str (optional)): parameters to define an error that is not raised by a driver error
error = None
class SpcmTimeout(builtins.Exception):
152class SpcmTimeout(Exception):
153    """a container class for handling specific timeout exceptions"""
154    pass

a container class for handling specific timeout exceptions

class SpcmDeviceNotFound(spcm.SpcmException):
156class SpcmDeviceNotFound(SpcmException):
157    """a container class for handling specific device not found exceptions"""
158    pass

a container class for handling specific device not found exceptions

class SpcmError:
10class SpcmError():
11    """a container class for handling driver level errors
13    Examples
14    ----------
15    ```python
16    error = SpcmError(handle=card.handle())
17    error = SpcmError(register=0, value=0, text="Some weird error")
18    ```
20    Parameters
21    ---------
22    register : int
23        the register address that triggered the error
25    value : int
26        the value that was written to the register address
28    text : str
29        the human-readable text associated with the error
31    """
33    register : int = 0
34    value : int = 0
35    text : str = ""
36    _handle = None
38    def __init__(self, handle = None, register = None, value = None, text = None) -> None:
39        """
40        Constructs an error object, either by getting the last error from the card specified by the handle
41        or using the information coming from the parameters register, value and text
43        Parameters
44        ----------
45        handle : pyspcm.drv_handle (optional)
46            a card handle to obtain the last error
47        register, value and text : int, int, str (optional)
48            parameters to define an error that is not raised by a driver error
49        """
50        if handle:
51            self._handle = handle
52            self.get_info()
53        if register: self.register = register
54        if value: self.value = value
55        if text: self.text = text
57    def get_info(self) -> int:
58        """
59        Gets the last error registered by the card and puts it in the object
61        Class Parameters
62        ----------
63        self.register
64        self.value
65        self.text
67        Returns
68        -------
69        int
70            Error number of the spcm_dwGetErrorInfo_i32 class
71        """
73        register = uint32(0)
74        value = int32(0)
75        text = create_string_buffer(ERRORTEXTLEN)
76        dwErr = spcm_dwGetErrorInfo_i32(self._handle, byref(register), byref(value), byref(text))
77        self.register = register.value
78        self.value = value.value
79        self.text = text.value.decode('utf-8')
80        return dwErr
82    def __str__(self) -> str:
83        """
84        Returns a human-readable text of the last error
86        Class Parameters
87        ----------
88        self.register
89        self.value
90        self.text
92        Returns
93        -------
94        str
95            the human-readable text as saved in self.text.
96        """
98        return str(self.text)

a container class for handling driver level errors

error = SpcmError(handle=card.handle())
error = SpcmError(register=0, value=0, text="Some weird error")
  • register (int): the register address that triggered the error
  • value (int): the value that was written to the register address
  • text (str): the human-readable text associated with the error
SpcmError(handle=None, register=None, value=None, text=None)
38    def __init__(self, handle = None, register = None, value = None, text = None) -> None:
39        """
40        Constructs an error object, either by getting the last error from the card specified by the handle
41        or using the information coming from the parameters register, value and text
43        Parameters
44        ----------
45        handle : pyspcm.drv_handle (optional)
46            a card handle to obtain the last error
47        register, value and text : int, int, str (optional)
48            parameters to define an error that is not raised by a driver error
49        """
50        if handle:
51            self._handle = handle
52            self.get_info()
53        if register: self.register = register
54        if value: self.value = value
55        if text: self.text = text

Constructs an error object, either by getting the last error from the card specified by the handle or using the information coming from the parameters register, value and text

  • handle (pyspcm.drv_handle (optional)): a card handle to obtain the last error
  • register, value and text (int, int, str (optional)): parameters to define an error that is not raised by a driver error
register: int = 0
value: int = 0
text: str = ''
def get_info(self) -> int:
57    def get_info(self) -> int:
58        """
59        Gets the last error registered by the card and puts it in the object
61        Class Parameters
62        ----------
63        self.register
64        self.value
65        self.text
67        Returns
68        -------
69        int
70            Error number of the spcm_dwGetErrorInfo_i32 class
71        """
73        register = uint32(0)
74        value = int32(0)
75        text = create_string_buffer(ERRORTEXTLEN)
76        dwErr = spcm_dwGetErrorInfo_i32(self._handle, byref(register), byref(value), byref(text))
77        self.register = register.value
78        self.value = value.value
79        self.text = text.value.decode('utf-8')
80        return dwErr

Gets the last error registered by the card and puts it in the object

Class Parameters

self.register self.value self.text

  • int: Error number of the spcm_dwGetErrorInfo_i32 class
class SCAPPTransfer(spcm.DataTransfer):
 52class SCAPPTransfer(DataTransfer):
 53    """
 54    Class for data transfer between the card and the host using the SCAPP API.
 55    """
 57    direction : Direction = None
 59    def __init__(self, card : Card, direction : Direction = Direction.Acquisition):
 60        if not _cuda_support:
 61            raise ImportError("CUDA support is not available. Please install the cupy and cuda-python packages.")
 62        super().__init__(card)
 63        self.direction = direction
 64        self.iterator_index = 0
 66    def allocate_buffer(self, num_samples : int) -> None:
 67        """
 68        Memory allocation for the buffer that is used for communicating with the card
 70        Parameters
 71        ----------
 72        num_samples : int | pint.Quantity = None
 73            use the number of samples an get the number of active channels and bytes per samples directly from the card
 74        """
 76        self.buffer_samples = UnitConversion.convert(num_samples, units.Sa, int)
 77        # Allocate RDMA buffer
 78        self.buffer = cp.empty((self.num_channels, self.buffer_samples), dtype = self.numpy_type(), order='F')
 79        flag = 1
 80        checkCudaErrors(cuda.cuPointerSetAttribute(flag, cuda.CUpointer_attribute.CU_POINTER_ATTRIBUTE_SYNC_MEMOPS, self.buffer.data.ptr))
 82    def start_buffer_transfer(self, *args, buffer_type=SPCM_BUF_DATA, direction=None, notify_samples=None, transfer_offset=None, transfer_length=None, exception_num_samples=False) -> None:
 83        """
 84        Setup an RDMA transfer.
 86        Parameters
 87        ----------
 88        *args : list
 89            Additional commands that are send to the card.
 90        direction : int
 91            the direction of the transfer
 92        notify_samples : int
 93            Size of the part of the buffer that is used for notifications.
 94        transfer_offset : int
 95            the offset of the transfer
 96        transfer_length : int
 97            Total length of the transfer buffer.
 98        """
100        # only change this locally
101        if notify_samples is not None:
102            notify_size = notify_samples * self.num_channels * self.bytes_per_sample
103        else:
104            notify_size = self.notify_size
105        transfer_offset = UnitConversion.convert(transfer_offset, units.Sa, int)
106        transfer_length = UnitConversion.convert(transfer_length, units.Sa, int)
108        if self.buffer is None: 
109            raise SpcmException(text="No buffer defined for transfer")
110        if buffer_type: 
111            self.buffer_type = buffer_type
112        if direction is None:
113            if self.direction == Direction.Acquisition:
114                direction = SPCM_DIR_CARDTOGPU
115            elif self.direction == Direction.Generation:
116                direction = SPCM_DIR_GPUTOCARD
117            else:
118                raise SpcmException(text="Please define a direction for transfer (SPCM_DIR_CARDTOGPU or SPCM_DIR_GPUTOCARD)")
120        if self._notify_samples != 0 and np.remainder(self.buffer_samples, self._notify_samples) and exception_num_samples:
121            raise SpcmException("The number of samples needs to be a multiple of the notify samples.")
123        if transfer_offset:
124            transfer_offset_bytes = self.samples_to_bytes(transfer_offset)
125        else:
126            transfer_offset_bytes = 0
128        self.buffer_samples = transfer_length
130        # we define the buffer for transfer
131        self.card._print("Starting the DMA transfer and waiting until data is in board memory")
132        self.card._check_error(spcm_dwDefTransfer_i64(self.card._handle, self.buffer_type, direction, notify_size, c_void_p(self.buffer.data.ptr), transfer_offset_bytes, self.buffer_size))
134        # Execute additional commands if available
135        if args:
136            cmd = 0
137            for arg in args:
138                cmd |= arg
139            self.card.cmd(cmd)
140            self.card._print("... SCAPP data transfer started")

Class for data transfer between the card and the host using the SCAPP API.

SCAPPTransfer( card: Card, direction: spcm_core.pyspcm.Direction = <Direction.Acquisition: 1>)
59    def __init__(self, card : Card, direction : Direction = Direction.Acquisition):
60        if not _cuda_support:
61            raise ImportError("CUDA support is not available. Please install the cupy and cuda-python packages.")
62        super().__init__(card)
63        self.direction = direction
64        self.iterator_index = 0

Initialize the DataTransfer object with a card object and additional arguments

  • card (Card): the card object that is used for the data transfer
  • *args (list): list of additional arguments
  • **kwargs (dict): dictionary of additional keyword arguments
direction: spcm_core.pyspcm.Direction = None
iterator_index = 0
def allocate_buffer(self, num_samples: int) -> None:
66    def allocate_buffer(self, num_samples : int) -> None:
67        """
68        Memory allocation for the buffer that is used for communicating with the card
70        Parameters
71        ----------
72        num_samples : int | pint.Quantity = None
73            use the number of samples an get the number of active channels and bytes per samples directly from the card
74        """
76        self.buffer_samples = UnitConversion.convert(num_samples, units.Sa, int)
77        # Allocate RDMA buffer
78        self.buffer = cp.empty((self.num_channels, self.buffer_samples), dtype = self.numpy_type(), order='F')
79        flag = 1
80        checkCudaErrors(cuda.cuPointerSetAttribute(flag, cuda.CUpointer_attribute.CU_POINTER_ATTRIBUTE_SYNC_MEMOPS, self.buffer.data.ptr))

Memory allocation for the buffer that is used for communicating with the card

  • num_samples (int | pint.Quantity = None): use the number of samples an get the number of active channels and bytes per samples directly from the card
def start_buffer_transfer( self, *args, buffer_type=1000, direction=None, notify_samples=None, transfer_offset=None, transfer_length=None, exception_num_samples=False) -> None:
 82    def start_buffer_transfer(self, *args, buffer_type=SPCM_BUF_DATA, direction=None, notify_samples=None, transfer_offset=None, transfer_length=None, exception_num_samples=False) -> None:
 83        """
 84        Setup an RDMA transfer.
 86        Parameters
 87        ----------
 88        *args : list
 89            Additional commands that are send to the card.
 90        direction : int
 91            the direction of the transfer
 92        notify_samples : int
 93            Size of the part of the buffer that is used for notifications.
 94        transfer_offset : int
 95            the offset of the transfer
 96        transfer_length : int
 97            Total length of the transfer buffer.
 98        """
100        # only change this locally
101        if notify_samples is not None:
102            notify_size = notify_samples * self.num_channels * self.bytes_per_sample
103        else:
104            notify_size = self.notify_size
105        transfer_offset = UnitConversion.convert(transfer_offset, units.Sa, int)
106        transfer_length = UnitConversion.convert(transfer_length, units.Sa, int)
108        if self.buffer is None: 
109            raise SpcmException(text="No buffer defined for transfer")
110        if buffer_type: 
111            self.buffer_type = buffer_type
112        if direction is None:
113            if self.direction == Direction.Acquisition:
114                direction = SPCM_DIR_CARDTOGPU
115            elif self.direction == Direction.Generation:
116                direction = SPCM_DIR_GPUTOCARD
117            else:
118                raise SpcmException(text="Please define a direction for transfer (SPCM_DIR_CARDTOGPU or SPCM_DIR_GPUTOCARD)")
120        if self._notify_samples != 0 and np.remainder(self.buffer_samples, self._notify_samples) and exception_num_samples:
121            raise SpcmException("The number of samples needs to be a multiple of the notify samples.")
123        if transfer_offset:
124            transfer_offset_bytes = self.samples_to_bytes(transfer_offset)
125        else:
126            transfer_offset_bytes = 0
128        self.buffer_samples = transfer_length
130        # we define the buffer for transfer
131        self.card._print("Starting the DMA transfer and waiting until data is in board memory")
132        self.card._check_error(spcm_dwDefTransfer_i64(self.card._handle, self.buffer_type, direction, notify_size, c_void_p(self.buffer.data.ptr), transfer_offset_bytes, self.buffer_size))
134        # Execute additional commands if available
135        if args:
136            cmd = 0
137            for arg in args:
138                cmd |= arg
139            self.card.cmd(cmd)
140            self.card._print("... SCAPP data transfer started")

Setup an RDMA transfer.

  • *args (list): Additional commands that are send to the card.
  • direction (int): the direction of the transfer
  • notify_samples (int): Size of the part of the buffer that is used for notifications.
  • transfer_offset (int): the offset of the transfer
  • transfer_length (int): Total length of the transfer buffer.